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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. ^^ Oh didn't notice that comma. Well, that doesn't change what i meant. "bashir" is the one who pressured her, an employee of Shabeelle.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;986840 wrote: Its just matter of time until Somaliland joins the commonwealth of nations and you talk about 'independence'...
  3. ^ Haatu, circumstances at times can prevail over 'social status'. For instance, many cases of rape, not to undermine the legitimate victims, are often told by refugees in efforts of resettlement. Not to mention, other reasons like 'delegitimizing' the government, compensation of sorts, ect. Safferz;987038 wrote: Naga daa SP, I hope you're being sarcastic. How could this possibly be a legitimate arrest? Not only is this a terrible trend for women's rights in Somalia because of how the government has been responding to victims of sexual violence, but also for freedom of the press in the country. Well Saffy, you have to look at the nuances of the story. Even Al-Jazeera hints at a few subtleties. Snippets of the article: "During the interview, which has been posted on YouTube, the victim alleges that she was attacked by another journalist working for state-owned radio station, Radio Mogadishu. The victim said during the interview that she was raped at gunpoint in Mogadishu and names her alleged attacker" “She admitted to have been pressured to make the video by [bashir],” Omar Osman [Employee of Radio Shabelle] said, adding that police have not arrested the man accused of the rape. Last month government security forces raided Radio Shabelle arresting all journalists at the station forcing it to shut down. All I am saying is I can play the blame game too.. Fitzgerald said "reserving judgement is a matter of infinite hope." Well at least folks shouldn't be quick to make judgement from their electronic devices, when in fact they are very detached from such scene. But such inclinations are expected given our relationship with government over the few years.
  4. ^^ Well Haatu if such accusations are true, and thereby she lied of such rape publicaly, does that not warrant an arrest?
  5. Safferz;987033 wrote: Again? :mad: Why so angry? Perhaps it was a legitimate arrest. Are the Somali police not capable of proper due diligence?
  6. Safferz's Updated cabinet: President-for-life: Safferz------ saffy is too liberal Prime minister: Haatu-------- Haatu is too conservative. ^These two are a President-PM clash waiting to happen Deputy prime minister: Ibtisam------I hear she is married to a Bengali? Defence minister: Tallaabo------ LOOOL how many pepper spray bottles do you buy a year hoorta? Minister of Internal Affairs: Reeyo--- perhaps a good fit Minister of Women's Affairs: Che_Guevara----- war the guy is ex shabaab Propaganda minister: Apophis---- propoganda has to be subtle! Minister of Foreign Affairs: Somaliphilosopher----- what? the guy is a jaajuus! Minister of Justice: Nin-Yaaban-------- an SOL gulag waiting to happen... Minister of Religious Affairs: guleed_ali------ who are you?? Ex-teacher? Now Wadaad? Did Sheekh Shariif open an SOL account? Culture minister: Miskiin-macruuf-aqiyaar---- Hmmmmmmm Finance minister: LayZie G---------- one word musuqmaasuq Transportation minister: Nuune------- the guy has a train set and makes paper airplanes, these are qualifications now a days? Communication minister: N.O.R.F--- A script cannot be a minister!! Public works minister: Maqane-------LOOOL is he not busy enough with google translate? Minister of Natural Resources: Blackflash----No comment
  7. Alpha Blondy;986736 wrote: I'm just a soul whose intentions are good Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood Don't let me be misunderstood Mmmmmmm
  8. ^ I was in eastleigh yesterday and can confirm these are indeed the talks of the town
  9. Tallaabo;986297 wrote: Where are the sources which show that Siyaad threatened Kenya? Even if he threatened Kenya, where his threats just empty words? Or may be his army and weapons were there for the destruction of the Northern clan. As is the situation today, Cigaal had no power in the 60s when he was the PM. The real power was in the hands of the president and the cabinet consisting almost entirely of southerners. I think after this sad documentary those still singing "aabe Siyaad" have a lot to explain. Haatu addressed the source. I am sure if Somalia won the ****** war, the NFD would have been next. Tallaabo;986298 wrote: If Somaliland never joined Somalia, our brothers and sisters in NFD would probably be free today. I am sure Somaliland would have gone to war with Kenya either overtly or in other ways. Lol that is one of the funniest statements I have read on SOL
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;986292 wrote: Somali kenyans should have never relied on somalia. Althought getting support from them would help a hand, eventually it back fired. Somali kenyans should fiind other methods to reach out to their people its so sad to see brother addow getting very emotional at the end of the film. And also his friends mothers who lost her son in a shoot out so sad. Can they rely on Somaliland?
  11. ^^ To be fair Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal is the one who signed the ceasefire for the Shifta wars .Not to mention during the Garissa Massacre, Siad barre threatened to invade Kenya if they didn't set the detained free and lift the curfews
  12. Much Madness is divinest Sense - To a discerning Eye - Much Sense - the starkest Madness - ’Tis the Majority In this, as all, prevail - Assent - and you are sane - Demur - you’re straightway dangerous - And handled with a Chain
  13. ^^Ahh okay I thought that is what you may have meant but wanted to make sure. Is it official? what is the source?
  14. For me the interface is totally messed up its like SOL on lsd
  15. DoctorKenney;986039 wrote: What do you think? How do I go about convincing the others to go ahead with this engagement? DoctorKenney;986066 wrote: Well that seems to be everyone's problem with this engagement. Personally, I see no problem with it. The children are very young, and you can raise the children as if they're your own kids. Before long, they'll see you as their "real" father, and you can be a real role-model for these children as they grow up. And who says the new husband can't have more children with the wife? He can still pop out 2 or 3 more kids that are genetically "his" You can't refer to children as another man's "litter", as they're human beings, and they're placed in these circumstances through no fault of their own. And it's not like he's marrying a woman who's much older than him with many children. She's a young, beautiful woman. She has 2 extremely young kids who don't know anything, and I see this as a great opportunity (she's a catch) And I'd also like to mention that the father of these kids plays no role in their lives. He is virtually non-existent. I don't like the stigma associated with marrying single mothers. In Islam, we see children as a blessing, not as a burden. And if you do marry a single mother, you'll already have a family prepared :cool: It's all about compatibility, and nothing else. DoctorKenney;986146 wrote: Not really, we don't know why this woman was even divorced in the first place! It could have been something that was totally not under her control! A woman (or man) can be perfectly well-adjusted and have great character, and still end up being divorced. It happens every single day. Think about some of your relatives who've ended up divorced over the years. DoctorKenney;986147 wrote: And think about the great ajaar you'll receive from Allah if you help raise these young children into responsible and well-mannered adults. Think about the benefits that society can gain when you have these young children raised by a father-figure. And when these children grow up, they'll think of you as their "real" father. DNA doesn't mean anything. And more than anything, the problem our young women face is that in our community, we tend to look at divorcees as "used up" or something like that, and this is awful for our community. Everyone wants that "pure" untouched woman who's never been in a previous relationship. Well, it looks like you already have a good start. A productive exercise I would say.
  16. thefuturenow;986096 wrote: AS3 I waited for the random akhi to show up, but I guess . . . today I am him Safferz, You are right in many regards. Scholars in the vein of Edward Said serve an important role in the fight against imperialism. They have theorized about the means and methods used by Western imperialists to justify their continued infiltration of non-Western societies. They have correctly identified how Western scholarship, media tropes and political rhetoric are conjunctively used to pave the way for military action against an 'other.' The result is the aim all along--the economic and political domination of the 'other.' But herein lies the rub. Any good imperialist (liberal) knows that physical domination is futile. The oppressed will rise in due time. They will reclaim their land and re-establish their political order. What a good imperialist desires is the cultural degradation of the other to the extent that members of that victimized group refuse to identify with their own culture and adopt the imperialist's mode of living. They see--above all--uniformity in thought, a shared faith. What about the Cons? The (Neo)-Conservatives is corrupt. They are the prototypical hypocrites in domestic politics. Yet, their foreign policies are achieved by brute force. When dealing with the other, they say what they think, do what they want and couldn't care less for the consequences. They are myopic and thus bad imperialists. The liberal is a useful enemy in domestic politics--he casts him as unpatriotic and stirs up nationalistic furor to gain votes. But they know full well that it’s all politics. If Allah (SW) hadn’t checked them with the liberals in domestic politics, they would bomb and loot every country. See, GW Bush. The Liberal Personified The liberal is undisciplined. He suffers from a superiority complex because he is educated and can recite Lolita from memory. He decries the 'dark ages' and seeks enlightenment. The liberal is savvy. His own sense of superiority allows him to listen to other opinions diligently--because, after all, the liberal knows that this 'savage' only needs to be enlightened. He feels he can deconstruct any argument and win over the unenlightened savage because he has studied all the classics. The liberal, drunk of his own superiority, believes that he knows what humans want better than any other. He has one aim and one aim only--the creation of a society that operates within the parameters of liberal thought. He doesn't care for the color of your skin or the language of your ancestors. But the liberal demands political uniformity of which the cornerstone is individual freedom--his own formulation of individual freedom. See, the liberal is complex. Higher education is the liberal's territory, his church. This is where the liberal liquors up youngsters and distills them of any and all principles. This is where he challenges the leaders of tomorrow to be unique in an environment that demands conformity. Note the echo-chamber that is the liberal classroom where a conservative student cannot voice his opinion. There is only one concept that gives the liberals fits, i.e. the idea that there is a God and the imposition of limits on human behavior. This is source of the liberal's greatest ire. He believes that he can't defeat blind faith with rational reason. He knows that in order to implement his vision, he must confront this reality. The liberal has learned that beliefs are dear to humans and that they must be slowly changed. Thus, the liberal co-opts. The liberal is open to ideas as long as they further this aim by undermining the world's established cultures/religions. Thus, in this manner they corrupt with fancy theories and reformulations of Scripture. For the liberal, it is a long game and he understands that it may be a slow process. Whereas the conservative will bluntly call the other's scripture an invented work full of blasphemous statements, the liberal will take it to his library and deconstruct it. He will then write a paper in which he makes a mildly controversial 'eh' claim. Tomorrow, his liberal minions will cite him and expand that controversial claim. Finally, that controversial claim will become the defining concept of that Scripture. It will enter the mainstream media as a trope. Muslims in higher education are especially susceptible to the liberal. Politically, he casts himself in contrast to the conservative. Thus, he becomes the friend defending against the bully. More ominous to the Muslim is the liberal’s intentional fragmentation of education. History lies over there divorced from Political Science which barely touches upon Economics. This is a direct symptom to the 'secular' society--the division of the highest order, a false division, impractical and unimaginable to the Muslim mind. The idea is to constrain the student within the parameters of the system. Citations serve this purpose. PHD students are only allowed to sing the tune that doesn't disrupt the chorus. The result is a diversity of opinion but all of which is constrained within the liberal ideology. In other words, you may choose your words, but the liberal will choose the language. Safferz, I believe what some of the brothers here are trying to say is that you are operating within this fragmentation. In the Islamic context, religion regulates political and economic life. Islam operates on a sphere entirely separate from any other ideology. It speaks a different language. To exercise dominion of Muslim political and economic interests is to exercise dominion of a part of their faith. Even with their economic and political aims accomplished, the good imperialist knows that he has not finished his work. He knows that it is only a matter of time before “blind faith” springs up and angry savages rid him of all that he has gained. To survive, the liberal needs clones within and without the lands that he desires to infiltrate. Good post