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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Rehabilitating health services and medical centres in Las Anod. Hoggaamiye Kuxigeenka Golaha Fulinta ee Maamulka SSC-Khaatumo Dr.Maxammed Ismaaciil ayaa guddoomiyey kulan la xidhiidha arrimaha caafimaadka oo saaka ka dhacay Hoolka Shirarka Dawladda Hoose ee degmada Laascaanood. Kulanka ayaa si gaar ah diiradda loogu saaray guud ahaan adeegga caafimaadka gobolka gaar ahaanna dhaawacyada iyo daryeelkooda. Shirkan wuxuu daba socdey kulan hore loogu kala qaatay waajibaad shaqo, iyada oo maantana la soo bandhigay qiimeynta xaaladaha caafimaadka, iyada oo la isku raacay fulinta tallaabooyinka hortebinta leh ee ay ugu mudan tahay dib u habaynta hannaanka caafimaad iyo u diyaargarowga xaaladaha iman kara. Ugu dambayn, Hoggaamiye Ku-xigeenka ayaa mahad-celin iyo bogaadin u diray Guddiga Caafimaadka ee heeganka u ah u khidmaynta bulshada SSC. Xafiiska Warfaafinta iyo Xiriirka Dadweynaha ee Maamulka SSC-Khaatumo.
  2. Gooja cadde converted to events venue with the first wedding hosted.
  3. Waar ha nagu dirin maatida, yaanaan ku durdurine. Besides, we are all about building bridges now than destroying lives.
  4. Rehabilitating Las Anod Water Supply, a vital infrastructure, which SL impaired, ransacked, and destroyed.
  5. Rehabilitating Las Anod Water Supply, a vital infrastructure, which SL impaired, ransacked, and destroyed.
  6. So, this young lady is likening Imru al Qays's drunken spells with the numpties in Hargeysa & Burco salivating for blood bellowing 'Muuse ciidanka fasax'. In other words, these drunken old ladies and children will pause hating till they have avenged? What a relief! But for what exactly are they seeking vengeance? Boggles the mind!
  7. Golis leading the reconstruction in Las Anod after the liberation starting with the General hospital.
  8. 1st wedding in Las Anod after liberation.
  9. Some journeys take a detour, taking a bit longer to reach the destination, but history would agree it was worth it. The detour in this case was the Federal government, and now that it is in its rightful place, as imperfect as it is, then there is some home work to be see it.
  10. That was all you took from the post? How very unsatisfying, if lackadaisical of you.
  11. Let me offer an analogy in way you may understand it. Remember when Edna was talking about the shelling of civilians in Las Anod, she said [I am paraphrasing it] 'Haddii la burburiyo, mid ka qurux badan ayaan dib u dhisaynaa', yet when speaking to Oofwareen and his boys in Gacan libaax, she said 'Hooyo, noo tudha, ha inaga burburina SL ... waan idiin ku imanaynaa buurta'. Death of innocent is Las Anod, and destruction of their homes is acceptable, but God forbid unbefitting for reer Hargeysa and Burco. See, she is excusing, if justifying the atrocities in the former whilst struggling with the latter. The same applies to your Issims. And on the same token, in your case, you seek justification for the brain dead vitriol, yet turn a blind eye to the atrocities. Cut from the same cloth, if of different generation, of the same nonetheless. And till most of you have seen your dead and damned out of Gooja cadde, and Burco on the brink of falling, it was a mere distant noise not to be bothered with. Let us leave it there.
  12. Gen Edna reporting for duty to lead the national army. I do not know if it is real, but would not put it past her!
  13. O rubbish. You may not realise it, but I am acquainted with that line of rationalisation, and as the old saying goes "Bahalna ceedhiin ma daayo, Ninna caadadi ma baajo". It is just a rehashed drivel of the tolka talking points. I want that what is good for us [Somalis] all, but you can only see that which is good for the tolka, as is evident in your brief, and so long as you are peddling that odious bale, there is no middle ground. Think about it.
  14. So long as you consider SSC as Eastern SL, then you are still squatting at square one. As neighbours, we could discuss what is next for the region and its people, once you have accepted the reality, and tampered your tone. Imagine if you started this conversation in Dec. 2022. What is next steps for SL is entirely up to its people, and does not concern SSC.
  15. What the f@ck business do you have in Tukaraq, or anywhere else in SSC? You do not hear me talking about Go'o & Gabilay, do you? Are not you pushing tolka talking points, and what only benefits tolka, but are not thinking strategically about the stability of the region, and the people at large? Continuing with the same policies, and on the same path as the last 40 years only end in greater failure. And so long as you are espousing such ethos, then you are no different from the likes of XX, Oodweyne, and ChangeMatters.
  16. SSC leadership, Garaado, political leaders, and Commanders have played their roles, calmed the public, many of whom wanted armed, angry young men to march into Burco. Now is the time for reer SL to regain their conscience, leave the bravado aside, deal in actuality, and accept the reality. On day one, Garaado had called on SL to withdraw to Oog, and start negotiations.
  17. I agree, and am disappointed with the void in wisdom, in good men and women, vacating the centre stage for the dumb and damned, and the vacuous nature of political leaders, where even high school kids are being riled up into chanting "Garowe iyo gawrac".
  18. " Waar waa la jabay, meesha qiyaamaa ka dhacay; SSC-na iyaga guul bay u tahay, laakiin ma aha guul ... ay xoog iyo xeelad ku keeneen ee waa guul Ilaahay siiyey" Pro. Cabdi Cali Jaamac. It must have been mystic, magical, voila! Reerka kuwooda xittaa are caqliga lihi waa mugafiliin. Log into Facebook | Facebook FB.WATCH Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and...
  19. Very mature Masha'Allah.
  20. Now it is about launching nuclear. Muuse siidaa nukliyarka!
  21. Whist I disagree with his 'it was all luck', and he is pushing the tolka's mighty rhetoric without realising it, but his overall message is sane.