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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Possibly recognisable when in uniform, but did you see the state of him when arrested? It took us a while to be certain, as we initially thought it was not him - 99% of HJ are bold with the same dark complexion.
  2. Young men, who captured him at first did not even know him. He is spending the night in prison in Las Anod tonight, and is being transferred to a large prison in Qardho.
  3. I was not going to divulge it, but you will find out in time. There were two secret missions: a) Small units, with snipers, positioned closely on SL defences, watching their movements, and b) Another mission, which destroyed SL communication command centre earlier in the night. Large units and heavy weapons joined the battle at daybreak.
  4. Cabdi Madoobe was en route to Caynaba earlier in the day on the tail of escaped units and some of the weapons. He and other Commanders wanted a complete disarming, and confiscation of all heavy weapons. He missed them by a slither, and was stopped by Garaado, and did not like it.
  5. Correct, the reason Firdhiye and Garaad Jama were at the front 2 days before the assault started. Of course, they will be two sides, but I'd rather take the version of the Commanders at the front. When the assault started round 0425 EAT at Maraaga, there were units headed to Canjiid to Tuula samakaab all the way to Yagoori ready to attack, and intercept any reinforcements coming from Oog. That is a reason that even this morning still disorientated / lost SL militias in the Dhoodi have been arrested by "gabdha reer miyi ah". Imagine that, the flying rangers of the beloved Republic being grouped and arrested by SSC reer miyi.
  6. With all due respect, that is just copium technique concocted to soothe, and lull reer Hargeysa to sleep. Of course, the likes of Oodweyne will come up with far more exaggerated excuses. In clinical psychology, denial is phase one of dealing with loss. From the front, the newly formed SSC army Command switched strategy, waged a coordinated full frontal attack of 11,000 angry young men from 7 fronts. The story is written by the victor. Postscript: When one observes the PoWs, the dead, and wounded of the SL militias, one notices majority are either: a) Old men in their 60s+, or b) Young boys barely 'qaan gaadh ah'. Conversely, if you look at SSC militias, majority are young men at their prime in their 20s through their 30s & 40s.
  7. Si galdan baad u fikiraysaa, una fahamtaye, let me explain: are you familiar with the concept of "social contract / justice"? That is the bedrock of the Constitution, but when you abuse, misuse, misrepresent, and misapply, then you can not turn round to fault, or shift blame of your own shortcomings, failures, and stupidity unto a document of agreed upon principles. I have no idea whence you plagiarised the falsity that the root cause of social ills is the Constitution. The Constitution is to protect the right, civil or otherwise, of the citizen, and not to be misused to visit ruination upon the public. Trouble is the average Somali does not understand core tenets of the Constitutional social agreement. Solution is building a technical cadre, who comprehends embedded principles in the said document, and is capable of its implementation. Intelligent people, anchored in elan and reality, must lead. True Geeljire shall protect and serve. Uncouth Geeljire shall stay in the barracks. Educate the young. Medicate the impaired. Rehabilitate the lost. Nurture the elderly, females, and children.
  8. You are still on that destructive trajectory, and can not get away from. Knowing HY, they are not seeking to destroy, for if that is their intent, they would have done so at their prime in the 90s. No one is coming for your territory, or wants to cause you any harm; you saw how ina Botan was received and treated. Muse no longer poses a threat to anyone else, except to himself, and his people. He has shown he is "caaq', is spent running on an empty tank, and has neither the means nor the capability to wage a war. Now, take a deep breath calmly, think logically, and think about the future. a
  9. Cabdi Madoobe is a warrior. he broke their back at 2 fronts, and had 3 " guuto" isolated. Not only did he reach Oog, but confiscated some heavy weaponry, and a largest ammo cache, and met with the locals telling them they had nothing to fear. Yes, Qodhob is now the Abaanduule in charge of the overall strategy. Even Jimcaale & Fool h@wiye performed rather well on the eastern front.
  10. No need to disrupt lives in the cities. Negotiate an exit strategy for Bixi & Co, and think about the future of the young people. Let GXJS assume power, and bring about stability to the region.
  11. Very much so. We knew something was brewing, and was expecting it to take a bit longer, but not this fast. By the way, it is not just him, but 14 senior officers incl. his 2nd in Command. Word has it, ina Kaahin and Nuux Baasta macaan were headed to Oog before Cabdi Madoobe forces reached it heading to Caynaba. In other words, had it not been for the Garaado & Leadership, those 2 would have been in custody.
  12. They were completed dismantled, and now blaming comunication breakdown, and the internal enemy, but in reality the war strategy put into use was one they were not familiar with. From what I hear, 11,000 well armed angry young men charged in at once from 7 fronts, and they were just overwhelmed, and run over. This was the early count, and does not include Oog pickings, the largest ammo cache.
  13. Very much so, and here they are being received well by enthused public.
  14. Taliye Qodhob ( Abaanduulka SSC) & Taliye Cabdi Madoobe speak to the public.
  15. I too do hope so, and the way Garaado & SSC Leadership are thinking, there is a good possibility, a new page and era in our history shall commence, but then again, as you said, in our recent history, we have become known to have made all the wrong choices.
  16. Now that Muuse & Co. have been defeated, let us sit down, as Somalis, as we have always done, agree to live in harmony, and work for a common good. No vengeance, no point scoring!
  17. Here is ina Botan resting at Garaad's home.
  18. No, you have just been drunken in your own hype, but this was historically the status quo before the Brits come. Again, we have been busy elsewhere, and now that our attention is fully focused westbound, this is it. We'll be more magnanimous than your lot, and will not rub it in your face.
  19. Weapons captured so far: 124 technicals 5 tanks 7 beebe 1 BM21 30 Sikaawi 15 Dhashiike 7 Zu-23 3 e ZSU-37 Rest of SL militias surrounded PoW: 112 Injured in custody: 45 Death still being counted
  20. Faysal Cabdi Bootaan taken as a PoW. And his 2nd in Command is also in custody.