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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. But the whole trip is more of a formality, if a waste of time, in my opinion, than anything else, and I do not think he is any worse than his boss; what would Garaado lose by snapping a few photoshots with the poor sod?
  2. With what? your discoloured, calcium-potent fangs?
  3. Why? If they met with his boss, where is the difficulty in meeting with his PM?
  4. The aesthetics look poor, which is intentional, for he [HSM] is deliberately lowering the stature of Garaado solely set so for an audience of one. Garaado shall discover soon it was a bad idea, and HSM is not an honest broker. He is pretending to be playing a game of chess mimicking the US foraying in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict.
  5. Oh let him be, for he is turning out to be my favourite, ragamuffin secessionist, who dishes out as much as he gets, with a skin thicker than the average loony from the triangle, and with a bit of humour too. I think he just learnt the meaning of the word, and is practising it.
  6. I see no value in the trip, and consider it more of a detrimental to the SSC cause, and misdirecting that anything else, but let us hope the 3 days trip ends well.
  7. What are you basing that on? What would the the motivation? Have you travelled through the Bay, Bakool, and Sh Hoose regions? If so, would you say the average person is interested in elections? I ask, for we know reer PL were not as motivated with only 170 thousand voting of the registered 400 thousand, despite the dispute, and their exclusion of the largest voting block aged 16-18. Reer SL were motivated by recognition. What would be the motivating factors for reer SW?
  8. In all seriousness, of these 71 districts, which ones could they hold 1m1v elections by Jun. 2024? H. Koonfur Mudug: 2 degmo Hobyo Xarardheere I. Galgaduud: 7 degmo Dhuusamareeb Ceelbuur Ceeldheer Cadaado Cabuudwaaq Gal hareeri Balanbale J. Hiiraan: 5 degmo Beladweyn Buulo burte Jalalaqsi Matabaan Maxaas K. Shabeellaha Dhexe: 7 degmo Jowhar Balcad Cadale Aadan yabaal Mahaddaay Ruun nirgood Warsheikh L. Shabeellaha Hoose: 9 degmo Marka Afgooye Wanleweyn Qoryooley Baraawe Sablaale Kurtun-waareey Dajuuma Aw-dheegle M. Jubbada Dhexe: 3 degmo Bu’aale Jilib Saakoow N. Jubabada Hoose: 5 degmo Kismaayo Jamaame Afmadow Badhaadhe Xagar O. Baay 5 degmo Baydhabo Buur xakaba Diinsoor Qansax dheere Berdaale P. Bakool: 6 degmo Xuddur Tayeegloow Waajid Ceelbarde Yeed Rab dhuurre Q. Gedo: 6 degmo Garbahaarrey Luuq Baardheere Beladxaawo Dooloow Ceelwaaq R. Banaadir: 16 degmo Xamar weyne Xamar jajab Boondheere Waaberi Wadajir Dharkeynley Hodon Hawl wadaag Wardhiigleey Shibis C/casiis Kaaraan Helwaa (Huriwaa) Dayniile Yaaqshiid Shingaani
  9. Erdogan re-elected with 52+% of the votes.
  10. With 98 +/- %, Erdogan leading by 52+% with Kamal K trailing by 48+%; In Istanbul, Kamal K is leading by 51+% with Erdogan teailing by 48+%.
  11. And you said you were a warmongering jaahil. See, yours is a better analyses than those of Galbeedi & Maakhiri combined, for theirs are the stuff of dreamers whilst yours, in this instance, is grounded on actualities. The proposed constitutional tampering, and magical misdirection is tantamount to a coup, if political failure on the part of Federal leadership.
  12. I would think so, but the question no one is asking is: where are they going to be holding these 1m1v elections?
  13. The gridlock is a property of Democracy, and defence mechanism against tyranny, but you come across as if to have missed the latter, and detest the former for its convenience, a case of unfamiliarity with that system of governance. Short memory of the history of this blighted nation. Perhaps, we should go back to the jungle rearing camels, and leave modern nation state institutions alone. Balance within the Executive at the Stakeholder level.
  14. So, by the said logic, there are extenuating forces trying to tilt the fulcrum, and instead of lending support in order to balance the said forces, you consider the solution being complete removal of the fulcrum? What is being proposed is akin to suggesting elimination of a load-bearing beam in a four-storey building. Let it crumble!
  15. The idea behind the PM was to counter-balance the President, and for the President to keep the balance between branches of government; that has been compromised, when Presidents usurped PM's Executive powers. Do you really think Somalia is so stable a nation, where the said fulcrum is no longer needed? Should not such a dramatic shift be debated at first by the Legislature, two Chambers of Parliament? Are we not placing the horse before the cart?
  16. It boggles the mind when a reer Waqooyi says others care more about qabyaalad, blows the mind, does not it? On the xoogweynaanta aspect, let us wait till we have concluded the SSC question (I will not bring up how SL went from 17 bases with 20,000 militias to being holed up in Goojacadde).
  17. Erdoğan calls on Kılıçdaroğlu to 'reveal details of deal with HDP', a pro-PKK Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), now also known as the Green Left Party (YSP). "Kılıçdaroğlu says vote for me if you want Selo (Demirtaş) to be released from prison. What type of law is this?" Erdoğan asked, noting that his pledge violates the principle of the rule of law as it interferes with the judiciary's decision. Kılıçdaroğlu criticized for scattering promises around to garner votes in the second round of elections.
  18. You mean, this. Waar bal harjadkaa iyo naf la caarigaa eega. Adduunyada nin noolow, maxaa aragti kuu laaban! Look after yourself, and do not forget to take your meds.
  19. I know for certain Duriyaddu are not all juhalaa, where are the rijal al caql instead of: a) Muse han aad moodo in eey qaniinay, b) Saleebaan kan lawlawga ah ee 60-kii seexday, c) ina Kaahin kan dayaysan, d) Faysal kan muqlaysan ee dhibta cabay, iyo e) Cirro han aad moodo in uu ka wabxay qabaal shinniyeed? It is not a solution to be flying from one frying pan to another. Reer Caydiid would tell you that never ends well.
  20. Fair enough. I do not know why, but I like you, mate :--) What do you make of this cousin of yours?
  21. A side question, let us toss the war to aside for a moment, at the speed things are unfolding, where do you see the beloved Republic by this time next year?
  22. See, he outlines facts on the ground, but trouble is Landers do not deal in facts, but live in fooqa fayanbiira with stale caraq at hand. Who is this C/Wahab character. His final words refuted his earlier fact-based statements. He is bloody delusional in saying clan does not exist. Why is it always the Bantus who deny clan/family structure?