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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. The idea is NOT to destroy SL, but to keep it at peace, and bring its leadership to see sense, and with G*rxajis at its helm, it could realise its full potential, whether that is as a Federal Member State, or a State of its own, and on its own: one, which does not seek to force its political desire upon the citizen. I believe in self-reliance, and self-sufficiency for all Somalis. They can not impose upon SSC, or Awdal to come along on a deadly adventure. If the triangle wishes to go it alone, so be it.
  2. It does matter, when it did NOT happen.I could tell you what actually happened, but then that would be telling, would not it? Your leaders, and commanders are feeding you porkies. Any how, let us clear the field, and you, G*arxajis folk, could salvage what is left of SL. We will not even ask for gratitude.
  3. See, therein lies the nub; you seem to be mixing things up, as one would be expected when one is not dealing with facts. a) This gentleman in the video is from Mudug, and his unit is stationed at Gooja Cadde. Surely, he could not be at both places on the same day, unless of course he grew feathers, and learnt how to fly. b) The unit your commander is referring to is from Nugaal, and is stationed at Tukaraq. So, which is it?
  4. See, that is just a made-up name. I shall glance at the said video, and docs.
  5. We shall let you spin it your way. In the interim, we have got weapons to collect.
  6. Their names, please? Whom did you kill? And whom did you capture? I know those officers.
  7. So says the man, who started shelling civilians, hospitals, and hotels on day one. They shall come a day, when that conversation shall be had, but not today.
  8. The leader of the unit in question is back in Tukeraq, and I could tell you his fullname. Yes, they had some action, with minimal damage, and are back to their barracks, but then again, that is what your leaders are feeding you, is it?
  9. Not even the close. Shall I tell you how I know? The units you encountered earlier today were reer Nugaaleed, whereas the gentleman in question is reer Mudug. Notice any trouble with your story? With respect to forces, I could tell, having visited PL's bases in Godad & Bixin on one hand, and one of ina Cambaashe's bases on the other, there is a clear distinction where the former looked better organised, if well-fed. But then again, SL's state of the art, futuristic army is tonight surrounded at Gooja Cadde whereas PL's Gen. London is enjoying a quiet eve at 54. That does paint two wholly different pictures, does not it? Again, reality vs fantasy. Yet you lot fails to suss out as to the game being played. And by the way, Las Anod is very quiet tonight
  10. If nubile brides fail to conceive in Hargeysa, it must be PL's doing. Oh I see, as usual Oodweyne is having trouble differentiating fallacies on the home front from facts on the ground; the original poster claims the gentleman in question is one of Odawaa's, yet Oodweyne spins it as PL's; I bet you do not even know whom Odawaa is. There are clan militias allied with SSC on the ground, but no PL forces. Thanks for Intel, by the way, very valuable.
  11. Just like ina Cambaashe, ina Dawdar is not an honourable man, with zero moral compass, and is a lackey till the day he dies. His is damage control.
  12. A day of two stories: i) SSC boys had a good day to be inked in the annuls of history. ii) Secessionists will never forget the skinning visited upon them in and around Gooja Cadde.
  13. I hear similar sentiment from sympathetic quarters, but I shall squat on the fence till the fat bird bellows. Are you seriously thinking he'll return to Hargeysa after that interview?
  14. Sod this sap. Sod this sap. All he is doing is salvage his political career, if ever he had one.
  15. No, they are calibrating their drones, fighter jets, and B-52s to air bomb invading terrorists, as they solidify their buffers to defend Ethiopia, and Jibouti.
  16. Now that they are surrounded, and scattered between Goojacadde and Tuula samakaab, let us see how they counter oncoming, fresh fighters.
  17. It is surrounded by fresh arrivals from Sanaag & Mudug with Nugaal boys already in position awaiting the green light.
  18. Indeed a bad day to be a secessionist lackey, and a great day to be with the SSC fighters.
  19. It was a brief encounter, but bountiful. Ina Cambaashe removed from the city, and his weapons have been reallocated to their rightful custodians, Garaads.
  20. Held accountable indeed, and thanked in person once convicted for war crimes.
  21. UN Security Council calls for SL to withdraw its militias from LasAnod,