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Everything posted by Jabhad

  1. Good video Tahliil. Another slap on the face of enemy collaborators. Good job Proffesor Cadow.
  2. Mogadishu, Somalia caado dhaqameedka shirta
  3. Rudy boy, Yeey iyo Masterkiis Meles waxba meesha kama aha oo waxaaba laga yaabaa inaad adiga ka hormaqashay duqeyntan cusub. Duqeynti horeba BBC ayuu kamaqlay.
  4. Signature you got should read this "Somali's worst traitor in history".
  5. Askar Ethiopian ah oo ku dhimatey qarax ka Dhacay Magaalada Baladweyne . In Ka badan 15 askari oo Ethiopian ah ayaa ku geeriyoodey Qarax Bom oo loo dhigey Gaari ay la socdeen ciidamadaasi bartamaha magaalada Baladweyne. Askartan ayaa dhimatey ka dib markii gaari nuuciisu uu yahay Ural oo ay saarnaayeen ciidamadaasi uu ku qarxey Bam loo dhigey waddada. Qaraxan ayaa waxaa uu ka dhacey agagaarka Bakhaaradii hore ee ADC-da oo ku yaalla Xaafadda Nuur Xawaad ee Magaalada Baldweyne. Ka dib Qaraxa, rasaas ay fureen ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa waxaa ku nafwaayey 6 qof oo rayid ah, ka agdhawaa goobta qaraxa uu ka dhacey. Gaarigan Bamku uu la qarxey ayaa waxaa uu illaalo ka ahaa gaari kale oo Booyad ah oo ciidamada Ethiopianku ay biyo ku soo dhaansanayeen.
  6. Warar dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan qasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxii saaka lala beegsaday gaari ay leeyihiin ciidamada Itoobiya oo ka dhacay bartamaha B/weyne Waxaa isa soo taraya wararka ka soo baxaya qasaaraha ka dhashay qarax aad u xoog badan oo saaka ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada B/weyne ee ee gobolka Hiiraan, kaasoo lala beegsaday labo gaari oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Itoobiya, markii ay ku qaraxday miino loogu aasay buundada magaaladaasi, iyadoo xaalada magaalada B/weyne ee gobolka Hiiraana ay tahay mid aad u kacsan oo dadku ay cabsi fara badan ka muujinayaan dhaqdhaqaaqa magaaladaasi. Wararkii ugu dambeeey ee naga soo gaaraya magaalada B/weyne ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa waxay sheegayaan in ilaa imika la xaqiijiyey 7 qofood oo rayid ah iney ku geeriyoodeen qaraxaasi, iyadoo dhinaca kalena aan la ogeyn qasaaraha dhimasho iyo dhaawac ee ciidamada Itoobiya soo gaaray, waxaana qaar ka mid ah dadka ku dhaqan magaaladaasi ay sheegayaan iney arkeen markii uu qaraxu dhacay ka dib meydadka askar badan oo Itoobiyaan ah iyo dhaawac fara badan oo is dhexdaadsan kuwaasoo yiilay goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay, waxaana imika ka socda Xerada (Ganta kun dishe) oo ku taala meel 5-km ka baxsan magaaladaasi kulan ay halkaasi ku leeyihiin saraakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya ee halkaasi ku sugan iyo mas’uuliyiinta maamulka gobolka Hiiraan kaasoo looga hadlayo qaraxyadii maanta ka dhavcay B/weyne iyo sida amaanka loo sugi karo. Waa markii ugu horeysay ee qarax noocan oo kale lagula beegsado magaalada B/weyne ee gobolka Hiiraan ciidamada Itoobiya ee halkaasi ku sugan, waxaana horey u jiray in goobta u maanta qaraxu ka dhacay laga soo saaray miino aan qarxin oo halkaasi loogu aasay ciidamadaasi, waxaana ciidamadda Itoobiya ay maanta howlgalo baaritaan ah ka fuliyeen guryaha magaaladaasi iyagoo ka dibna kala baxay dad u fara badan oo aan la ogeyn halka ilaa hadda ay geeyeen, waxaana dadkaasi lagu tuhunsan yahay iney ka dambeeyeen qaraxaasi.
  7. 5 kamid ah Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka oo ku geeriyootay qarax xoogan oo ka dhacay magaalada Beled wayne ee gobolka Hiiraan. Posted to the Web May 30, 10:38 War goor dhaweyd aanu ka helnay magaalada Beled Wayne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegaya in Askar kamid ah Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ay ku dhinteen qarax xoogan oo goor dhaweyd gil gilay magaalada. Wararku waxaa ay intaasi ku darayaan in 5 kamid ah Askarta Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ay halkaasi ku nafwaayeen markii gaarigii ay saarnaayeen ay la kacday wax loo maleeyay miino dhulka loogu aasay. Xaaladda magaalada ayaa iminka aad u kacsan iyadoo gudaha magaalada laga maqlayo rasaas xoogan oo la is weedaarsanayo inkastoo xog wanaagsan aan laga heyn rasaastaasi.Waxaa la maqlayaa rasaas nooca waawen sida Lidka Duyuuradah iyo kuwa fudfudud,iyadoo Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ay isku geedaameen goobta qaraxaasi lagula beegsaday. Lama xaqiijin karayo khasaaraha intaasi in uu la egyahhay iyadoo wararku ay si xoogan isugu soo tarayaan hayeeshe waxaa ka taagan magaalada casbi daran ay lasoo gudboonaatay dadka. Wixii kusoo kordha kala soco Shabakadda Soomaalinews.
  8. Xaalada Beledweyne Oo Aad U Kacsan Iyadoo Rasaastuna Ay Ka Dhacayso Magaalada News (Beledweyne}30.5-7 Xaalada Magaalada Beled Weyn ayaa aad u kacsan kadib markii saaka gaadhi ay saarnaayeen Ciidamada Ethiopia qarax lala beegsaday kaasoo qasaare aad u xoogan uu u geystay. Gudaha Magaalada Beled Weyn ayaa la soo sheegayaa in ay ka dhaceyso rasaas aad u xoog badan oo ay ridayaan Ciidamada Ethiopia oo ku gadaaman halkii gaadhiga miinada kula kacday, kaasoo ahaa Gaadhi Booyad ah. Ciidamo saarnaa Gawaadhi ka dambeeyay oo Ural ah ayaa la sheegayaa in kolba meel ay rasaas u ridayaan, iyadoo warar soo baxayana ay sheegayaan in gudaha Magaaladaas ay rasaas ku dhex mareyso Ciidamada Dowladda ee halkaas ku sugan. Markii Ciidamada Ethiopia gaarigooda miino la kacday ayaa la sheegay in rasaas ku fureen xarun ciidamada dowladda ku sugnaayeen oo ku taal gudaha beled weyn. Goobaha ganacsi ayaa gebi ahaanba xidhan, iyadoo la soo sheegayo qasaaro dad rayid ah ka soo gaadhay rasaastii ay fureen ciidamada, waxaana wali adag ogaanshaha qasaaraha dhabta ah ee halkaasi ka jira. Wixii warar ee ku soo kordha kala soco wararkeena Dambe Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center
  9. Reuters Pictures Photo Editors Choice: Best pictures from the last 24 hours. View Slideshow Adan said seven locals were caught in the cross-fire, but local journalist Ali Dahir said he had been able to verify four civilian fatalities. "Two seriously injured soldiers were being removed from the truck. There was a lot of blood at the scene," Dahir added. "Nobody knows whether the Ethiopian soldiers died or not." Ethiopian soldiers, in Somalia to help the government fight an insurgency led by militant Islamists, cordoned off the area after the blast and carried out door-to-door searches in nearby streets, witnesses said. The security source in Mogadishu said one Ethiopian truck was destroyed by an anti-tank mine set off by remote control -- a new tactic being used by the insurgents "There were five troops on board. They were seriously wounded," said the security source, who asked not to be named. IRAQ-STYLE TACTICS Insurgents from the ousted militant Islamist movement have increasingly adopted the tactics of Iraqi guerrillas since the interim Somali government and its Ethiopian allies forced them out of the capital Mogadishu in December after a brief war. The rebels have struck government buildings, convoys and Ugandan peacekeepers patrolling for the African Union (AU). Reuters Pictures Photo Editors Choice: Best pictures from the last 24 hours. View Slideshow Most attacks have taken place in the seaside city, and local media said a Somali soldier was shot dead by unknown gunmen late on Tuesday near its sprawling Bakara Market. On Monday, a senior court official from Baladwayne was also killed by gunmen in Mogadishu. His funeral was taking place on Wednesday in the town, 190 miles north of the capital. President Abdullahi Yusuf's government is struggling to impose central rule on the Horn of Africa nation, in anarchy since warlords kicked out dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. Ethiopia says it wants its forces to leave once the AU force is up to strength, or at least at half its planned 8,000 troops. But other African nations have been wary of sending more soldiers, especia
  10. Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee ku sugan Magaalada Beledweyn oo Qarax lala beegsaday Arbaco, May 30, 2007(HOL): Saakay 8:30-kii subaxnimo ayaa mar kaliya laga maqlay Xaafadaha Magaalada B/weyn Qarax aad u weyn oo ka dhacay goob aan ka fogoyn halka ay dagan yihiin Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan duleedka Magaalada B/weyn. Qaraxa kadib ayaa hadana mar kaliya waxaa is-qabsaday Rasaas aad u culus oo ay ridayeen sida loo meleynayo Ciidamada Itoobiya kuwaasoo dhamaan xiray agagaarka halka weerarku ka dhacay, qof ka tirsan dadka degan xaafada lagu weeraray Ciidamada ayaa u sheegay HOL in uu arkay mid ka mid gadiidka Ciidamada oo qeybta danbe ka gubanaya, waxaana uu intaa ku daray durbaba Ciidamadu in bilaabeen Rasaas xoog leh oo lagu ridayo Xaafadah ku dhaw dhaw halka Qaraxu ka dhacay. Ilaa hada si rasmi ah looma oga qasaaraha uu geystay Qaraxa dhacay laakiin dadka ku dhaqan qaar ka mid ah xaafadaha Rasaastu gaartay ayaa sheegaya in meelaha qaar dhaawac uu jiro. Dhawaan ayay aheyd markii lagu guuleystay in laga soo saaro goob aan ka fogeyn halka ay degan yihiin Ciidamada Itoobiya Miino la doonayay in lagu waxyeeleeyo Ciidamadaas, taasoo mas'uuliyiinta Maamulka Gobolka ay ku tilmaameen mid ay ka dambeeyaan dad ka soo horjeeda Nabad-galyada guud ee Gobolka. Dhanka kalena, Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee laga helayo Goobaha Caafimaadka ayaa sheegaya in 4 Ruux oo rayid ah ay ku dhinteen Rasaas xoog leh oo ay rideen Ciidamada Itoobiya kadib markii gawaari ay la socdeen lagu weeraray wax yaabaha qarxa. Xaafadaha qaar ayaa wali laga soo sheegayaa in ay ka jiraan dhawacyo lala soo gaari waayay goobaha caafimaadka Madaama Ciidamada Itoobiya ay xireen dariiqyada ka soo baxa xaafadaha dhawaca laga soo sheegayo. Sidoo kale waxaa ay wararku intaas raacinayaan in Ciidamada Itoobiya markii uu qaraxa dhacay ay xir-xireen dad ku sugnaa aga-gaarka halka qaraxu ka dhacay, kuwaasi oo sida la sheegay Ciidamadu u sii gudbiyeen dhinaca Janta-kuundisho oo ay degan yihiin. Ma'uuliyiinta Maamulka Degmada Beledweyne iyo qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha Ciidamada Booliska oo gaaray goobta Qaraxu ka dhacay ayaa ku guuleystay in ay dejiyaan xaaladda, iyagoo sidoo kalana fasaxay Gadiidka u safra Gobalada dhaxe oo markii hore Ciidamada Itoobiyaanku Xayireen. Wali waxaa ku sugan dhamaan Xaafadaha ka dhaw goobta Qaraxu ka dhacay Ciidamada Itoobiya oo aad u hubeysan kuwaasoo qaar ka mid xaafadaha ka wada Baaritaan. C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online diini@hiiraan.com Beledweyn, Somalia
  11. MMA thank you for the video. Its a lesson for Somalis, together we can defeat our enemies no matter how strong or resourcefull they might be.
  12. May Allah help him recover quickly IA. He was indeed a good example not only to our nation but to the african continent .
  13. http://www.ilaqosal.com/details.php?image_id=161
  14. KISMAAYO: Ciidammada Dowladda ee ku sugan Deegaanka Buulo-guduud oo sheegay inay dagaal ku qaadayaan Kismaayo Posted to the Web May 21, 19:21 Kismaayo (PP) - Ciidammada dowladda ee ku sugan deegaanka Buulo-guduud ayaa waxay ku hanjabeen inay dagaal ku qaadayaan Kismaayo, haddii aysan Dowladda Federaalka wax ka qaban xaaladaha ka jira Degmada Kismaayo oo ay ku sheegeen inay yihiin kuwo aan loo dulqaadan karin. Col. C/nuur Jaamac Joker oo u hadlay ciidammada Dowladda ee ku sugan deegaanka Buulo-guduud oo u jirta Kismaayo qiyaastii 30-km ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ciidammadooda ay weerar ku qaadi doonaan Kismaayo, isla markaana ay la wareegi doonaan gacan ku haynteeda haddii aanay dowladdu wax ka qaban xaaladda Kismaayo. "Waxaan Dowladda ku wargelinaynaa in Xaaladda Kismaayo aysan ahayn mid caadi ah oo ay ka jiraan dhibaatooyin kala duwan, haddii aan wax laga qaban dhawaanna aan go'aan ku gaari doonno inaan weerar ku asqeyno Magaalada" ayuu yiri Col. Joker oo sheegay in xaaladda Kismaayo ay tahay mid dayro ku dhow. Col. Joker wuxuu sheegay in Haweenka ku sugan Kismaayo la kala sooco oo kuwa haybtooda ah la kufsado lagana sameysto wixii la doono, sidoo kalena laga soo eryo magaalada, wuxuu sheegay in odayaashii iyo dadkii kale ee beeshooda ka soo jeeday ee Kismaayo ku sugnaa laga soo eryay oo ay agtooda ku sugan yihiin, wuxuuna ku hanjabay inay weerar ku qaadayaan oo ay shacabkooda ka dul-qaadayaan dhibaatada haysata. Wuxuu si weyn ugu eedeeyay Col. Joker saraakiishii Dowladda ee loo soo diray inay wax ka qabtaan xiisadda Kismaayo inaysan si cad waxba uga sheegin dhibaatada ka jirta Kismaayo oo ay wax badan dabooleen, isagoo carrabka ku dhajiyay inay jiraan xildhibaanno qayb ka ah dhibaatooyinka ka jira Kismaayo oo uu sheegay inay ku sugan yihiin Degmadaas. Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu E-mail: Jantiile@gmail.com
  15. 2 big thumbs up for our Somali brothers and sister in the UK for coming out to support the liberation of Somalia from enemy occupation.
  16. more pictures: http://www.sirdoon.com/index.php?itemid=249
  17. Somalia: 'Govt Has No Local Support', Says Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Email This Page Print This Page Visit The Publisher's Site Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu) 21 May 2007 Posted to the web 21 May 2007 Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu Italian deputy foreign affairs minister, Patrizia Sentinelli, who paid a visit to the East African nation, Somalia last Saturday, explained that the Ethiopian backed Somalia interim government, led by president Yusuf, does not enjoy the popular support of its population. "I believe the transitional government can not perform its duties due to lack of local support and the different political groups in the country do not feel represented in the government," she said, according to Sawa Radio. Africa 2007 The deputy minister indicated that she was optimistic the Somali government would implement good governance, peace law and order in the war-ravaged country. "The Somali government violated its constitutional laws several times in the past and that only makes the political standoff in the country quite worse," she added. Sentinelli arrived in the Somalia capital on 19 May to urge the government to establish peace and reconciliation which president Yusuf pledged to hold in Mogadishu next month. Experts fear the timing of the national reconciliation would give the government a hare work as routine bomb explosions on government soldiers and bureaucrats take place in Mogadishu. Relevant Links East Africa Somalia Europe and Africa She encouraged the government to stabilize the country, stressing that Ethiopia should pull its troops out of the country soon and allow the African Union troops take the positions. While in Mogadishu, she said the Italian government would partially fund the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia. The same promise was made by EU commissioner for the Horn of African affairs, Michele Cervone, who was with the delegation led by Sentinelli on Saturday.
  18. Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow reports from the breakaway territory of Somaliland, finding that stability has built a strong economy. On the dusty streets of the market place in the Hargeisa, the capital, goods are displayed. Money-changers also do a brisk trade, converting between shillings, dollars and euros. They are cashing in on relative stability in the enclave to build solid businesses. Goods in the market are brought in through the port of Berberra. The port itself is the backbone of the territory's economy and the main source of revenue for the government. This is the port of Berberra, the single most important facility in Somaliland, it accounts for about 80 per cent of national revenue. Strategically located off the Gulf of Aden, which connects this part of Africa to the Middle East, it is the port of choice for many. Ali Omar is in charge of the port's management. "This port is important not only to Somaliland but the whole region," he says. "Goods brought in through here find there way to Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and sometimes even Uganda." Two-way aid If the docks of Berberra oil the wheels of the government, then it is remittances from abroad that keep the private sector moving. Many families survive on money sent back by relatives in Europe, the US and the Gulf who fled during during the 1991 civil war. The government estimates that the diaspora sends back about $500m to Somaliland every year. Yet Somaliland's population also sends money to their relatives abroad, when the going gets tough for them. As one woman, Amina, says: "I am sending money to my mother who lives in Canada. I want her to come and stay with us during the summer. I have up to seven relatives living in Canada. We support each other." Optimism The large flows of capital have contributed to the rapid economic recovery in post-war Somaliland. In the capital, multi-storey buildings are springing up. The livestock sector has traditionally been the backbone of the Somaliland economy. A seven-year ban on export of Somali livestock to the Gulf had a crippling effect on both the rural and urban economies. However, a recent lifting of this ban has provided much optimism. Somaliland's people for now depend on their more predictable sources of income to survive. And for now they seem to succeed. Source: Al Jazeera
  19. I'm just mentioning the situation for you to understand sxb ,,,,,,,, just to let you know these will follow their previous friends if they don't behave well ,,,,,, I remember Arliyo!! the TFG is here to stay... or better yet conquer Hargeisa You mean the Ethios will conquer Hargeisa. Living in denial without shame aren't we??
  20. The Italian government on Saturday pressed Ethiopian troops to pull out from lawless Somalia and urged the rival factions there to observe a truce ahead of a key reconciliation conference in June. "I expressed the position of my government that Ethiopian troops must withdraw," she told a press conference in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, after visiting Rome's former colony. "Security can only be realised through a ceasefire ... the problem of insecurity must be addressed in a correct manner," Sentinelli added. "I presented on behalf of the Italian government one main request. That the reconciliation conference really be conducted in an all-inclusive manner," added Sentinelli, the only top Italian envoy to visit Somalia in recent years. Clearly, the Italians want Somalis to decide their own future without outside interference. Its very interesting to see how the Ethio-American aliance react to the Italian position.
  21. I expressed the position of my government that Ethiopian troops must withdraw," she told a press conference in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, after visiting Rome's former colony. "Security can only be realised through a ceasefire ... the problem of insecurity must be addressed in a correct manner," Sentinelli added. "I presented on behalf of the Italian government one main request. That the reconciliation conference really be conducted in an all-inclusive manner," added Sentinelli, the only top Italian envoy to visit Somalia in recent years. Will Italy use its EU membership to keep in check the Ethio-American plans for Somalia? Only time will tell.
  22. NAIROBI (AFP) - The Italian government on Saturday pressed Ethiopian troops to pull out from lawless Somalia and urged the rival factions there to observe a truce ahead of a key reconciliation conference in June. ADVERTISEMENT During a one-day trip to Mogadishu, Italy's Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Patrizia Sentinelli held talks with Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minster Ali Mohamed Gedi. "I expressed the position of my government that Ethiopian troops must withdraw," she told a press conference in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, after visiting Rome's former colony. "For this reason, I stressed something the Italian government has always said: the strengthening of the AMISOM (African Mission to Somalia)." Ethiopian forces were deployed last year and helped Somali troops expel the Islamists movement from southern and central Somalia at the start of the year. But the insurgents continued with attacks that culminated in two offensives by Ethiopia-Somali forces in March and April that killed at least 1,400 people, according to Mogadishu's dominant ****** clan elders and a local rights panel. Apart from the face-to-face fighting, dozens of people -- including peacekeepers -- have been killed and scores wounded in separate attacks since then, mainly by homemade bombs and grenades. "Security can only be realised through a ceasefire ... the problem of insecurity must be addressed in a correct manner," Sentinelli added. She urged the Somali leaders to ensure that a June 14 peace conference included the defeated Islamists. But Yusuf has maintained that the Islamist leaders will only participate if they come as clan representatives, a position they refuse. "I presented on behalf of the Italian government one main request. That the reconciliation conference really be conducted in an all-inclusive manner," added Sentinelli, the only top Italian envoy to visit Somalia in recent years. At least 1,500 African Union peacekeepers from Uganda, who are currently in Mogadishu, are due to take over from Ethiopian forces. Somalia, a nation of 10 million, has been reduced to violence since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre sparked a bloody power struggle that has defied numerous attempts to restore stability.