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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Dear sir, Despite your idealism, which is rather admirable, how does one discuss Somali politics, rooted in its foundation on clan politics, without mentioning tribal names? You could argue against excessive use of it, but wholly pushing against it is rather reductive, if futile, methinks
  2. In its current standing, is not Borama more populous than Burco? The good old Xaji Cabdi Waraabe technique of subduing Silaanyo against Riyaale, eh? Trouble is there are no X Cabdi Waraabes, or wise men left.
  3. It is a good initiative borne out of genuine concerns, but I want to question the methods, means, and actors, yet am wishing reer Awdal the best of luck. Conferences in foreign cities, I like not. Unfortunately, Habro are left holding the loot on an engulfed ship on fire, and their kids are in denial, on a panic mode, clueless as to how best use fire extinguishers, or which fire to put out.
  4. This is how I read it: a) In the current election, existing political associations, nine of them in total, are considered political parties, and shall compete in upcoming Parliamentary, and Presidential elections. b) In the future, starting with the next election, there shall be no political associations, but any political party, which garnishes up to 5% of the Local Council elections, shall be a political State party. Further, there shall be no expired political parties, and if a political party ceases to exist, so it shall be, albeit if there were parties, which did not quite make up the 5% threshold, those might be allowed to compete. This requires revisiting. I consider the 5% cutoff rather taxing, if terribly high, and have no idea what it is based upon, yet am of the view, they shall do away with it in the years to come. The current system works, but comes with a variety of limitations, is flawed, serves the interest of the larger tribes, yet is unfair to sections of the wider community incl. the young, women, minorities, implants i.e. IDPs etc. Alternatively, I have been looking at the Chinese system of government, and I think it might suit Somalis better than the coveted democracy.
  5. Deni signed constitutional amendments into law. 27 July 2023 (Puntlandes) Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni, ayaa soo saaray Sharci Lr. 02 ee 27-ka Luulyo 2023, kuna saabsan Sharciga Wax-ka-badalka 1-aad Dastuurka Dowladda Puntland. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Markuu arkay: Dastuurka Dowladda Puntland Qodobkiisa 80-aad farqadiisa 16-aad iyo Qodobka 139-aad. Markuu arkay: Ansixinta Golaha Wakiilada Dowladda Puntland ee Summadeedu tahay XGGW/DPL/41/2022, kuna taariikhaysan 26-ka July 2023. Wuxuu soo saaray Sharciga soo socda: Qodobka 1aad Golaha Wakiiladu waxay ansixiyeen Sharciga Wax-ka-badalka 1-aad Dastuurka Dowadda Puntland. Qodobka 2aad Nuqulada asalka ah (Original) waxaa lagu kala kaydinayaa Xafiiska Madaxweynaha, Xafiiska Xoghayaha Guud ee Baarlamaanka iyo Xafiiska Garyaqaanka Guud ee Dowladda Qodobka 3aad Dhaqangal Sharcigani wuxuu noqonayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxiixo laguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah ee Dowladda Puntland, Wuuna saxiixay Madaxweynuhu, sidoo kale waxaa lagu soo saaray faafinta rasmiga ah. -DHAMMAAD-
  6. Calling me of all people a Siyadist? Have you no shame, fool? Very soon you will see heavily armed HY militias cutting off Sanaag & Togdheer from Hargeysa, then we shall talk. In the interim, practise deep breaths, mate. Postscript: Reports from Ceerigaabo & Hargeysa: Traffic incl. freight in and out of those cities are being halted at night for fear of their security.
  7. More armed young men of GXJS heading to Gacan Libaax. Jabhadda Beesha GXJS oo ku sii qul qulaya buurta Gacan Libaax
  8. Arafat, As Hindustanis say: Avava, and Arabs say: Avva 3alayk, I could not agree more. Mate, from whatever wise well you have been dipping in of late, you ought to go back there, stay away from the likes of Oodweyne & XX, and I want some of that too.
  9. O' my, have not we fallen so low into the pit as to resorting to cropping and pruning, eh? Typical pamphleteering practice. Were not you just accusing someone of relying upon social media sources - af iyo dhego aan is maqal iga dheh! It does not bode well for you, mate, for it look like you have not listened to the whole clip, and if you did, your comprehension is awry. What exactly did he say, which irked you to dash in haste to post the clip, and append inconsequential, if undescriptive notations? Or did you mistake SOL for one of reerka chat-groups, where everything goes, and you are applauded for your lack of comprehension? If anything, it shows the local media is clueless on multiple fronts.
  10. You would say that you motherless f@ck, for it is not your kids being fed the Jamaahiir fire as fodder.
  11. Wishful thinking! Families of the dead in Hargeya & Burco are the only ones missing their loves ones!
  12. That is what these lackeys do not realise: we do not wish any harm to the triangle, and if they were facing danger, I for one would be defending them all the same, but you could never convince them otherwise - bloody obtuse!
  13. He is out of his depth, and I do not think the is smart enough to leave. Where did he fight? What exactly could a Navigator do in terms of fighting other than reading maps?
  14. These people have never fought a day in their lives, are the original "Gidhiif", the quintessential Siyadists, and have not learnt anything from lessons of history.
  15. We are keeping guard, and have you holed up, know where you are and when to strike, are done engaging your brainless dhufadlayaal, and are now in talks with your de facto leaders.
  16. That fat kid is well-fed on Xalwa Harisa, is from Galbeed, and is clueless as to what is at stake. No different from the minions here. Here he is speaking in a different tone!
  17. Dear lad, I know a lot more than you could possibly fathom, and was only lancing the boil to slap you with a bit of an old history, not so much spoken in your fanciful sand castles, so let the grown-ups speak, will you?
  18. Cadaadley, first district to fall to the GXJ liberation forces.
  19. Interim leader, the eldest, as tradition would have it, Adam C/llaahi Aw-xasan. His bio data: Who is the new interim chairman of the SSC-Khaatumo administration? Dr Aden Abdullahi Aw Hassan is a member of SSC-Khaatumo administration and was appointed today to become the new interim chairman. He is a researcher who specialises in agricultural economy. Dr. Aden was born in the mountainous Gaalkudhal area of Sool region in 1954 and completed his primary education in the city of Laascaanood in 1973. He then went on to complete his secondary education in Sheikh Bashir school located in Burco in 1977. He received his Bachelors degree in Agricultural Science in 1982 and completed his Masters in Agricultural Economics in the US in 1988. He then went on to receive a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Oklahoma in 1992. Upon his return to Somalia, he was appointed Director of Agriculture in Sh/Hooose region and served from 1984 to 1986. He then served as the manager of Mogadishu's Agricultural Training department from 1988 to 1989. From 1993 to 2017, Dr Aden worked for International Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), an international organisation based in Syria and Jordan focused on dryland agricultural research. He served as leader of the organisation during his final years there. More recently, he served as an international advisor for economic and agricultural affairs for various non-governmental organisations. Ultimately, Dr Aden has been a champion of change and of great service, utilising his knowledge and experience for the benefit of people and the environment.
  20. Hadahaabay ku meeraysataa 'waa reerka isku kaaya haya'. Oi twats, at first stop denying their grievances, acknowledge their contributions to the project, accept their being core stakeholders with their shares set aside, and start addressing their concerns. They made some major political mistakes, the first being listening to that naive ina Tuur (how does one let ina Cigaal, a daanyeer from Dacadhbuluq run ina Tuur out of his city in a broad daylight, what a twat, I do not even want to bring up the coup), but they are true "gob ay gunni baalaha ha riftay". By the way, I know more about their history, contributions, and grievance than your online minions could possibly fathom. Hargeysa was traditionally HY city before HA migration, reer Ahmed literally taking over their properties, ilma Madar (Yonis Nux) claiming "Sheikh al belad", not to mention Gama'diids and J Abokor from Galbeed squeezing them out, and reduced to mere guests on their own turf with even HJ now claiming as if amongst its traditional inhabitants (just 'cos we do not delve into your nasty internal affairs does not mean, we do not know, we just could not care less except in these instances). Now, quit regurgitating your usual nonsense, recognise the shifting ground, and educate yourselves of the new reality.
  21. PoWs include G/Dhexe Koosaar. Oodweyne will be telling us soon he is AI generated! Gaashaanle dhexe Shabac Koosaar ayaa kamid ah Maxaabiista ay maanta qabsadeen Ciidamada Xoogagga Gacanlibaax ee Beesha West Burco Clan.
  22. I have been visiting the Somali peninsula in the past 7 years from Borama to Jigjiga to Hargeysa to Burco to Las Anod to Garowe to Bosaso to Xamar to Kismayo, and could say with confidence: Hope and happiness in the triangle is the lowest now than ever before, and whilst other regions are struggling, yet are moving gradually forward, [it] is stagnating. I am considering cost of living, economic status of the middle class, purchasing power, market economy, trade with other regions, connections and influence, political or otherwise, and many other social factors including marginalisation of certain quarters.
  23. This is how I know you are clueless in Somali politics, even in the triangle, and your takes are hinged upon wishful desires from the home front rather than observed actualities grounded in history, and influential actors. As usual, your sources are ill-placed, if misinformed, and I am being kind in saying so. Cawad is the only political leader from Nugaal within a chance, with his chances halved by his aligning himself with ilma Hoolay, and his winning is now akin to that of pulling a black rabbit out of a magical fedora - that is not to say it is improbable, but highly unlikely. There never was a 'Tara' culture, something which only resonates with the ill-informed outsiders.
  24. He has not read the document, and is no more than a needed cudgel to prevent term extension.