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Sii deynta wiilka yar ee Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamuud ee afduubka loo heystay waxaa gacan ka geystay Maxkamada Islaamiga ee Siinaay iyo waxgarad kale oo kudhaqan deegaanadaasi. April 16, 2006. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia. Sii deynta wiilka yar ee la yiraahdo Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamuud ee afduubka loo heystay waxaa gacan ka geystay Maxkamada Islaamiga ee Siinaay iyo waxgarad kale oo kudhaqan deegaanadaasi. Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Muxumed oo isagu ah ardey 13 jir ah oo wax ka barta dugsiga Fatxu-Raxmaan ee magaalada Muqdisho isla markaana muddo 4 maalmood ah afduub loogu heystay magaalada Muqdisho meelo kamid ah ayaa sii deysmadiisa iyo dibu soo celinta xoriyada shaqsi ahaaneed waxaa ka qeyb qaatey qeybo kamid ah hawl wadeenada Maxkamada Islaamiga ee Siinaay iyo waxgarad kale oo iyagu sheegay in arrintan daba gal keeda si weyn isugu xilsaareen. Iyadoo xogtii ugu horeysayna ee kuaadan goobihii lagu hayeyna ay heleen shaley 04:00 galabnimo ciidamada maxkamada Siinaay, kuwaasoo ka war heley in guri ku yaala agagaarka dugsiga sare ee 15 May lagu hayey muddo laba casha ah. Halkaas ayaa ciidamada Maxkamada Siinaay weerar ku qaadeen isla markaana ay gacnata ku dhigeen milkiilihii iska lahaa guriga ardeygaasi afduubka loogu heystay, kaasoo isna ku andacooday inaanu waxba kala socon afduubka wiilka, balse sheegay in dadkii wiilka gurigiisa keenay ay macaariif ahaayeen oo ay ugu sheekeeyeen inuu yahay wiil safar loo wado, sida uu ku waramayo taliye xigeenka ciidamada maxkamada Siinaay Maxamed Maxamuud Xasan “Ceyroow†Daqiiqado kadib hadalka Ceyroow ayaa waxaa suura gashey in la helo goobta dhabta ah ee lagu hayo Cabdiraxmaan oo ah ardeyga afduubka loo heystay, iyadoo maamulaha dugsiga uu ardeygaasi dhiganayey ee Fatxu Raxmaana uu qeexay in sii deysmadiisa ay fududeeyeen waxgarad kasoo jeeda deegaanada lagu hayey, kuwaasoo xusey inuu gadaal kasoo sheegi doono arrimahooda iyo magacyadooda, iyo sidii ay uga qeyb qaateen sii daysmada ardeygaasi. Hase ahaatee ayeeyada dhashey inankaasi Cabdiraxmaan oo lagu magacaabo Khadiijo Sayid Ibraahim ayaa ka warbixineysa dareen keeda kadib markii inanka ayeeyada u tahay lasii daayey, iyadoo sheegtay iney aad iyo aad u farax sanahay una mahad celineyso dad iyo maxkamadihii ka qeyb qaatey soo sii daysmadiisa. Sidoo kale aabaha dhaley Cabdiraxmaan oo lagu magacaabo Maxamuud oo isaguna kusugan magaalada Baydhabo ayaa ka hadley dareen kiisa, waxaana uu sheegay inuu aad ugu mahad celinayo dhamaan qeybihii kala duwanaa ee bulsahda, iyo waxgaradkii kale ee gacan ka geystay sii deysmada wiilkiisa, kaasoo uu sheegay inanau awoodi laheyn lacagta ay afduubayaashu ku xireen sii daysmadiisa. Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamuud oo isagu kamid ah ardeyda wax ka dhigata dugsiga Fatxu Raxmaan ee magaalada Muqdisho oo muddo afar casha ah kooxo hubeysan ay afduub u heysteen ayaa waxaa falka lagula kacey ka xumaadey qeybaha kala duwan ee ururada bulshada rayidka, iyo ardeyda midowga Soomaaliyeed iyagoo banaanbax ku aadan qaabkii loo sii deyn lahaana ay ardeydu ka dhigeen magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana waxgaradku ay aad uga gilgisheen dhibaatada foosha xun ee lagula kacey inaan kaasi ardeyga ah ee isagu aan waxba galabsan.
Waa wax aad iyo aad looga naxo dhibaatooyinkan iyo kuwa lamida oo kadhaca Somalia iyo Dunidaba. 2 maalin kahor Booliska Canada waxeey soo bad baadiyeen wiil yar oo sidaan oo kale lasoo afduubtay lacagna laweeydiistay qooyskiisii and here is the link: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060412/mcmynn_found_060412/20060412?hub=CTVNewsAt11 Sxb Duke, where is the source for your post, I'm sure you wouldn't like someone posting your article without mentioning your name..
By CHARLES J. HANLEY, AP Special Correspondent 2 hours, 41 minutes ago BAGHDAD, Iraq - The fortress-like compound rising beside the Tigris River here will be the largest of its kind in the world, the size of Vatican City, with the population of a small town, its own defense force, self-contained power and water, and a precarious perch at the heart of Iraq's turbulent future. ADVERTISEMENT The new U.S. Embassy also seems as cloaked in secrecy as the ministate in Rome. "We can't talk about it. Security reasons," Roberta Rossi, a spokeswoman at the current embassy, said when asked for information about the project. A British tabloid even told readers the location was being kept secret — news that would surprise Baghdadis who for months have watched the forest of construction cranes at work across the winding Tigris, at the very center of their city and within easy mortar range of anti-U.S. forces in the capital, though fewer explode there these days. The embassy complex — 21 buildings on 104 acres, according to a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee report — is taking shape on riverside parkland in the fortified "Green Zone," just east of al-Samoud, a former palace of Saddam Hussein's, and across the road from the building where the ex-dictator is now on trial. The Republican Palace, where U.S. Embassy functions are temporarily housed in cubicles among the chandelier-hung rooms, is less than a mile away in the 4-square-mile zone, an enclave of American and Iraqi government offices and lodgings ringed by miles of concrete barriers. The 5,500 Americans and Iraqis working at the embassy, almost half listed as security, are far more numerous than at any other U.S. mission worldwide. They rarely venture out into the "Red Zone," that is, violence-torn Iraq. This huge American contingent at the center of power has drawn criticism. "The presence of a massive U.S. embassy — by far the largest in the world — co-located in the Green Zone with the Iraqi government is seen by Iraqis as an indication of who actually exercises power in their country," the International Crisis Group, a European-based research group, said in one of its periodic reports on Iraq. State Department spokesman Justin Higgins defended the size of the embassy, old and new, saying it's indicative of the work facing the United States here. "It's somewhat self-evident that there's going to be a fairly sizable commitment to Iraq by the U.S. government in all forms for several years," he said in Washington. Higgins noted that large numbers of non-diplomats work at the mission — hundreds of military personnel and dozens of FBI agents, for example, along with representatives of the Agriculture, Commerce and other U.S. federal departments. They sleep in hundreds of trailers or "containerized" quarters scattered around the Green Zone. But next year embassy staff will move into six apartment buildings in the new complex, which has been under construction since mid-2005 with a target completion date of June 2007. Iraq's interim government transferred the land to U.S. ownership in October 2004, under an agreement whose terms were not disclosed. "Embassy Baghdad" will dwarf new U.S. embassies elsewhere, projects that typically cover 10 acres. The embassy's 104 acres is six times larger than the United Nations compound in New York, and two-thirds the acreage of Washington's National Mall. Original cost estimates ranged over $1 billion, but Congress appropriated only $592 million in the emergency Iraq budget adopted last year. Most has gone to a Kuwait builder, First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting, with the rest awarded to six contractors working on the project's "classified" portion — the actual embassy offices. Higgins declined to identify those builders, citing security reasons, but said five were American companies. The designs aren't publicly available, but the Senate report makes clear it will be a self-sufficient and "hardened" domain, to function in the midst of Baghdad power outages, water shortages and continuing turmoil. It will have its own water wells, electricity plant and wastewaster-treatment facility, "systems to allow 100 percent independence from city utilities," says the report, the most authoritative open source on the embassy plans. Besides two major diplomatic office buildings, homes for the ambassador and his deputy, and the apartment buildings for staff, the compound will offer a swimming pool, gym, commissary, food court and American Club, all housed in a recreation building. Security, overseen by U.S. Marines, will be extraordinary: setbacks and perimeter no-go areas that will be especially deep, structures reinforced to 2.5-times the standard, and five high-security entrances, plus an emergency entrance-exit, the Senate report says. Higgins said the work, under way on all parts of the project, is more than one-third complete. Associated Press news researcher Jennifer Farrar in New York contributed to this report.
Sxb,with all due respect, both of these countries[italy&Britain] and their agents[former dictator Siyad barre and co.]are behind the never ending tragedy in our country. Let the truth come out. Allow maxaa nin gob ahoo la arkay Gunni rifeyso. Habarwalba xuuxdeey dhasheey xaayoow tiraaa
Thats what the west calls HIGH FERTILITY RATE, but we know its the mercy of Allah upon his people. O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. (Holy Qur'an 49:13)
Lowest of the low--Gaal u dhowaanshihiis maxeey taree........Cajaa'ib, maanta ma waxaa leeysku heeystaa, I was a better slave than you yesterday...
Although Mr Ayattu's eldest son, Dagne Ayattu, does not have a job, at the age of 33, he has seven children and is about to marry his fourth wife. Eldest son age = 33 Wifes= 3+1 soon to join Kids= 7 Father age=56 wife=11 kids=77 Age difference = 23 Difference in number of children=70
source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4720457.stm An Ethiopian man with 11 wives and 77 children is urging people not to follow his example and is giving advice on family planning and contraception. After seeing his fortune disappear under the competing demands of his enormous family, Ayattu Nure, 56, even urges people not to get married. "I want my children to be farmers but I have no land, I want them to go to school but I have no money," he says. But his eldest son has not heeded Mr Ayattu's advice and he has three wives. Share wealth Seven of Mr Ayattu's wives live in huts around his compound, which are in urgent need of renovation. Another four live in huts on the other side of the valley in Giwe Abossa village, 300km from the capital, Addis Ababa in Arsi region. He says he cannot remember all his children's names but tries to work out who they are from their mothers and which huts they live in. Mr Ayattu says he used to be rich and wanted to share his wealth around, which is why he took so many wives. But now he struggles to feed them all. "I feel like killing myself when I see my hungry children whom I cannot help," Mr Ayattu says. His wives have given birth to more than 100 children but 23 have died. School photos However, he blames Ethiopia's government for not doing more to help him look after all his children. People see me as a funny man, but there is no fun in my condition Ayattu Nure "I know I have done wrong by marrying many wives and begetting many children but I think I deserve help from the government." But his biggest complaint at the moment is with the authorities of the local school which 40 of his children now attend. They want photographs for each of his children's files, which will further deplete his meagre resources. He says that he tries to share his time evenly between his wives and children, adding that although quarrels and squabbles are common, they try to solve their problems amicably. "People see me as a funny man, but there is no fun in my condition. I am a desperate man struggling to survive," he says. Although Mr Ayattu's eldest son, Dagne Ayattu, does not have a job, at the age of 33, he has seven children and is about to marry his fourth wife. But he says he will not have as many children or wives as his father. "People see me as a funny man, but there is no fun in my condition. I am a desperate man struggling to survive," he says. After seeing his fortune disappear under the competing demands of his enormous family, Ayattu Nure, 56, even urges people not to get married. ummm what, I did not hear that last part
Very positive news sxb. Institutions like the one he was admited is needed more than any other institutions sxb.
This is an example of how the media can be a good tool for the betterment of society. Tootoow yesterday Tootoow today Xaggee ayuu ku Dambeeyey Madhoodhow Maarso 27, 2006 Sannadkii 2004 waxaan akhirtayaasha uu soo tebiney arrin ku saabsan dhibaatada haysata mid ka mid ah dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku tabaalaysan magaalada Muqdisho. Ninkaas oo magaciisa la yiraahdo Xasan Abeyle oo ku magac dheer "Madhoodhow". Xasan Abeyle (Madhoodhow) xilligaas waxa uu caan ka ahaa isgoyska Black Sea iyo Al Baraka, isaga oo intaa feera-qaawanaa, oo garaabada jaadka cuni jirey had iyo gooraale, ciidana cantuugi jirey isaga oo marka la weydiiyo sheegan jirey in uu ciida ku qadeeyo , ciida ku quraacdo, hadana ciida ku casheeya, oogadisana ama korkiisana waxa uu marin jirey olyoyada laga daadiyo baabuurta, kuna faani jirey in aan dushiisha la taaban karin. Hadaba waxaa laga yaabaa in dad badani is weydiiyaan, Xagee ayuu ku dambeeyey Madhoodhow. Nasiib wanaag Madhoodhow aad ayuu hadda uga wanaagsan yahay sidii uu ahaa xilligaas. Sida ka muuqata sawirada hoose. Xasan Abeyle (Madhoodhow) dadka ayuu hadda wacdiyaa.... Xilligaan la joogo Xasan Abeyle waxa uu xirtaa dhar, kumana qubeysto Oolyada, ciidana ma cuno. Waxaa lagu xananeeyey xarunta Sh. Cabdiraxman Macow Xaaji (ahlu kheyr ) oo ah xarun lagu xanaaneeyo dadka wax uga dhimian yihiin "Dhimirka". Arintu si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaad arkeysaa Madhoodhow oo sita magarafoon oo dadka wacdinaya, in kasta oo marka aad aragtid aad dareemeysid in weli wax ku danbeeyaan in kasta oo uusan sidiisii hore eheyn ama aad uga wanaagsan yahay. Xarunta dhimirka waxaa ku jirta 30 qof, halka sadax ka mid ah ay yihiin kuwo xirxiran oo aan lagu dhexdayn Karin bulshada, 27 ka kale ayaa ah dad hada ka soo reynayo sidii hore ay u ahaayeen. Xasan Abeyle waxa uu sanadihii 80-tamaadkii ahaa Askari u shaqeynayay Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ee qaybta 21-aad, wuxuuna ahaa Cunto Kariye (Cook) u shaqeynayay taliyihii ciidammada qaybtaasi General Maxamed Siciid Xirsi Moorgan, waxa uu ahaa nin aad u fir-fircoonaa, balse dadweynaha deegaanka ayaa si aad ah ula yaabay ninkaasi fir-fircoonidiisa iyo qaabka uu u shaqeeyo, waxayna markiiba u bixiyeen (Madhoodhow). AKhri Halkan.... GUJI... Qore: Muuse Maxamuud Jiisow Somali39@hotmail.com Muqdisho Somalia http://www.somalitalk.com/2006/xamar/27mar046.html
^If thats the case, then she should have gone to an Islamic court and explain why she wants a divorce and if that explanation agrees with the Shariah, then she can easily obtain a divorce, no need to go that far
The husband who woke up divorced Monday 27 March 2006, 12:07 Makka Time, 9:07 GMT The couple, married for 11 years, were told they had to split A Muslim couple in India have been told by local Islamic leaders that they must separate after the husband "divorced" his wife in his sleep. The Press Trust of India said in a report published on Monday that Sohela Ansari had told friends that her husband Aftab had uttered the word "talaq", or divorce, three times in his sleep. When local Islamic leaders heard about the incident, they said Aftab's words constituted a divorce under an Islamic procedure known as "triple talaq". The couple, married for 11 years with three children, were told that they had to split. The religious leaders ruled that if the couple wanted to remarry they would have to wait at least 100 days. Sohela would also have to marry another man, spend at least a night with him and be divorced by him. The couple, who live in the eastern state of West Bengal, have refused to obey the order, and the issue has been referred to a local family counselling centre. India's minority Muslim population is governed by Islamic personal laws on issues such as marriage, divorce and property inheritance. Zafarul-Islam Khan, an Islamic scholar and editor of an Islamic newspaper, The Milli Gazette, said: "This is a totally unnecessary controversy and the local 'community leaders' or whosoever has said it are totally ignorant of Islamic law. "The law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication has no effect. The case of someone uttering something while asleep falls under this category and will have no impact whatsoever." Divorce in Islam "The law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication has no effect. The case of someone uttering something while asleep falls under this category and will have no impact whatsoever" Zafarul-Islam Khan, Islamic scholar Islamic scholars differ on whether the triple divorce pronounced concurrently by the husband is to be considered as a single divorce or three separate divorces. If it is considered as three divorces, then the couple cannot be married again unless someone else marries the woman and chooses to divorce her. Most scholars state that if the husband pronounces the divorce of his wife three times on one occasion, it will be counted as three divorces. Other scholars say it should be counted as only one pronouncement of divorce. Acceptable divorce Divorce in Islam is not decreed at all times or in all cases. The man who wants to divorce his wife should be sober, in a well-balanced and judicious state. If he is not fully conscious, or forced to divorce his wife, or in a state of wrath which causes him go beyond his intention and imagination and utter what he does not want to say, it is not considered valid. Divorce in Islam should be intended and studied before considering it the only remedy for an unhappy marriage. Aljazeera + Agencies
Mogadishu 4 day : 120 dead contradictory reports....
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Maybe Suldaanka had a point earlier, you seem to like counting the dead in Xamar. And next time provide the source. -
For our independent test, we brought in 37 aborigines from the Brazilian rain forest tribe of Raoni. we explained each religion to them and asked them to try it out for a 4 week period. All the participants had a chance to try out all eight religions for a 4 week time frame and rank them based on their findings. [/QUOT] Here our supervisor is trying to make Hapti grasp the concept of Holy Communion *** Just got rid of the bare breasted woman. I understand this is how these people go about life, but it's haram to view it nonetheless.*** source comedy magazine: http://www.fadetoblack.com/cr3.htm That was comedy, now here is the reality, read todayds headlines: FOOTBALL: MOROCCO'S FRENCH COACH CONVERTS TO ISLAMhttp://www.adnki.com/index_2Level_English.php?cat=Sport&loid=8.0.279847498&par= http://www.islamonline.org/English/News/2006-03/24/article01.shtml Latinos turning toward Islam http://www.knoxnews.com/kns/local_news/article/0,1406,KNS_347_4526236,00.html new faces of Islam Finding peace with yourself and with your surroundings. http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/news/14074652.htm G O D B L E S S I S L A M [ March 24, 2006, 17:54: Message edited by: Scarlet ]
Very tragic indeed. May allah end the suffering of our fellow brothers and sisters in Mogadishu. Duke sxb no need to post such gruesome pics. Here is what the international media don't report on the city of 2 million+ residents. Hay’adda FATXA oo la aasaasay sanadkii 1991-dii ayaa waxa ay markii ugu horeysay ka howlgashay xeryaha dadka soo barakacay isagoo halkaas ka fuliyay barnaamijyo la xiriira dhinaca caafimaadka, Tacliinta iyo Quudinta, maadaama xiligaasi ay dalka ka jirtay abaar aad u baahsan. 1992-dii ayaa Hay’adda FATXA waxay u wareegtay gobalka Sh/hoose, waxa ayna halkaasi ka bilowday barnaamijyo la mid ah middii ay ka fulin jirtay Magaalada Muqdisho. 1995-tii ayay Hay’adani ahayd middii ugu horeysay oo daqligelin ku sameysay qaar ka mid ah Haweenka Soomaaliyeed si ay ugu maareeyaan noloshooda, maadaama Haweenka Soomaaliyeed intooda badani ay ahaayeen kuwo raggoodii iyo caroortoodiiba ku waxyeeloobeen dagaaladii sokeeye, waxayna hay’addu sheegtay in barnaaminkaani ay ka faa’iideysteen Haween aad u fara badan. Hay’adda FATXA oo guddoomiye ay ka tahay Faadumo Xasan Diirshe ayaa waxay sheegtay in Hay’addooda ay waxbarasho ka bilowday xeryaha dadka soo barakacay, waxayna sheegtay in 15 carruur ah ay Hay’addu ka bixiso wixii tasiilaad ah oo ay uga baahnaayeen dhinaca waxbarashada waxayna Faadumo sheegtay in arrintaani ay gacan ku siiyeen dugsiga Al-Bilaad oo isagu ballanqaaday in carruurtaasi uusan ka qaadi doonin wax lacag ah, waxayna Faadumo ugu baaqday dugsiyada kale in ay ku daydaan dugsiga Al-Bilaad maadaama ay iyagu u bixinayaan tasiilaadka kale ee dhinaca Dharka, Buugaagta iyo Qalimaanta.
Ordinary people doing extraordinary things: http://www.somalitalk.com/muqdisho/pes/
Ordinary people doing extraordinary things: http://www.somalitalk.com/muqdisho/pes/
Hanuman, you are either a lost Jew or a lost Ethiopian in a Somalian world.
Sxb, you are very welcome if you can provide latest pic of Hargeisa university.
Mogadishu University new campus Computer animated images of the new Mogadishu university campus President of Mogadishu university -------------------------------------------Amoud university: Borama, Awdal, Somalia Kismaayo University Jaamacad bariga Africa, Puntland, Somalia Burco University, Somaliland University of Hargeisa
I'm sure you meant "intelligence" officer saaxib. Intelligent implies something different altogether. [big Grin] And I know of no one, whether pro or anti-Somaliland who is a fan of Riyaale. Just how bad can the guy be? [big Grin] My mistake, I meant intelligence officer. To keep quite about the corruption and the mismanagement of Riyaale regime while at the same pointing fingers at the others is something only the ignorants like to play.
Courtssecurity + US to start operations in Somalia
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
If Somalis were fighting Qadiyad and not Qabiil, we would have solved this problem long time ago. I'm very glad Islamic courts are trying to clean up the Mogadishu mess. I'm hoping Mogadishu residents will decide to shun the evils of warlords+tribalism and start to build a Somali nation thats civilized with a strong Islamic values. The major religion in the Horn, the Muslims, need a leadership. -
Its very unfortunate that Xarago and like minded individuals here try to equate the warlords and the Islamic courts in the south. These same individuals are the happy chearleaders of former criminals who hold high political offices in the North such as Riyaale, a former intelligent officer of late dictator Siyaad Barre.
Lol!... apparantly rarity is nature's most potent aphrodesiac. What you said is true, however, in this case, there is another factor which is... Bangladeshi men are said to look like Indian movie stars. If this is true.... He told The Associated Press that they were found to have harassed young women and eloped with married women, who apparently succumbed to their good looks and charms. I support Malaysian government decision.
Underpaid, oversexed and over here Monday 13 March 2006, 10:50 Makka Time, 7:50 GMT Malaysian women are said to find Bangladeshi men irresistible. Bangladeshi workers banned from Malaysia because local women find them too attractive are apparently now being smuggled in as students. The workers enter the country on student visas under the pretence of learning English, a news report and an official said on Monday. The New Straits Times quoted Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, the home affairs minister as saying on Sunday that the Bangladeshis come as students, only to work in low-paid menial jobs in the country. Rising economic prosperity has provided many Malaysians with white-collar jobs and low-paid positions are hard to fill. Saiful Islam, a spokesman for Radzi, said Bangladeshi workers were banned from Malaysia two years ago, mainly because they were creating "social problems" by entering into romantic liaisons with local women. He told The Associated Press that they were found to have harassed young women and eloped with married women, who apparently succumbed to their good looks and charms. Bangladeshi men are said to look like Indian movie stars (above) On Sunday, Radzi said Bangladeshi men look like Indian movie stars. Most of the men, aged between 25 and 30, were recorded as studying English, he said. "This is really fishy. The age bracket is suitable for employment. Bangladesh is an English-speaking country and it makes little sense for them to study English here. "The abuse is glaring because Bangladeshis are not allowed to work here, but we can see hundreds working in construction sites and restaurants." Radzi said most were brought by agents who made deals with colleges to bring in the workers as students, then place them for employment. He said his ministry was taking the necessary action to curb the practice. Intolerance He said: "I can assure you there are thousands of them. Of course, Malaysia is striving to be an education hub but abuse of provisions is something that cannot he tolerated." The newspaper quoted Radzi as saying that at least two private colleges had enrolled more than 300 Bangladeshi nationals each, comprising more than half their international student body. Malaysia allows foreign workers from only a few countries, including Indonesia, India, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. AP Hmm...shouldn't it be the other way Around, Malaysian women are too attractive to ignore. http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/5324B7F8-FB7D-4690-9E67-E446A6E1CAE4.htm