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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. This line bears significance to the Jubaland conference with the term progress being operative. We welcomed the dialogue on the future structure of Somalia that has begun between the Federal Government and the regions. We welcomed progress on forming regional administrations and looked forward to the completion of that process. We encouraged the regions to work closely with the Federal Government to form a cohesive national polity consistent with the provisional constitution.
  2. Mintid, I would agree there is much to admire about the Somali news portals and how they spin stories to fit in a certain narrative and advance their rhetoric, but in this case, I quoted their reporting 'cos it coincided with other tid bits and bulletins emanating from the corridors of the post-conference discussions. Surely you were not expecting the gentleman in question to have raised that touchy issue at the conference, were you?
  3. Tillamook, Remember the example began in the neighbouring SL with the backing and much thanks to the IC coupled with the admirable dedication of the people. So is the case now in PL. And let us hope in 2016 the rest of Somalia follows suit. It is a tested, winning formula. Give credit where it is due. Avoid falling into the trap secessionist have dug up for themselves in claiming to have thought of and started everything and anything under the sun with the help of no one. PDRC oo shir wadatashi ah u qabatey Ururada Siyaasadda ee Puntland. Xarunta Hormarinta Cilmibaarista Puntland ee loo yaqaan PDRC ayaa maanta (Talaada) ku casuntey xaruntooda ururada siyaasadda ee Puntland, shirka ayaa lagu sheegay mid ah wadatashi, waxaana ururadu ka arinsanayeen Xeer hoosaadka doorashooyinka goloyaasha deegaanka ee bisha danbe dhici doona. Shirka waxaa ka soo qaybgalay afar urur oo kala ah Horsed,Horcad, Wadajir, UDAD Waxaa ka maqnaa shirka ururada Midnimo iyo PDP. Ururka Midnimo waxa uu ka mid ahaa labo urur oo horey si wadajir ah shuruud ugu xirey ka qaybqaadatashada doorashooyinka goloyaasha deegaanka. Ururka UDAD oo horey u qaadacay doorashooyinka Puntland ayaa hadda ka noqdey arrintaas waxaana ay doonayaan in ay ka qaybqaataan doorashooyinka, Shuruudihii ay ku xireen ayaa Guddoomiyaha ururkaas Siciid Faarax sheegay in qaar kamid ah loo ogolaadey sida in la dhisaayo Maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah iyo in shaqaalaha Doorashada qaybtooda la siin doono, inkasta oo aan la oggolaan shuruudo kale oo badan oo ay horey ugu xireen iyaga iyo ururka MIDNIMO. Ururka PDP ayaa la sheegey in Guddoomiyihiisi iyo kuxigeenkii PDP ay ku sugan yahay magaalada Gaalkacyo wadatashina halkaas uga maqan yahay, wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in PDP aysan ku qanacsaneyn sida wax u socdaan, waxaase waxkasta bedalay ururka UDAD oo hadda si toos ah u sheegey in ay doorashada qayb ka yihiin, waxaana dhici karta in arrintaasi saameyn ku yeelato wadatashiga u socda PDP Ururka MIDNIMO ayaa noqonaya mid cidla taagaan haddii ururada kale oo dhan isku raacaan in ay doorashada ka qaybqataan, qaar kamid ah Madaxda Midnimo Party ee Puntland ayaa ku doodaya in doorashadan ururka xukuumadda ee Horsed uu doonayo in uu ku shubto maadaama meesha laga saarey waxkasta oo doorasho xalaal ah ay ku dhici karaysey, taasna aysan qayb ka noqoneyn. Dhanka kale wareegto soo gaartey Horseed Media (Akhri) ayaa Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole ku sheegay in ay wadaan dhisamaha Maxkmadda dastuuriga ah ee Puntland waxaana la horgeynayaa fadhiga baarlamaanka ee 15 June 2013, laba todobaad ka hor marka loo ballansan yahay doorashooyinka goloyaasha deegaanka. Horseed Media 2013
  4. And the most honourable partner at the conference was Turkey.
  5. By listening to Bill Burns, US Deputy Secretary of State, who stood in for Kerry, I am growing less hopeful than I were before. Security, which replaced the infamous war on terror under Obama, seems to STILL be dominating the theme. Granted no other country commits more than the US in these efforts from Japan in the 40s to Germany in the 90s to Iraq to Syria in 2013.
  6. Uhuru : Xassan Sheekh waxaan ku balanay dhismaha Jubbaland Madaxweynaha Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta oo maanta hadal ka jeediyey shirkii London ayaa sheegey in shirkii Igad ee Ethiopia ay isaga iyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud ku heshiiyeen danaha muhiimka ah ee ka dhaxeeya labada wadan. Waxa uu sheegey in madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh uu ku casuumey magaalada Mombasa, kana wada hadleen dhamaan danaha ka dhaxeeya labada dal, oo ay koow ka tahay qorshaha xasilinta ee Igad, taasoo muhiimadda koowaad ay tahay dhismaha maamul goboleedyada oo ay Jubbaland koow ka tahay. Dhanka kale madaxweyne Uhuru ayaa sheegey in ay muhiim tahay in la celiyo qaxootiga tirada badan ee Soomaaliyeed ee dalkiisa jooga, balse ay tahay in si waqtiyeysan, oo nidaamsan loo celiyo.
  7. President Biindhe reiterates the core message of Khatumo and underscores the essence of its being in his first interview.
  8. Tillamook, Those are reasonable points.
  9. So finally the reer Gedo issue has been resolved and put to rest. All groups are now in accord with their delegates and MPs allocation. IGAD observers have arrived and the election commission is in motion. Let the presidential election begin.
  10. I hear the conversation inside the hall was not as amicable as the written communique seems to suggest. Word has it Hasan took an exception to points in the communique, and it was still passed without his input. A worrisome sign akin to a cruising train with its supposed driver riding on with the passengers. So who is in driving seat then? The voices of the protesters are loud and clear, and could not be ignored. Hasan is in for a rough ride home and abroad.
  11. In all fairness, all I see is the good old carrot and stick economic politics at play. Any more readings into it is just guess-based commentary at best. Will have to wait to see how Hasan handles the Jubaland leadership once it has been annonuced in a few days. And more importantly, how the institution and capacity building initiatives take off.
  12. Thank you tho' without the Khatumo masses it is tasteless.
  13. Oodweyne, Aaah that would explain 'cos with Iraq out of the equation, and Syria collapsing with Israel picking at its military ediface, the US is putting its final touches to its grand plan of its next target, Tehran.
  14. I was agreeing with your assessment of the West's plan for Somalia, but the discussion was primarily to do with its implications on the ground, which is where Oodweyne and I disagreed. Again, not who got an upper hand, but its implications on the ground which is what matters the most.
  15. That is a good question, but I do not know. Do we know where he is? Detained by duties elsehwhere? Perhaps working on Phase 2 of US mission in Syria after Israeli bombardments. xiinfaniin;947054 wrote: Is it significant that US Secretary of State John Kerry did not attend the Conference ? Remember Mrs. Clinton attended London Conference 1
  16. I would also agree with this assessment. Mintid Farayar;947053 wrote: The raison d'être for this entire Conference is an attempt to marshall the different non-Somali initiatives ongoing in Somalia to fall in line behind the Anglo-American strategy for the region. Of these initiatives, there are many. There's a lot of foreign cash floating around Mogadishu(primarily coming from Muslim states flush with cash) which doesn't come through the financial monitoring mechanisms set up by the West thru the UN. There's the Kenyan-endorsed Jubba initiative which has its troublesome maritime boundary implications for the booming hydrocarbon industry in East Africa, there's Ethiopian disenchantment(the favorite surrogate of the West in the region when it comes to security issues/Al Shabaab) with diminishing military-budget support from both the EU and US.... and the list goes on..... All of these have the potential to upset and destabilize the Anglo-American blueprint for the region and Somalia
  17. I fear Faroole is a bit eratic and he might, just migh reverse the whole thing in the last hour. xiinfaniin;947024 wrote: Faroole agreed to principle demands from the opposition : 1) establishment of constitutional court, and 2) inclusive electoral commission.
  18. Agreed. I am harnesing for disappoint, if nothing else in turn out. if all goes well, well done to all, if not the expectation was not that high to begin with.
  19. To me it means one or two things. In the context of the Somali FG, it means the gov't put a plan forward, and made promises to commit itself to its implementation, therefore as the financier and backers of the gov't, "we welcome" translates to mean conditionally they [powers that be] are encouraging and supportive of the terms of the plan in front of them. And since the plan has not commenced yet, that support is contingent upon its successful implementation, Phase 1 => End. if they however deviate from the plan, then it is back to square one.
  20. Oodweyne, Actaully I am not. I am briefed on the issue, and am privy to the contentious issue at the heart of the rift between the two camps. The word "whose terms" speaks to the issue and gave rise to the conflict. But we seem to be in circle not developing the debate so let us leave there for now. I think you reading things in a back to front manner. Apparently I am reading it differently than you are which is only natural. let us agree to disagree and see what happens in the months to come. And by same token, there is nothing in here in which the designers abs organisers of Jubbaland agenda will find it as a endorsement of their agenda by any measure of reading that could be done in this communique."
  21. Oodweyne, Actually no 'cos the organisers have been saying loud and clear that they want the federal government to lead the conference, and for the FG to abide by the conditions put in place by the constitution. It is the FG which was reluctant to do its duty. They do have the right to form a state, but they never said they wanted no guidance from the center - that is far from the facts as they are known. I do not know whether it is a slip on your part, misunderstanding of the issue, or an intentional miscategorisation of the intents of the organisers. I will find Gaandhi and Axmed Madoobe, and Cali Madoobe's interviews. political designers of Jubbaland were basically saying we have a right to form our own federal state without so much guidance from the centre.
  22. UDAD is now on board and will participate in the the local council elections. An interview with its chairman. UDAD oo galaysa doorashada Urur siyaasadeedka UDAD oo horay u sheegay inaysan ka qayb galayn doorashooyinka dowladaha hoose Puntland ayaa galabta 07 May,2013 shaaciyey inay ka laabteen go'aankoodi ayna ka qaybgalayaan doorashooyinka. 30-ka June 2013 ayaa lagu wadaa inay dhacdo doorashada golayaasha deegaanka degmooyinka Puntland. Gudoomiyaha Urur siyaasadeedka DAD-ka Siciid Faarax Sanwayne oo la hadlay Radio Garowe ayaa sheegay inay aqbaleen ka qayb galka doorashooyinka soo socda ka dib markii la shaaciyey dhisitaanka maxkamada dastuuriga ah. ''Hadii aanu helnay maxkamadii dastuuriga ahayd oo aanu horay u codsaday aad ayaan usoo dhawaynaynaa diyaarna waanu u nahay inaan ka qayb galno doorashooyinka soo socda''Ayuu yiriSiciid Sanwayne. Siciid Faraax waxa uu sheegay inay maanta la shireen guddiga doorashooyinka Puntland,islamarkasna kala hadleen arimaha la xariira ka qaybgalkooda. Ururka Midnimo ayaa isna qaadacey doorashooyinka ,waxana idiin soo gudbin doona go'aankooda ku aadan ka qaybgalka doorashooyika soo socda.
  23. Oodweyne, Granted a great deal of goodwill was extended to the Somali gov't by the IC. will it, or how soon will it materialse is a question to ask. The issue of federal states is actually asigned to an independent commission, upper house comprising of heads of member states, and the parliament, as stated in the constitution. So in that regard, there is very little change any one can bring to bear unless the charter is tossed to the side, an insurmountable task at this juncture. So with regards to the Jubaland train, no discernable, substantive impact. The train will go on.
  24. Baashi, I am glad you are keeping the hope alive. I might not be quite on the same boat as you yet, but I am wishing for the best, altho' havng watched repeats of this movie so many times, I was awaiting a more substantive, less dramatic directorial debut. may be it is here and I am not recognising it, but for now, will park the motor in neutral till the end of the year. if I am wrong, it is good for the country and the people, but if not, then sh1te of a meal is being served one more time to the ever so suffering public. Add-on: The president comes across more of an activist than a leader among equals. It is fallacies and self-aggrandisations like this I dislike in Somali politicians. The cornerstone was laid in place in Arta in 2000, following by Eldoret in 2004, and Jibouti in 2009. It is the cummulative legacy of those years and men who came before him that gave rise to the current federal government. "In just one year the cornerstones of a new Somalia have been successfully and peacefully laid." Hmmm, "Progress has defied the skeptics. Somalia has rejoined the world community." What pricked my ear however was Cameron's use of these words "The government is moving ahead under the guidance of the UN, AU, and IGAD." A hint in there.
  25. My initial take-away points. It looks like the federal gov't made so many promises most of which had been welcomed except where the IC is making recommendations. Will the FG be able to deliver all those promises? Does it have the capacity and the human capital to deliver? And with the goodwill gone, and huge chunks of the public losing confidence in its ability, how will be able to turn the tide? Of the 6 pillars, the IC will focuses on capacity building in three areas: security, justice and public financial management. Inclusive politics, economic foundations, revenue and service will have to wait for now. And where will the capacity come from? Who will device and manage these organisations? The Federal Government appealed to its international partners to provide funding for Somali national plans. The Federal Government expressed its appreciation for continued bilateral support and asked partners to channel funding through mechanisms agreed with the Federal Government, such as the Special Financing Facility and the Rule of Law Fund, wherever possible. Where is a will, there is a way, but is the will there? We welcomed the Federal Government’s plans to resolve outstanding constitutional issues, including the sharing of power, resources and revenues between the Federal Government and the regions. But does the FG have the vision to establish working relationship with the regions? We encouraged the regions to work closely with the Federal Government to form a cohesive national polity consistent with the provisional constitution. Let us wait till December to see the results. Urged continued results-orientated support.