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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. I experimented with this story a while back. never really finished it. now im revisiting it.. debating whether to wrap it as a short story, which appears to be more fitting, or continue with it... but what is the use of a short story??
  2. ^^ Though notice the languages differ from race to race... for the white women it is "women cannot accept the way things are""":confused: what is that soo vague.. for the muslim women it is "women need to be seen as equal" much more blunt and direct...of course not to mention what is written under the search bar also varies in severity.. for the white women it deals with matters of "bad drivers", "cannot be bishops", or the also vague "cannot be trusted" :confused:... these are soft, vague, and just obvious statements- women becoming a bishop?? whereas the muslim women things like "need to be put in place", or "need to be controlled", and "know their place"...compared to the white woman ad, these statements are focused and less random and share a common narrative which basically creates an image of her counterpart, the muslim male..
  3. Abu-Salman;982154 wrote: The most obvious sectors are the build to rent as hinted in the threads but also english or skills teaching; of course, fishing & aquaculture or the processing of Ethiopian raw exports are also very promising, interesting to foreign investors. There are countless niche areas too such as tutoring, hi-tech car repairs, vehicles rental (for those with regular customers), services for the elite etc Do you think their is a market for Swahili as well?
  4. Indeed I am Stoic... I find it provides proper context to the likes of Saalax. does it not?
  5. Apophis;982056 wrote: What are the advantages and disadvantages of dating garoob? I met this goroob chick in berbera.. one of the habar hebeels... she looked good and was very forward.. making advances in front of her daugher :confused: a trait among most garoobs i noticed... though be cautious they are much more material-driven- send me this, buy me that!! It will drive you mad!!
  6. Wadani;982082 wrote: Nonsense. The H@rti Somalilanders were united with the durriyad in the pursuit of 'Asiatic Status'. D-block people have an obsession with revisionist history ma is tidhi. utterly false.. do note this was shortly after sayidka so there was already tension between the two groups.. instead of working together these guys were accusing each other of being 'spies'.When the is@q tried to protest an appointment of a new governor in british SL, in pursuit of their quest, the h@rti already sent a congratulatory letter. talk about united huh?
  7. Salaax is rather aggressive abti, I have to put him in his place, ma garatay?
  8. I have been summoned yet I have been reported.. even mobutu seko exercised a degree of due diligence before issuing a firing squad
  9. Safferz;982004 wrote: In defense of my reer abtiyaal (my own grandfather was a clerk for the colonial administration), you can't blame Somalis in British East Africa for manipulating the racial hierarchy imposed by the British in order to make better lives for themselves. It has nothing to do with self-hate, but about doing what they could to access the legal, political, social and economic privileges afforded to those not classified as "natives" in the colonial racial order. And the Somalis of British Somaliland were also instrumental in the Somali nationalist movement(s) for independence, while southern Somalia was given the 1960 date for independence by the United Nations, British Somaliland had no guarantee of independence. Pan-Somali nationalist activity combined with the reality of a decolonizing Africa gave the British no other choice. As much as 1960 is being rewritten today by modern Somalilander political discourse, the independence and unification of all the Somalilands was something popularly supported by those in the North. My uncle was part of the delegation from Hargeisa who went to Xamar that day -- their grievances against the central government only emerged later. I am not making accusations of self-hate. In this pursuit of making 'better' lives for themselves a narrative of Somalilanders having arab origins, whether true or not, was fueled and driven by the Somalilanders especially by the diaspora residing in Kenya. The utilization of such narrative encompassed feelings of elitism and scorn towards other Somalis. In fact leaders of this campaign vigorously avoided the term “Somali” and rather coined names such as “Sharif Is@q Arab”... Yes British Somaliland was essential in the pursuit of independence, but do note that two camps coincided- the Somaliland nationalist consisting mainly of the younger generation, and the older generation who were headstrong and consumed by this narrative… The latter were less concerned with national independence and more concerned with the status of their locality. All I am saying is this has nevertheless left a legacy on the mentality of the northerners, whether this campaign was a political tool or a sincere belief. consequently you find both Wadani and Salaax roaming SOL
  10. Mad_Mullah;981984 wrote: Are you bragging that you were classed as higher than the other people they colonized ? Hence my point and his citing of France to validating his 'superior' identity
  11. Yes, of course, my strategy is to divert this attention of this helicopter deemed as "scrap metal" which empirically proves the higher IQ of northern Somalis..
  12. Saalax-- When ethnic based tax evolved to wealth based tax, the Somalilanders stopped campaigning to pay higher taxes than the natives.. They only campaigning for higher tax when such a difference was financially insignificant-only met to classify groups. And no they were far from being on bar with the Asians and Arabs. One of the major setbacks to this Somaliland movement for higher status was a lack of financial resources sxb.. Hawdian this is in strict relation to the subject as this is the historical legacy of Saalax distorted and colonized mind
  13. Apophis;981977 wrote: You know nothing about war. Keep quiet. +1000. Lol @ Tallaabo
  14. Lol @ the colonist agreed.The colonials agreed in the sense of having them pay the same as Asians yet giving them a receipt of less then what they paid hence a lower status... not the kind of 'you get what you pay for' kind of deal is it? far from it... they eventually gave up and paid the lower status price... eventually tax was determined by wealth not race... The Somalilanders use to meet in private barricading their homes in these "given" neighborhoods you speak of...
  15. ^^Well this is in reference to the Somalis in Kenya.. ill pm you a link when I find it
  16. Saalax;981963 wrote: SomaliPhilosopher If anything that shows Somaliland superiority, they refused to be categorized with the Bantus of Kenya. Rather they told the colonials what is up, it is thanks to them that Somalis are respected there before all those southern refugees fled to the place and lowered the reputation with their terrorism. And do you realize the Somalilanders inability to productively cooperate with the dar0d given tribal animosity has delayed achieving asiatic status for decades until it was useless and had no benefits, not to metion economically unsound. Plus, when post WW2 Somali nationalism emerged which was more ambitious and sought complete liberation rather than 'elevated status' under a colonial administration, it was unsupported by a faction of the somalilanders (the faction you would probably belong to), remnants of the "asiatic" status campaigners. Instead they continued in their miniscule pursuits under their tribal banner
  17. Salaax you are laughable my friend. You know the Somalilanders would vigorously shout their 'arab identity' during the Colonial administration to gain Asiatic status and not be treated similar to the other Africans? I don't know if you got the memo sxb but colonialism is over, the british are gone, so stop shouting for crying out loud...
  18. You fool Safferz, stealing my thunder dee! i beat you to that article!
  19. Mad_Mullah;981858 wrote: The exact opposite saxib, Somalia is too big for such a small population, Somalia is bigger than France and Spain and Benelux yet has about 10 million people. We should be in the 50 like the Habashis/Bantus next to us. That can serve us a great advantage in terms of development
  20. The Turkish will become the 'new' immigrants of Somalia and revamp this minority group of "reer xamaar''/light skinned Somalis
  21. Wadani;981749 wrote: For the vast majority of them yes. It's different if a girl was open to and preferred Somali men for marriage, but she didn't receieve any proposals from good men. If she's getting up there in age, then in that case I can't knock her for marrying an upright ajanabi Muslim. But most of these girls have a dislike for Somali guys for some reason. This aversion to Somali men has it's roots in deep seated self-hatred. To them anything to do with Somalis or Somalia is less-than, lowly, embarrassing, and backwward so they look for an ajanabi saviour, so her kids will be spared the curse of being born a Somali.... 'the wretched of the earth '. I see you are a reader of Fanon huh? Please put that psychology to use and be the Somali fanon por favor
  22. Watching KTN right now, a special--investigative journalism-- program on westgate by the acclaimed mohammed ali... Apparently the gunmen escaped the first night and no hostages were present in the mall after the first day.. The KDF soldiers were found looting on video and drinking the same Saturday night of the attack... There were only 4 gunmen... At that the time the mall 'collapsed' they have already escaped... :confused:
  23. Wadani;981734 wrote: As long as it aint happening in my fams i'm straight. To hell with the self-haters, let them do as they wish. Yeah!!
  24. Why couldn't we give him a a less attractive xaliimo, at the very least?