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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. ^Wow, that is a fascinating story Odey... Very insightful
  2. A Somali utopia huh? you know one place that I would like to visit, also an enigma, is Eritrea, Asmara in particular.. I hear it is a time capsule of the 60's. and aesthetically very similar to pre-war xamar, as most of the architecture is still in tact. most interestingly is afewerki and the manifestation of his policies. I am trying to arrange a a trip starting from Hargeisa, to djibouti, then to Asmara.
  3. ^idk a tiny little french speaking Somali state with bars and clubs and hasn't gone through war. just very strange to grasp, especially with never seeing it.
  4. Interesting. Is it safe to assume that these £15,000 properties will increase in the next 5-10 years? And does this £15,000 just include land or an actual house as well?
  5. Interesting. You know developing the long neglected north eastern parts of Kenya is part of Kenya's 2030 plan. I am guessing the discovery of oil is playing a role in this.. The dry arid lands are not so dry after all appears to be the mantra going around the new kenyan government.... Haatu are you familiar with the real estate prices in garissa and other cities in the NFD?
  6. A deconstruction & analysis of Haatu's commentary Haatu;981225 wrote: And how do you get all of this from a 10 second clip ? The use of "how" is used to convey shock and surprise. The diction of "all" further reaffirms this by expressing Haatu's inability to grasp the power of analysis. Do take note of Haatu's strong interest in the sciences and math as it provides proper context to this analysis. "Clip" has a negative connotation as it demotes the significance and meaning of the scene. This is done to frame his argument. Haatu;981225 wrote: Sometimes I wonder with people. Perhaps I too should become a cultural critic, but not in the sense that Alpha claims. "Sometimes" shows that this sense of unfamiliarity with analysis appears to be a trend In Haatu's life. The word "wonder" is used to denote the subject of "people", those with the ability to analyze, as strange and alien. The second sentence is fairly ambiguous and unfortunately cannot be deciphered. Though his use of the word "claim" in reference to Alpha appears to show some skepticism and doubt on Alpha as a 'cultural critic'. Haatu;981225 wrote: I found individuals like our esteemed SP here very strange. In such context, grammatically it is written "find" not "found", though perhaps deviating from conventional rules is a means of satirizing the culture critic. Haatu's use of "esteem", a clever form of irony, deviates from the simple word choice used in the previous sentences. Haatu;981225 wrote: They go out of their way to find obscurity upon obscurity so they may seem "cultured" and "well-rounded" . In my humble opinion, it's little more than another manifestation of their innate "holier than thou" attitude and outlook on life. The last two sentences varies in form of syntax from Haatu's other sentences. Haatu is no longer able to hold back and remain stoic regarding his beliefs on this matter. This section is the heart and backbone of Haatu's piece. Here Haatu expresses the purpose of these 'strange' people is to appear 'cultured' and 'well-rounded'. He also characterizes them as arrogant. The repetition of "obscurity" is quite clever as it mocks and satires these people Haatu finds strange further strengthening his case. "Humble" is used to juxtapose Haatu with the 'strange people', which he has characterized as arrogant. Though this is ironic because casting judgement is not very humble. Haatu;981225 wrote: They could all do with a humble dose of reality Here Haatu's use of a cliche provides context to this written piece. The use of a cliche is used in stark contrast to the motifs of Haatu's piece which he demonizes such as 'originality' 'creativity' and 'analyzing'. Haatu;981225 wrote: As you were Here Haatu reverts back to short sentences, his most common form of syntax. This is done in opposite effect of his previous two sentences. He has successfully completed his outpouring and is now emotionally fulfilled allowing him to embrace his natural state of being stoic. *Please take note Haatu grew up in the arid lands of Northern Kenya where emotion and sensitivity is frowned upon.. As you were...
  7. Alpha, Uzak was a very beautiful film with great candid shots. It was very raw and human. The most brilliant scene to me was when he was dreaming and was awoken by the falling of the floor lamp in his living room. I had a roommate once who would habitually find himself falling in his dream causing him to abruptly wake up. Apparently from him I learned this is a common sensation among people. With Mahmut, I found his distant and inanimate nature has led this common sensation of of one awaking from falling in his sleep to manifest in a lamp,something external, something inanimate and spiritless, falling in his place. With this, it makes sense that he is a photographer huh? It was most certainly a wonderful film..
  8. Thanks that actually worked. There is so little dialogue that I went almost 7 minutes into the movie without noticing it had subs!! Aiiiiiight time to get watching, I'll let ya know..
  9. DAMMIT!!! I torrented Uzak and it has no subtitles!!!!!!! I can't let 2GB of internet go to waste, in such case I must learn Turkish!!!
  10. Wadani;981156 wrote: And here lies the predicament for those us who are passionate about the field, and would consider taking it to a graduate level of study. It would be a terrible feeling to return home with the hope of doing your part and having ur knowledge scoffed at by the very people u came to help. With the likes of Asha Haji Elmi and the Somali FG, an engineering of sorts have taken place on the topic of rape. There may be a door open for counselling in this capacity. On another note, camel milk has been shown to provide children with autism significant improvements. Perhaps an autism camp for the diaspora inflicted youth somewhere in the miyiga may be viable. Or perhaps Somalia may provide unique insights on psychological research reaping fruits for you in a career in academia. There are many options, you just have be crafty about it.. Random note: I hear K'naan is working on a film about a psychiatric ward in xamar that goes neglected through the break of civil war. In turn, one of the patients becomes the head psychiatrist and becomes the head of the ward... true story apparently.
  11. I recall reading a report a while back that stated about "1 in 3 Somalis (in Mogadishu at least)" suffer from a mental illness... Looking back at my trips in the scope of that report, either I was in the 'right' circles in Mogadishu, I got to know people superficially, or that report was greatly exaggerated. While I began to write this little commentary, I was sold on answer #3- exaggeration. Perhaps its a blend of all three... Anyways Wadani, or should I say Sigmund, from my experience Somalis are very doubtful of psychological intervention. I would say your assumptions are more or less accurate. Though Somalis, at this point in our civilization, are skeptical of a lot of things that may be deemed 'beneficial', which is why we are in urgent need of 'social engineering'. Perhaps once these engineers come and do there job, there will be a job for you Freud. I know Khat is not cocaine, but it is certainly close!
  12. I am more of a DMX- where the hood where the hood where the hood at- guy myself
  13. Alpha Blondy;981137 wrote: stop projecting your sad state of affairs on me, ma garatay? hmmmmmmm
  14. Cadale;981094 wrote: SomaliP that aint cool akhii have some respect. Respect is all I have, OPHA! Safferz;981093 wrote: Simmer down SP... I've posted pics in both threads too (and others), what does that make me? It makes you my ex saffy. my ex SOL boo....
  15. My god Cadale! Posting pictures in both the Somaliland and the Mogadishu Picture thread, it is worse than I thought! The two polarized spirits of Alpha and Oba have formed as one... This is surely an unprecedented move by the Evil Forest... Yin and Yang has fallen upon us!!! Run Forrest run!!!
  16. Hi Cadale. Who were you in the previous life? And who are you today? Were you the merciless Alpha and now reincarnated to the likes of a drop out revert terror loving wahabis. Ama perhaps you were the merciful Oba and now have been reincarnated into a humble esteemed sheikh. Please share.... Well, whatever you were, it appears in this life you are white. I guess you must have been somewhat good in your past life eh:p
  17. Alpha, is it true Darasalam is to be the first 'planned' city of somaliland?
  18. Nuune is a sensationalist, I am starting to learn that.
  19. Wadani;980740 wrote: Nabigu waa wuxu sheegayay markuu inooga digayay in dumarka hoggaanka loo dhiibo. Waxaanoo miidhan bay ku kacayaan. Wadani you amuse me at times... This is not a policy of fauzia, but the Somali government, which from what I remember is mostly composed of men. She is just the face ninyahow
  20. nuune;980620 wrote: MMA, don't worry, Somali Passport will soon be the most expensive one in the world to obtain, the least restrictive one. Horta ma ogtahey baasabooorka adduunka ugu qaalisan inuu hada yahey Kuwait. Somalia can turn the tables around, in my view, waad arki doontaan, Somalia of today will not be the same of Somalia in 5 years, that is right, 5 years. okey, that might be of little bit out of the mark for some people, recently when I met a guy from the UK, a white guy who owns some businesses in Kenya and in the Middle East, after long discussion, then came the question about passports, he asked about what is the most expensive passport in the world, I told him Brunai, no he said, I told him Belarus, he said no, he told me it is Kuwait, and Somalia will overtake Kuwait in few years time, I asked him why he thinks that way, and continued to say that all eyes will be on Somalia for the next 10 years, he continued to say that he is observing the development in Nairobi to get some billions of contracts, his main business core is RAIL & AGRICULTURE, he said that he wants to be the first to develop these areas before anyone else does, and if they do, he will buy their business, asked him where is he going to put the profit, and he said he will invest inside Somalia, and employ local Somalis and pay them good wages, I told him since Somalis can own the business he has in mind he doesn't need to employ them they can set up easily, he said, that is the problem he has with Somalis, very different from other Africans and that is his main concern, very authoritative and not care how British or white you are, that is some of the reasons Somalia will be a heaven for Somalis in few years time, and continued to say even Microsoft and Google in Somalia will be slaves in Somalia and won't be acting like kings as they do in their Nairobi offices!! Here are my indicative scenarios: Half of Somalis in the diaspora will return home permanently within 10 years Somalia will have laborers from Asia & Africa to fill the growing market jobs, this will happen on 2018 I see a lot of self validation through the white man syndrome in this essay of yours
  21. Alpha Blondy;980452 wrote: i should have gone to perform the Haji this year. that was my intention. my mother left London earlier this afternoon. she's British, you see. i planned to go from here on the Abdulahi Yusuf passport, and as part of the Somali Haji encourage posse. i had to cancel last month because i realised we would have been in different camps. mine very basic, austere and third world. her's compliant with health and safety standards, EUROSOM travel Agency's Haji guides and air conditioning. my qurbo friend, who because of performing the Haji, now exudes the peculiarities of a reformed ex-bad boy akhi, explained the procedure to me and it seemed fairly simple, at the time. he went last year, you see and to be honest he's still as bad as before, albeit still trying to perfect his iman and stuff. really, i would have loved to have gone but for not being able to company my mum due to the segregation between poor nations Hajis and those developed nation Hajis. the Haji is very important and you'll get your chance, she reminded me when we spoke earlier. this was, perhaps, my greatest chance to company my mum and aunt but it seems i'll have to perform it some other time. good luck to the Haji pilgrims wherever they're from and may Allah accept your prayers and pilgrimage. This tale has really humanized you huh. The enigma is human, who would have thought.
  22. Hobbesian_Brute;980444 wrote: no sympathy from me. they got what they deserved. they is no war in somalia nor eritrea, so why are these skinny monkies going on suicide missions trying to reach bankrupt europe ? cajiib Says the man who types from his comfortable suburbia.
  23. Alpha Blondy;980431 wrote: it's these sort of statements..............why i don't host you, ma garatay? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: sanbac fooqal sanbac. :mad::mad: Ma saas baa?