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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Reer Burco protesting against Biixi, and supporting Gacan libaax resistance.
  2. "Hargeysaa inoo ballan ah" Gacan libaax resistance militias.
  3. A MESSAGE FROM THE NEWLY NOMINATED PRESIDENT OF AWDAL STATE MUKHTAR ALI ADAN | President Mukhtaar in his first public speech to the people of Awdal tells his people to be ready for a bitter war to end Somaliland occupation of the state and to finally be free of Somaliland subjugation and intimidation. Madaxweynaha hadda la magacaabay ee Awdal State ahna hoggaanka Jamaahiirta Difaaca Awdal oo la hadlaya shacabka Awdal ayaa farriintaan diraya: "Jamaahiirta Awdal State waa inaan xoog kaga xorayno dhulkayaga nimadaanka gumeystaha SNM laga bilaabo Lowyacade illaa Gabilay. Halganku waxa uu inoo suurtogalin doonaa inaan gaadhno himiladeena, si aan u dhisano dowlad madaxabannaan oo Awdal State, hadda kadibna ayna dhicin in aan dad kale u dabafadhiisano masiirkayaga. Waxaan rabnaa in wiilka iyo gabadha reer Awdal noqdaan dhalinyar dhulkooga ugu noolaada sharaf iyo cisi oo khayroodkana ka faaiidaystaan." Madaxweyne Mukhtar Ali Aden Yaabe oo hadalkiisa sii wata wuxa uu diray farriimaha hoose: 1. Farriinta dhalinyarada 2. Farriinta haweenka, gaar ahaan haweenka caafimaadka (nurse) inay heeggan galaan 3. Farriinta qurbojoogta Awdal 4. Farriinta horgalada: waxay Jamaahiirtu go'aan ku gaadhay oo lagu dhaartay in horgal kasta guriga lagu dul gubo 5. Farriinta SSC-Khatumo State & tan jabhadda Dulmidiid ee West Burco Clan waxaan ka dalbaneynaa garab iyo gaashaan Xafiiska Madaxweynaha dooran ee Awdal State iyo Jamaahiirta Difaaca Awdal
  4. GXJS resistance calls on Aid agencies to leave the region.
  5. Reports suggest RRU units attacked GXJS Suldaan Cadde Gude's residence in Hargeysa.
  6. In both Oodweyne & Dabagoriyaale, where the locals are clearly supportive and sympathetic to the cause.
  7. Inside the Newest Conflict in Somalia’s Long Civil War - New Lines Magazine NEWLINESMAG.COM In Las Anod, a pivotal conflict goes to the heart of the country’s long turmoil
  8. Notice how you lot went from "we could capture Xamar in no time" to "nothing is gonna happen", and being reduced to CM and HJ alliance will fight HY for Berbera. Trouble is you lack the sense to emulate Oodweyne, who hides when the going gets murky only to reappear when there is a breathing moment, and vomit his usual drivel to stink the neighourhood, but you even lack the sense to do that. You are drowning in your own bile, yet manage tookh as if atop of the mountain. One wonders what you would have done had you reached the summit.
  9. Berbera might fall to the Gaca libaax forces in the coming days.
  10. Unfortunately, they do not, and could potentially be in far worse position than other ethnic groups.
  11. Afwareen, leader of Gacan libaax resistance. Signals reer Awdal to join in.
  12. This is not looking good, nor is it going to end well for Somali Galbeed.
  13. Firdhiye, newly-elected Leader of SSC speaking after winning.
  14. I doubt it, but then again, how many fronts could Biixi's ill-equipped, ill-fed flying rangers fight? HY is mostly out joining forces with their brethren in Gacan libaax, and W Sanaag. The only foot soldiers willing to fight for Biixi are HJ, and now they find themselves fighting at active 3 fronts?
  15. This is nothing in comparison with what gov't officials are doing. Have you met with any of them: ministers, ambassadors, or people working in the offices of the PM and President? Forget about the MPs.
  16. Now, answer the bloody question about your hero, and this time, use that large muscle resting atop your head.
  17. On the front end, it might be hawked by poor locals, but according to him, the land, farms, livestock, revenues etc. has all being acquired by foreigners.
  18. From day one of joining the forum to date, you have been spinning the same yarn, which no one cares for, believes a scintilla of it, for we are privy to, more than you I might add, as to the history of your forefathers, as to their core thread, and do not need you vomiting drivel in our presence. It is putrid stinking to high heaven. The conflict brewing in the triangle is about the better Habar, and you are irrelevant till the Jamaahiirtu decide to root you out of the only bogs in Sool you have been squatting. Now, have you got an iota of intelligible commentary or analyses to share instead of filling the pages with inconsequential minutiae of no substance?
  19. In a conversation with an old mate, an investor, who just got back from the old country, mentioned this 5 billion US dollar industry has been taken over, and is now owned by a US company financed by US AID. Anyone has an insight? This article, whilst out of date, speaks to the potential in the industry. "Somalis have an incredible appetite for milk. In 2014, milk production earned about $3.3 billion ($2.7 billion from camel milk) in profits from local sales. Despite this record production, none was exported" Regenerating Somalia’s Dairy Industry | Transforming Lives | Somalia 2017-2020.USAID.GOV Fresh milk. Somalis have got it, although most of the population drinks imported powdered milk...
  20. One thought at a time, shall we? So, you are crediting him for the armed struggle, which started in 1978, against the military regime, mind you which he was a member of till 1990?
  21. Could you give specifics? Try to be objective.
  22. The general public on alert.