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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Waar kuwan aad moodo in ay sidii hablo dhar xayaysinaya 'modelling catwalk' ha inoo dambeeyaane, dhiidhiibsada uun baan ku odhan doonaaye, what is going on with these ones? Ma fataatiir baa? "Dhaawaca HJ waa dhaawaca keliya ee adduunka silsilad lagu xidho!"
  2. Kenya needs strategic mindset to engage ‘global Somalia’ It is my thesis that the future of the ‘Kenyan nation’ remains uncertain as long as the country has no grand strategy to harness the potential of the new ‘global Somalia’ and to tame its demons. Unavoidably, the kernel of Kenya’s grand strategy must be Jubaland — the Alsace–Lorraine of the Horn of Africa. [...] The second phase, 1991-2023, is the age of globalisation that saw the rise of the new ‘global Somalia’ followed the overthrow of Barre in 1991, the collapse of the Somali state, civil war and refugee influx. By 2023, the Somali nation is estimated at 26.24 million people in 25 countries, including 17.1 million in Somalia, 4.6 million in Ethiopia, 2.8 million in Kenya, 534,000 in Djibouti and the rest in the Somali diaspora or ‘Qurbajoogta’ in all corners of the world. Global Somalia, way larger than the 16 million-strong global Jewry, is the most strategic nation in the Horn. Kenya needs strategic mindset to engage ‘global Somalia’ | Nation NATION.AFRICA Kenya needs broad-based cooperation against Al-Shabaab and safeguard its national integrity and sovereignty.
  3. So, you have not had enough of Siyadist legacy, and are now reminiscing, are you? Fascism: Of extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create “people’s community”, in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.
  4. I was being gentle, when I said, scolded, actually they had been summoned, and given a dressing-down, as if ground serfs.
  5. See, your analyses would have been grand, had it been about a stable, harmonious nation, but unfortunately ours is not, therefore the fulcrum of the President vs the PM is still critical.
  6. Not only was theirs a blatant power grab, but they have been scolded as if rowdy, pugnacious teenagers by their financing overlords, and had it not been for the overlords of the FGS, Hassan & Hamze would have taken the country back to the abyss.
  7. You knew things were very bad for the secessionists when their biggest pamphleteer disappeared into the darkness in the midst of the night, only to resurface at the presumed glimmer of hope on the horizon.
  8. You know what, I have got this hunch, this character reminds me of Oodweyne in his thinking, and I think he created a new user just so he could speak his mind. Perhaps the site Admin could compare source IPAddresses. Ha u bixin, afkay kaga hartay reerkae!
  9. Your remind me of an old funny reer Xamar story. A burglar breaks into a man's house, let us call him 'Muudey' and his wife, Maana, wakes him up, asking him to face the burglar. Muudey says to Maana 'ii kaadi jac aan la maaganahee'. Having ransacked the house, Burglar goes for their bedroom, Maana nudges him 'he is inside our room', and then Muudey says 'ar adi ma i dhaaftidoo, wax lee la maaganahay, markaas kastuumadee damco isaga'. Taadu waa tii oo kale. Car Goojacadde noogu soo gala. Others could correct my attempt of reer Xamar twang!
  10. Oh you are being too kind. HA are the true squatters, but HJ are the homeless other than a couple of corrupt fat cats enriched by Silanyo - waa gadaal ka gaar reer baadiye ah. Hargeysa has always been a HY city till their cream and wealth perished in the SNM wars.
  11. See, we are privy as to your true capability, so empty tookh troubles its own man. Besides, do you think you could do, as an impoverished tribe in a triangle of 120 miles, what you could not as a toothless republic?.
  12. Shoot the mofo on site. Better yet, debrief him, and send him back to the front. Keep him away from the city, bases, and other troops.
  13. Nairobi May 25, 2023 (SD) – The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has strongly urged the Government of Somaliland to immediately release journalist Bushaaro Baanday, who was arrested under arbitrary and unjust conditions in the city of Hargeisa. CPJ: Demand the release of Journalist Bushaaro Baanday – Somali Dispatch WWW.SOMALIDISPATCH.COM
  14. This is one of the reasons she was arrested. Whilst light in objectivity, and comes across as if an opinionated segment, akin to that of Fox News spinning, yet she is remarkable in her reporting.
  15. Was she a known personality? This is the first time I am hearing of her.
  16. She is accused of posting unfavourable news / postings about SL on her Social Media.Imagine that. waa HJ.
  17. 9 journalists arrested in SL in 2023: a) 7 in Gabiley, b) 1 in Hargeysa, and c) 1 in Ceerigaabo. SOLJA Chairman discusses visiting journalist Bushaara Baanday in prison, and arrests of other jouralists in Somaliland.
  18. 20+ protesters, mostly women, shouting Free Bushaara Baanday, a journalist arrested on May 15th at Tog Wajaale, arrested in Burco, Somaliland.