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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. SO, finally the terminal construction has been completed. I must say it is a good beginning and much better than expected. Let us hope phase II for the extension and airport building will be as good.
  2. Bosmanoglu, Are you sure you are a genuine Turk? I ask 'cos you must be the first English speaking Turk I have come into contact in a long time, barring an old mate from university, including inhabitants of North London. Plus your disposition, approach, and general predilection to politics is highly UnTurkish. Am I paranoid?
  3. This is democracy in practice. Good progress all round.
  4. See, haddana haadaan kale ayaad isku qaaday. War ilayn annagaa bela aragnay. The point was to demonstrate how easy it is to point fingers and make claims, but when push comes to shove and you are asked to produce proof and evidence, you throttle yourself as if committed to geriatric respite. From my experience, I have listened to stories of and about corruption in all cities I visited. I have tried to compile concrete, tangible evidence to that regard in both regions, but other than immaterial incidents, I could not find material evidence of corruption. I observed disorder, lack of technically proficient workforce, poor hygiene, and many other things uncommon in developed nations. And for disclosure, I am not an auditor and my time in my target places was limited. Is that to say there is no corruption. Definitely not. Does it mean it epidemic. I do not know. Again, if you have got substantive data to share, let us hear it. If not, and until you have taken the trouble to do so, then exercise humility, wisdom and refrain from making allegations. <cite> @nuune said:</cite> llyria, okey sxb, Putland wax musuq kama jiro, now you are very happy, intaas baad rabtaa soo ma ahan, wa kaas, ka dharag hee, sidii cayaalkaad iila hadleysaa, hadaad rabto officialska magacyadooda I told you and said to you: "waa kulligood from wasiir to agaasimo, all officials", marka qof xamaasadeysan oo oranaya yaan Puntland waxba laga sheegin wax aan kala doodaya ayaaba khalad ah marka adeer Puntland waa ceeb-ka-saliim ee sidaas ku wardi.
  5. Nuune, Adigaa xanta iyo annaaniyada inoo keenay, haddii aanad caddayn karin, in aad ka laabato ama aad tiraahdo, waxaa la igu yiri ayay ahayd. Waar ka joog haadaanta ayaan ku leeyaahay, adna waad isa sii maqiiiqaysaa. U fiirsa hadda, waxaan ku weydiiyey in aad cadayma keento, illayn ku tiri ku teen shir la lama yimaadee, markaasaad aflagaado miciin biday. U fiirso tuhunku xaqiiq ma aha. Waxaa la yiri iyo waxay tahay farqi weyn ayaa u dhexeeya. Marka intaad dib isugu laabato, sharafta adna ha iska qaadin, annana karaamada ha naga diline, musuqa aad soo aragtay noo sheeg oo noo tax. Halka aad ku aragtay? Cidda gashay noona sifee. Hadii aanad sidaa yeeli karin, ina adeer billaahi ihaanada inaga daa, garaadkana ha naga dhaawicin.
  6. That is a great platform to run, and those are good principles to found a political party, so go for it, and best of luck. A couple of things to warn you of: a) seek knowledge and wisdom before fame and fortunate, b) leave out the "racial rhetoric - white this and that", and c) to find solutions to problems incl. financial, societal, technological etc., in Islam, study/devour it (do not just read it only to use it a peg to hung your coat on, and only to be whipped out as a escape-goat when all else fails). <cite> @maxamed-maxamed said:</cite> Ideology: 2) Pan-Somalism "Somali Nationalism" 3) Anti- imperialism 4) Single-party state 5) Protectionism (Economic policy): This has been my economic goal for Somalia, to see protectionism in our country. This is all to protect our infant economies from imports, competition, world market, etc... 6) Pro-Nationalization (Economic policy): Nationalizing of all industries. 7) Anti-Laissez-faire 8) Pro-Unity 9) Scientific Socialism (“My kind of Socialism”) etc............
  7. All I have seen in Somalia from Borama to Galkacyo was potential, progress, and hard-working people striving. Yes, there is poverty, lack of proficiency, lack of industry, technical, skilled workforce, but a society trying to move ahead. But despite all of that, the average person has 'qanaacah' and better outlook than those in the Diaspora.
  8. Wow, Somalidu waa cajiib. Have you seen Omar Samatar secondary school in Galkacyo? If so, you would know this building is designed in the same way as the school. Or is this a case of "rahii ceelka inta ka bannaan uun u haystay dunida oo dhan"? <cite> @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:</cite> This looks like the prefabricated, American-built houses of Baay Project of Baydhabo in 1980s for shaqaalihii dowladda. Qofkii arkaa garanaayo.
  9. Again, unsubstantiated, sweeping corruption allegations abound just like any other Somali; can you give numbers, incidents, amounts, names of the now-rich ministers and directors you speak of? Or is this "islaamaha suuqa fadhiya hadlakoodii?" Wax sheegga aan xaqaa'iqa ku salaysnayni waa annaaniya cudur ku ah bulshooyinka faqriga ah oo meel walba wax ka tuhma, cid kastana wax ku tuhma. <cite> @nuune said:</cite> ... xageed ku aragtey wasiiradiisa qaarkood oo sanad iyo badh wax ka yar joogey ay qaarkood dhisteen laba laba guri, iibsadeena saddex saddex gaadhi landcruiser ah, iska daa wasiiree, agaasimayaal ayaa laba laba baabuur maraya iyo guryo already iibsadey, and no, this is not their salary, their salary can't buy all that, these things need to stop and this money need to be invested where it is needed.
  10. Wow, Somalidu always surprise me with their negative observations of all things, and sweeping allegations of corruption everywhere. Is this guy talking about the same presidential compound in Garowe which I have seen a couple of months ago, or is he talking about a second one? Architectural and design-wise, I would not call it a palace at a par with Buckingham palace or Windsor castle, but it is a solid compound, nicely looked after, and in a strategic location in an area designated for government offices, by Puntland's first president, away from residential area. And in my humble estimation, much better than Vila Xamar. Have you even seen the inside of the place? Can I ask what measurements and benchmarks you used to assess the building? A warehouse, it is not. In a terrible state, it is not. <cite> @nuune said:</cite> The presidential palace in Garowe cannot be described as a palace, but rather a warehouse used for storage, I know they only built it recently, but it is in a terrible state, only one who have seen would say that, ask the locals, they will tell you that their houses are much better than the presidential palace.
  11. I am more concerned with the cause and effect rather than the spinoff aftereffect.
  12. A case of the age old phenomenon of convincing the victim to being the villain, and brainwashing him to the extent of branding himself as such, and going so far as to assuming the role of perpetrator to exact punitive damages for his wrongdoings against himself. And all the while, the true villain is on standby watching the fracas among the patsies. go figure.
  13. I know i ma trying to apply logic where there is none. And as the old saying goes "waa duul inta miyirka qabtaa dayaysan tahay."
  14. By far the most bizarre development coming from the central regions. This must be a classic case of "ku qabso ku qadi mayside". Indha adayg iyo qar iska tuur dharaar cad iga dheh. Caqli dhicisoobay iga dheh. Could someone explain how the new State wants to bring North Mudug under its control when they do not want South Mudug under Puntland? Could someone else please explain why Puntland never claimed South Mudug, yet the people from South Mudug (Galmudug and Ximan iyo Xeeb) claim North Mudug? Very confusing.
  15. Being a pirate is a badge of honour if one is a bona fide Somali whose natural resources are pillaged, coasts topography turned into toxic and chemical waste dumping ground, coral reefs liquidated, waters polluted , future generations intoxicated etc. But then again, to know that would require one to have a functioning brain. Not that CNN-watching, propaganda regurgitating, coolay drinking, feckless, coach potato minions, claiming to be Somalis, while calling the de facto Somali coastal guards pirates, would know that.
  16. What if Somalis are, by nature, predisposed to being federalist - talo-wadaag shir iyo shawr?
  17. War kan yari af xumaa miyaan loo istijoon markii uu uur galay?
  18. Did you by any chance read the article referenced in the press release? "The Government of Puntland strongly supports and will safeguard the principles of federalism in the Federal Republic of Somalia and the working relations among and between federal member states per Article 50, section © of the Federal Provisional Constitution." If no, may i suggest you do. If so, you would know there is more to it than meets the eye and has very little to do with tribal allegiance, as you put it. As the old saying goes: tuuji caqliga duf ku baxe.
  19. Thank you. That is good info. I read the profile of the company and based upon the projects they have taken on so far, I think they can pull it off.
  20. It is a major undertaking to say the least, and there must be State backing of a project of that magnitude. Where is Gaas getting all the funds 'cos there are many public investment projects going on in Puntland than anywhere else. Turkey, the only honest broker, seems to have halted its public investment projects in Xamar. anyone knows why?
  21. Anyone know who is financing the Bosaso port project? 200 million is no small feast.
  22. That is what happens when there is no viable economic blueprint, feasible revenue generating strategy other than seeking foreign donations, meagre resources, no tax systems or public finance institutions to speak of coupled with hyperbolised projected annual budget of 180 million when actual revenues are well below 30 million. This is the case for all Somali pseudo polities including the federal admin in Xamar. A slight improvement than the yesteryears in some aspects, but bleak, unsustainable and precarious.