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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Good analyses. While I ruminate, could you reflect on what is brewing in Ceerigaabo?
  2. It does not appear so, and if anything his star seems to have been shining by a mile. Some of the polls give him a tiny lead, whereas others place Kilicdaroglu ahead by a couple of points.
  3. Signs look promising. Agreed, Xamar is improving rather well, and I think in a few years down the road, local council elections could be held in Xamar too.
  4. I agree Deni had been granted a new lease of political life, and could do no wrong according to his fan base. Looking forward to your analyses. In the meantime, we shall have to do with Gooni's disjointed hallabulu. He makes valid points only to muddle the water with soiled babble. Waar Maakhiriyoow naga hay ninkaa inta shaahu noo kululaanayo. I think Asad Diyano is awfully too young, too green to even attempt the top post, should have waited for 5 more years before even throwing his hat into the ring, and would have stood a better chance before the current conflicts surfaced. Not even qalasad Fahima Quuje could carry him across the finish line. Or so I think. Does he even have a policy towards the Fed. gov't?
  5. SinCad campaigns in Garowe & Galdogob.
  6. Deni campaigning in Galkacyo. KAAH candidates. Asad Diyaano of Mideeye campaings in Buurtinle, and Galkacyo.
  7. The blue, and Khatumo flags are flying high in one side of the city. Casualties: A second person was killed, and two others wounded.
  8. Seven political associations competing for 3,775 seats in 33 districts scheduled on May 25th. Mideeye (front runner), Kaah (incumbent), and SinCad lead the pack.
  9. Oh how I wish that was true, yours is nothing, but a wishful thinking, old man. Let me give you a perspective: A container shipped from Guangzhou, China to Berbera costs over 10K, 7K to Xamar, and 4K to Garacad. Now, do you want to make a guess as to why that is? I will not tell you what else is brewing in SL trade-wise, as that would strike a javelin through your gentle heart, and I am not that cruel. Here is Garacad at night. Do you still think it is AI generated? One of two container ships scheduled to dock at Garacad every fortnight from Sharja, and Salala.
  10. I have seen people criticising him before, and thought they were a bit unfair to him, but did not understood till now.
  11. Yes, we forget that generation was awfully young when they started serving the nation at the highest capacity, and when we think of them, we associate them with eons, and could hardly imagine their offspring being around, let alone being young. It further speaks as to how young our nation is.
  12. So, that means, Sh. Muktaar Maxamed Xuseen was your late father; that could not be, for you are awfully too young to be his progeny, judging from a picture you posted recently whilst visiting Bush House.
  13. Oh he is cleverer than you might be giving him credit for, knows very well the meal he is serving, and is signalling Martian forces to preempt the potential outcome of grand conference of Garaado & Issims in Garowe, but then again, indheergarad are much the wiser in the hand he is dealing.
  14. Well done to Mr Weheliye for doing the right thing, however, if we do the maths, and go by the EPV formulae, then Mr Weheliye should pay back one of two: a) The value of a similar truck in today's market value, or b) 237,600.00, which is what 12,500.00 would have been worth 32 years ago at a conservative compound value, not accounting for penalties, and potential loss of earning of the asset, even after depreciation of the asset, and its net book value. This assumes the earnings of a modest T-Bill at the US treasury, imagine, what the potential earnings would have been had we computed the EPV by a decent Mutual Fund. And of that, he owes the nation 225,100.00, if we go by (b). Or am I being pricky? So, judging from those facts alone, an honest broker, Mr Weheliye is not; or is he? Yet, indeed a giant amongst his contemporaries, he is in a nation where no one admits to any wrongdoing.
  15. This is Oodweyne. Imagine if resources, which had gone to war, had been directed to building roads, and providing services to the locals. Damn, Somalida iyo caqli xumadooda.
  16. No wonder Muse Biixi & Faysal A Waraabe have adopted a reconciliatory tone of late. Horaa loo yidhi "nin aan shantaadu kaa reebin, sharci kaama reebo".
  17. Waar heedhe, reerku fara badanaa, oo hub badanaa. I saw tanks being loaded by a local sub sub sub clan in Mudug. This is insane.
  18. I think they are close to being done to reach Tuur Dibi on their side, and are awaiting the Wadaagsan team to initiate the other side.
  19. Correct, as would be expected in infantry encounters. And yes, reer Buuhoodle are on the move, albeit reer Widhwidh initiated the assault. It is now a game of who gets to where the quickest, and who take out which decorated General at first. I do not think Muuse anticipated any of it. Postscript: I remember Saeed Dheere, and the late Cadhays once saying, they can get to Burco quickly, if they so chose, but they did not want to temp it, unless SSC forces were on the same side (they did not want SSC sons shooting at each other). I did not quite get it then, and thought they were just bluffing, but now it is clearer.
  20. With Gooja Cadde burning, on the East & West, more SL generals meeting their Maker sooner than any, Yagoori sacked by SSC forces earlier today, Guumays on their horizon, let us see who gets to Oog first, SSC forces, or haraadiga Muuse Biixi.
  21. This is actually "naxdin miidhan" They are now begging the US to stop PL. It is as if they have given up.
  22. Yes, it is looking rather bad for the mad dog in Hargeysa, and is so desperate even Oodweyne's pamphleteering somersaults could not help him out of this predicament that is of Gooja Cadde. Could you imagine Oodweyne now resorting to "You could not get me out of Gooja Cadde for a month". With more than 1,200 dead on both sides, thousands injured, with two-thirds being on SL's side, he is still adamant, his is a winning strategy. Rather sad, if you think about it. I recently asked an old mate of mine, whom we grew up together in the mean streets of East London, who, before the SSC movement, could not bring himself to speak ill of Sir, even when he was hunting down his uncles in Sanaag, but in a compete swivel, he is now so extreme that I ended up rationalising his madness. Kids in the West have been fed porkies for far too long they actually bought into the falsities struggling now with the state of the beloved "Qaran". I wonder who will foot the bills for their endless trips to the shrink. I used to think Oodweyne was a grown-up, with a tiny brain between his ears, despite his incessant regurgitation, but it then dawned on me some moons ago, he is no more than a weathered bud, in an elongated"jiilaal", with no sight of "gu' " on the horizon.
  23. Unconfirmed reports from Gooja Cadde indicate Faysal Cabdi Bootaan, Commander of the SL flying rangers in Sool, sustained severe wounds a few days ago, and is said to be in a critical condition. Abdi Dheere, Spokesman, and in charge of infantry, has sustained injuries, and is in a bad state. Cawke, in charge of machinery & weapons, is also wounded.