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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Imagine if these twats had the means, and wherewithal to do that which they so fervently parrot, ad nauseam, they will do; that speaks volume as to their ill intent, but then again, when one has the upper hand at the front, where it trully matters, yet squatting, at will, on their psyche, one does not mind their drivel. They are the emblematic supine cravens, where when slapped hard, they tuck tail soiling their nether regions, yet begging their master for mercy, as shown by their foot soldiers at the front; online they act as if warriors at the Matrix marshalling spacecrafts seeking easy pickings, yet they can not even feed their militias starving, and in turn abandoning their posts in droves.
  2. Oh I see you are still guiding those f-15 Eagles, and supersonic fighter jets from Mars. 'Ilayn af laba daan lehi, wax uu ku hadlo ma waayo'. I would not be as boastful if I were you, considering the reality on the ground is not quite in your favour. I would have thought, by now, you will have learnt your lesson, and come down to planet earth, but I see, you are in need of more lessons. And so it shall be. I can almost envisage your blabbering and bellowing, with the sharp end of the sword balanced right at the centre of your cape, " caaaac .... I can go to Garowe", quickly followed by "Oh noooo, please abti, have mercy".
  3. They are hiding amongst the soldiers to avoid snipers. Plus, I think they got intel they are being hunted. Many of their junior officers, and missile launchers had been taken out by snipers.
  4. Gents, You missed the signal; Oodweyne here is trying to communicate with the tolka stuck in-between from 'Bali Dhiig' to dash over the border to 'Gaashaamo', and join the registration at once.
  5. See, you are still counting bogus numbers in one hand whereas we lost count as to the many buried from your side let alone the ones, which had been handed over to the tolka, and many given a safe passage back home. These are the top prizes we are now after, and Commanders at the front are distributed their latest photos to identify them on sight. And here are the boys put in charge of the hunt.
  6. Sadly so, but the Garaado are trying their darn best to minimise human loss on both sides, which is admirable, but must recognise when dealing with a psychopath, who shows no care for human life, there is only one way out. In crisis negotiation, one must explore all avenues, yet know when to pull the plug.
  7. It looks like Muse does not want to peacefully remove his militias to Oog, and with negotiations failed, it is time to apply force and kick secessionists out of SSC.
  8. Imagine what the secessionists would have done had one-third of Harti, let alone Darod, came to Las Anod; probably sharting till rain pours to cleanse their soil. Can not make up this shite.
  9. Oh they are serving the public falsities, and half-baked truths, as SSC Alliance agreed with SSC Garaado & Leadership Council to halt their advances, and has not since fired a single madfac.
  10. It does have one, but is in poor condition, and has not been maintained.
  11. Indeed so, and Garaado and Leadership Council did not even entertain. In a nutshell, Biixi was told to save his boys.
  12. Here is the latest; I am sure Oodweyne will fabricate raw intel only whispered in the yellow corridors of villa Morgan. The U.S. put Ethiopia in charge of negotiations between SSC and SL with meetings being held in Hargeysa at first, and then in Garowe, where SSC Garaado, and Leadership Council arrived to hold meetings with US Ambassador to Somalia via Zoom, and Ethiopian delegation in person. SSC stance: i) Remove SL militias from SSC territories, with Oog being their nearest bases, ii) No negotiations shall commence till (i) has been satisfied, iii) SSC is part of Somalia, is not, has never been, and will never be part of SL, iv) Negotiations could ONLY commence post satisfying (i), (ii), and agreeing to (iii), and could take place at a neutral venue to be agreed upon at a later time. SL stance: i) Agreed to relocate its militias to Tuula Samakaab, ii) Demanded all non-SL militias pull out of Las Anod, ii) Suggested negotiations with SSC to take place inside SL.
  13. Waar kaagan yaree xiiqsani bal cagta u yare dhig, noo kaadi, kuwiinii yare miyirka qabay ayaannu wili cilaaj ku kari la'nahaye.
  14. Oodweyne, I happen to know Gaarhaye being a HYonis pro-unionist gent, a bit soft in the head, but an all right fellow. In the meantime, keep entertaining yourself, but once you sense the warmth of the sword on your nape, remember to smile back at your slayers in Las Anod.
  15. @maakhiri1At this speed, they will very soon be drafting Oodweyne to the front.
  16. It is rather embarrassing, to say the least, to observe the difference between reinforcements on the two sides. On the SL side, I see fat guys dressed as security guards on civilian xaajiyad khamsiin clearly unprepared, and afraid, whereas on the SSC side I see hardened fighters giving thumbs up.
  17. In 15 days, the blessed Republic lost the following towns: - Laascaanood - Taleex - Xudun - Boocame - Widhwidh - Tukaraq - Kalabaydh And they are now 40+ km from Oog, and 70+ km from Caynaba. That is some tiger style winning ala Charlie Sheen, but hey who is counting. And now we hear ina Bootaan has been relieved of his commission, and replaced with C/llahi Suufi. Let us see what magic lotion he serves.
  18. I think it'll a miracle if your militias make out of Gooja Cadde safe, and with their weapons. That I'll consider a win. So, I see you have been a good pupil, and paying attention. Good lad. Yes, jiidda buuraha Xargaga - Canjiid shall be the theatre of war. Indeed, the wind is blowing one direction: northwesterly. Again, in a matter of days, going from having 20+ bases, and a standing army of 10,000 to being reduced to a ragtag Maryacalas now holed up in Gooja Cadde, and yet still boasting about winning, now that takes some sorcery stuff you have been sniffing (now you see, now you do not - magic, not even mystic Meg could manage that). That, my good lad, is beyond marqaan. Let us not abuse the proverb: Fardo la isugu joogo, maxaa la isaga faanin. Let me offer you a rather befitting one: Lax dhukani abaar moog. Slowly process that. Postscript: I notice Oodweyne is remaining true to self, and repeating his famous, if amateur mistakes in writing along with a whole new set of missteps and sidesteps; not trembling with fear of what is to come, and forgetting your alphabet, are you, mate? Promise, local lads will be gentle.
  19. Put Oodweyne's gyrations to aside ---- That dark circle is Gooja Cadde, the only base left for them, is where SL "flying special forces" are hiding in their bunkers. Let us see how long they can stay there, and how they get out. Remember, ina Bootaan, now serving as their Supreme Commander whilst Nuux Taani recovers from sustained wounds on the rear end, was saying: a) "he was not leaving Tukaraq a few days ago", b) yesterday he said "he was defending Sool", and c) today he is leading their rescue team in retreat to get out of Gooja Cadde alive. By the way, their rescue team contacted Garaado asking for a way out. They were told to talk to the SSC Commanders at the front, who instructed them: leave the weapons, and then you could go home. Muuse Biixi is ordering them not to surrender the weapons. How does SL go from boasting about having 10,000 strong, professional army in Sool to being reduced to Maryacalas ragtag, sandal-wearing militias hiding in bunkers in Gooja Cadde, yet still remain cocky, and pontificate. I suppose marqaan induces one to do, and say boastful utterings.
  20. Your boys are in a tight spot, and SSC lads are coming for them.
  21. No, you are only facing two-thirds of SSC with support from a small fraction of Harti. Now that we are engaging in hypothetical scenarios of 'ifs', and 'whats', let me ask: when HJeclo boys have had enough of the 'Caana ka dhan' lads, and tuck tail, as expected, joining their HAwal comrades under the trees, what will become of you? Have you got a plan in place to salvage what is left of the blessed Republic?
  22. Muse Biixi now blaming Nuux Taani for his abysmal murderous adventures, whom he dismissed, and is no longer in charge. Ina Bootaan now placed in charge as the Supreme Commander of the armed flying special forces of the blessed Republic of SL. Whilst on the other hand, SSC Leadership Council is busy with: a) Humanitarian initiatives, and b) Post conflict strategy in Las Anod.
  23. Let me give the other side: Because your lot are surrounded, a suicide attempt was staged today to create an opening so reinforcements could reach Gooja Cadde; Maryacalas from Oog and Caynaba joined the front, the only infantry left of your "powerful national army". Most of the action took place at Buuraha Xargaga - Canjiid. Senior SL officers killed on today's encounter: - Baashe Fanax - Maxamed Sudani Adam Bakeri - Maxamed Birjeex Geesaweyne If that was the fate of the officers, what do you think about the foot soldiers left behind dead and wounded. SL kidnapped 7 young men working at the main Las Anod power station; they killed one, where the others had been rescued. Faysal Cabdi Bootaan, the only senior commander left of SL's commanders, is NOW the next target.
  24. No, Gen. Jimcaale is not dead. Yes, his unit was in action today, met with resistance, and changed locations, but he did not die. He is not the sort of a soldier whose death could be fabricated. Next!
  25. You f*cking moron, you shell, and bombard innocent civilians with some of the dead yet to be buried, and you have got the gall to call it a "misunderstanding". That is psychotic, inflammatory, if brainless diatribe.