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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. I do not have the backstory yet, but when it comes to the surface, it will not serve Somali interest, but US/NATO interest, and none of us will be content, satisfied, or happy with it.
  2. Trully unfortunate, if sad. I must applaud you for once in your life thinking like a true nomad, a son of Somali . Well done, mate. Just do me a small, tiny favour, please, could we just not ever mention colonial legacy? Not in name, nor in passing! And instead focus upon the Somali peninsula, and whatever political configuration or set-up is agreed upon, be it UAE style, German, US, UK, German etc, so be it. I personally prefer Ardu Somal / Dhul Somali (yeed). Pure and simple, Somali affairs ALONE!
  3. I would have said you were being harsh questioning his patriotism, but then I saw this clip recently, where he is equating Somalis in DDS and NFD with those in the diaspora, technically teaching kids in mainland Somalia that Somalis in occupied Somali territories are similar to refugees settled in the diaspora in foreign lands, in other words those territories are not ours.
  4. Article 2: State & religion: In section (1) of the original constitution, it stated "Islam is the religion of the government" meaning government institutions, and by extension its laws, which has since been changed to "Islam is the religion of the country", meaning the people. Like many of the other diluted and modified Articles and sections indicate, this is backdoor entry point for secularism.
  5. It has been reported there were no flights to Hargeysa today, arising from previously reported interference with flights.
  6. That is a critical factor you underscored, yet there are multitude of other underlying factors to consider from scarcity of immediately exploitable resources, dire deficiency in human capital to geopolitics to socio-economic to egalitarian nature of the nomadic lifestyle just to name a few. I am of the view the Somali peninsula has hit the rock bottom harder than any with the only direction from here onwards being upwards, and have greater hopes in the years to come. One more thing to note when we discuss other nations, we only look at the facade, as we are not acquainted with its intimacies as a native would. I have seen Africans visit Xamar for a day or two talking about it as if it is one of the best cities in Africa. Again facade.
  7. Why? Where? For what purpose? Today, in #Mogadishu, President @HassanSMohamud, along with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee, presided over the signing ceremony of an agreement in which the US will construct five well-equipped military bases for the National Army's elite forces (#DANAB).
  8. Is this the same schpeel as SL being the rarest kept secret, and best democracy in Africa?
  9. If you could read the parts about Sharica being replaced with Xeer, customs, traditions, and Federal laws, Abortion left to the medical professionals most of whom are liberal, do not practise Islam, and are open to the practice similar to the West, The dilution of the sanctity of marriage where civil partnership is on the menu. If you could be so obliging as to try it again! --------------------------- Could you cite ONE THING the current government could NOT do, and is prevented from doing, because of the Constitution in its current form? Postscript: Let me remind you, the Federal government powers are: Article 54, Allocation of Powers, Federal Government Powers: (a) Foreign Affairs: Why not form a coherent Diplomacy and proficient diplomatic Corps instead of HSM in his one-man-shit-show with his kids still in diapers as his core advisers on all matters foreign? (b) National Defense: What is preventing it from forming a cohesive National policy with FMSs at its heart? What came of the war campaign HSM started a few months ago? How are Galcad & Xarardheere faring today? (c) Monetary Policy: What is preventing from instituting Currency instead of US Dollar in circulation as if a colony? (d) Citizenship & Immigration: Same applies here.
  10. Boating on Garacad beaches and sea is an experience much different from those of Bosaso or Berbera. The weather is soooo nice, and there is nothing like an early morning organic breakfast, or a late sea food dinner on the beach.
  11. Here is a summary, penned in haste, for the talking heads: a) A Presidential system, with a Vice President, rather than a Parliamentarian system with Premier is being proposed. Political significance: till, and until democratic elections and political parties had been formed and implemented, the current power-sharing system of governance must remain intact. In the event of political parties and elections had been implemented, then and only then would consideration of such a change of system be acceptable. Case in point the entire government is now HSM and his kids. b) Proposed two party system can only come naturally, but not stipulated in the Constitution. c) Article 44, re: Natural resources: i) Barring eminent domain and Federal designated lands, natural land and resources are reserved for FMSs. Any Federal designated lands must be negotiated between Fed. gov’t and FMSs. A clear case of usurpation of power. d) Article 51, re: Elections: i) Elections are powers reserved for FMSs, and any attempt to bring said powers under the Fed. govt' are a clear usurpation of power. It must be noted Federal IDs are attached to voting where citizens with State IDs could be barred from voting. e) The term 'Sharci' has been removed and intentionally replaced with 'Xeer', the significance herein being: - To dilute primacy, and traces of Islamic jurisprudence, ordinances, and their precedence. - Sharci (shuruuc (pl) ) are derived from Shari'a 'Islamic jurisprudence' grounded in, and with its basis in Islam whereas Xeer is derived from customs and traditions, and Sharica. This becomes more evident when one notices the role of Culamaa has been excluded. Case in point Article 13, pS. 17&18, re: abortion where powers are afforded the medical profession, removing consultation with Culamaa; require further explanation. For instance, Article 17, p. 18: - Removed are sections (1) & (2): - section (1) provides every citizen is free to practice own religion. f) Legal terms, which demand strict interpretation had been replaced with loose wordings open to interpretations, giving a great deal of latitude to abuse and misuse. Case in point Article 19, p.19, re: Miranda warning – require further explanation. When legal minds with professional training and experience write contracts, which is what the Constitution is as 'social contract', technical terms with intent and purpose are used, whereas when ordinary people read, or try to interpret such laws, confusion almost always reins, with many concluding said law(s) being contradictory; one hears that often, and for a reason. Case in point, difference between Freedom of enquiry vs freedom of expression. The two concepts are confused, or intentionally transposed, in the proposed amendments. Article 18, pS 18&19, g) Section (3) of said Article, sets limitations where ingenuity in its art form incl. poetic or literary forms, and research had been replaced and confined to 'one's knowledge and creativity'; the new section uses the words 'faaf reeb la'aan', which I think is intended to mean lack of censorship. here, 'Xoriyad aqooneed' does not mean the same as 'si xor ah u soo bandhigo aqoontiisa'; the former speaks to freedom of enquiry and research whereas the latter speaks to one being at liberty to express. A major difference. - Further, in its simplest form, the new wording gives rise to loopholes to be exploited, where a citizen could be arrested for reciting a poem deemed inflammatory under Article (18), section (3). h) Article 28, re: Marriage: - section (2) has been added, and it shall open flood gates, for it provides: - Each person has the right to get married, and form a family through consent and desire, in accordance with Islam, and Federal laws. Now, any laws, which the Federal government passes, which could sanction civil partnership and gay marriage are permissible, and covered under this Article. This is what Sacdiya & Co have been advocating for. i) Article 35, re: Presumption of innocence: - section (1) removed 'innocence' replacing it with 'not committed a crime'; - It further changed 'till a Court proves guilt verdict' replacing it with 'till a Court sentenced'. In legal terms, this bears significance; requires further explanation. j) Article 20, re: Freedom of congregation and demonstration: - section (1) had been diluted where it is now contingent upon compliance with Federal laws, and by extension the infamous National Security regulations, pruned from from the military government, a death kneel, and return to the dark days. - section (2) adds a word, which rules out citizens from lodging a complaint to State institution; here, the word 'u gudbiyo - to lodge' has been changed to 'u gudbin karo - could lodge', which in legal terms means worlds apart. In legal proceedings, you could lodge (privilege) does not mean you can lodge (right); the former has the implication of your being advised not to lodge a complaint whereas the latter in its original form granted citizens right, and at will sans potential injury to complainant(s). Freedom of enquiry is at the heart of good governance, and democracy, or else it dies in darkness. k) Article 22, Political participation: - section (1) has been diluted where citizens' ability to form, participation, and join political parties is now contingent upon Federal regulations; sub-sections (a) & (b) which provided said rights have been scrubbed. In its spirit, the new Article removes Election powers and governance from States, powers granted to States in the original Constitution; another power grab by the Fed. gov't. l) Article 20, Travel and mobility: - section (2) has been removed as a right to carry a passport, and moved to section (3); in principle, when a section is being separated, it can exclude the right, as Courts could reference section (1), and ignore section (3), which relegates the right to carry a passport to a privilege. Only persons permitted by the government of the day to carry passport could, and a citizen falls foul of the said government, he no longer enjoys the privilege, which must be earned by way allegiance, and/or loyalty. See the danger. - section (3) now makes a requirement for a citizens to have a Federal ID in order to apply for a passport. This is a dangerous requirement, since IDs are State issued, as granted in the original Constitution. Here, a burden is being placed upon the average citizen. Another power grab by the Fed. gov't. m) Article 32, Information Act: - section (1) enforces the infamous National Security doctrine where citizens can only see what civil servants consider public information, incl. a file on every citizen, esp. elites, dissidents considered political opposition. - section (2), which provides ? has been scrubbed. I'll have to find the original English text to fully comprehend its intent. n) Article 30: - section (5), which advocated for research and development (R&D) has been scrubbed. o) Chap. 3 re: Land ownership: - These are a set of Articles, which grant all land ownership and management powers to the Fed. gov't; this is a State matter barring Federally designated lands, which must be agreed upon between the Fed. gov't and FMSs. p) Article 44, re: Natural resources: - section (1) originally provided natural resources are to be negotiated between the Fed. gov't and FMSs, albeit all powers rest with FMSs; this has been changed to read 'Natural resources are national assets to be exploited ...'. transferring powers from FMSs to the Fed. gov't. - section (2) is new, and creates Fed. Institutions incl. Minerals, water, and petroleum all under the Fed. gov't. q) Article 8, re: Citizenship and Nationality: - section (2) in the new constitution now draws a distinction between Somali nationals in general, and people of the Federal Republic where in the former it applies to all Somalis whereas the latter is specific to those in the 7, the Federal Republic. Here, the new constitution seeks to define who is Somali, and what constitutes being Somali. It sets a dangerous precedence. In the original constitution, any one born to Somali parents is deemed Somali. The new constitution regards Somalis outside of the 7 non-Somalis, and in turn, this delegitimises Somalis in occupied Somali territories as non-citizens, and by extension said territories non-Somali territories. r) Article 18, re: Freedom of Enquiry: Freedom of enquiry in ingenuity, research and development (R&D) is critical. Scientific & engineering research and innovations are stalled. And so in freedom of enquiry in political discourse where citizens could question elected civil servants incl. Heads of States. As a concept, freedom of enquiry, as introduced into political discourse by B Spinoza, advanced by J Locke and later furthered by Montesquieu, is at the heart of good governance, and democracy. One of the reasons democracy is a better system of governance than its predecessors incl. monarchic, oligarchic, dictatorship etc, is it has an inherently built-in self-adjusting mechanism, where wrongs by currents leaders can be corrected by later leaders. Case in point, destruction visited upon US institutions, primary examples being State Dept., and DoJ had mostly been corrected, even if the damage could leave lasting consequences.
  12. Could you cite ONE THING the current government could NOT do, and is prevented from doing, because of the Constitution in its current form? Let me remind you, the Federal government powers: Article 54, Allocation of Powers, Federal Government Powers: (a) Foreign Affairs: Why not form a coherent Diplomacy and proficient diplomatic Corps instead of HSM in his one-man-shit-show with his kids still in diapers as his core advisers on all matters foreign? (b) National Defense: what is preventing it from forming a cohesive National policy with FMSs at its heart? What came of the war campaign HSM started a few months ago? How are Galcad & Xarardheere faring today? (c) Monetary Policy: what is preventing from instituting Currency instead of US Dollar in circulation as if a colony? (d) Citizenship & Immigration: Same applies here. Instead, the debate is about: Removing Shari'a and replacing it with Xeer (customs & traditions) to grant more powers to Federal laws, Abortion, Civil partnership, Fiddling with presumption of innocence principle, Limitations on freedom of enquiry, Limitations on political participation Just to name a few. Postscript: Let me further remind you of there being 5 nations with no written Constitution incl. Canada, Saudia, NZ, UK (the originator of the Magna Carta, the foundation for modern Constitutions, and from where J Locke referenced in drafting the 1st Constitution). Societies are governed by contracts, AGREED UPON by ALL its members.
  13. I boggles the mind. Of all the pressing matters at hand, most of all where galvanising the nation to defend against the marauding Habashas is paramount, why further divide the nation by fiddling with the Constitution other than pure power grab.
  14. By the time they are through with it, there will be nothing left of the original.
  15. No, we do not want that, as it is contrary to the desires of the nation, and benefits no one. The mindless secessionists are akin to a child being told not to touch a burning fire only to touch and cry afterwards. They almost always do the opposite of that which is in their best interest only to sing 'waxbaa baalaha iga yaacay' later. Across borders means it is an international affair, governed by the International Air Transport Association, which covers all flights, commercial or otherwise, and anyone who interferes with and in, under Rules 22 & 23 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, pursuant to Aircraft Act, 1934, is subject to prosecution. Ask a right-thinking person nearby to explain to you provisions of the Interference with aircraft in flight, governing rules, and penalties. A whole new set of more strict Rules had been adopted post 9/11.
  16. I bet they do not realise the act of interfering with airlines in flight is a terrorist criminal activity punishable across borders!
  17. Ina adeer, everything that has gone wrong in our sufferable nation, then when he was in charge till now post his sodding departure, had been the doing and legacy of the Kacaan from top to bottom. As far as your involvement is concerned, you are awfully too young to have been in bed with Afweyne & Co., and as you told us once whom you late father (Rabbana yarhamhu) was, I have no reason to suspect you, except I wanted to tickle your soft belly, mate, to include you in the conversation, for you my dear friend have a penchant for delicate matters. Please O please, for all our sake, never repeat that again!
  18. I must keep your [all] toes on fire, mate, or MMA will be singing Kacaanist rhymes in af Maay (the death of me), or Ghe will be tempted to recite his beloved Kacaan leaders' mantra all day ( ya reet, wa ya lah min caar). No one questions reer Awdal's Somalinimo and their role in its sanctity. I am glad to hear all is well with reer Awdal, and so long as they are in the fold of reer Somali, you will the rest of us in their corner. Outside of fine hotels and homes in good neighbourhoods, Xamar is no longer an ethnic Somali city, but a Bantu city with the majority of its residents now being of African extraction, and increasing by the day. I do not know what the representation is, but I would not be surprised if it is 65~/35~ with 35~ being ethnic Somali minority population.
  19. O' I trust Galbeedi is a good man, with his heart in the right place, and I am just flaming his flat, soft feet for good measure, lest he wavers back again.
  20. No, from his analyses, Galbeedi is terribly green, well-meaning, but rather gullible, and could easily switch horses in the middle of the battle. Do you not recall his midnight rout before reer Awdal had been preempted by Bixiye, where he was advocating to offer Awdal to Habasha, and even floating the idea of Awdal joining DDS or Jibouti. By all means, recognise Awdal, but let hardened, grey old men, with balls of steel take the reins, and not some pen-pusher, soft lads from the diaspora, and not even the Baxar's of this world with their bogus Doctorship and lofty ideals. Army men are needed to weather the tide in these difficult times ahead. Otherwise, they will be going back and forth the mountains just like GXJS. More than anything, grit, fortitude, and sacrifice are needed.
  21. Not in our life time, I think not. Abu Dhabi based, State owned company, proposed to finish the port, the GGG road project, and management of the port, with a 37% stake, but all their proposals had been rejected. Besides, reer Mudug have less Oromo infiltration, higher expectations, and greater ambition than the secessionists.
  22. Doomsday sayers, the lot of you, where were you 10 years ago, circa. 2014? Or even 20 years ago in 2004? I bet back then you did not think things would improve, or get any better. Now, get your knickers out of a twist, and fast forward in 2034, or 2050, could you imagine what life would be like? Go on, share you predictions, you baldy bunch.
  23. If he visits any part of Somalia, let alone Hargeysa, that is a declaration of war, and so it should be considered. I always questioned Cabdi Samatar's motives and analytical capacity; at minute 0910, he talks about uniting the nation, and pooling its strength to defend the nation, but then he places al Shabab in the same category as Habasha invasion. The only reliable, sure defense against Habasha is al Shabab. Talk about removing arrows in one's quiver night before the battle! He is very sharp, and has a bright future in Somali politics at the national level. Imagine if he studied law, philosophy and politics, and had the correct tools to brief his constituency as to the looming dangers, and influence of the shifting priorities in the geopolitics of the world.
  24. Trump says he’d disregard NATO treaty, urge Russian attacks on U.S. allies “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?,’” Trump said during a rally at Coastal Carolina University. “I said, ‘You didn’t pay. You’re delinquent.’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.” Trump’s remarks come as the GOP is debating whether to provide additional foreign aid to Ukraine, which is fighting a war with Russia after being invaded by Moscow in 2022. The Senate is considering legislation that would give $60 billion to Ukraine. House Republicans, however, have echoed Trump’s skepticism about doing so. Trump suggests he would refuse to honor NATO treaty, encouraged Russian attacks on U.S. allies - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM The Republican front-runner said he encouraged Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to member countries he views as...
  25. Xaaraami IOG, his master plan (Irirism with Bixiye and XSM) blew up in his face, and is now trying to salve his rectum with balm culled from SSC, reer Awdal and GXJS against Bixiye and Abiy post the infamous MoU, and by extension rescue billion he makes from Habasha using Jabouti port (he makes 1.5 billion USD annually). This is not circa. 2000, and SSC Interim Admin, as a political entity, is represented by Firdhiye, and not by Garaado.