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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. A point of correction: SSC-Khatumo & Makhir territories are not disputed.
  2. The role of the Somali government, and military in Jibouti's independence, an account of a Sr military officers stationed in Lughaya in 1974 during the independence uprising.
  3. Instead of these kids, who look like they are on a day trip for their first trip abroad, where are the seasoned Somali diplomats? This old man and his kids are ruining what is left of the nation's image.
  4. Not only that, but M Xarbi was imprisoned, exiled, and eventually died whilst still fighting for Jibouti's independence, and its eventual union of Somalia. It was claimed he was assassinated. Not only Jibouti, but Somalia too. I now have greater respect for you knowing that you actually knew about Xarbi's role. Well done, mate!
  5. Like many politicians, Guled likes to talk the good talk out in the open, but deep down he is a stooge. He revealed his true face during the SSC conflict. In these speeches, he is only trying to resuscitate SL's image.
  6. She has been exploiting it, and raking in donations from the globe building her war chest for the next election.
  7. You have no idea how much Somalia sacrificed for Jibouti's independence, perhaps one of these days I shall educate you as to the back story. In the interim, you should read C/Rizaq X Xuseen's, and Qaybe's memoirs.
  8. HSM to African leaders in Rome: To Somalia, the infamous MoU is similar to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  9. This had the reverse effect in that she is gaining popularity with the right people incl. people in the wider Muslim world, Africa, Asia etc, whilst enraging neo-Nazis and white supremacists along with their shills, the secessionists.
  10. Again, 101 in irredentism strategy, case in point: Jibouti 1977. If we can not liberate an occupied Somali territory, we root for its independence, which buttresses said strategy. And where Somali territories exist to form a nation, so they shall remain, to further advance said strategy. Did dear father not teach you that at home? O' darn it, your are one of those single-mother kids.
  11. What a twat. S Galbeed is under occupation.
  12. This deserves a thread of its own, with the following highlighted, lest secessionists fail to grasp for whom they wish to bare their derriere on the salsa rotunda (Not that they'll be able to relish its fillings, or appreciate its historical context). ----------------------------------------- Status quo Since Abiy came to power in 2018, multipronged wars have once again erupted between the Ethiopian state and its constituent nations, namely Tigray, Oromia, and Amhara, even with the help of a foreign, bloodthirsty antagonist, Eritrea, in Tigray. The ongoing hidden war in Oromia was reenergized in 2018 within months of Abiy being named prime minister by the then-ruling party, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), as the senior party in the EPRDF coalition, was forced to accept a new prime minister from a junior member, the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO), due to the unrelenting struggle of the Oromo youth—known as Qeerroo/Qarree. The new government quickly turned against the Oromo popular movement and denied the protesters’ demands. It adopted mass killing and imprisonment while systematically dismantling their peaceful struggle, effectively forcing many of them to join the armed resistance led by the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA). When its attempts to obliterate the OLA failed, the Abiy regime turned to a state-sanctioned policy of “drying the pond to kill the fish.” It deployed the federal and regional security forces, Amhara and Oromo militias, and local settler Amhara groups in Oromia to loot, rape, and kill at will. In the meantime, Abiy demolished the ruling party and formed a new party in 2019, the Prosperity Party, to promote his imperial ambition in the mold of emperors Menelik II and Haile Selassie I. Ethiopia was created as a dependent colonial empire with the assistance of European imperial powers in multipronged wars of conquest waged by Emperor Menelik II in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Is Ethiopia’s disintegration an inevitable and necessary evil? - Ethiopia Insight WWW.ETHIOPIA-INSIGHT.COM Potential harms of disintegration must be weighed against consequences of holding Ethiopia together by force. Political and Ideological Legacy of Ethiopia’s Contested Nation-Building: A Focus on Contemporary Oromo Politics Just a moment... JOURNALS.SAGEPUB.COM
  13. This is according to Britannica: Casualties of World War II World War II, the deadliest and most destructive war in human history, claimed between 40 and 50 million lives, displaced tens of millions of people, and cost more than $1 trillion to prosecute. The financial cost to the United States alone was approximately $5.8 trillion in 2023 dollars when adjusted for inflation. In Germany’s 49 largest cities, nearly 40 percent of homes were seriously damaged or destroyed. In the western Soviet Union, the destruction was even greater. U.S. Army Air Forces burned scores of Japanese cities to the ground with incendiary bombs before Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely destroyed with atomic weapons.
  14. Do you know how many people perished (excl. injured, or displaced) as a result of the 2nd war alone?
  15. So says the son of a father from Nazi Germany, who ran a brothel, to make money. Why do I get the sense you would be polishing his boots if you could.
  16. Did you just say Ethiopia or Kenya territorial integrity? Have you fallen on your forehead at birth? I give up. By the way, here in the US, we are free, and do things differently. We can support our native countries whilst still being Americans.
  17. I know it is difficult, but for once in your sodding sorry existence, speak as if a regular Somali person. Is it not true there are occupied Somali lands / territories? If so, it is a statement of fact, is it not? Then, how is that an attack?
  18. With whom is she in trouble? The majority of those on her case now are neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Well done for unwittingly joining the bandwagon. Whom did she threaten, and what did she say in her threatening tone?
  19. Here is a transcript of what she said. For those seeking an accurate and verbatim translation of what Congresswoman @Ilhan said, here it is: [The context is: she was addressing her Somali-American constituents, who were alarmed by Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed’s announcement of his intention to assist a region/province in Somalia in becoming a sovereign state. Additionally, he stated he will acquire land and sea l for his landlocked country through this province. Somalia, the African Union, the USA, the European Union, the UK, and the global community stand with Somalia, stating that dismembering Somalia and annexing its land is unacceptable] Here is what the Congresswoman said: ———————————————— “We Somalis are people who love each other. It is possible that some of us are rough with each other, but when the going gets tough, we are people who have each other’s backs. We are sisters and brothers, supporting each other, people who know they are Somalis and Muslims, coming to each other’s aid and aiding their brothers and sisters. And the other day, when we heard that some Somalis, or those who say they are Somalis, entered an MoU with Ethiopia, many people called me and said, “Ilhan, you should talk to the US government; what is the US government going to do about this?” My response was: the US government will do what we ask it to do. We should have this confidence in ourselves as Somalis. We live in this country. We are taxpayers in this country. This country is one where one of your daughters sits in Congress. While I am in Congress, no one will take Somalia’s sea. The United States will not back others to rob us. So, do not lose sleep over that, O Minnesotans. The lady you sent to Congress is on this, and she is as cognizant of this interest as you are. I would like to tell President Hassan Sheikh that we are impressed with the great work you have done. You have made it known to those living in Somalia and other places that, in spite of the many challenges we face as Somalis, we are nonetheless competent people. People who believe in their country and will not allow it to be endangered. Thus, I want to congratulate the Somalis in Minnesota and everywhere on how united you are. How you all stood by our president, because he needs our solidarity. Somalia belongs to all Somalis. Somalia is one. We are brothers and sisters, and our land will not be balkanized. Our lands were taken from us before, and God willing, we may one day seek them, but what we have now will not be balkanized. I thank you all for how you always welcome me and honor me; may the Lord honor you. Peace and blessings of God be with you.
  20. Tell you what, I'll let you have it your way with your being a local lad and all.
  21. Waaryaa, adna ma caraqii XX ayaad dawlis u ridatay? We are not talking about brick and mortar. Is the image you conjured up of 'slums' in your mind that of India? I am referring to low-income housing estate, terrible sub-standard living conditions, higher than average criminal activities incl. gun related violence, overcrowded residential areas mostly resided by immigrant communities, recent or otherwise. Spare a thought for Grenfell Tower. The photos are of the same buildings I referred to earlier, which are low-income, government assisted housing estate resided mostly by immigrants. I just rang one of my cousins, who was born in Dixon, owns one of the apartments as a rental unit, and confirmed their ownership was of Trusts and law firms, heavily subsidised by local authorities, intended to buttress under-represented communities, just like Housing Associations in the UK, and elsewhere in Europe. The same applies to the US, say in Minneapolis. Do these buildings look like low-income housing? These are the new developments in Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, right next to the old apartment complex, the ones you were mocking. But in reality, when one goes inside, meets its residents, the conditions are terribly sub-standard. By the way, if you reside in Dixon at one of these buildings, my labelling them 'slum' does not take stock from them or you, and there is no shame in it. It is just that I live on a lake, so do not be offended by my perhaps elitist disposition to God-awful, crowded, sub-standard housing conditions. Now, you may put the pint away!