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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. You misunderstood the core message. It is not about individuals, but about state institutions, symbolism, civil service, civil society, the engine, grease, and mechanisms of governance.
  2. The Somali president of the Somali region in Ethiopia @Mustafe_M_Omer received unexpected answers from Somali students at Jigjiga University, the capital of the Somali region. Somali Galbeed. He was surprised by their clear distinction between being Somali and Ethiopian. He asked them, "Are you not Ethiopian? Isn’t this region part of Ethiopia?" The students' responses were striking: "We are Somali, we are from Ogadenia, and we have nothing to do with Ethiopia. Ethiopia is occupying our land."
  3. So, even after all you have heard, and knowing Habasha's ultimate intent is to take over Somali lands, you are still asking this question? Here is the complete interview with Prof. B Hailu.
  4. Ever wondered why the FGS never mentions weapons and militias trained in Ethiopia for SL? Think about that. According to reliable sources, there were 10 trucks, and all are in PL's hands. The weapons had been purchased by the FGS, but had since been taken ownership by PL.
  5. In other words, the only relatively stable region in Habasha is S Galbeed, and Abiy wants it not spared, and on fire like the rest, which benefits him in the long-run, for a stable Somali region poses a greater threat to Habasha in more ways than one. If you could repeat that one more time, and elaborate it, I just want to make sure I am reading your thoughts correctly. I fear you might have been bitten by a sombre, if sober wolf.
  6. That is the lazy, usual line of scapegoating hapless politicians feed the naive public to misdirect. It is a failure on the part of Deni of not bringing ilma Diyana into the fold. No one else to blame.
  7. Not only macangag, but the worse sort (ciyaal reer Xamar), who refuses to negotiate, or let others attempt conflict resolution methods, but comes to his senses, and to the table with a bloody nose.
  8. Let us see if Deni learnt from his past mistakes, and resolves the issue with ilma Diyano peacefully. Flights back to normal schedule. Ethiopia Airline flight at Bosaso. DAALLO AIRLINES RESUMES BOSSASO FLIGHTS AFTER YESTERDAY'S DISRUPTION BY FGS MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION ALLEGING INSECURITY ... Duullimaadka shirkadda Daallo oo maanta ka degtay garoonka Bossaso. Shirkadda duullimaadada diyaaradaha ee Daallo ayaa maanta oo Isniin ah ka degtay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Bossaso kaddib maalmo shaki amni ah oo garoonkaasi soo wajahday. Duullimaadkaasi maanta ayaa ka soo kicitimay iskutagga imaaraadka Carabta, marinkiisa kalana uu yahay Muqdisho iyo Nairobi, waxaana ay qaadday rakaabkii labadasi magaalo ah oo ka dibdhacay xilligoodii dhoof. Xalay ayay ahayd markii Wasaaradda Duuliska Hawada iyo Garoomada Puntland ay soosaartay warsaxaafadeed la xiriira amniga garoonka, kaasoo wasaaraddu meesha kaga saaraysay jiritaanka wax shaki amni ah oo quseeya garoonka diyaaraha ee Bossaso. Maalmo kahor ayay ahayd markii ciidamada gaarka ah ee PSF soosaareen war qoraalah oo digniin siinayey duullimaadada, arrinkaasi oo dabajooga khilaaf u dhaxeeyey maamulka Puntland iyo madaxda ciidankaasi. Diiwaanka Wararka | Warbaahinta Daljir --------------------------------------- PSF abandoning ilma Diyana. Tirada rasmiga ah Ciidanka kasoo baxay Xerada Ilmo Diyaano ee kusoo biiray Ciidamadii hore ee PSF oo haatan lagu daray Ciidanka Badda,waa 214-Askari. Tirada Guud ee Ciidanka PSF,waxay ahaan jirtay 400-600 oo Askari. 85-Askari,waxaa lagu qiyaasay Askarta firxatay ee kala tagtay. 95-Askari horay,waxay ugu soo gashay Dowlada oo waa Ciidankii lagu abuuray PISF,haatana loo wareejiyay Ciidanka Badda. Marka lagu daro tirada soo xarootay Labadii Maalmood ee udanbeeyay,waxaa la qiyaasi karaa in Gacanta Ilmo Diyaano ay ku harsan yihiin Lixdameeyo Ciidankii hore. Waxaa xusid mudan in Ciidanka hada soo xarooday ay ubadan yihiin xirfadlayaashii Hoobiyayaasha,Gaandhariyada iyo Farsamayaqaanada. Sida ay iisheegeen Saraakiisha Ciidamada,waxaa toos loogu darayaa Ciidanka Badda,iyadoo isla Shalayba la siiyay Mushahaarkoodii oo Askari walba uu qaatay $400 .
  9. Speker of the House, Qoorsheel and others in Sanaag. Speaker: Qoorsheel:
  10. True statements, if selective in some parts. I like your spirit, and would vote for you if you ever run for the presidency of our ailing nation. Despise your desire to rule with iron-wrought, I suspect you would be gentle, conscious of the problems facing the nation, with your being a reer Galbeed (region) gentleman. If only you could have been a federalist at heart! I do not know, MMA and XX scare the living daylight out of me straddling across the opposite edges of the desirability spectrum. Postscript: By the way, have you read C/risaq X Xuseen's book? If no, it is a must reference for anyone interested in Somali modern history and politics. The elites of all shades, and educated classes failed our nation more so than any other class. The ones who tried their hand in politics were worse lacking! Postscript: Speaking of Trump, the old geezer lost his lunch to a girl in the debate last night. He was an embarrassment, fumbled all over, and was taken to task.
  11. Darn, and soon, you will be telling me: - Galbeedi is Dr Cali I Baxar - Che is C/weli Gaas, - MMA is Laftagareen, - Makhiri is Jamal M Xasan, - XX is Caateeye, I forgot Carafat as Cirro.
  12. Other Federal Member States coming of age joining the fanfare. A clear case of growth and development at the FMSs stymied in Xamar.
  13. Taadu waa halkii laga yidhi "Dumarka iyo carruurtu waa ay kugu qoslaan marka aad kufto, marka ay kuffaanse, waa ay kuu soo baroortaan". It is not a laughing matter, and in the very near future, we shall see you and your beloved at the receiving end of the brutality meted out in this dictatorship enclave. Nothing has changed in 30 years. Here is C/raxman Tuur being chased out from his home town.
  14. Just so you know it, leaving behind death and mayhem in his wake is not anyone's definition of "successful"; let us see how long it takes before bullets begin flying in Awdal. Out of curiosity, has there been a city of more than 20,000 inhabitants, where there had not been deaths, armed militias, and uprising in the triangle during his tenure? ------------------------ And now he is arresting MPs, who under the State's Constitution have immunity whilst serving in the Parliament.
  15. Cakuye dhallaan! You do not even know how to say the names, eh? It is yours if you could tell me what Jiidali means?
  16. True. Sanaag comprises 5 districts: a) Ceerigaabo is a shared city, b) H@rti reside in 3 districts: i) Laas Qoray, ii) Dhahar, and iii) Badhan, c) Is@q in one: Ceel Afweyn. On top of that, H@rti reside in Xingalool, Buraan, Hadaaftimo, Yube, Ceelaayo, and nearly 40+ other villages in Sanaag namely Daara Salaam, Maraje, Cawsane, Mindigale, Ceel Buux, Ballibusle, Baraagaha Qol, Damala Xagar, Dhabar Dalool , Biyo Gudood, Shimbiraale, Carmale, Wardheer, Tooraboora, Cadcado, Durduri, Gacan, Xabaal Shaawacle, Ceel la Helay, Beeraara, Xidid, Xamur, Ceel La Qoday, Gebi Dheer, Har Weyn iyo Qoraxjiif, and a handful of other villages. Further, H@rti reside from Ceerigaabo to Bosaso, which stretches 400+ km to Bari, 400 km to Nugaal, and 250+ km to Sool from Fiqi Fuliye to Dara Weyne to Bohol to Awrboogays and farther afield. Is@q resides in Dayacan, a neighbourhood in Ceerigaabo, and villages in Ceel Afweyn district all the way to the Togdheer border estimated up to 60 km. And villages along the Red Sea coast to the West. Yet, Is@q wishes to rule over H@rti.
  17. Nothing is for free, and the details shall be ironed out between the two nations with Jibouti being in the driving seat. This proposal I trust is backed by a number of Muslim nations. More importantly, Somali seas, be ion the Red seas or Indian Ocean, are out of their filthy paws. We knew all along Habasha did not want to built a port, nor could it build it, for it lacks the requisite wealth nor the investment, and if they had, they would have built Lamu offered to them by Kenya in 2012. The Kenyan option: - In May, 2012, Ethiopia agreed a deal with Kenya to facilitate the acquisition of land in the island of Lamu as part of the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (Lapsset) project, a $24bn(£18bn) transport and infrastructure plan to link the two countries and their neighbours. - The project was signed in 2012 but has been beset by funding delays and security problems in both countries.
  18. This was a political master stroke on the part of IOG to diffuse crises with a sentence "We are offering Ethiopia 100% management of a port". With it, there shall be no separation between Somali peoples, no Hashaba in their midst, and the threat to the Red Sea, and India Ocean has been neutered. Award the dictator another medal for "seemingly on the onset [conditional]" throwing a life line for the Somali people of the Horn. Checkmate the bakhti-feasting Habasha!
  19. The best strategy for HY now is to build bridges with H@rti, and not be used as fodder for Muse's foolish adventures. The worse game plan is to engage in a direct tribal conflict with the euphoric Khalas brigades when they have neither the reliable backing nor the wherewithal to win. It would be suicidal at best. But then again, neither you nor Muse could care less. We do!