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Everything posted by Jabhad

  1. "And yet the TFG is betting the 8000 African troops could do a better job than the Ethiopian occupiers in securing Mogadishu." Ethiopians are not safe even in their hiding places let alone secure Mogadishu, a city of 2+ million.
  2. Maybe we should read what pro-mbagathi mafia group websites write. Diyaaradaha Milateriga Mareykanka oo kordhiyay ilaalada ay ku hayaan Muqdisho iyo cabsi soo food saartay dableyda qaraxyada geysata Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 07/02/07 Saddexdii habeen ee ugu dambeysay waxaa hawada magaalada Muqdisho dul heehaabayay Diyaaradaha Milateriga Mareykanka, waxaana diyaaradahan oo la sheegay inay gaarayaan ilaa saddex diyaaradood ay marba mid duulimaad ku sameyneysay hawada magaalada Muqdisho. Diyaaradahan oo ah nooca dhulka wax ka sawira sida ay Shabakaddan u sheegen khubaro Milateri ayaa waxay hawada Muqdisho ku sameynayaan baaritaano la xiriira macluumaad ku saabsan jawiga guud ee magaalada Muqdisho, tan iyo markii ay gacanta ku dhigtay dalka intiisa badan Dowladda Federaalka. Heeso Somalia ahHeeso Somalia ahHeeso Somalia ah Dhaqdhaqaaqa diyaaradahan oo kordhiyay 60-saacadood ee aynu ka soo gudubnay ayay sheegeen qaar ka mid ah aqoonyahanada dhinaca Milateriga inay la xiriirto sidii ay wax uga ogaan lahaayeen isla markaana ay ula socon lahaayeen dhaqdhaqaaqyada kooxaha maleeshiyooyinka ku sugan Muqdisho ee maalmahan dambe falalka nabadgelyo xumo ka wada gobolka Banaadir. Wararku waxay intaasi ku darayaan in diyaaradaha Mareykanka oo horeba duulimaadyo aan sidaasi u badneyn ku sameyn jiray hawada Soomaaliya, laga cabsi qabo in diyaaradahaasi ay jawaab ka bixiyaan isla markaana ay gantaalo ku ridaan barta ay ku sugan yihiin dableyda qaraxyada adeegsata. Diyaaradahan Milateri oo ah saddex nooc oo siyaabo kala duwan ay u adeegsadaan Ciidamada Mareykanka ayaa waxaa dhacda mararka qaarkood inay daqiiqado kooban hawada ka baxaan, markaasoo inta badan ay dhacaan kooxaha dableyda ahi inay duqeyn u geystaan xarumaha Dowladda iyo goobaha ay degan yihiin dadka rayidka ah. Jabriil Maxamuud Nuur jabriil@journalist.com
  3. Maasha'Alaah. Very positive news coming from Somaliland. Mogadishu University.
  4. I did not see any report that says they are there to ask for positions when they don't even support the mbagathi mafia group. So much jealousy coming from the Ethiopian wives. Xubno isugu jira siyaasiyiin, ganacsato & saraakiil ka soo jeeda beesha *** oo maanta gaaray Addis-Ababa Waxaa maanta ka dhoofay Garoonka dayuurada ee magaalada Muqdisho xubno beesha ***ee HG miisaan siyaasadeed ku leh, isuguna jira siyaasiyiin, saraakiil, odaydhaqmeedyo & ganacsato, waxaana lagu sheegay ujeedada socdaalka xubnahani uu ka danbeeyey casuumaad ay waxgaradka beesha*** ka heleen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda Itoobiya, Xubnaha wefdigan ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Jen. Max’ed Nuur Galaal, Max’uud Culusow, Ugaas Cabdi Daahir Ugaas Nuur & xubno kale, waxaana xubnahani ka qaaday garoonka dayuuradaha dayuurad gaar ah, waxaana lagu wadaa in labada dhinac ka wada-hadlaan dhacdooyinkii ugu danbeeyey ee dalka ka dhacay dalka, iyadoo ilaa haatan aanan si rasmi ah loo ogeyn waxyaabaha ay ka wada hadli doonaan labada dhinac. Warar xog ogaal ah oo aan ka helay in magaalada Addis-Ababa ayaa sheegaya in xubnaha wefdigaasi in ay caawa kulamo la leeyihiin mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda Itoobiya, waxaana dib idinkaga soo gudbin doonaa wixii warar ah ee ku saabsan kulanka wefdiigaasi, iyadoo warar kalena ay sheegayaan in ay soconeyso qabanqaabada kulamo kale oo wefdigaasi ay la yeeshaan safiirada Addis-Ababa u fadhiya dowladaha Mareykanka & Talyaaniga. Dhowaan ayey aheyd markii uu ka shanqariyey safiirka dowladda Mareykanka u fadhiya magaalada Nairobi Mr. Michael Ranneburger in wadahadalada xalka loogu raadinayo arrimaha Soomaaliya lagu daro beelaha waaweyn ee Soomaaliya, wuxuuna safiirku tusaale u soo qaatay beesha *** oo uu ku tilmaamay in ay qeyb muhiim ah uga jirto geedi-socodka nabadda Soomaaliya. Safiirka wuxuu sheegay in beesha *** ay taageero u ahaayeen maxaakimta Islaamiga haddana aan looga maarmin inay talada dalka waxa ku yeeshaan, wuxuuna Mr Renneburger intaasi raaciyey in farriinta Mareykanka uu gudbiyey ay tahay mid cad oo daah saarneyn, taasoo ah in la helo siyaasad toosan oo wax ka qabata dhibaarada Soomaaliya . Waxaa qoray Max'ed Zaki
  5. "They are the TFG's publicity stunt for the world. The aim? To show the world the TFG is based on secularism (secular wedding), and to show there's a sense of normality and safety where the TFG rules. " Guled Mohamed is just a journalist working for reuters. Even during the ICU rules, such weddings were common in Somalia. Lets just say may God bless them and guide them to practice Islam.
  6. Saudi ****** behind the wheel and the people on the side of the road are just as ******, if not more ****** than the person driving. http://youtube.com/watch?v=YnfZzGJ0Ek4
  7. Expect more crimes against civilians from the Mbagathi mafia group and their Ethiopian-US masters.
  8. Here is what AP[American Press], a mouth piece of American government wrote about the incident. No Islamic group took responsibility. MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -- An explosion at an Islamic school for women and girls in Somalia's capital wounded at least seven people Friday, witnesses said, after a night of some of the worst violence in Mogadishu since the interim government took control from an Islamic movement. At least three mortars launched by unknown attackers overnight killed at least eight people and injured 20. Violence has been escalating in Mogadishu, a city of more than 2 million people that is riven by clan rivalries and believed to still be harboring remnants of the Islamic movement who have vowed to wage an Iraq-style insurgency. At least three mortars launched by unknown attackers overnight killed at least eight people and injured 20. Violence has been escalating in Mogadishu, a city of more than 2 million people that is riven by clan rivalries and believed to still be harboring remnants of the Islamic movement who have vowed to wage an Iraq-style insurgency. Friday's blast went off shortly before lunchtime at the Umu-A'isha school in southern Mogadishu, where 110 women and girls are enrolled. It may, like the overnight blasts, have been caused by a mortar. The attackers were unknown. Friday's blast went off shortly before lunchtime at the Umu-A'isha school in southern Mogadishu, where 110 women and girls are enrolled. It may, like the overnight blasts, have been caused by a mortar. The attackers were unknown. 'I saw my teacher in a pool of blood' "I saw my teacher in pool of blood I though he was dead but I was told he was OK," 18-year-old student Sahra Hassan Yacquub told The Associated Press. "Seven people were wounded including two teachers." "I ran away from the school and hid behind a tree," said Yacquub, who was unhurt. "I saw black smoke sent into the air by the explosion. Soon I saw my teacher and his female assistant being rushed to the hospital in a minibus." Witnesses say all the injured were adults. The overnight attacks were on Mogadishu's seaport, a hotel and an Ethiopian military base. Ethiopian troops have provided crucial support to the government in ousting the Islamic movement. Deputy Defense Minister Salad Ali Jelle blamed the attacks on hardline remnants of the Islamic group, insisting his interim government is in control. "We have suspects and we know the areas where they plan their attacks," he told the AP by telephone. "We will punish them." An Islamic movement official, who asked not to be named fearing reprisals, said his group was not behind any of the attacks, calling them a popular uprising. The violence could delay the planned deployment of African peacekeepers, who are supposed to fill the void left by departing Ethiopian forces and help the government maintain its tenuous grip on power. "We were sleeping when two mortars hit our house here," Barlin Muse Dhere, who lives near the hotel, told the AP. Five people were killed, she said. Ahmed Abdi, a nurse at a hospital in the north of the city, said six people were admitted and two died of their wounds. Another person died when shells hit the hotel, witnesses said. Protesters want Islamists back, peacekeepers out Earlier Thursday, hundreds of supporters of the Islamic group had demonstrated in the capital against an imminent deployment of foreign peacekeepers. The protesters chanted anti-government slogans and burned tires, a day after the African Union said three battalions of peacekeepers from Uganda and Nigeria were ready to be deployed in Somalia and would be airlifted in as soon as possible. The protesters called for the return of the Islamic movement, which was credited with restoring some order in the violent nation. Factional violence has again become a feature of life in Mogadishu since last month when Somali government troops with crucial support from Ethiopian soldiers, tanks and war planes ousted the Islamic movement. As Ethiopia withdraws forces, fears of power vacuum Ethiopia, whose continued presence is deeply unpopular among Somalis, says it does not have the resources to stay and already has begun withdrawing, presenting the possibility of a dangerous power vacuum. The African Union was pressing ahead with its peacekeeping mission to Somalia despite securing only half the 8,000 troops needed at a key summit of African leaders that ended Tuesday. Somalis are wary of a foreign peacekeeping force following the disastrous U.N. intervention in the early 1990s, a bloody period even by Somali's turbulent history. On Tuesday, extremists in Somalia said they would try to kill any peacekeepers. The United States has accused the ousted Islamic movement of sheltering suspects in the 1998 al Qaeda bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Osama bin Laden has said Somalia is a battleground in his war on the West. The U.S. launched two airstrikes against fleeing Islamic fighters, although details of the attacks are unknown. Somalia has not had an effective national government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another, throwing the country into anarchy. The transitional government was formed in 2004 with U.N. help. Source: AP, Feb 02, 2007
  9. Speaking about recent attacks against Ethiopian soldiers in Mogadishu, Sheikh Sharif said it’s a “justified self-defense war” against invading troops. But the Islamist leader repeatedly stated that Islam does not allow innocent civilians to be killed. He said the resistance fighters should target the enemy only, “since they know where the enemy is.” But the Islamist leader repeatedly stated that Islam does not allow innocent civilians to be killed. He said the resistance fighters should target the enemy only, “since they know where the enemy is.” Sheikh Sharif rejected UN-backed plans by the African Union to deployed peacekeepers to Somalia as Ethiopian troops begin to withdraw. He said foreign peacekeepers would not bring peace to Somalia and instead urged open dialogue amongst Somali factions." Sh.Shareef clearly tells the Somali people to only target the occupation forces not the civilians. Expect more ugly crimes from the Mbagathi group after bringing enemy forces to bomb and occupy our cities. http://www.garoweonline.com/stories/publish/article_7422.shtml
  10. Bambo "Impressing all i can say , for those who here are advocating for violance and jumping ahead of iuc intenions and missions there you have it ." You only quoting what Iidamale and the rest of dabadhilifs like to hear sxb which is a continues enemy occupation without resistance. Here from hiiraanonline, the good sh. clearly states, we should fight the occupation if they don't leave voluntarily. http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2007/feb/wararka_maanta2-692.htm Shiikh Shariif waxaa uu sheegay in ay waajib tahay in ay ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah isaga baxaan dalka Soomaaliya, si ay Umadda Soomaaliyeed aayahooda uga tashadaan, haddii ay ka bixi waayaana lagu qasbo. Sidoo kalena Shiikh Shariif waxaa uu digniin u diray Dalalka doonaya in ay Ciidamo u diraan Soomaaliya, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhejiyay in aan Soomaaliya looga baahneyn ciidamo shisheeye, sidaasi darteedna ay dalalkaas ciidamadooda ceshadaan." from Shabelle website: http://www.shabelle.net/2007/February/n10421.htm "Sheekhu waxa uu ku cel celiyay in ay waajib tahay in ay ciidamada itoobiya isaga baxaan wadanka Soomaaliya isagoo ugu baaqay Soomaalida in ay ka hor tagaan isla markaana ay la dagaallamaan." http://www.aayaha.com/viewpage.php?articleid=3937 From garoweonline: http://www.garoweonline.com/stories/publish/article_7422.shtml Sh.Shareef“Somalia’s future has entered a period of darkness, since foreign troops have invaded the country,” Sheikh Sharif said, refering to thousands of pro-government Ethiopian combat troops who entered Somalia in December to wage war against Islamist forces. He said it’s the duty of every Somali national to fight against foreign troops who have invaded their homeland. Speaking about recent attacks against Ethiopian soldiers in Mogadishu, Sheikh Sharif said it’s a “justified self-defense war” against invading But the Islamist leader repeatedly stated that Islam does not allow innocent civilians to be killed. He said the resistance fighters should target the enemy only, “since they know where the enemy is.” troops.
  11. Professor Samatar"“Somalis are told ‘you’re clans, not citizens’,” said Prof. Samatar, who observed the last reconciliation conference in Kenya." The best weapon Somali enemies have to keep Somalia divided and weak.
  12. By: Abdirahman Aynte Fellow, The Center for Independent Media Minneapolis, MN (HOL)- Somalia was once Africa’s success story, but a combination of “balkanization” and a fatal social AIDS called “warlordism” reduced the country to become the main source of protracted conflict, according to Prof. Abdi Ismail Samatar, a geography and global studies professor at the University of Minnesota. He was a keynote speaker Thursday at Headliners, a monthly program sponsored by the College of Education at the University of Minnesota. Back in the 60s Somalia was a beacon and a champion of democracy in Africa. Power was democratically transferred. It took 26 years for the next African nation, Zambia, to achieve that goal, according to Prof. Samatar. But things got wildly out of control since then. A dictator took over, a civil war followed, an acute famine starved thousands to death, a U.S.-led mission failed, tiny “Balkans” fought over meager resources and a trail of self-anointed “transitional administrations” emerged and disappeared, until the current government was improvised in Kenya in 2004. Warlords, who long agreed to disagree, briefly agreed to the new government, but soon disagreed on it. Then, out of nowhere, the U.S. threw its dog into the fight. Clandestine services were bankrolling some of those notorious warlords to capture terror suspects. That backfired and gave an unprecedented rise to the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which soon controlled much of the country. In a classic Somali style, where the power doesn’t rest with one group for a while, the UIC was crushed by the mighty Ethiopian military firepower over the New Years. But just when you thought things are finally settling, it’s taking yet another downward spiral. Prof. Samatar pinpoints key problems. * Ethiopia, known to many Somalis as an arch enemy of Somalia, has a keen interest in either “dismembering Somalia into clan lines, or establishing a government that’s beholden to it,” said Prof. Samatar. * The TFG is dominated by blood-stained warlords, chiefly the president “who has no fiber of democracy,” said Prof. Samatar. “TFG has not served a glass of water to a child.” * The U.S. is “seen as an associate of those warlords and Ethiopia,” both of who have an unrepairable reputation among Somalis. What’s next? Prof. Samatar, though he said he’s naturally optimistic, offered a grim assessment. The U.S. and the European Union, which’s the chief financial backer of the TFG, has been pressuring President Abullahi Yusuf to open an earnest dialogue with his opponents and broaden the TFG. Increasing the size of TFG, Prof. Samatar said, strikes me as an overkill. The TFG, he added, has more than 50 cabinet ministers. (In comparison, the U.S. has 13.) The Somali parliament has 275 members, all of whom are hand-picked by warlords. (The U.S. has total of 535 members in the Congress.) “Somalis are told ‘you’re clans, not citizens’,” said Prof. Samatar, who observed the last reconciliation conference in Kenya. The African Union was also in a marathon to send an 8,000-strong peacekeeping force to Somalia upon the departure of Ethiopians. That isn’t getting enough traction either. So far, Uganda is the only African country that offered 1,000 soldiers. Add that to the insurgency that’s getting quite a bit of traction in Mogadishu. Sounds of daily gunfire are back in Mogadishu after eight months of silence under the UIC. “TFG has neither the integrity nor the caliper to serve Somalis,” said Prof. Samatar. He also accused Ethiopia of exporting its domestic problems into Somalia. He pointed to the election held last year, in which the Jimmy Carter Center, among other international observers, declared it a major fraud. Hundreds were killed in a subsequent protest and dozens of lawmakers are still locked up. “It’s a perversion of priorities in Africa,” he said, accusing Ethiopia of planning to replicate an equally repressive regime in Somalia. Asked if religion is playing a role in the current conflict, Prof. Samatar said it’s not, “but if Ethiopians remain in Somalia, it will.” He said sources told him that the U.S. is encouraging Ethiopia to retain troops in Somalia. What’s the way out? A serious political solution, decidedly warlord-averse, is the answer, says Prof. Samatar. Abdirahman Aynte can be reached at Ceynte@hiiraan.com
  13. Exiled Somali Islamist rejects international forces 02 Feb 2007 14:58:20 GMT Source: Reuters Printable view | Email this article | RSS XML [-] Text [+] Background Somalia troubles More DUBAI, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Exiled Somali Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed rejected the deployment of international forces in the Horn of Africa country and in remarks aired on Friday called for serious talks for national reconciliation. "Peace does not come by force ... but by conducting talks and serious negotiations in which all the problems are identified and resolved," Ahmed told Al Jazeera television from Nairobi. "The problem cannot be resolved by international forces because what has happened was an invasion and following up on that with international forces would further complicate the crisis," he added. Ahmed, considered a moderate in the Islamist movement, is viewed by the United States as a possible key to Somali reconciliation talks. Ethiopian troops and Somali interim government forces launched an offensive in late December that routed the Islamists who had controlled most of south Somalia since June. The government wants an African Union (AU) peacekeeping force of about 8,000 troops to help the government keep control. But many doubt the AU's capacity to muster the full contingent, let alone tame a nation that defied the combined efforts of U.S. and U.N. peacekeepers in the early 1990s. "If it (deployment of forces) was not preceded by agreement and serious discussions, it will make the situation more difficult in Somalia," he said. Asked whether the Islamists would use arms against such a force, he said: "How can it be acceptable if it came after invading forces and without an agreement, without negotiation?" "How can we accept it and we see it as (two sides of the) same coin? We see it as one coin, whether Ethiopian or otherwise, and we will deal with it the same way." The Islamists have vowed to conduct a guerrilla war, and many suspect their hardcore militants have been behind a spate of attacks in Mogadishu on Ethiopian and government positions. Ahmed surrendered on the border with Kenya in January and was held in the custody of Kenyan intelligence until a few days ago. During that time, he met with U.S. envoy to Kenya Michael Ranneberger, who also has responsibility for Somalia. A British-based Web site on Thursday quoted Ahmed as saying he planned to travel to Yemen shortly. Western leaders have pressed Somalia's transitional government to form an inclusive administration. The Islamist chief said the Somali government should make concessions for national talks to attain their goals. "If the Somali government is ready to negotiate with an open mind then these negotiations can succeed," he said. "But if the government remains with this hardline, then nothing can be done. "If several sides believe that national dialogue is the way forward for Somalia, they should try to press the government to concede its hardline positions toward negotiations then we might achieve something," Ahmed said. Sheekh Shariif: Ummad kasta xaq ayey u leedahay Inay difaacdo dalkeeda,diinteeda, iyo karaamadeeda. Posted to the Web Feb 02, 06:15 Gudoomiyaha Maxaakimta Islaamiga ah ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa maanta markii ugu horeysay wareysi toos ah siiyey taleefishinka aljazeera ee xaruntiisu tahay dalka Qadar. Sheekh Shariif oo wax laga waydiiyey muqaawamawada kasocota gudaha Soomaaliya ayaa waxaaa uu ku jawaabey " ummad kasta oo aduunka ku nool waxaa ay xaq uleedahay inay difaacdo dalkeeda, diinteeda, karaamadeeda" Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxaa kale oo uu sheegay inay jiraan qodobo gaar ah oo ay isla meel dhigeen asaga iyo dowladda Maraykanka oo ku saabsan arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta wuxuuna tilmaamey in loo baahan yahay dib u heshiisiin qaran oo ay ka qeybqaataan dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliya asagoo sheegay taasi inay ka horeyso marka hore inay ka baxaan ciidanka sooduuley Soomaaliya. Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxaa sidoo kale sheegay inaysan jirin wax maxaabiis ah oo ay maxaakiimta Soomaaliyeed ka hayaan Maraykanka. wareysigaan oo dheeraa ayuu Sheekh Shariif kaga hadley arrimo badan oo ka quseeya xaaladda Soomaaliya ka taagan. Sheekh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dhamaan madaxdii maxaakimta islaamiga ah Soomaaliyeed ay fiicanyihiin ayna wadi doonaan muqaawamada inta dalka laga saarayo ciidamada Itoobiya. Taageerayaasha Sheekh Shariif,ee Degan Yurub, oo ku sii qul-qulaya Dalka Yemen Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Oslo 01/02/07 Taageerayaasha Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, ee ku dhaqan guud ahaan Dalalkan Yurub ayaa waxaa ay si xad dhaaf ah ugu sii qul-qulayaan magaalada Sanca ee Dalkaasi Yemen. Taageerayaasha Sheekh oo u badan Ragga Sarsare ee Culimada ah kuna dhaqan Dalakan Yurub, ayaa waxaa ay Dalkaasi Yemen ugu sii qul-qulayaan si ay ula kulmaan Sheekha, oo beryahan dambe la sheegayo in uu ku sii jeedo halkaasi,waxaana ay u badan yihiin kuwa ka amba baxaya Dalkaasi Ingiriiska oo ah halka Sheekhu taageerada ugu badan uu ku leeyahay. Wararka qaar ayaa waxaa sheegayaan in Taageerayaashani ay doonayaan in ay wada hadal ku aadan xaaladda Soomaliya ay hada ku sugan tahay la qaataan Sheekha,iyadoo warar kalena ay sheegayaan in ay Sheekha gaarsiinayaan lacago Deeq ah oo ay iska soo uruuriyeen Culumaa,udiinka ku dhaqan Yurub lacagahaasooo isugu jira kuwo intii aysan Maxaakimtu Bur Burin horay loogu haayey Sheekha, iyo Lacago hadaba Uruurinteedu ay ka socoto Dhamaan Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee Yurub qaarkood. Culumaa,udiin kale oo fara badan ayaa iyagana la sheegayaa in ay ka soo kicitimaayaan Dalaka Carabta qaarkood iyo Afrikaba si ay iyaguna uga qeyb galaan Kulanka Culumaa,udiinka Soomaaliyeed ee Yurub la qaadan doonaan Sheekha.
  14. Ethiopian People's Patriotic Front Oromo Struggle. http://youtube.com/watch?v=HtJSo8fHBqU http://youtube.com/watch?v=ly18ntaJ1O4 30 years of Eritrean struggle in pictures.Eritrean women on the front-lines. Very powerfull images.
  15. No Somalia support from Saleh -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abi Mohame abdimmc@hotmail.com Thursday February 01, 2007 "No matter if Ethiopia invaded Somalia,'' Ali Abdallah Salih, the president of Yemen. This was reportedly said by President Saleh in an interview with Emarites Al-Bayan Newspaper. This statement reminded me the late '70s when Somali waged war against the Ethiopians and had captured the entire western Somalia and the Ethiopians were defeated irreparably by the brave Somali army. The Russians had declared war against Somalia. The history has in record that the then Southern Yemen sided with the Russians and sent tanks and fighter jets and troops to back the defeated Ethiopians. Now, when all the Muslim world and some non-Muslim countries have condemned the Ethiopian aggression and its invasion of Somalia, what made Saleh support Ethiopia against Somalia? Is there enmity between Yemeni and Somali people? Have Yemenis grudges against us? Have you any scores against us? Why?
  16. MOGADISHU, Somalia: Hundreds of supporters of Somalia's ousted Islamic group demonstrated in the capital Thursday against an imminent deployment of foreign peacekeepers. The protesters chanted anti-government slogans and burned tires, a day after the African Union said three battalions of peacekeepers from Uganda and Nigeria were ready to be deployed in Somalia and will be airlifted in as soon as possible. "We will not tolerate foreign troops coming to our country," demonstrator Saida Hussien said. "We will show the world that we are against the foreign troops." Another demonstrator, Abdiqadir Hassan Diriye, said, "As long as I'm breathing, I will fight with the foreign troops who are coming to our country." The demonstrators, who protested in northern Mogadishu - an area known for its strong support of the Islamic group - carried placards that read, "We don't want foreign troops," and "Down with Ethiopia," referring to Ethiopia's military intervention that routed the Council of Islamic Courts. The protesters called for the return of the Islamic movement, which was credited with restoring some order in the violent nation. Factional violence has again become a feature of life in Mogadishu since last month when Somali government troops with crucial support from Ethiopian soldiers, tanks and war planes ousted the Islamic movement. Mortar and grenade attacks have also been launched against Ethiopian and government troop garrisons in the city. Ethiopia, whose continued presence is deeply unpopular among Somalis, says it does not have the resources to stay and already has begun withdrawing, presenting the possibility of a dangerous power vacuum. The African Union was pressing ahead with its peacekeeping mission to Somalia despite securing only half the 8,000 troops needed at a key summit of African leaders that ended Tuesday. Five nations - Uganda, Nigeria, Malawi, Burundi and Ghana - have pledged around 4,000 troops so far. Somalis are wary of a foreign peacekeeping force following the disastrous U.N. intervention in the early 1990s, a bloody period even by Somali's turbulent history. On Tuesday, extremists in Somalia said they would try to kill any peacekeepers. In a videotape posted on the official Web site of the Islamic movement, a hooded gunman read a statement saying that any African peacekeepers would be seen as invaders. The United States has accused the Council of Islamic Courts of sheltering suspects in the 1998 al-Qaida bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Osama Bin Laden has said Somalia is a battleground in his war on the West. The U.S. launched two airstrikes against fleeing Islamic fighters, although details of the attacks are unknown. Somalia has not had an effective national government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another, throwing the country into anarchy. The transitional government was formed in 2004 with U.N. help.
  17. Kumanaan taageersan Xaaji Abukar Cumar Caddan ayaa iyagoo careysan bannaanbaxyo ka dhigay Muqdisho Iyagoo careysan sitana Boorar iyo Sawirada Xaaji Abuukar Cumar Caddaani ayaa waxay socod dheer ku mareen wadada isku xirta Sanca ilaa iyo Hotelka Ramadaan ee Magaalada Muqdisho iyo weliba Wadada Soddonka. Dadkan bannaanbaxayay ayaa waxay doonayeen in dowladda Kenya sii deeyso Ganacsade Xaaji Abuukar Cumar Caddaan oo ku xiran Xabsi ku yaala Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya. Ehelada Xaaji Abukar Cumar Caddan oo bannaanbaxaas ka hadlay ayaa waxay sheegeen inay doonayaan in Xaaji Abukar Cumar Caddan la sii daayo maadama uusan lahayn wax dembi ah waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeen. Dowladda Kenya ayaa sheegtay in Ganacsade Xaaji Abukar Cumar Caddan go’aan ka gaari doonto 5 bishan marka la horkeeno Maxkamad ku taala Kenya. Xaaji Abukar Cumar Caddan waxaa waaye Ganacsato Degan caasimadda Soomaaliya, waana nin maalqabeen ah isla markaana dhawr jeer badbaadiyay dad loo haystay afduub oo qaarkood u dhashay dalka Kenya iyo kuwa qabiilkiisa gumaadeen. Ganacsadahan ayaa loo haystaa sida dad badan qabaan taageeradii uu taageeri jiray Maxkamadihii Islaamiga Soomaaliya ee bishii December lagaga adkaaday dagaalkii dhex maray iyaga iyo Ciidamada Isbaheystay Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya. Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow) nuradiin007@hotmail.com Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho Soomaaliya Midnimo Information Center wararka@midnimo.com www.midnimo.com
  18. Qaraxyo iyo weerarro caawa lala beegsaday goobo muhiim ah oo ka tirsan Muqdisho Posted to the Web Feb 01, 13:06 Aayaha.com, 01 Feb. 2007 - Qaraxyo iyo weeraro hubeysan oo aan horay loo arag ayaa caawa lala beegsaday goobo muhiim ah oo ku yaala magaalada Muqdisho. Dekedda caalamiga ah ee Muqdisho ayaa lagu waramayaa in lagu tuuray ugu yaraan 8 hoobiye, kuwaasoo la sheegay in ay dhamaantood haleeleen gudaha dekedda. Weeraro hubeysan ayaa sidoo kale lala beegsaday Hotelada kala ah Lafweyn iyo Ambassador, waxaa sidoo kale weeraro lala beegsaday xaruntii hore ee wakaalada hargaha iyo saamaha. Weeraradan oo dhacay goor habeenimo ah dartood lama garanayo khasaaraha ay geysteen. Dekedda Muqdisho iyo wakaaladda hargaha iyo saamaha ayaa waxey kamid yihiin xarumo ay degen yihiin ciidamada cadowga Itoobiya ee dalka gacanta ku dhigay, sidoo kale hotelada Lafweyn iyo Ambassador ayaa waxaa degan dagaal oogayaasha u adeega maamulka Tigreega ee qabsaday Soomaaliya. Faahfaahinta wararkan kala soco barnaamijkeena berrito hadduu Allaah idmo
  19. If you call Somaliland "xaasidiin", what you call Munaafiqiinta Xabashada iyo Mareykanka usacabtumeeysa dagaalka ay Umada Muslinka Somaliyeed kula jiraan. Liberators?? What a coward. 2006 Somali waakala baxday adeer. Some made golden history bringing peace to much of Somalia without outside help and fighting enemy occupation and others brought shame to themselves and Somalia by bringing outside enemy to kill and occupy our country. And will not succeed. Glad to be part of the Somalida xalaasha ah. History is made indeed.
  20. Lacag Cusub oo Dowladda Federalku keentay oo si xoog leh loo soo geliyay Suuqyada Magaalada Muqdisho, taasoo sara kac ku sameesay Qiimaha Sarifka Dollar ka iyo Maciishada. Hobyonet. Muqdisho. Arbaco, Jan, 31, 2007 Sarifka Doolar oo sare u kac badan ku yimid kaddib markii dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho la soo galiyey Lacago la soo sameeyay oo cusub. Markasta oo lacag cusub la keeno dalka waxaa sare u kac ku yimaadaa sarifka shilling soomaaliga iyo midka laacaagaa qalaad qiimaha la isku dhaasado. Lacagaha oo lagu tolmaamo in ay yihiin been abuur ayaa geliya walwal ganacsiga iyo dadka danyarta ah kuwaas oosaameynta ugu daran ay asiibto marka lacag cusub dalka la soo geliyo. Qeybo badan oo ka mid magaalada muqdisho ayaa indhahaagu waxey qabanayaan lacago u xiran xirmo xirmo, waxaana qofka damiirka leh la soo gudboonaando walwal uu kaga xumaado saameynta ee keeni karto lacag cusub oo la iska soo sameysto. Dadweynaha ayaa ka walaacsan lacagahaan ku soo kordhay suuqyadda magaalada Muqdisho isla markaana sababay xoogaa sare u kac qiimaha badeecooyinka ah. Dadweynaha oo aanu wareysi kala yeelanay arrintaasi ayaa noo xaqiijiyay in qiimihii raashinka daruuriga ah lagu kala iibsan jiray uu sare u kac yar soo foodsaartay kaddib markii lacago la soo galiyay magaalada Muqdisho. Qiimaha Sarifka 100 $ ayaa ahaa ka hor lacagtaan cusub inta aan la keenin magaalada muqdisho 1,370,000 halka Sarifku uu gaaray maalmahaan dambe oo suuqa la geliyay lacagaha cusub illaa 1,450,000 sh.so. Lacagahaan ayaa waxaa soo geliyey dalka gaar ahaan Magaalada muqdisho dowladda federalka wax war ahna dowladu kama soo saarin arrintaan iyo ujeedada ay u keentay lacagaha cusub. Lacagahaan cusub ayaa inta badana waxa alagu soo daabacaa wadamo ka tirsan Qaarada Asia , iyadoo lacagahaasina noqday mar kuwo loo soo daabco qaab ganacsi oo laga raadiyo faa’iido xad dhaaf ah. Kalhore ayaa waxaa dhacday in kortooman lacagahaasi ku jiraan lagu keeno dooman iyo Diyaarado oo ganacsatadu shirko ku yihiin halkii ay ka soo dhoofsan lahaayeen Badeeco waxtar u leh shacabka Soomaaliyeed . Ahmad Dahir Hobyonet. Muqdisho Soomaaliya
  21. “Somaliya Maahan Meesha aad u Taamaadeen inaad ka kasbataan Mushaar ee waa Halkaad ku Dhiman laheydeen Mushaarka aad u timaadeen inaad Raadisaan Waxaad u Isticmaali Doontaan Tirisboor aad ugu laaban laheydeen gur yihiina.
  22. Wararka Masar oo diidey ciidan la geeyo Somalia 31 Jan 31, 2007, 09:08 Dowlada Masar oo ka tirsan Ururka Midowga Afrika ayaa gabi ahaanba diiday in ciidamo Afrikaan ah la geeyo dalka Somalia. Axmed Abul-gheyt Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Masar ayaa sheegay inaysan marnaba raali ka noqon doonin in ciidamo ka tirsan Dalalka Africa ay gaaraan Somalia. "Waxaan filayaa inaysan wax nabad ah Somalia ka keeni karin ciidamada Afrikaanka ah, hadii ay Somalia tagaan iyadoo aan hubno in iska horimaad lagala horimaan doono," ayuu yiri Axmed Abul-gheyt. Axmed Abul-gheyt waxa uu sheegay in marka hore ay waajib tahay in dalka Somalia laga hirgaliyo howlaha nabadeynta dhinaca siyasada ah taasoo suurto galinaysa in dhamaan kooxaha Soomaalida ay ka qeyb qaataan xukuumadda iyo maamulka bulshada. "Dowlada Masar kama qeyb qaadan doonto ciidamada Afrikanka ah ee Somalia la geynayo," ayuu yiri Axmed Abul-gheyt. Axmed Abul-gheyt waxuu sheegay in Masar ay ciidamo u diri doonto Somalia hadii dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ay isku raacaan in ciidamo la geeyo Somalia. Hadalka Masar ayaa kusoo beegmay xili dhawaan la filayo in ciidamo ka socda Dalalka Midowga Afrika ay soo gaaraan wadanka Somalia. Cabdi Fatax Axmad,GO
  23. Erdogan: I am ashamed as a human Turkish PM in Addis Ababa Erdogan: I am ashamed as a human Touring Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa yesterday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he felt "ashamed as a human" on seeing the poverty-stricken conditions of some of the people living there. Erdogan toured the Muslim and Christian neighborhood of Filoha in Addis Ababa, passing out cookies and biscuits to children, and speaking with residents. He also stopped in at the second largest mosque in the city, and greeted the imam there. Comparing his visit with a previous one to Darfur in Sudan, Erdogan noted "There I visited a camp for refugees. Here, there is hunger and poverty, but we are in Ethopia, and in the capital." Erdogan was joined on his tour by various government officials, as well as his daughter, Sumeyye Erdogan.
  24. May Allah belss those fighting enemy occupation.