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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Nice development. the more the merrier and good for the local economy with employment for young people.
  2. O no, caught red-handed. indha adakaa, ileyn ceeb looma dhinto. we knew the secessionists were known for their 'tookh' and 'xayeysiis' and 'buunbuunin' where there is none, but when did they start fabricating facts and manipulating public records? I guess they have been bitten by the Ceelgaab bug. wow! And by the way, Boosaaso alone has half a million people, if not more. And one more correction. you have been lied to, Galkacyo is not divided into two halves. over 90% of the city is predominantly resided by Puntland, and I am being generous there.
  3. Cakuye waxaan wax kala garanayn. or are you all colour blind. There is a difference between sky blue, which is the Somali flag, and the blue navy of Texas, the old confederate flag. Texas flag
  4. And so continues the demonisation of the clan, and the search for a social identity which nicely fits in with the desired, sought after political identity, as favoured, and bought into by the students of colonial history and its political legacy.
  5. An important point to note is that the center can huff and puff for all it wants, but the it can longer dictate to the periphery which is where power is now concentrated. Arguing otherwise, going against the tide, and presenting counter-productive arguments are just futile. Up until the center accrues all the power in the land and can enforces its dictum unto the periphery, the center will just be as irrelevant as it is. The sooner Hassan and Co grasp that basic concept the quicker the country can move on.
  6. Samatar's most recent addition to the political discourse: colonial legacy is the only standard and acceptable measure for future political configuration of Somalia. Anything short of that is bad and unacceptable. History of the Somalis peoples prior to the European invasion is irrelevant, and so is the Dervish struggle and nationalist movement. The Act of union is is no longer binding, and the legacy of the civil war and what lead to the collapse of the nation state bear no relevance. let us see how long this self-induced illusions continue.
  7. So this could be the national commission then. if so I was floored by the crazy Somali phraseology where they do not know the difference between commission and committee. If so, I stand corrected.
  8. Annagaa balaaya aragnay. This question might have already been raised, but according to the constitution, before the committee for numbers and border (second) for federal member states could be appointed, a national commission (first) has to be appointed to study, compile and submit a report with recommendations to the Federal Parliament. are these people illiterate or are the making exceptions as they go along to fit their circumstances? Or have they done the first already in the middle of the night. strange. either way, it is a headache being Somali.
  9. The best solution is to for these regions to merge: Galgaduud, Hiiraan, South Mudug, and Shabeelada Dhexe to form a federal member state. May be an exception could be made in the constitution where two states could be created out of the 3 and half regions. let us see how it pans out, but as long as people are not fighting, are at peace with their neighbours, then we are making progress.
  10. Ximan & Xeeb is not even half of Galgaduud region also claimed by Galmiudug and Alhu-sunna, and does not meet the basic federal member state requirement of two (2) regions or more, but it is a grassroots initiative, therefore must be encouraged. They put their house in order. Other regions should follow suit.
  11. And the honeymoon period is over so soon. Now he is told he overstayed his visit and it is time to pack up and leave. What was that old saying "Kabash kabashta hore, dhabana hays baa ka dambayn".
  12. And now this nicely morphs into "hadal barad" corner. A B T J X KH ...
  13. What are you planning to ship small arms, amo and other hardware to Kismayo? Bloody stooges always sniffing about. Carafaat;960751 wrote: Does Africa Airways fly from Kismayo to Moqadisho?
  14. Your one-liners remind of Arnetta, a DJ in the Alabama who lost it on live air.
  15. Very clever, and now you are tempting fate. You see, you now present a predicament: shall i take you seriously and take you to task till you release "Mal" from both ends, or handle you gently like a budding sprinter on his first lap. I do not know, but I will let you have it your way. At ease now, private. Added on: And if I attempt to cipher the poorly penned algorithm in your message, I think it relates to an conversation concerning constitutional articles and their interpretation, but remember this: those on equal footing and of similar learning could engage in a meaningful conversation on any given subject matter granted both parties are privy to the fundamentals of the subject matter, but a novice and a heavy weight could hardly discuss ideas to a satisfactory conclusion. It is tiring, to say the least. How could I discuss legal statues, their interpretation, and constitutional articles with some who does not have the background, is not learnt on the subject, and thinks it is ok to pontificate to comes come home. come on. I can indulge, but can not teach you the ABC.
  16. Interesting. I did not read Mahiga's statement, but those lines are of interest. The problem is not with Fiqi, but with Ahmed Madoobe and Co. why even let him in the city. I say kick him, Baasto, Hiiraale, and rest of wannabees out of the city. You cannot have multiple talking heads in the same city, and expect to maintain law and order. Get the house in tight order, and then play niceties. These minnows never respect order, and only speak one language that of thrust and twist. Niceties are for civil people with brains thinking of the interest of the civilian population in a major cities whereas these are savages burning their prodigies and eating them alive. xiinfaniin;960706 wrote: This defense minister is a pure embarrassment wallaahi --his mighty labor of spending his precious time in Kismayo produced mr Baasto , and twenty deaths. And when the going gets tough he runs for cover in Kenyan barricades and sleeps in airport containers
  17. The grave concern is he does not seem to grasp it. if he did, the malaise could have been easily remedied, but he does not, and it is very worrisome.
  18. What is this? a child gargle. Why not go back to the kids corner and chit chat with them them, and let the grown-ups have serious talk. N.O.R.F;960686 wrote: Throw your toys out then
  19. Objectivity = based on real facts and not influenced by personal beliefs. Need I say more. And do not throw words around without fully comprehending their meaning, will you? It is a poor representation and an insult to the intellect. What facts do you bring to the table, may I ask? And how does a self-styled secessionist remain objective in a unionist discussion? What is your poison, lad? Or am I not supposed to lance the bile you are peddling day and night.
  20. Really. Have you ever heard of "Maroodigu takarta saaran ma arkee "? As you were then.
  21. His weakness, lack of leadership and double-talk is detrimental to the national interest, as he no longer has credibility on the issue, and has lost whatever goodwill extended to his government by the people, not just in Jubaland but in other regions of the country. In my opinion, he is no longer an honest representative of the interest of the people, but bids on behalf of a small group with vested interest. We have seen his hand, and the chips are down. Next one.
  22. Objective, eh? Pull the other way. A six-wheeler could easily find its way through your blindingly subjective slant insofar as objectively would have no a chance even it it queued for days for a hearing. N.O.R.F;960658 wrote: Being objective isn't being anti anything.
  23. This Iftiin guy reminds me of the nutter on the bus.
  24. One more interesting observation, more of an invention to titillate the tasty buds of this captive audience. The only genuine political stakeholders in Somali politics are North and South. According to him, let us embrace colonial legacy - history begins and ends with it, ignore the "Halgankii Gobanimadoonka", never speak of the history before the European vagabonds came, conquered and partitioned the land of the Somalis, ignore the Dervish struggles and the ensuing mayhem, death and destruction both in human and stock, and most of all speak not of the subsequent principal events of the past 20 plus years, particularly the political reconfiguration of the country, the legacy of the civil war none of which hardly matters in the equation. Do not I love it when people selectively freeze time and only concentrate as to what makes sense in their warped calculation. Here today, where tomorrow.
  25. Damn the internet and its fabrications. everyone has an opinion, formed in thin air mind you, even if he/she has not the faintest idea of the events on the ground. read a blog or two and voila, you are an expert.