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Everything posted by Jabhad

  1. Somalia: a playground of foreign patrons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Sadat Mahamed Yusuf drgeesh@hotmail.com Somalia is a country with heavy social build up and very primitive tribal devotions which is almost revengeful. Offensive nomads who feel that they have immediate knowledge for everything and rule of the law is a hostile which is customary attained from a 14 century way of imposing wills of authoritarian to others. Tribes in Somalia has a chief which is well known to the rules of giving evidence unfairly and appears hostile to any other tribe. Sometimes amongst his own clansmen the chiefs would not either demonstrate corrections not would they preserve peace. Rather they prefer war for their own advantage those socio-cultural and socio-economic linkage between kinship in Somalia are mostly primitive. Although individuals own their camels, they must pay per person for the compensation of the killed person from outside tribes or between them and also defend the pasturelands for grazing and wells for watering their animals. The poets say their words to erect the starting points, which lack ending points. Nevertheless, the progress of a society is evolutionary. During the civil war Somalia witnessed one of the most vengeful war between the tribes. It was the era of the tribes fighting between them after that free for all war ended the balance between the tribes came into effect, although the enlarged civil war in Somalia, brought many changes like social order, social behavior. It changed religion doctrines from Sufism to al-Wahabism, the ways of chiefdoms where maintained showing some split between a single tribesmen while we witness faction leader, the political wing of a given tribe the changes from those factions now had formed alliances with other function united with common aims and interests. This means precedent creating methods during any reconciliation conference, when a faction has felt threatened, and usually those alliances disintegrate after the conference failed to produce an agreement. We would not expect for ever national strongman which can bring the country under his controls. We know the contradictions and strife on the ground were created the fair play of the warlords wracked by infighting between them. Victory will not emerge or a degree of order will not restored by the ruthless warlords. They never agreed and will not agree on anything. After ten years of warlords rule in pursuing each other, where they imposed a deathly peace in Somalia. President of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Gele, proposed a peace conference. When the Arab world supported Gele’s initiatives, they eventually produced an interim government after the fall of Mohamed Said. That government did not work. Why? It’s not easy to answer considering the turmoil in the country and clan rivalries, and other destabilizing factors. For example Ethiopia is heavily in favor of the warlords because there is balance between them and obsessed with countering the existence of the interim government. The latest explosion was the ongoing conference in Nairobi after Djibouti ambassador withdrew and accused certain circles without naming are undermining the initiatives to settle Somali disputes. Because of Ethiopian hardliners’ offer for the conference, it dampened the conference’s hopes to unify the interim government and the warlords. Rather it split the interim government on one hand, and the warlords on the other. Then some key warlords and the interim president withdrew from the conference after more than a year of negotiation in Nairobi, Kenya. Every body knows that the bedrock principle of Ethiopian policy towards Somalia is not even to create a puppet government. Nevertheless Ethiopia’s romantic hopes are likely to meet frustration and spreading the fire to the peace and stabilized cities of Ethiopia, while fire is inherited by ash only it would be better for that country to devote her energies to something more realistic and more accurate than wasting efforts to let the ungovernable not to be governed. --
  2. Somalia: Ethiopian Victory in Somalia is Deceptive New Vision (Kampala) OPINION December 30, 2006 Posted to the web January 2, 2007 Kintu Nyago Kampala ETHIOPIA'S intervention in Somalia is a timely reminder of the need to create a functional Eastern African political federation to prevent perennial conflicts in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa regions. This invasion was triggered by parochial national Ethiopian, Somali and Eritirean rivalries that could have been checked by a regional political union. Somalia's stateless condition has created an arena that fosters regional instability. Unfortunately, Ethiopia, under Meles Zenawi, has had a vested interest in having either a weak puppet regime in Mogadishu or a stateless Somalia, to the extent that in the past, with the blessing of Washington, they supported the emergence of criminal Somali warlords, who wreaked havoc on the people. However, the chickens came home to roost for the Zenawi regime, with the emergence of the Somali Islamic Courts. Similar to the Taliban in Afganistan, they defeated the warlords and established order in those areas they took control of. The Islamic Courts created stability, which has led to their gaining widespread support. The regime that Ethiopia is installing in Mogadishu, headed by Abdullahi Yusuf, lacks the required political support in Somalia. Indeed it would not even last a day - despite all the support it has from the African Union and Washington - the moment Addis Ababa withdraws its troops. Though disunited, the Somalis are a highly nationalistic lot when it comes to protecting their identity and country from foreign intrusion. Unless some creative political arrangement is devised to accommodate the Islamic Courts and other legitimate Somali political actors, the Zenawi administration is likely to be faced with its Waterloo, through a protracted Somali guerrilla war. We should also bear in mind that Zenawi embarked on the Somali invasion to divert domestic attention from internal questions of his regime's legitimacy. The said Somali guerrilla resistance is most likely going to adopt a jihadist radical Islamic orientation, which unfortunately would affect the broader Eastern African region. Uganda's intervention in Somalia should only be based on a multilateral approach, one moreover, that seeks to create a Somali government of national unity. Time is of the essence and creative diplomacy is called for. Short of this, Ethiopia's current deceptive victory is likely to create further instability in Somalia that would directly spill over into Djibouti, Kenya and Ethiopia. It may also trigger off another hot war between Asmara and Addis Ababa. The medium- to long-term solution to these destructive wars lies in the creation of a broad and viable East African political federation. As events illustrate, this is a necessity for our region. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Can the TTG[Tigree Transition government]fool us! NO Goobihii Dowladdu u cayintay in hubka la geeyo oo haawanaya.. Maalintii shalay ahayd ayay ahayd maalintii koowaad oo ay Dowladdu Sheegtay in shacabka ku nool Magaalada Muqdisho ay hubkooda geeyaan dhowr goobood oo kala ah Villa Baydhabo, Dekeddii Hore iyo Deegaanka Dayniile, hase yeeshee ilaa iyo haatan ma jirto cid u hogaansan tahay amarkaasi oo socon doona mudo 3 maalmood ah, wixii ka dambeeyana ay Dowladdu in xoog hub ka dhigis lagu sameyn doono. Aragtida shacabku ka bixiyeen qaabka hub ka dhigista ee Dowladdu dooneyso ayaa waxa ay ku tilmaameen mid ay Dowladdu ku deg degtay loona baahnaa in dhamaan gobalada Dalka mar qura hubka laga dhigo, maadaama Shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan is aaminsaneyn, horeyna loogu kashifmay hub ka dhigis noocaan oo kale ah.
  4. Xuseen Caydiid “Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya waa walaalo oo aan kala Maarmin.. Ku xigeenka Ra’isul Wasaaraha ee koowaad ahna wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Xuseen Max’ed Caydiid oo shalay la hadlayey Odoyaal iyo Waxgarad ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya ay yihiin kuwo Walaalo ah oo aan sinaba u kala maarmaarin, wixii haatan ka dambeeya ay xuduudahoodu yihiin kuwo isku furan. “Waxaan dooneynaa in aan qaadano Baasaboorka Itoobiya, Lacagtooda iyo Dhaqaalahooda” ayuu yiri Xuseen Caydiid oo ugu baaqay shacabka Soomaaliyeed in ay soo dhaweeyaan Ciidamada Itoobiya oo ay u geeyaan waxay u baahan yihiin, waxa uu sheegay in Itoobiya ay ahayd Dowladdii ugu horeysay oo si wanaagsan ula dhaqanta qaxootiga Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana u ogolaatay in ay qaataan baasaboorkeed, “markaa wax aan ku diidno ma jiraan ee waa in aan is kaashanaa oo aan wada abuurnaa nolo dhameystiran” ayuu sii raaciyey Xuseen Caydiid.
  5. Alloow nabadbaadi!Union with Ethiopia!! Xussen Caydiid oo Dalkii Soomaaliya sheegay in ay ku darayaan Itoobiya Last Updated::2007-01-03 02:05:46 Muqdisho:- Ra'iisul Wasaare kuxigeenka Somaliya Xussen Caydiid ahna Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa carabka ku dhuftay Arrin ay horey uga wel welsanaayeen dad badan oo kamid ah Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Xussen Caydiid ayaa hadalka uu ku dhawaaqay ay tahay in ay Xukuumada uu ku jiro qorsheenayso in la tir tiro xuduudaha u dhaxeeya Somaliya iyo Itoobiya. Xussen Caydiid ayaa intaasi raaciyey in labada dal loo sameenayo hal Basaboor iyo hal Ciidan. Hadaladan naxdinta ku abuuray in badan oo kamid ah Muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ayuu wasiirku ka jeediyey shir uu la yeeshay qaar kamid ah oday dhaqameedyada magaalada Muqdisho. Hadaladan ayaa wuxuu Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ku sheegay in labada dal ay yihiin kuwo walaalo ah isla markaana u midoobi karo sidii ay u midoobeen dalalka Yurub. Balse hadaladan ayaa noqday kuwo waji madow u yeelay siyaasada dhabta ah ee Dowlada Federaalka, ayadoo aysan jirin wax jawaab rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay Hogaanka sare ee Xukuumada. Hadaladan ayaa soo baxay wakhti ay dalka Somaliya gudihiisa ku sugan yihiin ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo gacan siinaya kuwa Dowlada Federaalka. Dowlada Somaliya ayay siyaasadeed khatar ku jirta hadii ay dhab noqoto in qorshaha uu sheegay Xuseen Caydiid uu noqdo mid ay ku heshiisay DFKMG, taasi oo dhabar jab ku noqon karta dhamaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo ah kuwo baahi weyn u qaba Dowlad iyo Nidaam, balse aan niyad u heyn in lagu daro dal kale oo ay taariikh dheer ka dhaxeyso. Horey ayey u jirtay Qariirad ay soo bandhigeen xildhibaano ku sugan Muqdisho, qariiradaasi oo ay ku sheegeen in laga helay Xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayagoo tilmaamay in ay mas'uuliyiin DFKMG kamid ah qorsheenayaan in dalka Somaliya lagu daro dalka Itoobiya, isla markaana la tir tiro dhamaan astaamaha Qarankii Somaaliyeed. Hadaba dadka siyaasada indha indheeya ayaa ku sheegay hadalada Xussen Caydiid kuwo dhaawac weyn ku ah DFKMG isla markaana shaki weyn abuuri doona xili ay dowlada ku guuleystay in ay gacanta ku dhigto inta badan dalka Soomaaliya ayadoo adeegsaneysa Awooda ciidanka Itoobiya. Warkan uu sida dadban usoo saaray wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa sidoo kale lagu soo beegay xili la doonayo in hubka laga dhigo shacabka ayadoo Ra'iisul Wasaare Cali Maxamed uu Sadex maalmood u qabtay shacabka ku dhaqan caasimada. Maanta ayaa la arkayey goobihii loogu talo galay in hubka lagu aruuriyo oo ah kuwo faaruq ah ayadoo aysan jirin Hal Ruux oo hubkiisa soo wareejiya. http://horseednet.com/horseednet.php?id=5495
  6. What will Meles the master Somali warlords say about this take-over of Beledweyn by his men. http://allceeldheer.com/news1772.htm
  7. Wararka -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muran ka dhashey maamul loo magacaabey Hiiraan 2 Jan 2, 2007, 02:44 Maleeshiyo taabacsan Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobalka Hiiraan Yuusuf Dabageed iyo Gudoomiyaha Degmada Baladweyne Aadan Garaaso ayaa saakay la wareegay gacan ku heynta Saldhiga Magaalada Baladweyne iyo Xarunta laga maamulo Gobalka Hiiraan. Maleeshiyadaan ayaa la sheegay iney ka careysan yihiin Maamulka cusub ee Madaxweyne Yuusuf shalay u magacaabay Gobalka Hiiraan. Maleeshiyadkan ayaa sheegey iney rasaaseyn doonaan hadii ciidamada DF ay yimaadaan goobaha ay saakay qabsadeen, waxeyna sheegeen ineysan aqoonsaneen maamulka shalay loo magacaabay Gobalka Hiiraan. Aadan Garaaso Gudoomiyahii degmada Baladweyne oo GO la xiriirtay ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu xunyahay magacaabista qaabka ay u dhacday, waxuuna sheegay in Maleeshiyadaasi ay yihiin ciidamada DF isla markaana ay wax ka qaban karaan wax walba oo gobalkaan khilaaf u keenaya. Aadan Garaaso ayaa ku tilmaamay maamulkii shalay la magacaabay cadaalad daro inuu yahay, isagoo sheegay in 7 bilood uu dhib ugu soo jiray sidii uu ugu soo noqon lagaa magaalada Baladweyne, markii uu kusoo noqdayna dad sida uu sheegay aanan rafaad u soo marin degmada iyo gobalka loo magacaabey. Aadan Garaaso ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha ay la xiriiri doonaan isla markaana ay ku dhaqaaqi doonaan waxii ugu soo baxa wada hadalka ay Madaxweyne Yusuf la yeelanayaan Aadan Garaaso iyo Yusuf Dagabeed ayaa horey waxaa gobalka Hiiraan ugu saaray Maxkamadaha Islaamiga kadib markii ay dagaal xoogan halkaasi ku dhex maray. Cabdi Fatax Axmad,GO
  8. Was Saddam Executed By a Death Squad? Monday, 01 January 2007 WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is considering forming hit squads of Kurdish and Shi’a fighters to target leaders of the Iraqi insurgency in a strategic shift borrowed from the American struggle against left- wing guerrillas in Central America 20 years ago. Under the so-called "El Salvador option," Iraqi and American forces would be sent to kill or kidnap insurgency leaders, even in Syria, where some are thought to shelter. The plans are reported in this week’s Newsweek magazine as part of Pentagon efforts to get U.S. forces in Iraq on to the front foot against an enemy that is apparently getting the better of them. Iyad Allawi, the interim Iraqi Prime Minister, was said to be one of the most vigorous supporters of the plan. The Pentagon declined to comment, but one insider told Newsweek: "What everyone agrees is that we can’t just go on as we are. We have to find a way to take the offensive against the insurgents. Right now, we are playing defense. And we are losing." Hit squads would be controversial and would probably be kept secret. The experience of the so-called "death squads" in Central America remains raw for many even now and helped to sully the image of the United States in the region. Then, the Reagan Administration funded and trained teams of nationalist forces to neutralize Salvadorian rebel leaders and sympathizers. Supporters credit the policy with calming the insurgency, although it left a bitter legacy and stirred anti-American sentiment. John Negroponte, the U.S. Ambassador in Baghdad, had a front-row seat at the time as Ambassador to Honduras from 1981-85. Death squads were a brutal feature of Latin American politics of the time. In Argentina in the 1970s and Guatemala in the 1980s, soldiers wore uniforms by day but used unmarked cars by night to kidnap and kill those hostile to the regime or their suspected sympathizers. In the early 1980s President Reagan’s administration funded and helped to train Nicaraguan contras based in Honduras with the aim of ousting Nicaragua’s Sandinista regime. The Contras were equipped using money from illegal American arms sales to Iran, a scandal that could have toppled Reagan. It was in El Salvador that the United States trained small units of local forces specifically to target rebels. The thrust of the Pentagon proposal in Iraq, according to Newsweek, is to follow that model and direct U.S. Special Forces teams to advise, support and train Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and Shi’a militiamen to target leaders of the Sunni insurgency. It is unclear whether the main aim of the missions would be to assassinate the rebels or kidnap them and take them away for interrogation. Any mission in Syria would probably be undertaken by U.S. Special Forces. Nor is it clear who would take responsibility for such a program — the Pentagon or the Central Intelligence Agency. Such covert operations have traditionally been run by the CIA at arm’s length from the administration in power, giving U.S. officials the ability to deny any knowledge of it. The Pentagon refused to be drawn on the issue yesterday. "We don’t discuss specific future operations or specific tactics," a spokeswoman said. This week Gary Luck, a retired four-star general, will arrive in Iraq to review American policy in the country, looking particularly at the recruitment and training of Iraqi forces. The key to Washington’s exit strategy is the ability of Iraqi forces to take over security roles. The general has been asked by Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. Defense Secretary, to deliver an "open-ended" review of how U.S. aims can better be met. His visit comes after two weeks of increased violence in Iraq in which scores of Iraqis and more than a dozen Americans have been killed in the run-up to the country’s elections.
  9. Here the occuppation forces who are equally or more savage than former dictator find his victims. Finally my friends, ALLAH[sWT] is the best of JUDGES and He will JUDGE accordingly.
  10. Xabashi Iyo Dameeraba Oodda U Dhow Bay Cunaan! Qore Mohamed-Deeq Abadi-madar ”Haldhaa” Markii uu dhacay shirqoolkii Gurdumi ee la rabay in Sayid Maxamed lagu dilo ayuu isagiina ka aarsaday oo ku sameeyay dhacdadii ”Gondo-gooye”. Gonda-gooyena wuxuu keenay inay colaadii Sayidka iyo %%%%% sii korodho, oo ay gaadho meel aad iyo aad u fog. Odayaashii %%%%% waxay go'aan ku gaadheen inay Sayidka u raadsadaan cid ka celisa oo dawlad ah, maaddaama oo aysan iyagu iskacelin karin. Waxayna u tageen xabshi oo dameero saaran oo xittaa aan heli karin Baqalo iska daayee Fardo, oo markaa joogtay meel Adari “Harar“ wax yar ka sokaysay. Xabashidii markii loo tagay, arrintaas aad ayay u soo dhowaysay, sababtoo ah waaba waxay rabtay inay sii durugto oo dhulka Soomaaliyeed ee muddada laga hortagnaa ay gasho. Waxayna shuruud uga dhigtay inay bixiyaan Gibir (Canshuur) ah xoolo ay ciidamada Xabshida ee difaacaya cunaan, taasna ********* way la ogolaadeen. Caqliga Alle idinka qaad! Maalintaas ayaa ugu horraysay Xabashi hoos u soo dhaafta magaalada Jigjiga. Sidii bayna illaa iyo hadda u joogaan. Haddaba nimankii Xabashida u yeertay ee kula heshiiyay inay canshuur siiyaan ciidamada Xabashida, waxay xabashidii kala kulmeen wax aad iyo aad u fool xun iyo gumaysi kan ugu xun adduunka. Waliba waxay la kulmeen markii uu Sayid Maxamed dhintay ee ay Daraawiishtiina burburtay. Waxayna shacabkii ku billaabeen inay xidhxidhaan oo iska laayaan, hubka iyo xoolahana ka dhacaan, iyagoo degmo kastaa u sameeyay nin madax ah oo iyaga raacsan. Waa caadadeed oo kama guurtee waxay dhibki iyo rafaadkii kula kacday oo uguba horraysiisay raggii madaxda ahaa ee iyada markii horeba keensaday. Waxaa magaalada Qabridahar ka dhacday arrin taariikhda gashay oo aan marnaba la illaawin, waxayna waliba ku biirtay diiwaanka murtida. Arrintaasu waxay ahayd;- Nin ka mida raggii odayaasha ahaa ee Xabashida keensaday ayay maalin waxay ku qoonsattayba, suuqa Qabridahare badhtankiisa ku garaacday, iyadoo waliba aad iyo aad suuqa loo buuxo. Markii ay ushii ku billaabeen ayaa afka ma uu yaqaanee, wuxuu mid ka mida dhalin-yaradii magaalada oo iyagu afka dhaqso u bartay siday u dhex galayeen Xabashida, ku yiri war igala hadal... War igala hadal....War igala hadal...adigaa afka yaqaanee. Wiilkii oo ahaa mid aad iyo aad u maskax badan kana xumaa gumaysiga ay odayaashu keeneen ayaa ku yiri;-“Afkaad Harar kaga keentay kula hadal!!“. Allaylahay abaalkooda ayaa helay. Iyaga kaligoodna ma ahaynee cid kastoo Xabashi soo wadata aakhirkii iyada uun bay dishaa. Taasna waxaa inoo caddaynaya, markii ururka SSDF ay soo kaxaysteen Xabashida si ay xukunka Siyaad Barre uga tuuraan, waxay u diideen awooddii jabahadnimo, is faham xumi weynna uu ka dhex abuurmay. Sababtoo SSDF waxay rabtay inay xukunka Siyaad burburiso, Xabashidana ay arrintaas u kaashato. Xabashiduna waxaya rabtay iya waddanka Soomaaliyeed inta ka maqan qabsato iyadoo SSDF ugu dhuumanaysa. Taasna waxay aad u muuqattay markii ay SSDF-tu magaalo qabsataba oo ay rabto inay calankooda ka taagtaan ayay Xabashiduna intay kan SSDF ka siibto keeda ka taagi jirtay. Waxay kaloo u diidday inay iyagu maamulaan, magaalooyinkii la qabday sida, “Gol-dogob iyo Balanbal“. Khilaafkaasuna wuxuu markii danbe ku danbeeyay in guddoomiyihii SSDF C/Laahi Yuusuf lagu tuuro Xabsiga Xabashida, kaasoo ahaana ninkii ugu horreeyay ee Xabashi inta u galay la soo safray. Waxaa kaloonu ognahay in jabhadda SNF ee uu guddoomiye u ahaa Cumar Xaaji ay u yeerteen 1996kii iyagoo kula dagaalamayay ururka Al-itixaad ee gobolka Gedo. Hadaba maxay iyaguna ku danbeeyeen?!. Waxay ku danbeeyeen fool-xumo nooca ugu daran, waxayna gaareen saraakiishii iyo jananadii ururka SNF inay suuqaqa gobolka Gedo dhexdiisa ku garaacaan wiilal yar yar oo injir leh. Waliba waxaa taas kaba sii darraa in maamulkii iyo hawlihii socdayna waxba aan looga ogolaan, illaa markii danbe uu Cumar Xaaji intuu cararay uu Baar-dheere kaga khudbeeyay:- “Cadaw aan Xabashi ahayn ma lihin“, Shalayna wuxuu lahaa:- “Cadaw aan Itixaad ahayn ma lihin“. Waxaa kaloonnu ognahay in xilligan hadda lagu jiro ay wali sidii u haysto iyadoo ururkii SNF laba garab ay u kala jabeen, waxayna ka dhistay maamul raacsan dawladda Xabashida. Waxaa kaloo iyadana jirta in jabhadihii Bay iyo bakool raggii xukumay oo uu ka mid ahaa Shaati Guuduud iyo Xaabsade iyo Sheekh Aadan Madoobe aysan maanta faraha ku hayn degaankii ay ka dhasheen ee ay iyagu ku amarku-taaglayn jireen. Maantana meel kastoo muhiim ah ay xabishidii ku maamulayso. Maanshe Soomaalidu tiri:- “Xabashi iyo dameeraba oodda u dhow bay cunaan”! Wallee waa run, saa ruux aan u dhowayn ama aan soo dhowaysan waxba ma yeeshee. Horaase loo yiri,:- “Soomaalidi been way sheegtaa, laakiin been ma maahmaahdo“. Waxay kaloo Soomaali horay u dhaneen, iyagoo hees ku sheegayay, Nin Abeeso koriyoow Adigaa u aayiyee Axdi malahan Xabashida Lagu aaminaayee. Mohamed-Deeq Abadi-madar ”Haldhaa” Chairman of The Somali Social Democrats’ Party (SSDP) Borlänge, Sweden haldhaa35@hotmail.com
  11. ^Cajiib..Abdulahi-Ahmaar supporters maxeey la oyaan marki xabashi wax laga sheego run iyo beenba ...Goorma ayeey faan noqotay Ethiopia anaga ayeey najeceshahay maadaama aan aanahay loyal slaves. And how long will that relationship between the slave and the master last? Fududaa ninku hadiiba saan uu uhadlaayo isagoo kaare Xabashi saaran. Taariikh madoow ayaad Somali kureebteene marki aad cadow umadi Somaliyee kusoo hogaamiseen to bomb and shell Somali cities. Bal la arki doonee faaiidadaad kaheshaan dabadhilifnimo Amxaar.
  12. 31/12/2006, Onkod News: Ciidamada Maxaakiimta Islaamka ee Soomaliyeed ayaa waxa ay galabta dagaal qarara la galeen Ciidamada Dowlada KMG oo taageero ka haysta Ciidamada Ethopiaynka waxaana la xaqiijiyay in dagaalkii galabta looga adkaaday Ciidamada kua soo duulay Dalka soomaliya iyo Dowlada KMG Warar madax banaan ayaa sheegaya ciidamada Maxaakiimta ay soo gaareen ilaa iyo Xaramka lagana awood roonaaday Ciidamadii Ethopianka waxaa kaloo laga cabsi qaba in uu dagaalka ku soo faafo Gobolada Shabeelooyinka
  13. Koonfurta Magaalada Muqdisho oo Gawaaarida lagu dhejiyey Sawiro Geeddi iyo Zenawi... Dhanka Koonfureed ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maalmahan lagu arkayey in gawaarida lagu dhejiyey sawirka Ra'iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya, Meles Zenawi iyo Ra'iisul wasaaraha Dawladda Federaalak Kumeel Gaarka ah, arrintaas oo sii xoojineysa shakiga laga qabo xiriirka gaarka ah ee u dhexeeya Zenawi iyo Geeddi. "Zenawi ma waxa uu rabaa in uu Koonfurta Muqdisho ka hir geliyo qabqable dagaal oo cusub" ayuu yiri qof sawirkan arkay. Sawirka hoose waxaa qaaday hay'adda wararka ee AP.
  14. The end of a savage dictator made possible by non other than equally savage BUSH.
  15. Saddam: The execution How one mobile phone made Saddam's hanging a very public execution Ned Parker and Ali Hamdani Those close to him said he had wanted to die with dignity. Within a day, a million people had seen an illicit film of his last moments Read Ned Parker’s blog from inside Iraq The final image of Saddam Hussein was on jerky unedited footage filmed by an anonymous onlooker standing at the foot of the steps beneath the gallows. The video showed the noose around his neck as he recited the shahada, or last testimony. Before he could finish, he dropped through the floor to the sound of the trapdoor crashing open. After a few seconds of confusion the footage ended with a close-up of the dictator’s twisted head. None of the images was part of the “official” footage filmed from the top of the gallows, which was aired on Iraqi state television and beamed around the world. In Iraq the other footage, which was filmed on a mobile phone, was being swapped on handsets for 20p and soon spread around the world on the internet. At the height of his power Saddam had always had himself filmed in military uniform with shiny epaulets or standing on a balcony firing a gun — an image that would play again and again on state television in homage to his self-declared greatness. Just before sunrise on Saturday, a witness to the former Iraqi President’s death filmed his ignonimous end using the phone. Hours later the grainy, darkly lit footage was on the internet. In a former military intelligence building, now an Iraqi prison, Saddam was sandwiched between two stout men in black hoods who guided him to the gallows. He bundled himself in a dark overcoat to warm himself in the December cold in Baghdad and stood on an elevated platform with its rusty metal bars. Beneath the coat was the white shirt and black blazer and trousers that he had worn throughout his trial on charges of crimes against humanity. The two hangmen lifted the thick hemp noose over his neck and Saddam stood passively, his piercing brown eyes indicating a flicker of fear. “Ya Allah [Oh God],” he said. The room’s 15 witnesses roared back: “Peace to be upon Muhammad and his followers. Peace be upon Muhammad and his followers.” Their voices rose in glee and some added a rallying cry belonging to the followers of the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose militia movement has helped to fuel Baghdad’s current sectarian bloodletting. “And quicken his [the Mahdi’s] appearing and curse on his enemy,” and then one zealous spectator shouted: “And support his son Moqtada Moqtada Moqtada.” Ignoring the baying crowd, Saddam, whose dyed black hair was askew, pretended that he misheard the young cleric’s name, whose movement in its violence is reminiscent of Saddam’s own ruthless Baathist cells that paved his way to power. Saddam smirked at his tormentors. A voice shouted back: “Long live Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr”, the name of the ayatollah who helped to found the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Dawa party and was murdered by Saddam in 1980. “To Hell,” another spectator bellowed. The scene had begun to resemble a medieval execution or a wild hanging in Texas. “Please stop, the man is being executed, please stop,” one witness shouted over the clamour. Saddam peered down at the mob and then recited the shahada. His skin was wrinkled; he looked tired and knew the end was near. “God is great and Muhammad is His prophet,” he said and started to repeat the phrase intended to ensure one dies a good Muslim and goes to paradise. But the trapdoor opened and his body plummeted. His neck snapped. “Peace be upon Muhammad and his followers,” some shouted. “The tyrant is gone,” another cried. Pandemonium reigned in the shadowy room. A voice interjected: “Leave him for eight minutes. No one pulls him down. Leave him for eight minutes . . . .Everyone back please, everyone back.” Saddam’s body swung beneath the trap door, eyes partly open, and his neck crooked, like his many nameless victims. He swung like the corpses of those who had been executed in his name in prisons across Iraq throughout the Baath party’s 35-year reign. Those close to him said he had known for months that the end was coming and had no illusions that he would survive. But he wanted his dignity. The man whose vanity led him to portray himself as the defender of the Arab world was determined to get the better of his adversaries. He refused their offers of cigarettes and a last meal of chicken. When the hangmen took Saddam into an unheated room before Judge Munir Haddad, one of the nine judges who had upheld his death sentence on Tuesday for the killing of 148 Shia villagers from Dujail, north of Baghdad, after a 1982 assassination attempt on his life, the man did not panic and chastised his enemies. “I read the death sentence to him and asked him if he wanted to say anything or has any final words. Then he said: “I commend you to adhere to liberality and to beware of the Persians,” Mr Haddad told The Times. Mr Haddad asked him if he had any final request and Saddam asked him to hand his Koran to the son of Awad al-Bandar, the former judge who had also been sentenced to death for sanctioning the killing of the Dujail villagers. Mr Bandar’s son, Badr, has served on the defence team for Saddam and his six co-defendants. Saddam then went readily to the execution room. “He looked very calm and quiet and wasn’t shaking or afraid at all and was walking very normally but his face became pale when they took him to the other room but he was very calm,” Mr Haddad said. To his family and his team of lawyers, his final hours were an outrage. From the moment, the appeals court announced on Tuesday that it had upheld his death sentence, it had been a dash to the execution chamber. The defence and his family claimed that they had not been notified by the Iraqi Government or the Americans of his death and learnt of it only from television. Repeated requests to see Saddam by his attorneys and daughter, Raghad, were rebuffed. In Amman Raghad and her sister, Rana, stayed up through the night, watching the news, reading the Koran and praying, Rasha Oudeh, Raghad’s personal secretary, told The Times. When a news channel reported at 5.30am that Saddam had been led off to the gallows, the women prayed for their father in Baghdad, “They called on God to help him and to give him strength,” she told The Times. Until the Americans transferred Saddam by helicopter from his prison in the Baghdad airport compound to the green zone he did not know when his end was coming, members of his defence team said. He knew that it would be soon, but thought it would come after the Muslim Eid holiday. He had even scheduled an appointment with his lawyers for this Friday. On hearing the appeals court ruling on Tuesday, Saddam had asked to see his half-brothers for what could be the last time. One of them, Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, had also been sentenced to death in the Dujail trial. Next, his defence team sent him one of his lawyers, Wadud Fawzi. Mr Fawzi would meet him again on Thursday and then leave for Amman not knowing Saddam would be killed the next day. Under Iraqi law, they believed, the state could not kill him until after the Eid holiday. But at the moment Mr Fawzi headed off for Amman, Mr al-Maliki was secretly embarking on his own campaign to kill Saddam before the Eid holiday started at sunrise on Saturday. The move had come as a surprise even to members of Mr al-Maliki’s Government. On Tuesday night, Basam Ridha al-Hussaini, who was in charge of Saddam’s file for the Prime Minister, had left a meeting with US court advisers, in which all sides had agreed that Saddam would not be killed until January 10. The Americans were already unhappy that the appeals court had upheld Saddam’s death sentence only three weeks after receiving written arguments from the defence. But Mr Hussaini was sure that nothing would happen until January and headed off on a short vacation to Dubai. On Thursday Mr al-Maliki decided to push through the execution despite the Americans’ objections. “The American Government didn’t want to see the verdict to be certified by the Iraqi High Tribubal so soon, neither to have an execution so soon, but Mr al-Maliki insisted that the execution take place as soon the verdict was certified by the appellate chamber, That was his call. It shows his courage and his decisiveness that he went ahead and took the matter into his own hands despite that fact it was a logistical nightmare to do it,” Mr Hussaini told The Times. “The Americans were hoping that the Iraqi government would take more time to execute Saddam... But again we wanted to do it our own way. It’s an Iraqi matter,” Mr Hussaini said. The Iraqi Government was afraid that Sunni insurgents would do something rash like take school children hostage to halt the proceedings or that international pressure against the death penalty would prove insurmountable. “Mr al-Maliki didn’t want to take any more chances of pressure from human rights groups, or even surrounding Arab countries and European countries. We knew the dictator better than anyone else. This was not revenge. This was justice for Iraq and justice needed to be served by putting the rope around Saddam’s neck and putting an end to this,” Mr Hussaini said. The Americans and the Iraqis negotiated the matter all through Friday.Nothing was certain until a late-night meeting between US embassy officials and the Prime Minister’s office, Mr al-Maliki’s confidante, MP Sami alAskari, told The Times that evening. In their final meeting on Thursday, Mr Fawzi found his client at peace and looking towards his legacy. “Saddam told me, ‘I have to face it because that’s why I’m a leader, the leader has to fight and bear everything and that is what makes him a leader’,” Mr Fawzi told The Times yesterday. He had even rejected his lawyer’s plea to appeal to the Vatican to save him. “What would I say to Iraqis, Arab, and Baath comrades if I negotiate for my neck?” Saddam told Mr Fawzi. The two conversed some more. Mr Fawzi read to him a Baath Party statement condemning his death sentence and Saddam was happy. Then he talked about President Bush’s push to revise his Iraq strategy. “They will never be successful in these reconciliation calls because the Americans are failing to knock on the right doors. If they want it to work they should negotiate with the Baath Party as an organisation and sit with its leadership and negotiate, otherwise they will never achieve any improvement in the situation,” Saddam said. He assured his attorney that he was at ease with his destiny. “I feel very comfortable and if God wants me to die I will die but I’m relieved that I built Iraq and ensured its unity.” The two men said goodbye not knowing it was for the last time. Saddam handed him a cigar. “I’m still keeping it and will keep it for ever, a souvenir from Saddam,” Mr Fawzi said. On Friday, his attorneys would be shocked by the announcement that they should send someone to receive Saddam’s personal belongings. The end was only a matter of time. His legal team did not call the Iraqi Government. They believed it was futile. All that was left was to pick up his belongings. They included books by the Muslim philospher Ibn Khaldun and the Arab poet Ibn al-Muttanabi; an unfinished manuscript of Saddam’s autobiography; poems by Saddam; some essays he had written about the Baath Party; some jackets; and a few suits. Saddam had also asked to send a message to his family written in pink candle wax, but a US military officer had refused, Mr Fawzi said.
  16. Blundering into Somalia BY ERIC S MARGOLIS 30 December 2006 ETHIOPIA’S invasion of Somalia under cover of the Christmas holiday was a blatant aggression that is likely to widen the arc of conflict across the dangerously turbulent Horn of Africa. It also marks the opening of a new front in Washington’s war against Islamic militants and reformers. Claims by Ethiopia that Somalia, a nation without any real military forces, threatened its border were as fanciful as assertions by Washington and Addis Ababa that the so-called ‘transitional government’ they had installed in the town of Baidoa represented anything more than its own well-paid members. The US-backed and financed Ethiopian offensive was clearly designed to crush the first stable government strife-torn Somalia has had in 15 years of civil war and anarchy. The new Islamic regime, known as the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), recently managed to bring law and order to much of southern and central Somalia. In the north, a secessionist group has proclaimed something called independent ‘Puntland.’ The Union of Islamic Courts ended Somalia’s long civil war by crushing local warlords who were being armed and financed by the CIA. The US claims the Islamic Courts is a second Taleban-style movement containing ‘terrorists’ involved in the 1998 bombings of US embassies in East Africa who will turn Somalia into a hotbed of anti-American subversion. The UIC denies these allegations. More important, under the Bush/Cheney Administration, any movement that has the audacity to call itself ‘Islamic’ immediately becomes a target of American hostility. The embarrassing total defeat of US-backed Somali warlords by the Islamic Courts militia led directly to Washington’s decision to press Ethiopia to invade Somalia. Ethiopia has one of Africa’s more powerful, well-trained armed forces with over 1,300 tanks and a modern air force that are now increasingly equipped and aided by the United States. The repressive regime of strongman Meles Zenawi seems the antithesis of President George Bush’s calls for democracy, but has become a primary ally of Washington that is seen as a bulwark against Islamic forces in Africa. Washington has quietly supported Ethiopia in its long border war against its bitter foe, Eritrea. In recent months, the Eritrea has become an important supplier of small arms and munitions to Somalia. Somalia’s rag tag Islamist militias are helpless against Ethiopian tanks, artillery and attack aircraft. Ethiopia’s army could quickly occupy all of Somalia, but it would then be very hard-pressed to protect its long, vulnerable supply lines against attack by Somali guerilla forces. Ethiopia has enough men to wage a two front war against Somalia and Eritrea, but a prolonged conflict would seriously undermine its fragile economy. Accordingly, Ethiopia’s likely strategy is to protect the western-imposed rump regime in Baidoa and launch attacks to prevent the UIC from consolidating power. But involvement by traditional enemy Ethiopia will undoubtedly further inflame Somali passions and strengthen the Islamic Courts. The latest war in the Horn of Africa could easily widen into a wider conflict that involves Eritrea, strife-torn regions of southern Sudan and Uganda, and northern Kenya, which has many ethnic Somalis. Equally important, prolonged war with Somalia could open fissures in unstable, multi-ethnic, multi-religious Ethiopia. Though usually depicted as a Christian nation, at least 50 per cent of Ethiopians are Muslim, and 35-40 per cent Christians. Ethnic Amhara and Tigrayans comprise 32 per cent of the population, while long-oppressed, rebellious Muslim Oromo in the south account for over 40 per cent. Ethiopia’s Muslims have long sought a voice in their nation’s affairs but were brutally repressed by Ethiopia’s royalist, Marxists, and now, the Tigrayn regimes. Conflict with Somalia could re-ignite the Oromo independence movement and lead to the splintering of Ethiopia, producing a reverse mirror image of ethnic-religious strife between Sudan’s northern Muslims and southern Christians and animists. Ethiopia’s war against Somalia presents a more dangerous regional threat than an Islamic-run Somalia. The Bush/Cheney Administration is again showing its reckless ignorance and arrogance by charging into a tribal conflict, as it did in Afghanistan and Iraq, about which it knows nothing. Once again, Washington’s ‘cure’ will be shown to be far worse than the disease it claims to address. What Washington should be doing is talking to leaders of the Islamic Courts to ensure Somalia is not used as a new base for Al Qaeda operations. This is a fair request that can be sweetened by offers of financial support and assurances the Ethiopians will be leashed. But this appears too subtle for the administration’s ham-handed crusaders who have already blundered into two lost wars and are now courting a third. Eric S. Margolis is a veteran American journalist and contributing foreign editor of The Toronto Sun.
  17. ^Sxb, the people of Xamar now the art of war better than any other city int the world and sooner or later you will see Amxaars fleeing our beloved city.
  18. Males Sanaawi oo u muuqda Madaxweynaha Soomaliya Ciidamada Xabashida oo xamar dhaxwareegaya. (Addis Ababa}29.12-06Waxaa shaashadaha Caalamka laga daawanayay shantii casho ee la soo dhaafay raisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Males Sanaawi oo warbixino ka bixinaya meesha uu dagaalka uu kula jiro Soomaliy ay marayso iyo inta Muslimiin ah ee uu dhegta dhiiga u daray waraysigii ugu danbeeyay ee uu siiyay saxaafada wuxuu ku sheegay in ciidamda tigreegu dileen in ka badan 3000 sedex kun oo Soomali ah ayna dhakhso u geleyaan Muqdisho si aysan foowdo uga dhicin. Dagaalkan Soomaliya lagu qaaday ayaa waxaa ka qayb qaatay in ka badan 10 dowladood oo ay ugu waaweyn yihiin Maraykanka, UK, Yuhuuda, Jarmalka, Faransiiska, Ugaadha iyo Kiinya oo intuba mar rabay in laga taqaluso maamulka maxkmadaha Islaamka ee ka hana qaaday Somaliya. Waxaase caalamka ka yaabshay in saaxada laga waayey Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed tan iyo maalintii uu dagaalku bilaamay taas oo muujinaysa in booskiisii uu qaatay ama metelayo Males Sanaawi. Madxweyne wadankiisii holcayo oo ciidan ajnebi soo galay oo hadana aamusan ayaa shacabka soomaliyeed iyana ku abuurtay jahwareer iyo wel wel hor leh, iyadoo dadka qaarkiina isla dhex xulayaan in wadanka la iibshay loona xilsaaray dhamaynta howshaas Cali Maxed Geedi. Si kastaba ha haatee waxaa waa cusub u beryay umada Soomaaliyeed 29/12/2006 iyadoo caasimadii ay gacanta ugu jirto Itoobiyaan ayna la wareegeen dekedii caalamiga ahayd ee Muqdisho iyo gegedii diyaaradaha. dad siyaasada ku xeel dheer ayaa widhwidh online u xaqiijey in maanta wixii ka danbeeya Itoobiya ay mamuli doonto Soomaliya haddii aan dhakhso loo helin cudud milateri oo iska caabiya dhulbalaadhsiga Itoobiya. Waxaa soo diyaariyay Ibu Cali Sayid Sheekh Cusmaan ibucali2004@hotmail.com
  19. The prime minister said it was the start of a new life, but acknowledged the Ethiopians would stay as long as the government felt they were needed. History will not be kind to these traitors.
  20. Anxious times for Somali capital By Mohamed Olad Hassan BBC News, Mogadishu I put my gun into a box six months ago, but I picked it up today for my security Shopkeeper Ahmed Sa'id Ali Somalis waving flowers and tree branches welcomed Ethiopian-backed forces loyal to Somalia's UN-recognised interim government as they rolled into the capital, Mogadishu early on Friday. Most residents, who have grown accustomed to six months of calm after 15 years of anarchy, are anxious for any kind of authority to fill the power vacuum the Islamists left after they abandoned the city on Thursday. The troops are getting an especially warm welcome from the chewers of khat and dealers of the popular mild stimulant leaf; cinema owners and football fans. They all felt they had lost much of their freedom during the Islamists' strict rule when selling khat and screening of football matches were banned. But there are still elements in the capital who are fiercely opposed to Ethiopia's role in the government's takeover. In the north of the city - once headquarters to the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) - a group of teenagers stood in the way of the convoy throwing stones and chanting anti-Ethiopian slogans. The troops then opened fire to scare them away and passed by peacefully. There is a Somali saying, 'If you can't beat them join them' Abdullahi Aden Mogadishu resident But the incident triggered a full-scale demonstration when more than 2,000 people took to the street burning tyres and throwing stones at cars. Other people, however, feel they have no option but to join in with the waving crowds. Twenty-eight-year-old Abdullahi Aden says he supported the Islamists but now he has changed his mind. "I was supporting them because of two reasons: they restored the peace here and they had the principle of ruling the nation into Islam. "But now I do not have an option. There is a Somali saying, 'If you can't beat them join them.'" Brisk business Despite the thousands of government troops now in the capital, no-one is physically guarding key junctions. Chewing khat is a popular pastime in Somalia However, the militiamen who used to run checkpoints - extorting money from drivers before the Islamists took over - can be seen sipping tea at nearby cafes, accessing whether or not to take up their positions again. Schools have been closed as normal on Friday, with many children among the welcoming crowds. Otherwise people have preferred to stay at home, waiting to see what happens. Some have ventured out to do some shopping ahead of this weekend's Muslim Eid holiday. And businesses are doing a brisk trade despite the rocketing prices of most basic items as residents have begun to stockpile food in anticipation that prices will continue to rise. 'Scared' Traders, meanwhile, have begun to provide their own security in the fear that predatory groups will take the advantage of the uncertainty in the city. Not all shopkeepers, however, can afford to hire private security guards. Ahmed Sa'id Ali says he runs his shop alone and is taking the risk of remaining open. "I put my gun into a box six months ago, but I picked it up today for my security, " he says. People are also frightened to answer their mobile phones in the streets because of security fears. "I used to pick up my mobile everywhere for the last six months. I am scared now because I am not sure which place is safe for me to be on the phone," a business woman Madiina Abuukar Heyle said. And the luxury cars, that have become a common sight in the capital lately, have disappeared from the streets because their owners fear bandits will rob them.
  21. Escorted by Ethiopian soldiers, Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Ghedi entered Mogadishu in a heavily-armoured convoy on Friday. But there was unease about the Ethiopian presence in some parts of the city, and protesters threw stones and burnt tyres. The interim PM went to the airport, where Ethiopian tanks could be seen just days after their air force bombed it. It seems to me, Meles Loves his younger wife[Geedi-Ahmaar] than the old one[Abdulahi-Ahmaar]. The prime minister said it was the start of a new life, but acknowledged the Ethiopians would stay as long as the government felt they were needed.
  22. Todays champions of christindom[bush and co.]are still using an old tactic of divide and rule against the Muslim masses.
  23. Granada’s ruler, Muhammad XII Abu ‘Abd Allah, known in the West as Boabdil, secretly agreed to hand over the city to the Christians in return for his safe passage out of Spain. As he left the city, Boabdil paused to look back at the Alhambra palace, the Generalife gardens and the rest of Granada. Stanley Lane-Poole relates Boabdil’s reaction in his classic 1887 work The Moors in Spain: “Allahu akbar!” he said, “God is most great,” as he burst into tears. His mother Ayesha stood beside him: “You may well weep like a woman,” she said, “for what you could not defend like a man.” The spot whence Boabdil took his sad farewell look at his city from which he was banished for ever, bears to this day the name of el ultimo sospiro del Moro, “the last sigh of the Moor.” Thus, on January 2, 1492, Muslim political sovereignty in Spain came to an end. http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/200407/the.other.1492-.compilation..htm
  24. Spain cathedral shuns Muslim plea Cordoba's cathedral was once a mosque The Roman Catholic bishop of Cordoba in southern Spain has rejected an appeal from Muslims for the right to pray in the city's cathedral, a former mosque. Juan Jose Asenjo rejected the request made by Spain's Islamic Board in a letter to the Pope. It had asked that the cathedral become an ecumenical temple where believers from all faiths could worship. The bishop said such a move would not contribute to the peaceful co-existence between people of different religions. On the contrary, he said in a statement late on Wednesday, the joint use of temples and places of worship would only generate confusion amongst the faithful. Shared use of places of worship could make sense in airports or an Olympic village, said the bishop, but not in a consecrated Catholic cathedral. Spain's Islamic Board, which represents a community of some 800,000 in a traditional Catholic country of 44 million, argued in its plea to the Pope that such a move in Cordoba could serve to "awake the conscience" of followers of both faiths and help bury past confrontations. "What we wanted was not to take over that holy place, but to create in it, together with you and other faiths, an ecumenical space unique in the world which would have been of great significance in bringing peace to humanity," the letter said. World renown The board's general secretary, Mansur Escudero, said Muslims came from around the world to see Cordoba's cathedral. But security guards often stopped Muslim worshippers from praying inside the old mosque, he added. The Cordoba mosque was turned into a Catholic cathedral in the 13th Century after the city was conquered by King Ferdinand III in the war to drive the Moors from the Iberian peninsula. It is now a Unesco world heritage site.
  25. I hope the Tigree militia provided enough training before the flee Somalia.