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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. You might have missed the nub of the query: why does a political party have a life cycle as if a product with a shelf life, or need to expire? Should not voters be the ones determining, or deciding whether a party, and by extension its leadership, is electable, or not? On the matter of his being unfit to govern, why not rise, and support the Gacan libaax resistance?
  2. He might be in trouble by overstepping his boundary, if the Parliament has any teeth.
  3. So, political parties have to renew their licences, if no, they cease to exist, which technically therefore makes political parties businesses of interest, and of the private type. How do they then acquire and exercise political power? From where their authority stem, and with whom does it rest? Of all the sane and healthy people in the region, all the beloved Republic could come up with are: Cad (Cirro), who could not bite even if a finger is being fed into this mouth, Cille (Muuse), who would rather bite off his tongue out of spite, and whose answer to any problem is to reach for the hammer, Caami (Faysal), who speaks as if in early adolescence, or on the opposite, where he is regressing in his twilight years. The only man left, who exhibits 'odaynimo' is ina Jirde, and he does not seem to be engaging, and from the sound of it, even Cali Gurey has gone terribly quiet. In peace time, any twat could mount to the coveted seat, but in troubled times, men of wisdom could only pass the muster.
  4. By glancing at the letter, a few things stand out: a) The infamous Nation security argument, made famous by the military regime in silensing dissent, is being used to shut down said apps; it further misuses Articles of the Constitution, for example it references Article 10, sections (2), which provides: 'Human dignity is inviolable and must be protected by all', however, section (3) of the same Article provides: 'State power must not be exercised in a manner that violates human dignity'. The intent and the spirit of seeking to ban apps, which leads to further violations, is a direct violation of the provisions of said Article. Further, this letter violates provisions of Article 18, sections (1), (2), and (3), and most specifically, section (3), which provides: 'Freedom of expression includes freedom of speech, and freedom of the media, including all forms of electronic, and web-based media'. Could someone remind, and explain to the hasty Minister that he is in direct violation of the Constitution, and has legally no leg to stand on. If they do succeed, then they shall ban X, yt, fb etc, and as MMA noted in another thread, social media is the only 'check and balance' in place to keep these pseudo politicians in check whilst holding them to account. We are either a nation of laws, or the wild west.
  5. Does this remind you of any one?
  6. The poor sod is clueless, and he knows it, which is the reason he is hiding in Dhusamareeb This is the trouble when someone has not gone through proper peer-review with some half-baked ideas, and goes on public record debating himself on both sides of the same issue. Here he is.
  7. Whilst draconian in nature, legally nor technically, could they ban, with their influence extending no farther than Hormuud in Xamar.
  8. The sad part is the items of concern, as shared by X, are not what you would expect would invoke their ire, unless of course the translated version fed them porkies. I bet that is what happened. Here are 2 of them.
  9. SSC leader with Garaad Jamac and other SSC Admin leadership on the front with the liberation forces. Madaxwaynaha SSC-Khaatumo C/Qaadir Awcali Axmed oo ay weheliyaan Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil, gudoomiyaha golaha dhexe ee Baarlamaanka SSC-Khaatumo Jaamac Yaasiin Warsame, Maayarka degmada Laascaanood C/Raxiin Cali Ismaaciil qaar ka mid ah Xildhibaanaha golaha dhexe , Saraakiisa sare ee SSC-Khaatumo iyo Cuqaasha ayaa kormeer shaqo iyo dhiiri gelin ugu tegey Halgamayaasha ku jira furimaha hore ee ay isku horadhiyaan Ciidamada SSC-Khaatumo iyo cadowga argagaxisada Somaliland .
  10. Sadly so. On the front, 5 senior officers and their militias left Gooja cadde, and joined Gacan libaax resistance.
  11. This is the 1st time I actually listened to his speaking all the way to the end, and in many ways, he reminds me of Trump, especially at the opening where churns his teeth, pulls faces, and twists his mouth as if to chew off his tongue. He comes across as if suffering from alzheimer's in need of medical attention. More importantly, does he hear himself? He says " ... muranka & sawaxanka siyaasadeed ee ka jira dalkana ... in laga daayo wixii ka baxsan dimuqraadiyadda ... intay dimuqaariyaddu ogashahyna, waa caadi, waanu ogallahay"; does he know the meaning of the words? If he fails to hold election on time, extends his term for 2 years, and dictates to communities against his rule, well, that is not a democracy, is it, Mr Biixi? It is dictatorship. And it is his doing.
  12. This was an incident relating to militias loyal to Jimcaale leaving their station, getting into a car accident in the city, where they were all taken to the local police station. Jimcaale came to bail them out, but the gang leader refused to take orders. Jimcaale disarmed them forcefully, and placed them under arrest. This does not change the fact that armed militias under his command could come into the city.
  13. And then they do the unthinkable by blaming the victims for their crimes.
  14. The European mafias dumping toxic waste in Somalia. An Italian journalist Ilaria Alpi was murdered in Xamar for investigating chemical toxic waste dumping in Somalia. Here is documentary about her killing in Italian.
  15. And here is the British gov't connection: The Conservative leader in the Lords, Lord Strathclyde, is on Trafigura's payroll as a director of its hedge fund, Galena Asset Management, which is based at the firm's Marble Arch office, in Portman House, Oxford Street, London.
  16. If Trafigura is dumping toxic nuclear waste in nations with functioning governments, what do you think it'll do where there is none. --------------------------- Trafigura found guilty of exporting toxic wast Multinational oil trading company Trafigura produced the toxic waste on board the ship as a result of refining a dirty petroleum product called coker naphtha to mix with gasoline and sell it on as petrol. Trafigura knew the waste was hazardous, but hadn’t figured out how to dispose of it safely. Trafigura tried and failed to get rid of the waste in five countries: Malta, Italy, Gibraltar, The Netherlands and Nigeria. Instead, the toxic waste was finally dumped illegally in Côte d’Ivoire by a local company that Trafigura hired to dispose of it for just US$17,000 – a fraction of the price quoted in the Netherlands. To this day it is still not known where all the waste was dumped. Ten years ago, the cargo ship the Probo Koala reached the end of a four-month journey that resulted in toxic waste being dumped illegally in Côte d’Ivoire.
  17. Come now, try a bit harder, I know you are smarter than that.
  18. Just for reflection, let us remind ourselves of Powers the current Constitution grants the Fed. government vis-à-vis Powers [its] leadership wishes its Powers to be: As stipulated under Article 54, Allocation of powers, Powers entrusted unto the Fed. Government are defined as: (a) Foreign Affairs, (b) National Defense, (c) Citizenship and Immigration, and (d) Monetary Policy. Here are the proposed unilateral amendments: A. Federal powers: Constitution, Sovereignty, Elections, and referendum, Foreign affairs, International agreements, Immigration, Religious affairs, Human rights, Census, and identity, Overall control of political parties and elections, A single Electoral Commission at Federal, State, and District levels, A national policy for land, marine, and aviation, National boundaries, Copyright, and intellectual property, Federal civil servants, A policy for personnel and human resources, Scale, measurements, and benchmarks. B. Economy: National economic development plan, Monetary policy, Determine national revenue sources, Federal taxation, and regulation, National statistics, Intra and inter rivers between and amongst Fed. Member States, Foreign trade, International investment, and financing, Policy for energy, and water. C. Infrastructure and Transportation: Ports and airports, Interconnecting roads, Transportation policy for land, sea, and air, Aviation, Postal, telephony,Internet, radio and television frequencies services along with Cyber Security, and data protection; telecommunication, and broadcasting. D. Security and Judiciary: Defence, and nation army, Federal police, and national secret service, Restoration of order, where there is instability in Fed. Member States, Ownership of personal small arms, Federal Courts, and Judiciary systems, Federal Military Courts. E. Public health, and services: National public health policy, National policy for remediation, medicine, and food, Immigration, refugees, and displaced persons policy, National policy for: Archives, Libraries, Theatres, and stadiums. F. Education: National education, and curriculum mandating examination of High school certification, Higher education, technology, and research. Conclusion: Proposed unilateral amendments is an act of blatant usurpation, and clear power grab, and in violation of the principle political accord, as outlined in Articles 3, 54, 121, and 132 of the Constitution. Now, to bring this into context, and for the proponents of the amendments to take heed, let us review the intents, purposes, and implications, political or otherwise, of said powers in the proposed unilateral amendments. To be continued [ … ]
  19. Against the backdrop of the regressive military rule of the 1969 - 1991, ensuing civil war of 1991 - 2000s, and yet to heal lacerations of the failed attempt at centralised system of governance, not to mention angst against authoritarian rule, dual federalism offers a solution at the present, where cooperative federalism could be explored at a later time, where said misgivings had been laid to rest. In tandem, consideration ought be given to constructing functioning Federal and State institutions built upon principles of civil accord, and shared common public interest, which in turn give way to a nation state for the many at the periphery, and not for the few in the corridors of power. This borrows steam from the bottom-up approach to nation building, where influence flows from the periphery (States) to the centre (Federal), and argues against the top-down, opposite approach. On reflection, in the days of the Articles of Confederation, thorny contentious points included: Distrust amongst the colonies, Fear of tyranny flowing from a central authority, which does not serve the public interest, but that of the ruling class, Federal institutions such as Legislature and Representatives out of touch with their constituency, where a culture of the centre dictating to the periphery instead of the periphery influencing the centre takes command. It must noted, if a proposal had been made, and one of the colonies disagreed, or reject it, it was deemed rejected, for it was deemed to violate the principles of shared common interest and unity, as agreed upon under the Articles of Confederation. This bears importance, as it sets precedence, and relevance to the discussion. With the said in mind, and against the backdrop of the political culture, which has been brewing in Xamar, fast forward to the present state in .So, and let us reflect upon contentious points, as raised by PL: Develop clear and strict safeguards of the national sovereignty with SL, particularly SSC question at its heart, Completion of the Constitution, where guiding principles of power-sharing and consensus, politically or otherwise, are adhered to, Devise an agreed upon inclusive national security programme, Agree upon a natural resources management and sharing plan, Delineation of, and separation of Federal-State powers, and collaboration of institutions, as outlined in the Constitution, Create an agreed upon National judiciary system, defining Federal-State functions and roles, Formulate a transparent National economic and treasury programme with defined, and agreed upon guidelines, What form, or type of Election at the Federal level to be adopted, Determine as to the status of the Capital city, along with its rules and regulations, Work out a political solution prior to any amendments are presented to Federal institutions. I shall reflect upon proposed unilateral amendments en route State institutions, a violation of basic Principle, and Articles of the Constitution.
  20. I could not believe it when I peeked at the timestamp.
  21. He is all talk even in his sleep, and will be blubbering till a bullet kisses his ugly gob.
  22. I can not believe this still remains relevant, and wanted to bring it back for reflections.
  23. "Waar annagu ma noolin, waanu jabnay, inamadayadii ma noola ... ragga hanna laga qabto haddaan !saq nahay" Bellowing in chorus, here are islaamihii reer Hargeysa & Burco. fast forward to 2:27.
  24. Caynaanshe sends a message to GXJS elders.