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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. What do you think were you grandfathers doing pre 1895 well before the "Buuryaqab gaalo" ever set a foot on Somali soil, and inked your toenails to forever embrace colonial legacy? These people are in desperate need of re-acculturation, complete re-washing of the "gaalo" brainwashing, and rehabilitation. Why do you like subjugation, and serfdom so much?
  2. As the old saying goes "Bahal qeedhiin ma daayo, ninna caadadi ma baajo". The same old Arafat after so many years still failing at the basics even in his old age. Adeer Kadiye trully captures the essence of Somalinimo, for [it] transcends symbolisms, and systems of governance, be it fiefdom, monarchical, oligarchy, or Federalism, and one must not mistake [its] many banners, and flags for its lack of. As people, how we choose to govern ourselves bears no relevance as to our core being, but then again, you already know that, except you have been humming faulty hymns with dimwits, lacking wisdom, and therefore shall be excused for a lapse of sound judgement. I need no convincing of that, nor does it matter in the least as to what others do think of the SSC movement, for there is no point in one wishing to tow a hitch on a ship no longer at berth. There is more that which unites Somalis than not, so let us focus upon that, join our contemporaries in moving forward, and leave the minutiae and the babble behind.
  3. He just regurgitated common narrative, said nothing intelligent, for the issue of SSC is not to be debated today, and shall await its right time, and platform. Germane, and of interest to your earlier point, despite all else, national symbolisms remain relevant. More importantly, despite all of those flags and banners, have you come across any region, or community, which has denounced "Somalinimo", or claimed anything other than "Somalinimo"?
  4. What a pamphleteering dotard! You may replenish that to lull your kids to a good night sleep, but Hargeysawis now the truth, where the average family is struggling, and could no longer afford three meals. He said "Army" with a straight face. I rest my case.
  5. True at first, but that all changed in mid stream. You should familiarise yourself with, and re-read "Diiwaanka Daraawiisheed".
  6. This is a fallacy being recycled, but has been refuted many a time. A conversation for another day. How did you arrive at that conclusion? I wish I had the time to dispel that.
  7. Keep talking, till hablaha Hargeysa start wailing and bellowing for their dead. As reported from Burco: 73 dead, some are reporting 129 (might be including the missing). 105 wounded 56 missing Most of the dead are of HA / Sacad Muuse & HJ. Even so, still xabagalayaal should stay away from the company of gentlemen.
  8. I know your lot think cussing Allah and cursing the prophet is a form of jousting with your equals, but we only use the sword, and rifle. Xaashaa e, annagu waanu xarraga dagaalannaa, xabaglayaashase isma hadal naqaan. More reported dead SL commanders: S/Guuto Cabbaas - HY G/Sare C/dahir Beerdilaacshe HA / S Muuse G/Sare Salax Oogle - HY / Biciido G/Sare Xasan Galaal HA / S Muuse
  9. Allah Cabdalle Saciid baan ahay. Allah abtiyow Arab baan ahay. Allah hooyooy. Hogaanka SSC-Khaatumo oo ka hadley Dagaalkii Maanta, Jabkii Cadowga la gaadhsiiyey iyo fariin Loo direy halgamayaasha SSC.
  10. He is reciting from a different scroll with his maker. Taliyahii guutada Libside Gashaanle Cabdiqaadir Xaamud ayay Jamaahirtu ku liseen wana la xaqiijiyey dhimashadiisa
  11. Cakuye dhallaan! Awoowayaashaa kuuma aanay sheegine, gaalada annagaa gumaysanna e, annaga nalama gumaysto, ya jahil al murakab! In principle, I do not speak ill of my fellow countrymen, for it reflects poorly on me, yet one has a responsibility to whisper good words into the green ears of the ill-informed curs on the wire. Now, read the following passages, glance at these images, and tell me what you think is going on in these images in Berbera and Zeylac? "A couple of noteworthy incidents: a) In 1891, French Catholic Mission opened Christian schools in Berbera, Dhaymoole, and Majacaseeye to preach, and teach Somali kids Christianity. The mission was lead by Father Cypriana of Belgium. b) Soon after their conquest, the British had taken over Makhirkos, the government building, which had a mosque in it, previously built by the Ottomans in Berbera in 1865. In the mosque, with Athan al Salawat being performed five times a day, the Brits ordered the call for prayers to be stopped, which the locals would not listen; one day, whilst performing Athan, the man in charge of the colonial authority, shot the Muathin dead".
  12. Try again, dear lad. If we are to call what is being practised in the triangle a democracy, then we are in trouble - what a travesty. Socrates would roll in his grave as to the barney your lot are causing in its name. If anything, you are abusing an ancient system of governance, which you do not know the first thing about. Again, you have got another chance to make your ancestors proud by telling us what "good" your lot has done for the last 100 years, which is worthy of being replicated, or borrowed by others.
  13. These are the coping mechanism by reer Marqaan waal, eh? If you objectively think about Somali politics, there are pioneers, disciples, and then there are barmy mad cows. Other than secessionism, could you tell us what political beacon reer Waqooyi (!saaq) have been, or what original political ideals they have given Somalia in the last 100 years: from fighting European colonial powers to formulating independence movements in the Somali peninsula to opposing Kacaan to Jabhadayn to bottom-up approach in governance to Federalism? Now, before you regurgitate, and gargle your usual diatribe, think carefully, and objectively, and offer quantifiable instances of where !saaq led Somalis with original ideas. A word of advice: do consult your sober elders. Do not disappoint, the platform is yours.
  14. Reer Hargeysa airing some home truths for reer Burco, telling them to fend for themselves, and run 'cos they do not have the means to fight reer SSC. "Reer Buuhoodle Hubka waxay u dhaqdaan sida geela , Dagaalka iyo xabadana waa Balwadooda". He does not mention the 11 captured, and released.
  15. The secessionists' plan was to create conflict within the Jamahirta, and a misdirection for a brief relief, but failed. This is Hargeysa tonight, now which flag is it that is abutting the infamous plastic plane.
  16. But then again, secessionists would not know, would they?
  17. Abwaan Jamac Kadiye, marking his turf, who very soon "ku istijoon doona fooraha Heego & dhasheed"
  18. Adduun, bal reer marqaan joog cid kale calaacal ha ku caayaan! Bloody dimwits, what you may view as 'calaacal' is historical documentation of crimes against humanity, and shall live in infamy, and posterity. Not only clueless as to the long game plan, but fools with marqaan-induced logic.
  19. Adoo kale xaaja rag wax lagaama weydiiyo, yet once the ongoing operation has been completed, I'll put a question to you, but till then dance, my dear boy, dance to your heart's content.
  20. It'll become common knowledge next time Sir Gavin's finances come under parliamentary review. He is known for committing 'pay for play'.