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Muqdisho: Masjid la bur-buriyay 18 Jul 18, 2007 - 8:17:37 AM Ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada Itoobiya ee ku sugan magalada Muqdisho ayaa la xaqiijiyay iney baaris ay kula kaceen masjid ku yaala degmada Yaaqshiid isla markaana markii ay baareen kadib ay qeybo ka mid ah masjidka burburiyeen. Masjidkan oo lagu magacaabo Al-Sadiiq oo ku yaal degmada Yaqshiid ayey ciidamadu burburiyeen qeybta hawenka ku tukadaan iyo waaskadii biyaha lagu weeso qadanayey iyadoo aan la garaneyn sababta keentay iney baaris iyo burburin u geystaan. Arrintan ayaa waxaa qeyla dhaan ka mujiyay jamecaddi masjidka iyo dadka deegaanka waxayna ugu baaqeen dowladda KMG in dhacdooyinkaasi oo kale ay wax ka qabtaan kuwa geysanaya. Dhanka kale wasaaradda awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta ee dowladda Federaalka ayaa wareegto ay soo saartay waxay ku amartay Culuma’uddiinka wax ka dhiga masjidyada iyo imaamyada in ay iska soo diiwaan geliyaan wasaaradda Awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta si loola socdo waxyaabaha ay dadka u tabinayaan iyo tageerada maaliyadeed oo ay helaan. Wareegtadan oo uu ku saxiixnaa Sheekh Cali Sheekh Maxamuud (Sh. Cali Dheere) oo ah agaasimaha wasaaradda awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta ee dowladda KMG. Garowe Online,Muqdisho
HE President Yusuf's speech at the opening of NRC
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^ Yeey Axmaar: " Kala hari meyno haddii labada sano ee ii dhiman dagaal la iigu dhameeyo". Yeeys crambling child-like mentality getting worse. -
Mogadishu: TFG forces take fight to enemy hiding in market
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Looting and killing is the last desperate attempt by the Tigree militia and their Somali collaborators to weaken the will of the Somali peoplel. -
Adeer you just posted an article you did not know to be true. Whats wrong with posting an article such as this one once a while to expose the jelousy and the enmity between the numerous wifes of Meles. The TFG are masters of Somalia the rest is just meaningless. You Gotta give credit where it's due..Afgaduud and his all female squad have the job of entertaining the Tigree militia when they are not spying Somalida xalaasha ah. Inta doqon fariid yahay darajana qabiil tahay dabaalna uu wax garad yahay dambiilane garsoor yahay dulmine xaqa ka mudan yahay dib u socod kacaan yahay dablene janan ka adag yahay in aan tiriyo deeleey dareenkeeyga ma ogola abwaan Cabdulle Raage[Allah unaxariisto]
Masuuliyiintan katirsanaa dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay in y ka caroodeen Baaritaanada ay Ciidamada dowlada Federaalka Itoobiya iyo kuwa Soomaaliya ka wadaan Suuqa Wayn ee Bakaaraha oo lagu dhacayo Hantida Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee Muwaadiniita We wait and see if Ugandans will take their share of the Mogadishu war booty.
Gacma dheere, Barre Hiiraale,Cabdi qayb diid oo soo dhawayntooda looga diyaar garoobayo magaalada Asmara Posted to the Web Jul 18, 12:59 Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamad Maxamuud guuleed Gacma dheere iyo Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliya Cabdi xasan Cawaale qayb diid ayaa la sheegay in ay ku sii jeedaan magaalada Asmara ee Wadanka Ereteriya ,Masuuliyiintan oo hada kusugan magaalada Nairobi ee wadanka Kenya ayaa isku diyaarianyo in ay ukici timaan Asmara si ay ugu biiraan Mucaaradaka dowlada Federaalka ee kusugan halkaasi. Warar laysla la dhax marayo oo ay qoreen Wakaaladaha Wararka ayaa xaqiijiyay jirintaanka arrinkan Gacma dheere ayaa la sheegay in uu Laba Maalin ka hor gaaray Kenya isa goona Xariir dhinaca Telphone-ka ah la sameeyay xubno katirsan Baarlamaanka xurta ah iyo Maxkamadihii Islaamka una shheegay in uu soo wajahanayahay Asmar ,siwayna hada loo gu diyaar garoobayo soo dhawayn tooda sida uu Saxaafadda uxaqiijiyay Xildhbaan Cumar Xaashi Aadan. Masuuliyiintan katirsanaa dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay in y ka caroodeen Baaritaanada ay Ciidamada dowlada Federaalka Itoobiya iyo kuwa Soomaaliya ka wadaan Suuqa Wayn ee Bakaaraha oo lagu dhacayo Hantida Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee Muwaadiniita ah Cabdi qayb diid oo ku magacawnaa jagada Taliayha Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliya ayaa isna goostay in uu isaga tago Shaqadiisa kadib markii laga hor yimid Awaamir uu bixiyay , taa soo fuli waysay waxaana howshii uu lahaa la wareegay Maxamed dheere iyo Taliayaha Nabda suqigda Ge. Maxamad Warsame Darwiish oo bixiya awaamirta lagu howl gelayo. Cabdi Qaybdiid ayaa gaaray Magaalada Dubai kadibna u sii gudbaya Wadanka Kenya oo uu kulamo kula qaatay ganacasato iyo wax garad ka soo jeeda koonfurta Soomaaliya waxayna ka wada hadleen sidii looga arin salahaa dhibaatada lagu hayo Shacabka Muqdisho. goo sa shadan ay sameeyeen Siyaasiintan Caanka ka ah Soomaaliya ayaa dhbar jab ku naqan doonta sii jiritaanka dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya oo aan taageero ka haysan Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed oo ay dowladu ku keentay Ciidamada Xabashida gu maysiga kawada Muqdisho iyo Sicir barar kuyimid Raashinka iyo Nolosha Warar hoose oo ay heshay Cadaado.com ayaa intaa ku darayo in ay Xildhibaano kale oo ku sii jeeda Asmara waxaana kamida Maxamed Jaamac Furux Cismaan Caato iyo Barre Hiiraale.
Ma dhab baa in Warqadda Casuumaadda Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ay gaartay lacag dhan 100$? Muqdisho, Talaado, Julaay 17, 2007 SMC Talaado, July 17, 2007HOL): iyadoo ay maalmahan soo baxayeen Jufooyin ka cabanaya in Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ay uga qeybgelayaan xubno aysan soo xulan ayaa hadana waxaa soo baxaya warar sheegaya in Warqadda Casuumaadda ah ee shirka looga qeybgelayo uu qiimaheedu gaaray 100$ (Boqol Doollarka Mareykanka ah. Jufooyin ka tirsan Beelaha Shiikhaal, Leel-kase, ******** iyo Digil iyo Mirifle ayaa xubno u hadlay waxay ka cabanayeen in ay shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed u metelayaan xubno aysan soo xulin duubabka dhaqanka Beelahooda, kuwaasi oo sida ay yiraahdeen ay keensadeen Xildhibaano ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Cusmaan Ibraahim oo ka mid ah gacan-yarayaasha Suldaanka Beesha ******** ayaa sheegay in Liis uu Suldaanka soo gudbiyay uu guddiga Qaban-qaabada Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta meel iska dhigay, isla markaana uu qaatay mid ay u soo gudbiyeen Xubno ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Malaaq Maxamed Yacquub oo ka mid ah Golaha Guurtida Beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle oo isna shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in Xildhibaano ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay sida uu yiri gacma-gacmeeyeen xubnaha shirka ka qeybgelaya, halkii la rabay in Duubabka dhaqanka soo xulaan, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan shirka u fadhin xubnihii saxda ahaa. Ugaas Ibraahim Ugaas C/llaahi oo sheegay in uu yahay Ugaaska Beesha Reer Aw-Xasan ee Shiikhaal ayaa sheegay in ay qaadaceen Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna qaadacaadooda ku sababeeyay in aanan cadaalad lagu maamuleynin shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Beelaha Soomaaliyeed. Haddaba iyadoo ay cabashooyinkaas jiraan ayaa hadana waxaa maanta la maqlay in warqadaha Shirka looga qeybgelayo (Invitations) la kala iibsado lacag dhan 100$, taasi oo la siinayo qofkii la imaan kara boqolka Doollar, “Waxaan ogaaday in qofkii aanan Boqol Doollar heysan in uusan shirkaas ka qeybgeleynin, anigana waxaan gartay in haddii aanan lacagtaas heysan in ay ii kheyr-roon tahay in aan shirka banaanka ka joogo” ayuu yiri C/qaadir Abaabul. C/qaadir Maxamuud Maxamed (Abaabul) oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Daacuud ee Wacbuundhan ****** ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in Beeshiisa ay shirka u metelayaan Wiil iyo Adeerkiis, kuwaasi oo uu sheegay in aan la soo magacaabin. “Hadana waxaan ogaaday in ay shirka u fadhiyaan Beesha Daa’uud 30 Xubnood, kuwaasi oo markii aan weydiiyay sida ay ku yimaadeen la ii sheegay in ay keensadeen C/raxmaan Shifti iyo C/llaahi Shiikh Xasan, waxaa kale oo aan soo ogaaday in Warqadda Invitation-ka ah ee shirka looga qeybgelayo in qofkii raba uu ku heli karo 100$, “Waxaa la igu yiri hadda ma heysataa boqol Doollar waa lagu siinayaa Warqadda ka qeybgalka shirka”ayuuna hadalkiisa ku sii daray C/qaadir Abaabul. C/qaadir Abaabul waxaa uu sheegay in ay arrintaas tahay mid weji gabax ku ah Guddiga Qabanqaabada Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed, isagoo ku baaqay in wax laga qabto maamul xumada ka dhex jirta Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed. Ergooyinka ka qeybgelaya Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxaa loo qoondeeyay sida aan ka soo xiganay dad ku dhow-dhow howl-wadeenada shirka Lacag habeen dhax ah oo cadadkeeda uu u dhaxeeyo 40-50 Doollar maalintii, taasi darteed ayaana la rumeysan yahay in ay keentay in ay Jufooyinka Beelaha Soomaaliyeed u tartamaan gudbisashada Liiska Xubnaha Shirka uga qeybgelaya, isla markaana ay isku mucaaradaan. Dhanka kalena, Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ****** ayaa maanta hadal saxaafadeed uu soo saaray wuxuu Beesha Caalamka ugu baaqay in ay kalsoonida kala laabato Guddiga maamulaya Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed, kaasi oo ay sheegeen in uu wax u wado qaab aan wanaagsaneyn, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in Golaha Baaqan soo jeediyay ay ka soo horjeedaan qaabka loo qabanayo Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online
Qaar ka mid ah Hay'adaha Warbaahinta Soomaaliya oo Lacag lagu siiyay buun buunida Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Qaran Inta badan Idaacadaha FM-yada ee ka howlgala Magaalada Muqdisho iyo telefishinka UNIVERSAL ee ay Soomaalida leeyihiin ayaa lacag ku qaatay tabinta wararka shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida sida ay inoo sheegeen qaar ka mid ah howl-wadeenada shirka. Markii warkan soo baxay ayaa xiriir dhinaca Isgaarsiinta oo aan la sameeyay C/qaadir Walaayo oo ka mid ah qaban qaabiyaasha shirka ayaa waxa uu ii sheegay inay jiraan heshiis ay wada galeen Idaacadaha gudaha iyo Maamuliyaasha shirka, wuxuuna caddeeyay inay bixiyeen qarash ay uga talageen Idaacadaha. In kastoo arrintaas si cad loo shaacinin haddana waxaa jirta warar sheegaya in Idaacadiiba la siiyay Lacag dhan 6400 oo Dollar, laakiin warkaas ma aha mid si dhab ah loo xaqiijiyay. Afhayeenka shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Shifti ayaa isna waxaa uu ii xaqiijiyay in ay heshiis dhinaca tebinta la galeen Telefishinka UNIVERSAL wuxuuna diiday inuu sheego qiimaha ku kacaya heshiiskaas. Ujeedada laga leeyahay in qalabka Warbaahinta Lacag lagu siiyo tebinta wararka shirka dib u heshiisiinta beelaha Soomaalida ayaa waxay tahay in caalamka iyo bulsha weynta Soomaalida laga iibiyo waxyaabaha ka soo baxaya shirkaas. Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow) nuradiin007@hotmail.com Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho Soomaaliya Midnimo Information Center wararka@midnimo.com
^Djibouti is not as strong or as a reliable bet as Ethiopia is now.
Ethiopia: U.S. to Build Largest Embassy Structure in Addis Addis Fortune (Addis Ababa) 10 July 2007 Posted to the web 10 July 2007 Tamrat G. Giorgis The United States (US) government is soon to erect perhaps its largest single structure in Africa, in the compound of its Embassy in Addis Abeba, which is also one of the three largest embassies it has on the continent. When the construction is completed in three years, the four-storey building is projected to consume a total investment of 140 million dollars. This investment will be one of two such projects in the Horn of Africa; the US government also plans to build a brand new Embassy in Djibouti City, projected to cost 100 million dollars. Clearing works inside the Embassy compound in Addis Abeba has already begun, although the construction contract is due to be awarded to an American firm in October 2007, according to senior diplomatic sources. The firm to be awarded the project is, however, expected to sub-contract much of the local component to local construction firms, and anticipated to offer job opportunities to over a 1,000 people, according to these sources. "More than the employment opportunities, we at the Embassy are very excited for the technology transfer this project will bring to local companies," Donald Yamamoto, US ambassador to Ethiopia, told Fortune. The four-storey building, depicting a ship, will be erected right in front of his residence, on the vast green area. It will serve as offices to the various bureaus the Embassy has inside the compound. Relevant Links East Africa Ethiopia United States, Canada and Africa The US Embassy in Addis Abeba was moved from its previous location in Mercato, a.k.a. American Gibe, to its current location in 1945. The white building that serves as the ambassadors' residence, recently renamed after President Theodore Roosevelt, was first built in 1920 by the Japanese, who used it as their first legation before they were expelled from the country for their support of the Italian occupation of Ethiopia. It was during President Roosevelt's reign in the White House that the US started a diplomatic relationship with Ethiopia. Mr. Robert P. Skinner, the US's consul-general in Marseilles, France, visited Emperor Menelik's court in Addis Abeba in December 1903. The Americans, however, took the Embassy compound and its buildings, which also incorporate two tukkals, after promising Emperor Haile Sellasie that the residence and the tukkals would always be preserved. http://allafrica.com/stories/200707100815.html
^Yaab badanaa..Kan waxaas qoray caruur waaba kaliitaa looool..Desperate ******** igadheh..wuxuu qoro muu waayay...Af-miyaa Tigree la iskaga celiyaa...Sxb were is the source? I thought only Yeey supporters hide their news sources??? AF WAAKAN MAYLE KA AAME!!
HE President Yusuf's speech at the opening of NRC
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Yeey Axmaar: " Kala hari meyno haddii labada sano ee ii dhiman dagaal la iigu dhameeyo". -
HE President Yusuf's speech at the opening of NRC
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Yeey-Axmaar: ““Waan ogahay dad ku fekeraya waqtiga ka dhameeya Dowladda Federaalka DABADEENA IDINKU WAX QABSADA , u suurtoobi meyso, weligeedna kala bixi meyno haddeysan hadda nabadda qaadan oo aysan dadkooda dhinac ka raacin” Caqli xumaa wuxu!!!dugaag waaba ka liitaa. -
Wararka -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciidamo soo gaarey Muqdisho 12 Jul 12, 2007 - 8:20:45 AM Ciidamo fara badan oo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasi oo ka yimid dhinaca garoonka diyaaradaha Bali Doogle oo xalay ay soo gaareen. Ciidamadan oo ku hubeysan gaawaarida dagaalka ee loo yaqaan tiknikada iyadoo aan la ogeyn ujeedada socdaalkooda ayaa lagu tilmaamay iney la xiriirto xoojinta amaanka iyo howolgalo ka sii xoog badan kuwa haatan Muqdisho ka socda. Dhinaca kale imaanshaha ciidamdan ayaa la xiriirta shirka la qorshenayo in Muqdisho ka furmo iyada oo habeenkii xaley madaafiic lala beegsadey goobo badan oo ay ka mid tahay Madaxtooyada iyo goobta la qorshenayo in shirkaan ka furmo. Ma jiraan mas’uul ka tirsan dowladda oo ka hadlay ciidamadan faraha badan ee soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho, waxayna markii hore ay ka soo ambabaxeen magaalada Baydhabo ee gobolka Bay. Garowe Online,Muqdisho
Ciidamada Itoobiya oo bilaha soo socda isaga bixi doona Soomaaliya ,waa maxay sababta soo dadajisay ka bixidooda. Adis ababa Sida lagu helaayo ila dibolomaasiyeed diidayna in magacooda la shaaciyey ayaa sheegay in 2da bil ee soo socota ay isaga bixi doonaan ciidamada Itoobiya taasoo lagu macneyey culus dhinaca xudduda ay la wadaagaan dowlada Eratareeya ee kaga imaanaayo. Ka bixida ciidamada Itoobiya ee Soomaaliya ayaa keentay kadib markii la shaaciyey in Qaramada Midoobay ciidamadeeda ay kala bexeysa xududaha ay wadaagaan Itoobiya iyo Eratareeya dhamaadka bisha Oktoobar 2007 taasoo laga yaabo in mar kale ay halaasi ka dhacaan dagaalo fool ka fool ah ee dhexmara Itoobiya iyo Eratareya . Ka bixida ciidamada Itoobiya ee Soomaaliya ayaa ahaan doona mid soo dadajiso in xalka Soomaaliya noqda mid waaro heshiis deg deg ah laga hela kooxa is diidan ee Soomaaliya madaama xiligaan jirin shaqsi si dhab ah uga hadli karo siyaasada iyo Mustaqblka Soomaaliya madaama xoog ay ku heystaan ciidamada Itoobiya . Culeys adag ee heysta Dowlada Itoobiya ayuu yiri Dibolomaasigaan diiday in la shaaciya magaciisa ayaa ah mid ka heysta gudaha iyo dibadaba madaama laga yaabo in kacdoon ka dhaco gudaha dalkeeda oo xiligaan ay ka jiraan kooxa ka soo horjeeda xukunka qabiilka Tigereega ah ee 17sano heystay halkaasi . Ciidamad Itoobiya ayaa heysta wadanka Soomaaliya 7da bilood ee la soo dhaafay walina ma jirta wax cad ay ka qabteen marka laga reebo in ay ku soo saa,idiyeen Soomaaliya Qaraxyo iyo weeraro joogta ah oo ka dhaca qeybaha ay heystaan ciidamad Itoobiya taasoo keentay barakac baaxad leh . Inta aysan fargalinta ku sameyn Soomaaliya ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa waxaa ka jiray gudaha Soomaaliya Amaan wanaagsan iyo hididiilo dib u soo celisay rajada Soomaaliay ee caalamka ka quustay lakiin taasi waxa bur buriyey ciidamada Itoobiya oo xoog ku soo galay dhulka Soomaaliya kuwaas oo wali hal xaafad ku soo celin la amaankii iyo kala danbeyntii ka jirrtay Soomaaliya inta aysan qabsan ka hor. Maxamed Nuur Cabdi Dayniile,Muqdisho maxamed_nuur@hotmail. http://www.dayniile.com/luulyo/ITOOBIYA.htm
Qaraxyo laga maqlayo caawa qeybo ka mid ah Muqdisho Click here to find this article English Mogadishu 12, July 07 ( Sh.M.Network)- Qaraxyo ayaa caawa laga maqlayaa qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo wali aan la ogeyn qaraxyadaasi waxa ay yihiin iyo cidda lala beegsaday. Ilaa iyo hadda inta la ogyahay 3 qarax ayaa laga maqlay magaalada Muqdisho abaarihii 8:30 Pm , iyadoo wali aan la kala ogeyn qaraxyadaasi in ay yihiin madaafiic iyo in kale. Mid ka mid ah qaraxyadaan ayaa waxa uu gil gilay xaafadda Albaraka ee degmada Hodon ee magaalada Muqdisho sida ay sheegeen dadka deegaankaasi. Lama oga wali qasaaraha ay geysteen qaraxyadaan, laakiin wariyeyaal shabelle ka tirsan ayaa ku howlan helitaanka xog faahfaahsan oo ku aadan qaraxyadani. Xalay ayay aheyd markii hoobiyeyaal lagu weeraray qeybo ka mid ah Muqdisho oo ay ku jirto xarunta Madaxtooyada iyo meelo ku dhow dhow xarunta gaadiidka oo lagu wado in uu ka furmo shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran. Wixii ku soo kordha kala soco shanelle.net http://www.shabelle.net/2007/july/n12284.htm
Heavy shelling in Somali capital Bombs go off almost every day in Mogadishu Bombs go off almost every day in Mogadishu Shells have been fired overnight at the presidential palace and the venue for forthcoming peace talks in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Shooting was also heard in the city's main Bakara market. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attacks. At least two people were killed when a mortar bomb landed on their house. The upsurge in violence comes ahead of a reconciliation conference planned for Sunday, to be attended by more than 1,000 Somalis in the capital. Attacks on Ethiopian troops and the Somali government have been a regular event since December, when Ethiopian forces ousted the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which had been controlling much of southern Somalia. Somalia has not had an effective national government for 16 years, with rival militias battling for control of different areas. Conference doubts "Several mortar rounds were fired from the centre of town but all were off target. Some of them hit the nearby buildings but the palace suffered no damage," government security officer Mohammed Ganey told AFP news agency. Mogadishu's Bakara market is the city's lifeline The BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan in Mogadishu says there is an uneasy calm in the capital but the shelling is a clear indication that the city is not safe to host the major conference. On Wednesday, President Abdullahi Yusuf met diplomats from the European Union, Norway, Italy, Belgium, Kenya and the military adviser of the African Union at his residence in Mogadishu. The delegation was in the capital for four hours to inspect security arrangements ahead of Sunday's reconciliation conference. They also held talks with elders from the dominant ****** clan but it is not clear whether they will attend the conference. The ****** clan has been opposed to the presence in Somalia of Ethiopian troops. The clan elders insist that the conference should not be organised around clan allegiances, since the problems in Somalia are political and not clan-based. Western countries have urged the Somali government to try to include moderate Islamists in the conference but it seems unlikely that anyone from the UIC will attend. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6294548.stm
Here are pictures of the "mighty TFG" in action.
Now tell me in all the cases how can you compare Biadoa to Mogadishu, what was the motive of the militia that burned crops and starvd kids in which you seem be apologitic... tell me what ? I have yet to see you give a small headshake of this tragic loss, the worst in the history of Somalia... Take small break and read my response to this thread so far and tell me where I was apologetic to the mass killings in Bay and Bakool regions. Do that simple homework and hopefully it will help you understand my stance on the Bay and Bakool tragedy which is based not on emotional or clan hate mongering but a fact and a historical one. TFG's motive was to stop this group and not kill any innocent people AHhhaa....Only TFG vs ICU/clannists..Thousands of Xabasho militia in Xamar is just lie...Again, all talk and no facts. ...EEY haladoodo...qofaan an atom of xishood lagu arag.
nuradiin007 iska ilaaliya wuxuu soo tabiyo ninkaas iyo runta mar horee is fureenaa la dhahay. Xuubsireed iyo isaga yaa been badan. Both are pro Tigre occupation.
Thousands died and close to half a milion fled the city from the indiscriminate shelling by the Ethiopian militia. Thats not a less serious crime.
which one is worse ,,, the one in Baidoa or the recent one in Mogadishu ??? I thought the same number you mention is what died in mogadishu during those femous days in xamar. :confused: :confused: . Walee some SOLers need to read their history. code: Everything is lifeless except for the dozen or so areas cordoned off by hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian troops which also houses all the men you see on the press. Last time I read, it was thirty thousand Ethiopian militia in Xamar and now hundreds of thousands. :confused:
Stop denial about Somali killings By Abdifatah Ismail Clearly in pain, Abdiqani Ibrahim, a 26 year old Somali shopkeeper who is recovering from serious injuries that he sustained in Phillipi after armed gangsters stormed into his shop, paces back and forth in his two meter long room in Bellville. The doctors told him to move around so as to hasten recovery. Ibrahim cheated death by what he calls a “divine intervention”, Many of his compatriots were not so fortunate. He told me what happened on the night he was attacked. Four men forced the door open, while six others stood watch outside, foiling his first attempt to escape. He pleaded with them to spare his life and take everything they wanted from the shop. He even offered to assist them to do so. They thanked him for the offer and told him plainly that even though he was welcome to help them loot his shop, that wouldn’t stop them from killing him. One of the gunmen put a gun to his head, but it misfired. Realising that his plead is falling on deaf ears he managed to escape. Two of the assailants gave chase and stabbed him three times in the back. Luckily, his escape bid was successful. The police have not yet taken a statement from Ibrahim. When I asked him why his relatives wouldn’t go to the police, the answer was sharp “what would the police do for me, they haven’t done a thing for those before me”. This is the extent to which the refugees doubt the police's willingness to protect them. Their mistrust is understandable given the anti-immigrant views prevailing in the country. And security officials are not an exception. Studies conducted in 2002 by Ingrid Palmary of the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation found that 30% of municipal police officers and trainees believed that foreigners cause crime. Earlier this year, Safety and Security Minster, Charles Ngakula, reacted to criticisms of the levels of crime in South Africa by saying that people who were not happy about the way the South African police handle security issues should either leave the country or keep quite. Surely such remarks could have contributed significantly to the negative attitudes towards the poor immigrants trying to make ends meet in South Africa. In spite of the minister later softening his position, the security agencies that fall under his control are not seen any more favourably by the refugee communities that have had to live with police indifference to their plight. Security officials in the Western Cape are trying hard to mask the real extent of the problems that Somalis face in the province. Community leaders who attended a meeting with senior police officials told me that the police grilled them about why they say the killings are related to xenophobia and why they often go to the press. After the 12th Somali national was killed, Police spokesman, Randall Stroffels insisted that crime levels to which the Somali community has been exposed are no different from those experienced by South Africans. However, a close look at what is has happening to the Somalis reveals there is more to this than “normal” violent crimes. The shooting of Somalis on several occasions without a robbery having taken place bears witness to this. Last week, armed men sprayed pullets at a Somali shop in Kraafontein wounding the owner, Mohamoud Hussein. Nothing was taken from the shop. The government suspects that envy about the success of the Somali entrepreneurs plays a role in the dislike of Somalis. Local traders presumably believe that they cannot compete with Somali entrepreneurs because they had a good access to capital to start businesses. This is not the case. If the success story of Somali entrepreneurship is true, it is more to do with selling products at marginal rates of profit, than having a huge capital. Most Somalis begun their informal trade through a modest helping hand from their close or distant relatives. The belief that Somalis keep large sums of cash in their shops is also untrue, as the meagre resources they have must be spent on stock to make sure there is no shortage of trading commodities. This, too, is a key feature of their skilful entrepreneurship. Regardless of what is behind the attacks, the Somali community believes - with reason - that they are being targeted. This belief does not go down well with those in control of security organs notwithstanding that key political figures in the Western Cape seem to be sympathetic to the Somalis’ plight. Cape Town Mayor Hellen Zille has reiterated the need for tolerance as Somali shopkeepers provide commercial services in areas where the formal investment fears to tread. Earlier, Western Cape Premier, Ebrahim Rasool underscored the contribution that the Somalis make to the economic growth of the metropolis. When one looks at the prevailing political good will on the one hand, and the inaction of state organs charged with safety and security on the other, one can assume one of two possible scenarios. Either crocodile tears are being shed or the political establishments and public service agencies do not listen to each other. Hopefully, it is the latter that is the problem. The face-saving approach taken by those in control of security agencies is exacerbating the situation. For the problem to be addressed effectively there is a need for open and concerted efforts aimed not only at containing the situation, but also at putting in place strategies that can prevent incidents in the future. These strategies must include public awareness campaigns geared towards making people understand the rights of immigrants. If the government cannot adopt strategies to tackle the problem, at least the denial games must stop. Abdifatah Ismail is a Somali student studying at the University of Cape Town. abdifatah@webmail.co.za This article first appeared in the Cape Times on the 27th of Sept 2006
“The motive for the incident is still unknown. No arrest has been made yet," says Mawisa. Thats a sad joke. How many more innocents have to die before they make an arrrest? Somali horey utiri"Waayeel tag lama dhahee wuxuu ku tagaa la tusaa." I would have been looking somewhere else to settle by now, If I was a SA Somali businessman.