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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. Baardheere in its natural glory.
  2. The ruler of Sanaag, Suldaan Maxamuud Suldaan Cali Shire, later arrested and exiled in Seychelles by the Brits, in May 1920, with other African leaders.
  3. Ceel-Daahir - Ceerigaabo.
  5. Gedo, the most fertile and water-locked region, could feed the entire nation.
  6. Madogashe Highway to connect Gaarisa to Kismayo.
  7. GAARISA: A rice plantation in Balambale, Garissa County Morning Drive through Gaarisa.
  8. Amal Village, Garowe ( still under construction, but looking fabulous).
  10. A young Darwish lady on her horse waving State's flag. A young Darwish on his horse.
  11. Las Anod, the seat of SSC Khatumo State.
  12. Milestones a year after its inception, Aug 2023.
  13. Somalia: 637,657 km2 ( 246,201 sq mi ) Body of Water: 3,333 km2 (2,071 mi) - Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa: Indian Ocean & the Red Sea. Population: ~ 18 million (estimation) S Galbeed: 328,068 km2 (/) 126,668 sq mi ) Body of Water: 9,842 km2 ( 3,800 sq mi) - to be confirmed. Population: ~ 6 million (estimation) NFD: 127,358.5 km2 (49,173.4 sq mi) Population: ~ 2.5 million (estimation)
  14. Significant development in Jubaland-FGS dispute: Jubaland President Madoobe and his cabinet have resolved to steer the region in the direction of greater autonomy from Mogadishu (similar to Puntland) In the communique: Jubaland demands direct dealings with international community. Says all international aid should be disbursed directly to Kismayo and not through Mogadishu. Calls for review of UN arms embargo suspension. Decries Mogadishu's 'weaponisation of aviation' and demands neutral and trusted agency to manage Somali airspace and aviation.
  15. Taariikhda Dhow & Tan Fog ee Deegaanka Soomaalida 11 Regions, 96 Districts, 6 Administrative cities. SOOYAALKA DEEGAANKA SOOMAALIDA & DIBINDAABYADA GUMEYSTAHA ITOOBIYA DALJIR.COM Taariikhda Dhow & Tan Fog ee Deegaanka Soomaalida WQ: Maxamed... GOBOLADA TAXANAHA Gobolada aan taxanahan diirada ku saari doono ee ay ka taaganyihiin khataraha daran ee dhul ballaadhsiga, barakicinta iyo xasuuqyada bahalnimo ee joogtada ah ayaa ahaa: Gobolka Faafan (Tuli-Guleed, Shabeelay, Gursum & Baabili) Gobolka Siti (Erer, Goota-Biki, Afdam, Muli, Daymeed & Dhuunyare) Gobolka Liibaan (Qarsadhula, Dheeka-Suuf, Gorobaqaqsa & Guray-dhaamoole) Gobolka Dhaawa (Mooyaale & Hudad) Gobolka Erer (Lagahida, Salaxaad, Mayu-Muluqo & Qubi) Gobolka Afdheer (Iimay-Galbeed, Raaso, Jarti, Ceel-kari) Ismaamulka magaalada Dhiri Dhaba oo xudduud la wadaagta degmada Shiniile (Magaalada Diri Dhaba waxay dhul ahaan ka tirsanaan jirtay degmada Shiniile waana magaalo Soomaaliyeed)
  16. Open shares: At a minimum, 20 shares with each share at $100, and 200 shares expected as the average share.