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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Your friend might be adorning dim shades with his viewing matters through a prism of doom and gloom. A couple of differing points: a) Ina Cambaashe is in poor healthy, and have lost most of his militia to "Fool-H*wiye" & "Dhegaweyne", who made up the other pillar of the then alliance. Outside of Gooja-cadde & Tukeraq, SL militia is almost non-existent, and once a scheduled wave of SSC militia attacks commence, the threat landscape, and by extension reality on the ground, shall look much different from Hargeysa through the said prism. The greatest fear of those closest to the inner Sool circle, and the only way the status quo could remain so, is if there is a split amongst the Garaado with ina Garaad Ismaciil doing what he always does, ina Garaad Cali reverting to his old ways, and the rest doing what they usually do. I know that is saying something, and not saying much, but there you have it. b) With respect to Xasan Sh, the misguided Al shabab campaign was never his then, and has no plan now. Like the Taliban, Al shabab is doing what they always do: hibernate a little waiting out till the brouhaha subsides, only to return to take over; they have already made a return to districts in Hiran just outside of Beledweyn. From what I have seen in Xamar, life is as good as it could have been, and no one wants, or cares if Al shabab is gone, or not. In other words, this is just a a rehearsal for a show, which was never intended for the big screen.
  2. Of course, one could challenge rational, if opposing arguments with validity, but not "dheelalaw dhallaan oo dharaar cad dhigaysan". Poor, innocent civilians, in their homes, are being shelled every day for no reason. And trying to make sense of the illogically obtuse "cay ee ay walhinayaan" @Xaaji X @Oodweyne is an insult to the Neanderthal intellect, let alone evolved humanoids. Come now, do better.
  3. @Che -Guevara, @galbeedi Yours is not patience per se, but something else, which I can not put my finger on --- why continue entertaining kuwan muqlaysan ee aad moodo in geel-ka-cabaajis qooqani qaniintay.
  4. Been waa dhaaftay tani. If you actually listen carefully, you will have spotted his contradicting himself: he said 'we had a tough battle with PL', and then said, 'we never fought PL'. Alzheimer's working wonders. And by the way, it has been suggested this video was recorded a whole ago, and was only released now as fodder to patch the visible fissure amongst the confused public.
  5. You seem to have missed the material value of his message, and are instead focused upon the less material nuance. Both Xamze, and Hasan Sh. said what was asked of them. End of.
  6. What money? A beggar bagger playing pretence repartee to perforate the psyche of the bamboozled public in the triangle, unable to attend to their plight, yet presents himself as the grand padre reincarnation.
  7. Not only bigger, but equally as influential, if not more, with a historical mandate to carry it forth.
  8. The delusion in, and gall of, some people, never seizes to amaze.
  9. Galbeedi, I too am convinced the Federal state sentiment to be gaining momentum, and it is as if Xamze, and Xasan Sh. are finally waking up from their self-induced stupor to the horrors visited upon innocent civilians in Las Anod.
  10. Dear Galbeedi, Is your PL friend by any chance a resident of Nairobi? Or a fat cat suckling unto a padded tit adorned with glossy lipstick? I ask, for he comes across as a darn revisionist in his thinking, a sentiment shared by others of his leanings including some of SSC folk. His analyses is stale, if left-leaning, and is speaking from a position of expired logic, if mental retardation. Today's SSC is not quite that of Galaydh's Khaatumo, is led by Garaado, and is harder to break their will, and resolution. PL is weakened with pychopathic Deni, alienating regions, at its helm, and so is SL with schizopherenic Bihi killing its people one region at time, and managing to keep HYonis out of its sphere, both of which play to SSC's advantage. PL admin has a single role: that of supporting SSC, and if unable, PL people & Issims shall step in, as they are doing at the moment, to usher SSC in out from the cold. The future if SSC is no longer at the mercy of villa Garowe or Xamar, but at Las Anod, something your PL friend failed to consider, and whilst their support is of value, it is no longer as critical as it perhaps once were. The campaign to recognise SSC as a polity on its own merit, has already begun with Issims and political classes elsewhere receptive to the idea, where if the needed support is being secured, softer landing at its desired destination is expected. Tough indeed the goings shall be, but lessons from the recent past shall help sail the SSC ship to a safe ground. The most viable option for SSC is that of a provisional Federal State similar to those satellite admins in Jawhar & Beledweyn. Short of that is unacceptable. GalMudug, carved out of S Mudug is a State for a reason, and so is Delaware. As for Jabutawi's bellowings post lengthy khat-induced late night sessions, he is merely speaking to his former Yardie bosses in the blunt language they understand, which is not a concern for SSC folk.
  11. People in Sanaag i.e. Badhan, Dhahar, and Buraan participating in voter registration. Laas Qoray, Hadaaftimo, and other districts coming.
  12. Sooner, not later, HWal boys will miss their dear mothers, get homesick, abandon their post, and go home with their tail between their legs. I am counting the days. When the day comes, let us hope you grow some balls, and accept the reality, and not bore us with your usual 'it is a war strategy' diatribe.
  13. Mods must have changed the name, as his real name is Fool-H@wiye. The landscape has shifted, and some n Hargeysa are having trouble accepting the reality on the ground. But hey, let them continue dreaming on.
  14. Trouble is he no longer has an army to speak of, or terrorise people with, with militia loyal to Fool-Mogadishu Clan & Ina Cambaashe switching to the SSC side. You think HAwal militia alone have the numbers, could, or even know how fight?
  15. Your analyses is sound, if somewhat idealistic, but let me point out a couple of things: a) The SL project was weakened, and indeed on a deathbed, the day HYonis walked away from it, and for good, documented reasons, which I do not wish to revisit. Majority of their elites are found in Xamar, and elsewhere in Somalia with a handful small scale business owners, and their families left in Hargeysa. Again, this was the educated, and the de facto political class, and leaders of SL. That was a clear sign for SSC that SL is now a Hargeysa-centric project with little, if any future of survival. As you put it, there is no honour amongst thieves, and with Bixi, Kahin & Co. at its helm, this rudderless ship is headed ashore. Let us wish it a soft docking. b) Wants it, or not, the Federal government will have to accept SSC, if so is the desire, and the outcome of the Las Anod Conference. c) PL has no say on the matter, and the only card, and the right one, they can, and should play is to support the desire, and outcome of the Conference, which most likely will end up with an SSC Statehood. d) There are ongoing discussions to bring reer Sanaag into the fold, with the expectation of their joining being highly probable more so now than back then when Dr. Galaydh hijacked the Khatumo project, slew, and buried it in a dingy hotel in Hargeysa. Postscript: This was by the far the most honest, realistic, if reflective I have seen Oodweyne being in his entire existence. With time, I suppose one matures.
  16. Actually, it never was, but then it might be a generational thing.
  17. I did not realise he is a known commodity for dipping into that odorous, if delirious well so conspicuously.
  18. 3eyb 3alayk ya miskin ma3ruf. ista7yi 3ala wayhak. My Somali might not be as good as yours, but "gobol kee ka timid?" does not mean "qolamaad tahay?". When I meet with Somalis in the diaspora, I always ask them, which region they come from, and I never mean "qabiilkooda" unless of course that is the current vernacular for the gen Z crowd, in which case, then "rabbanaa yahdiikum".
  19. Actually there were 11 of them who won in MN, OH, and ME. Here are some of them. Well done to them all. I would have more preferred had they been scientists and engineers, but that too will come in time Insha'Allah. And I might add, as Americans, we are very proud of them all.
  20. I am assuming there are the same people who have been arguing "If the Afrikans are removed from power in S. Africa, and ANC takes over the leadership, the county shall cease to exist". In other words, apartheid had to be maintained for the sake of S. Africa, as British politician and business leaders used to proclaim, and defend the apartheid government. Worse though Afrikans (indha adayg), Indians (subaacnimo koronkoro kor u dhaaftay), and even educated Africans (baffoonery) making those arguments in the late 90s at the African Centre at Covent Gardens, London. Surely, we know better than that.
  21. I do not understand the question "maxaad soo kordhisay"; could you elaborate?
  22. As a student of history, I must remind you, whilst conditions on the ground are truly bad in occupied Somali territories, things are better than they were 20 or even 10 years, and the weaker the Somali nation state, the worse their condition.
  23. O' yes, be ware of the "dilaaliin", for they will try to sell you the moon in a broad daylight.