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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. I see what you are saying, but I am having trouble following the logic of his argument. There is a reason why he is based in Mogadishu and all his press releases are coming from there and not from Galkacyo. it is one thing to make a claim for a city which is in the hands of another administration 95% and more but no make a claim for a whole region ... that is modern madness. I never heard Puntland claiming the nus-xaafad in Galkacyo resided by people of Galmudug so why is that not clear to this gentleman?
  2. So what does this group want? I am sure I am missing something. If the agreement says north Mudug belongs to its people and south Mudug belongs to its people. what is the issue? They do not want Hobyo and Xaradheere to join Puntland but they want Galkacyo, Galdobog, Jariiban and Xafto in Puntland to join them. is that the logic?
  3. They are heavily equiped. Where did they get the equipment from?
  4. correction. this is actually for 9 months April - Dec 2014.
  5. So you think $30 milyan for 12 months is not good enough for the state? what would you rather?
  6. And with these men in charge and working as a team, I do not think in lagu khasaari doono even if they may not perform miracles as expected by the general public. Dr. Gaas Eng. Camey Dr. Saadiq Eenow Shire H. Farah Ali H. Warsame Dr. Ali A. Fatah - if he is the scientist, then he is a great man to have on board. Ahmed Karaash Biindhe
  7. El Punta Let me explain so may be you can see where I am coming from. The job of the minister is to set the stategic policies of the ministry, and not run its day to day operations. that is the job of the director general or managers, therefore does not necessary have to be trained in the field, although it helps if he or she is, and as long as the minister can set the policies of the ministry, and he is a good manager, then he meets the requirement. for example, Juxa (education) and Cali A. Warsame (health) were the two most effective ministries of Faroole's cabinet. neither was trained in their field, but had a vision of the job, and both have done very well. Juxa was a journalist (masters in journalism) and Ali A. Warsame was an educationalist (PhD in education). so you see, it is all about your proficiency in getting the job done, and not your field of study.
  8. These are the ministries that matter: Planning, treasury, interior, security, education, health and justice. And true, 3 of the appointed ministries were presidential candidates, which does not disqualify them, but Dr. Eenow (a medical doctor), Shire H. (a successful financier and entrepreneur) and Ali H. (an educated young businessman) are very capable individuals who can carry the weight. are you disputing their proficiency?
  9. It shows Gaas thought long and hard about his cabinet, and as he said yesterday to the MPs, he formed a cabinet to achieve his strategic programme, satisfy his political base, and calm major constituencies. It is a blend of competent cadre of technicians for the coveted ministries that matter and a hotch-botch of political actors included to appease diverse constituencies for less coveted ministries and it might just work on all fronts. To me, these two posts will make or break his presidency if they are intended to do what I think they are. 1. Foreign envoy - Dr. Maxamed Cabbaas Cumar (Wasiiru dawlaha madaxtooyada iyo xiriirka caalamiga ah) 2. National envoy - Bashiir Cabdiraxmaan Xaaji Gurxan (Wasiiru dawlaha madaxtooyada iyo xiriirka gobolada). Best of luck to them.
  10. A good step forward, but these is a need for realism and the likes of Xaad need to step aside otherwise it will be another lost opportunity. why claim Marka and Baraawe? realism is needed in these conferences.
  11. Why not. look no further, the oil rich Gulf states were desert not so long ago. Hang on though, I thought the Foreign Minister was Bihi and Oomar was relieved of that post months ago.
  12. And who are these guys? 3-Cabdi-Xabiib Yuusuf Warsame: Wasiirka Qorsheynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ah. 5-Cabdiraxman Geedi- Wasiirka Amniga
  13. Orgies are 'xaaja rag' not to be tempted by wanna bees still nibbling unto the pacifier. Inanta, eh? To the contrary, SHE is no lady, but a 'baakhad aan abid dhiidhiibso la odhan' who had traded her boudoir for the bordello. And no you cannot re-brand HER, as a wholesome being, after you had disgracefully solicited her stale wares for the lowest bidder for a night of booty call. Tallaabo;968288 wrote: Not at all, because the troublesome husband has started an all-male orgy with his African neighbours. Inantani way tashatay;)
  14. Well, in that case Ms. feminazi, 'marka aad soo dhakhlayso ee ay dhabanadu ku dhilmaan' I'll see you then to administer the final dosage; now, spread the goodies a little farther, and go and arrange a booty call with an Arab sheikh for a bit an oil refill, if you know what I mean. why constrain yourself. Tallaabo;967988 wrote: Don't you realise the wife is a radical feminist and wants to have the final say about the ruined marriage? She already started an affair with her next door neighbour Mr Ethiopia and also had a one night stand with the French speaking younger bloke on the other side of the road- Mr Djibouti:D:D
  15. It is used in southern regions. It is not Swahili. it is not Oromo. moving along. I am not interested in your 'tookh' and fictitious chauvinistic clan arrogance. Anything else of value to add to the topic?
  16. "Ma noogo" is a Somali word meaning "ma daalo". who made you the bloody guardian of the Somali language. mise kan tuuladiina lagaga hadlo uun baad afSomali u taqaan. war dadkaan yaa soo balleeyey? Just 'cos you do not know or are not familiar with the word(s) does not mean it is not Somali.
  17. So much misinformation in these passages you just penned, but that does not interest me today. Prior to 1840, there were no such thing as 'both countries'. there were no two countries. there was the land of Somalis - one inhabited related and connected tribes from one corner to the other, fully knowing who was who, who resided where, and from what well(s) each tribe went for its water rationing. The land was demarcated along nomad, clan, and pastoral lines, and still is with some adjustments. No different from the English shires before the Norman Conquest. The idea is to get you acknowledge the land and the people have always been Somalis, and their history and culture did not begin with the colonisers. They were, and shall be. We (Somalis) fought against colonial legacy, shed blood for the land, and refused colonial indoctrination. We cannot be proud of it, and it might be part of our dark history, but we refuse to use it as guiding light to shape our future, or principles to die by, or principal reference in political conversations. You, on the other hand, were on the opposite side of that history for a while, and are still adamant. is the argument clear now?
  18. How about we look past 1960, and study the history of the Somali people before 1840, when the European vagabonds come, saw, and conquered Somali territories? How about we toss the colonial history and legacy, which you are so fond of, in the dustbins where it belongs, and have a genuine discussion about Somali territories, history and culture in the eyes of the Somalis? Or is that too inconvenient for your version of events? How about we set aside the one-sided, home-grown historical spins and revisions only there to suit your desires, which ignores others' wishes? A classic case of the ugly cat calling the kettle black. Think about that, O' not so wise one. Xaaji Xunjuf;967799 wrote: This is the most important point , something pseudo clan nationalists try to forget , Former Somali republic= Somaliland state Somalia state Somalia state Somalia What were these regions before 1840? 1. (a) The State of Somaliland and the State of Somalia do hereby unite and shall forever remain united in a new, independent, democratic, unitary republic the name whereof shall the SOMALI REPUBLIC. Once we have done that, then we can talk about the 1960 union, its conditions and provisions thereof. till then, as you were.
  19. Actually it is about teaching the young ones the art of fair play and gentlemanly gamesmanship. no lying, cheating or fabricating. just fair play.
  20. And why not. what is wrong with that? They are allies, are not they? when one comes under attack, the other comes to its rescue. The Mogadishu gov't armed and financed Hiiraale, Baasto and co. to destablise Kismayo. did you ask yourself why? or were you in a state of self-imposed stupor with your head up your 1rse? Before you huff and puff, just view things from the other side. it awalys helps. it is called 'gar naqsi' before you embarrass yourself in public. This is the weirdest of all logic. how does someone from Ceelbuur, with his toe nails still sandy-red, tell someone born and bred in Calanley, dhoof baad ku timid, and do it with a straight face. i do not follow. malistar2012;967250 wrote: Ciiddamada iyo Hubka ay Diyaaradaasi usoo qaaday Kismaayo, ayaa waxaa ku wehliyay Saddax Sarkaal oo ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland, kuwaasoo ay wararku sheegayaan inay koontorooli doonaan Ciiddamadda la socda Diyaaradda.
  21. Excellent move. now let us extend that and do the same with Galmudug, Ximan iyo Xeeb, Hiiraan, Bay, Bakool & Sh. Hoose and further afield until Xamar comes to its senses. change come from the periphery to the centre and not vice versa.
  22. This is more troubling for the Mugadishu gov't than the central bank fiasco. now the West will turn a cold shoulder and freeze the funds. Jubaland has become Xasan's Achilles's heel. will he recover in time or even sink in even deeper? time will tell.