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Posts posted by dalfac

  1. Thread title needs some adjustment, it's more like returning properties back to their rightful owner as opposed to buying back your own property, of course with evidence. After evicting squatters (not sure if it's still in the process).. but the President already gave the green light to have my father's properties returned. We have numerous houses and lands.. they're working on six of our KM4 villas amongst others.

  2. Ah, the reason I asked.. is because ...Hmm..how do I put this ... How the hell did you get all the pictures like there's no tomorrow? Especially about and in Mogadishu. :cool:

  3. MashaAllah, After 20+ years with no real government, Mogadishu is still beautiful ;). It's just damn beautiful.


    Somalina, may I ask where are you located at this moment? Mogadishu?