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Everything posted by DoctorKenney

  1. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> so its ok drinking camel piss. why is cidan then making fun of hindus if they drink cow piss. sxb you muslims are very divided and confused people. Don't address me
  2. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> Ditoore what have you proven ? i don't get it, are you saying camel piss drinking is unislamic and wasn't prescriped by the prophet or what ?? what you've pasted is mixed in with other arguments so its hard to follow . I addressed the entire Hadith so it's extremely easy to follow. Don't expect me to hold your hand while comprehending my post. Read it, read it again, and read it once more. You asked me to prove my points. I've already done so, numerous times. You're the one who runs every single time I try to pose an argument against you. You're one of the biggest fulaay I've ever seen on this forum.
  3. Here it is you Mushrik troll. This is the exact same post I created back in December of 2013. I copied it here, word for word. It was addressed to AllYourbase: I’m gonna start this post by reminding everyone here, that this is not an Islamic forum. This is a Somali forum, which has some aspects of Islam, but it certainly is not an Islamic forum, we don’t have any scholars in our presence, and every single allegation against Islam has been soundly refuted by Students of Knowledge in other forums, on other websites, and in other books. AllYourBase posting here, is disingenuous and should not be tolerated, mainly because it distracts some of the Somalis here (who aren’t very experienced in dealing with anti-Islamic polemics) and confuses them regarding their religion. This dishonest person is fully aware of this, and he’s doing whatever he can to mislead the people from the Way of Allah, because he knows there aren’t any knowledgeable Muslim Authors who are registered on SomaliaOnline. You’ll be able to find the responses to these arguments on many other sites, and there are dozens of sites which address his arguments. Quran 9:32 They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. First of all, what he’s doing right now is appealing to emotion.There is no substance to his arguments whatsoever. I see none. Here’s the Hadith: Narrated Abu Qilaba: “Anas said, “Some people of ‘Ukl or ‘Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy , they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in ‘Al-Harra’ and when they asked for water, no water was given to them.” Abu Qilaba said, “Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle . (Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu’), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234)” 1. The Prophet executed these bandits because they committed acts of war against the Muslim State. They slaughtered an innocent shepherd and stole his possessions, and then they left, like typical bandits. They even tortured the Shepherd by piercing his eyes and leaving him to die a very painful death. So the Prophet inflicted the same punishment on them, and punished them the exact same way. Quran 16:126: “And if you punish [an enemy, O believers], punish with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed. But if you are patient – it is better for those who are patient.” This man would have us believe that the Noble Prophet was a pacifist, when that’s not what he was. He fought, and he treated bandits and criminals the way they deserved to be treated. 2. He’s appealing to emotion when claiming that the Prophet prescribing camel urine mixed with camel milk as medicine, would be harmful and that it would be counter-productive. He needs to give evidence of this. HE is the one making the claim, not me. If you read the Hadith carefully, it shows us that the Bedouin Arabs felt ill and were very sick, so the Prophet prescribed them this as a medicine, and AS A RESULT, they became healthy and strong. Now whether this incident is an exception to the rule, or a general rule is irrelevant. Because these men were cured of whatever illness they may have had, and became fully healthy again. Animal Urine has been prescribed as medication for millenia, and even many modern “alternative medicine” groups prescribe horse urine (premarin) and many other types of urine as medication. Whether all of these medications work is debatable, but it’s a fact that it’s quite common as a medicine. Perhaps it’s a good idea to use camel urine as a medicine for certain illnesses today. Perhaps it’s not a good idea. I don’t know. Perhaps the Prophet’s situation here was in and of itself a miracle from God. This is why we have modern scientific researchers who help find the best route to cure illnesses and diseases. If camel urine can be used as an effective medicine, then that’s fine. If it can’t be, then it should be discarded. Sahih Bukhari The Prophet said: There is a treatment for every sickness, and when the cure is applied to the disease it is cured with the permission of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious. But AllYourBase needs to provide proofs for the following: 1. That the Prophet’s punishment of these men was excessive and barbaric. He needs to provide objective evidence with strong foundations. I don’t want to hear any of his flimsy personal opinions. 2. That the Prophet’s punishment of these men was unjust, and again….He needs objective standards to judge these actions 3. That the prescription of camel urine mixed with camel milk harmed these Bedouin men and was counter-productive when it came to healing them. He needs to provide actual Hadiths which back his points up. I’m not gonna tolerate him changing the topic and going off on a tangent. Give me evidences which back up your point
  4. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> To this deranged cidansultan character, waryaa when did i ever become a Hindu ? Do you even know hinduism is an ethnic religion that one can't convert into ? stop spamming this site with your useless garbage, its not amusing anyone. Camel piss drinking is islamic and prescriped by the prophet. " Narrated Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine)." Sahih Bukhari There is no where for you to hide. I've refuted this argument in detail ON THIS FORUM almost 10 months ago. Are you kidding me??? And now you want to repeat this argument yet again. Wallahi go through the archives people, we've already had this discussion back in January. And I completely disproved your argument in detail. And now this Atheist troll wants to bring up this same argument. Authubilah Xabad you are a complete clown and not worth taking seriously.
  5. Have you tried expanding your social circle? Most Somali couples I know met through mutual friends. Like a Somali girl meets a guy she likes through her cousin or her close friend, and they end up marrying shortly after. So maybe you should expand your social circle, meet new people, and even travel to other Somali-dominated cities. So if you live in Minneapolis for example.....than visiting Toronto, Ottawa, London, Virginia, Ohio and other places might be a good idea. One of my good friends got married to a Somali girl from Seattle, and their relationship is amazing mashaAllah. They lived on opposite ends of America, and he met her through his cousin when he was on vacation in Seattle. The rest is history But I really think the first step is to expand your social circle. And if you want to distinguish a time-waster from a serious marriage-prospect....then you need to look into this man's past. I know it's not good to judge people by their past, but if someone has a history of behaving a certain way, then you should have your guard up at first. And this may sound unusual, but tell the man strictly no intimacy, no kissing or anything intimate like that. Sometimes, a man will pretend to be serious about marriage and then he will get intimate with the young woman, and then once he's bored with her he will leave her. I've witnessed it happen many times, and it's always the same pattern. So draw these strict boundaries, be cool, be yourself...but at the same time make it clear that you're an adult woman and you don't have time for teenage games. Keep testing him, ask him questions and see how he responds so you would know what his intentions are. Best of luck in the future
  6. LOL Johnny, you are absolutely proving my point about you Atheists yet again, yet you're too thick to understand it. CidanSultan, you're arguing with a man who disputes the existence of God. Like, you can't possibly get more deluded than that. The entire world surrounding us is screaming God's existence, everything from the constellations in the sky to the ants in the soil. Everything from the laws of physics to the existence of the living cell. The signs of Allah are everywhere. And Johnny chooses to ignore it and then has the audacity to claim that the burden of proof is on us to prove it! In fact, it's the other way around! The arrogance of him is overwhelming. Quran 41:53 "We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?" Quran 16:125 "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided."
  7. Xabad has forsaken all debate on this forum, and he's degenerated to resorting to periodic long absences coupled with him returning to SOL and coming up with a barrage of irrelevant posts, insults, and outright misrepresentations against Islam. Xabad, you know nothing, you are nothing, and you're unable to get into any sort of rational discussion, hence your silly behavior... SOL'ers, this is a clear example of someone who's lost it. Xabad is clearly unrecognizable now, and he now appears to be deranged. Xabad seems to be this rage against Islam, he's obsessed with it. And he knows nothing except how to irk Muslims and talk about a religion which he knows nothing about. P.S. Johnny B, piss off. What goes for Xabad goes for you too. When I challenge you and others like you to outline your positions and articulate your beliefs, you are unable to do so and become silent. You are a coward to the first degree
  8. CidanSultan is being contradictory. On one hand he's cheerleading these ISIS fanatics, but on the other hand he's acknowledging their disgusting atrocities. And then he justifies his support of them by pointing to US and Israeli crimes, as if that's relevant to the discussion at all.
  9. I can imagine that he was! This is the spiritual perspective and was a great dua! I've heard many great, unique dua's but this definitely is one of the best.
  10. <cite> @Gheelle.T said:</cite> I got your point bro, but what you're not taking into account is all of these crime stats you mentioned are direct results of the heavy handedness of the system towards the blacks. I am not saying they don't commit heinous crimes, but there are thousands of innocents black males who are unlawfully accused and sent to prison every year, thus adding them into those stats. Anyway, let's leave there for now. That's true. It's terrible what's happening to the thousands of innocent blacks being incarcerated for no reason. I just hope you understand my point here.
  11. <cite> @Gheelle.T said:</cite> Kennedy, you are making assumptions that black don't strive enough to make changes in their communities. They do and perhaps you are only focusing the negative side of the black society. Brother, there are many hurdles for them to cross and honestly it's not easy for people to come out of poverty. That said, there are large black middle classes in those cities mentioned above, among them many entrepreneurs and professionals. As for the Jewish and Asians, none of them have had the experiences that the blacks went through, slavery,Jim Crow, and other state sanctioned discrimination that its scars still lives. By the way you can't judge entire group of people by a tiny neighborhood in Oklahoma in 1920s. Besides a segregated US in 1920s-60s is not a something to praise. Check the graph below and tell me if the blacks are better off today than they were 60 or so years ago. Of course they're much better off in 2014 than they were in 1960. But what I'm talking about is the attitude towards success that the Black people have today is not as good as it should be. Those men in the 1920's, despite suffering through significant racism and subjugation, still did what they did to uplift themselves and their own community. And that's admirable. They overcame ENORMOUS obstacles and they achieved a lot. Whereas when I walk down certain streets in Atlanta, I see nothing but garbage, drug addicts, young teenagers committing petty crimes, and single mothers. There are certain neighborhoods here which you can't walk through for fear of your life. There are thousands of Black youth killing each other every year in America. Blacks constitute 13% of the population but 52% of the homicides. Black-on-White rapes are more than 30,000 per year, Black-on-White assaults are almost 350,000 per year. While White-on-Black assaults are only about 70,000 per year. There's a huge disparity saaxib. I'll give credit where credit is due, and yes there is a large Black Middle Class and most Black-Americans DO NOT get involved in this gangster lifestyle. Most of them live middle-class lifestyles, you're correct.
  12. Watch this short video, very interesting. I just had to share this
  13. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> I think Tallaabo, Dr.K and Ciidan made an important point about " Tawhiid and Monotheism. Of course his movement reduced the Idol worship and praying of the dead, but also incorporated other measures that reduce the bounty of Islam to meaningless and small rituals. As Dr. K said, relaying on Allah is a basic Islamic foundation, not something new. That's very true. Too many Muslims reduce Islam to mere rituals, and they forget that our prayer, our sacrifice, our fasting, and our living should be done only for Allah. And no one else. As I've said before, Abdul-Wahhab brought some good teachings, but he also made mistakes. So my opinion on him is to take the good parts, and leave the bad parts.
  14. Bro, look at this. This is a group of Black Businessmen in Oklahoma back in 1920. These men created hundreds of businesses, their own schools, their own banks, movie theaters, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, they educated their own tradesmen, they even had their own investment unions. These people were VERY prosperous and successful. It was called The Black Wall Street. This was in Oklahoma. In 1920. 94 years ago....And these Blacks were doing it when they faced enormous subjugation and racism. But they still succeeded and still prospered. They didn't need the white man, they depended on each other, like brothers. So if these Blacks can do this 94 years ago, if they created their own economy 94 years ago....what is stopping Blacks in Atlanta (who are more than 50% of the population) from doing the exact same thing? Why can't Blacks in Philadelphia, in Detroit, in Chicago, in Baltimore, in St Louis...why can't they do the same thing? It's been tried before, it succeeded before. So why can't it be done again? And these people did it through their own hard-work and their own ingenuity. (Tragically however, envious Whites destroyed and they set fire to most of these Black businesses and they killed hundreds of Black civilians, which ended up destroying this enormously successful community) I mean, you can't even walk down certain black-neighborhoods in Detroit or Chicago without being robbed and possibly killed. This is a disgrace saaxib, we can do better.
  15. Ghelle T, I'm very well-aware that White people are better-positioned socially, economically, and politically in America. This is a fact and no one can deny this. So what is the solution to this problem? Because Blacks were disadvantaged 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 40 years ago, etc. Do you really think Black-Americans should just wait 100 years until the White Man suddenly starts to become benevolent and start looking at Blacks as equals? Do you advocate that Blacks remain in such a subservient role until one day, perhaps in the future, we will finally be treated as equals? Saaxib, read Malcolm X's autobiography. He goes into detail about this in his book. Black-Americans need to have their own independent communities, with their own judges, their own Mayors, their own all-black city councils, and so on and so on. They need to open up their own multi-billion dollar corporations and buying/selling from amongst each other. They need to create their own solid economic base, just like the Chinese and the Jews have done. The Jews and the Chinese don't rely on anybody, they rely on themselves, but they number far less than Black-Americans. Instead of a young Black 25 year old college graduate going to a company and being rejected due to his skin color, it would be far better if that young Black man was hired by a Black-run corporation. Blacks should hire each other, trade with each other, teach each other, and live amongst each other. Blacks can use their voting power to elect their own Black district Attorney, their own Black Police-Chief, and their own private all-black high-schools. We both see the same problem saaxib. But my solution to this problem is complete separation and self-independence and self-reliance.
  16. We are not French, we are not Germans, we are SOMALIS. So we should design a political system and a Constitution which conforms to Somali culture. And Somalis are a very tribal people, so we should incorporate tribes into our political system in a unique manner. There should be a group of two dozen or so thoughtful and educated Somalis, to sit down together, and design a political framework which incorporates clans but also adheres to Shariah Law and democratic principles. I know the Iranians designed a unique political framework in the 1980's, so the same can be done in Somalia. Somalis can design their own unique political system which includes clans. The British political system consists of a "House of Lords", which is an unelected legislative body consisting of members from the Church of England. This does not exist here in America. And I'm sure that in America, there are political practices which are unique only to America.
  17. <cite> @Khayr said:</cite> That issue needs to be focused on here because to this day Salafis focus on other muslims precisely because they deem them to have become mushriks. And this blatant takfiri ideology many Salafis have is very problematic. They're very judgmental and seek to categorize anyone who disagrees with them as Mushriks. I agree with you there.
  18. I read one of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab's books, "Kitab Al Tawheed" and I found it to be beneficial. This short book clearly outlines what is Tawheed and what is Shirk. Before this book, there were many Muslims in the Indian subcontinent, in Arabia, and in the Horn of Africa who prayed to dead people, who made good-luck charms, amulets and talisman, actually believing that these inanimate objects will protect them from harm. This is clear Shirk and absolutely unacceptable. Only Allah can protect you from harm. With all the legitimate criticism that's leveled against Abdul-Wahhab, I'll give him credit for one thing: For emphasizing the importance of Tawheed. If you pray then pray to Allah, if you seek help then seek help from Allah. If harm befalls you, then know that it only happened with Allah's permission. If something beneficial happened to you, then it happened through Allah's permission. Put your trust in Allah and not in these dead saints or these good-luck charms which will bring you no benefit. My attitude with people like Abdul Wahhab is; take the good and leave the bad. So whatever beneficial knowledge he gives us, I'll take it. And whatever harmful teachings he promoted, then I will abstain from it. Abdul Wahhab had made a lot of serious mistakes in the past, which we should discuss and learn to avoid. And I'm a huge critic of the Saudis and their practices. This isn't how Muslims should be behaving. Islam is a religion of mercy and justice.
  19. Abdi Johnson, I'm presuming you grew up in the West, so of course you don't have a lot of these "clan tendencies" that Somalis back home have. Maybe we should use clans as a tool for genuine reconciliation. If our country fell apart due to clans, then we can also use clans to bring each other closer again. Building real institutions will take time and in the absence of these institutions Somalis use clans as a substitute.
  20. If we continue to have people with Khayr's attitude; In 100 years we will see the Black Man STILL complaining about how unfortunate he is Still complaining about "Evil Whitey" Still refusing to be independent and not rely on others. Still unable to develop his own industries Still have crime, drugs, prostitution in his own communities. And still refusing to take responsibility over his own community. While the cadaan man and the indiyaar man and the Indian man are building colonies on Mars, we will still be running around in circles, complaining all the time and refusing to be pro-active. Refusing to depend on ourselves. Refusing to improve ourselves. Doesn't it shame you that Vietnam, tiny little Vietnam, has more manufacturing output than all of Africa combined? How does that make you feel Khayr?
  21. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> No it was not a rant. Rather it was the equivalent of DR Ken telling you face to face that your cuqdad against the white people has reached an unhealthy level and needs sorting out. Exactly, that's exactly what I was telling Khayr. Khayr simply wants to blame the White Man for everything that happens in the Black community, as if the "White Man" is a Superhero with superpowers who has the ability to do things that the Black man can't do for himself. I got news for you Khayr: The White Man is no different from you. He was born, he will die, he gets sick, and he falls asleep. Khayr, maybe you should channel your "cuqdad" against White people in a healthy manner! Maybe instead of ranting and complaining about the White man, you should develop your own industries and develop your own nation so that you won't need him. Doesn't it kill you that the Chevrolet or Ford or Volkswagon that you drive was developed by cadaan people? Why doesn't Africa have it's own major car manufacturers? And what are you doing to ensure that the Black Man is self-sufficient and independent? Wouldn't you rather deal with the Asian Man and the White Man as an absolute equal, instead of being in a subservient role? The Indians have gotten this message already. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and just the other week India sent a robot to Mars. The Indians have their own manufacturing companies, and within 50 years India is expected to become a First World Nation. And they didn't get there through complaining and blaming Evil "Whitey" all the time. They did that through self-reliance and ingenuity. So why can't you do that? Have some pride in yourself
  22. <cite> @Khayr said:</cite> Racism is when a power imbalance is created based on Race and Ethnicity. Our mothers and aunties don't have the generational slavery generated wealth that Bill Bob (VP of the other two VPs across the hall) nor that power or influence. So now you want to complain about White people having a disproportionate power and influence? Are you freaking kidding me?! Of course they have more power and influence! What do you expect? You want to compare Somalis, who destroyed an entire country based on petty tribalism and an inability to cooperate, to the Germans for example? The Germans inherited a fractured and destroyed nation in 1945-1950. They lost World War 2, millions of their best soldiers were dead, and millions of civilians were dead. They had NO industry, no infrastructure, no military. The Germans were literally running outside just to use the toilet. Germany was a Third-World country in 1945-1950. Fast forward to 1975. Not only did Germany recover, but it was one of the richest nations in the world, with state-of-the-art infrastructure, globally renowned manufacturing companies, and world-class education. They made their own fortune. And Black people can do the same thing, if they stopped fuc**ing complaining about slavery/Jim Crow all the time. Be self-reliant Am I the only one on this forum who feels this way? Doesn't Mooge make threads showcasing how Puntland is being self-reliant and creating their own prosperity? If Puntland can do it, then what's preventing Black Americans from doing it? Culture is everything. Culture shapes success. Build your own industries. Build your own economy and then you won't need the "racist" White Man. The Koreans got the message, the Japanese got the message, the Chileans got the message, the Turks got the message, but for some reason you don't get that message. Have some self-respect. Stop begging him to accept you and love you. Accept yourself, love yourself, and you won't need his love and acceptance.
  23. <cite> @Khayr said:</cite> Does anyone know what Cognitive Dissonance means? If so, what is it? Please educate us on the term Khayr. And tell us how Cognitive Dissonance has ANYTHING to do with the above article. Anyways, thanks for sharing this article. MashaAllah this was a beautiful story. This lady is extremely brave and admirable
  24. <cite> @Khayr said:</cite> Please tell that to every Keisha and Ahmed that graduated from a Univeristy but can't get a damn entry level job in their field because there resumes are screened out based on their first names. This has been going on for generations in the United States, this isn't something particularly new. Look Khayr, stop concerning yourself with things you can't possibly change. If a White Human Resources Recruiter looks at a Resume and sees the name "Jamal" or "Amina" and he throws that Resume in the trashcan.....then that's awful. But technically you can't actually prove that he discarded the resume due to race-related issues. The White HR Recruiter can easily argue that this Black fellow "doesn't have what I'm looking for". So what then? And we don't have the ability to read people's minds. Yes, many white people are racist but so are many blacks. I know many Blacks and they're pretty open about their disdain for cadaan people, so it goes both ways. You should listen to what some Somali habaryars say about cadaan people or indiyaars. You'd be pretty appalled at what you hear. Racism goes both ways
  25. What are you talking about Khayr? I'll repeat it again: The Hospital was under no legal obligation to assist Mr Duncan. This is a fact, and you can talk about what "the right thing" to do is, but that's not the discussion. And if I was the one who ran that hospital, I would have treated Mr Duncan for free as well. But it is a FACT that they weren't obligated to treat him. And now Mr Duncan's family is threatening to sue the hospital and crying "Racism!" while enlisting the help of Jesse Jackson. The hospital which treated Mr Duncan free-of-cost, and now they want to turn around and sue them. So you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you admit him into the hospital and he dies anyways, then you're a racist. And if you refuse him entry into the hospital, then you're a racist. You can't win with people who have this attitude. Let it go. Even if Mr Duncan was my own father, I wouldn't have such a bitter attitude about this situation. Ebola kills like 75% of the people it infects, and there is absolutely NO CURE for the virus. There is no treatment, nothing. All you can really do is drink a lot of water and just wait. This is a decree from Allah, so stop whining and move on with your life.