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Xoogagga wax iska caabinta oo ugu baaqay maleeshiyaadka Kooxda Embagathi in ay isi soo dhiibaan Submitted by calicad on Sun, 2007-03-11 19:19. Baaq ay soo saareen xoogagga wax iska caabinta ee ka soo horjeeda ciiddanka cadowga Tikreega iyo maleeshiyaadka Somalida ah ee la soo marin habaabiyey ayaa ku baaqay in maleeshiyaadka Soomaalida ahi ay ku soo biiraan xoogagga difaaca diinta iyo dalka. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayaa u isutaagay in ay dalka iyo diinta ka difaacaan ciiddanka cadowga Tikreega iyo Dhaaquudyadooda dalka ku soo duulay. Xoogagga wadhaniyiinta ah, Muslimiintana ah ayaa sheegay in aanay waligood ka laaban doonin in ay dalkooda iyo diintooda difaacaan, waxayna baaqooda ku sheegeen in dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee la soo marin habaabiyey aanay ku haboonayn in ay diintooda iyo dalkooda kala saftaan cadowga Allaah. Dhalinyaradaas ayaa loogu yeeray in ay hubkooda iyo xoogoodaba ku soo biiriyaan xoogagga Ilaahay guusha u ballan qaaday ee difaacaya diinta Islaamka iyo ku dhaqanka Kitaabka Allaah. Waxaa iska cad in dhalinyaradaan Soomaaliyeed aanay diintooda iyo dalkooda m idna necbayn, laakiin badankooda lagu qalday arimo qabiil iyo darajo aan la gaarayn, waxaase xaqiiq ah in shaqsigii darajo aakhiro iyo mid aduun labadaba doonayaa uu ka raadsho meeshii Allaah ka ballan qaaday ee ahayd difaaca ku dhaqanka Kitaabka Ilaahay iyo Sunada Rasuulkiisa Moxamed ah.(CSW) Ugu danbayntii haddii aad doonaysaan in aad guulaysataan labada daaroodba, ka hara, kana hor imaada KUfaarta iyo kuwa u adeegaya soona raaca Kitaabka Allaah iyo kuwa kor u qaadaya. cadaado.net
When the situation gets out of control, the Ethio-Ugandan invasion forces will run away, will arming their Somali-slaves to protect themselves from the majority of Somalis be enough??
Wasaaradii hore ee gaashaandhigga oo weerar lagu qaaday iyadoo uu ka soconayo dagaal fool ka fool ah. Muqdisho 11 March 2007 Waaga Cusub.com 7 qof ayaa ku geeriyootay 13 kalana way ku dhaawacmeen kadib markii Xoogaga New Syl ay weerar ku qaadeen Fariisinka Ciidamadda dowladda Itoobiya ee Ex Wasaaradii Gaashandhigga Muqdisho. Dagaalka oo wali soconayo ayaa ah mid jilibka la isu laabay,waxayna labada dhinac isu adeegsanayaan hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan ,iyadoo daryanka madaafiicdana uu gilgilay degaanadda ku xeeran oo dhan. Dadka dhimashadda iyo dhaawaca soo gaaray ayaa u badan dad rayid ah,sida uu ku soo waramayo Wariyaha Waagacusub Cabdi Risaq Black oo ku sugan guri ku yaal duleedka dambe ee Gaashaandhigga. Wariye Dahir Abdulle Alasow ayaa soo wariyay inuu arkay lix qof oo dhaawaca kuwaas oo ay ku dhacday xabad wiiftaa Wariye Alasow waxaa uu sheegayaa in wali uu dagaalku soconayo uuna yahay mid xoog leh oo gilgilay degaanka oo dhan,isagoo dhinaca kalana xusay in dadka dhaawacaa ee uu la kulmay qaarkood loo la yahay gaadiid qaada si loo geeyo Isbitaaladda ku shaqadda leh. Khasaarooyinka Dagaalkaas kala soco Waagacusub ilaa saqda dhexe ee caawa
I hope in gaalada iyo gaalo raaca gamta loo joogsado. kuli wixii dadka masaakiintaa dulmi ku haya cadaabtii haka biyo cabaan. Aamiin.
Banaan bax looga soo horjeeda Qabsashada Ciidmada Ethiopia iyo Xasuuqa ay ku hayaan dalka Somaaliya oo ka dhacay magaalada Ottawa ee dalka Canada http://www.allgedo.com/Phoenix/bbax%20lshqi%20news.htm
God bless for those gumeeysi diid fighters making it difficult for the occupation forces to move around easily.
Gobolka Sh/hoose oo lagu gubay laba baabuur oo ay saarnaayeen Ciidamo Itoobiyaana. Sh/hoose Saturday, 10 March , 2007 Waaga Cusub Laba Gaari oo ay saarnaayeen Ciidamo Itoobiyaana kana mid ahaa kolonyo gaadiid dagaala oo ka soo ambabaxay dhinaca Jubooyinka kuna soo jeeday Muqdisho ayaa ku gubtay agagaarka No60 kadib markii ay la kacday Miino loo aasay sida ay Waagacusub u sheegeen goobjoogayaal ku sugan degaankaas. Wararka waxay sheegayaan in markii miinadaas la qaraxday labada baabuur in la huwiyay tacshiirado,iyadoo kooxo hubaysan ay foodda isdareen Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka ah ee ku soo jeeday Muqdisho. Ilaa iyo hada lama ogga khasaaraha gaaray dableeyda wadada u gashay Ciidamadda Itoobiyaanka laakiin warar dambe oo soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in gaari sedexaad uu ku gubanayo halka uu dagaalka ka dhacay oo ka tirsan gobolka Sh/hoose. Labada gaari ee la gubay iyo midka baasuukaha looga dhiftay qaybta dambe ayaa la soo wariyay inay saarnaayeen Ciidamo Itoobiyaana laakiin lama ogga khasaaraha inta uu dhan yahay waloow Saraakiil sare ay ku sirwarameen in khasaarahii ugu badnaa uu Itoobiyaanka gaaray, Degaanka No60 ayaa laga qaxay inta badan waxaana albaabadda loo xiray goobaha ganacsigga. Ciidamadda Itoobiya oo wata gawaari kolonyo ah oo ka badan 51 gaari ayaa ku hakaday No60 iyagoo aan ka hadlin khasaaraha dhankoodda gaaray. waxayna xirteen difaac xoogan taas oo xeeldheerayaasha melleteri ay ku tilmaameen mid muujineysa inuu khasaaro xoogan jiro
Osama Bin Laden, if he is alive, is turning 50 - most probably as a free man. Despite the biggest manhunt ever launched, it is thought he is holed-up somewhere in the tribal lands straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mullah Hayatullah Khan, a Taliban spokesman, told Reuters: "He is alive. I am 100 per cent sure." He said senior leaders were in touch with bin Laden. The spokesman said special prayers were offered by Taliban fighters in camps in Afghanistan. Khan said: "We prayed that Allah may give him 200 years to live. When we woke up today, we offered collective and long prayers for him." The most recent videotape of bin Laden was released in late 2004 - subsequent tapes released were identified as old footage - and around half a dozen audio tapes surfaced in the first half of 2006. But a long silence since afterwards has fuelled rumours that bin Laden is unwell, or dead, though the US fears that the al-Qaeda network he founded is rebuilding its base in Pakistani tribal lands, and has forged ties with affiliates in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. And the world's most wanted "terrorist" comes with a $25m price on his head. 50 years Osama bin Laden was born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His father was a prominent businessman of colossal wealth. Osama inherited more than $300m when he was just 14-years old. Hassan Ibrahim, a journalist for Al Jazeera, knew bin Laden as a school boy. Ibrahim said: "He was good in math, [a] good soccer player – he kept himself. [He] was very religious and was a pacifist." Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in which more than 200 people died. He is also a suspect in many other attacks, including those in the US in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, that killed more than 3,000 people. What kind of man is he? "Everybody the West hates, there's always a story [that]pops up ... I'm sure he's alive and I don't think he's desperately ill" Robert Fisk, Middle East correspondent, The Independent Journalist Robert Fisk is one of a handful of reporters who have met him on several occasions. Fisk, a correspondent for the UK newspaper The Independent, said: "When he spoke, he was very interesting in the sense that, he's probably the only Arab figure I've met who doesn't say the first thing that comes into his mind. "I'd ask a question of bin Laden and he'd sit on the ground and think about how he wanted to reply and he'd get a piece of miswak wood and start cleaning his teeth. "And I'd sit there just sort of, watching this tooth-cleaning operation, waiting for the words of bin Laden." There have been more than 30 tapes purporting to be from bin Laden or his close associates in the past five years - many of them received and broadcast first by Al Jazeera. In that time, the al-Qaeda mastermind has visibly aged. But Fisk is convinced he is fit and very definitely still alive. Describing his physique, Fisk said bin Laden was a "very thin, slim, I thought very agile man - he used to walk like a cat". Fisk said: "I don't believe by the way, he has kidney failure and all this other stuff. Everybody the West hates, there's always a story pops up saying they're dying of cancer or kidney failure or something. I'm sure he's alive and I don't think he's desperately ill." World figure Bin Laden's been a world figure for a quarter of a century. In the 1980s in Afghanistan he used some of his own fortune to drive out the Soviet superpower. In Africa his battle was for hearts and minds, building a road and winning over locals in Sudan. Now his enemy is the superpower the US which, despite all its resources, continues to be out-witted. Reporting from the tribal areas, Al Jazeera's correspondent, Kamal Hyder, said the US hunt for bin Laden and his close lieutenants may be "getting desperate". 'Desperate' manhunt Many civilians have been killed in the US-led hunt for Osama bin Laden The US has failed to capture or kill him on numerous occasions, but in Pakistan several civilians have died in US-led operations. The frontier region was once a frontline between two superpowers, when American-backed Afghan and Arab fighters attacked Russian forces inside Afghanistan. Hyder said: "Locals fear that it is the Pakistani side of the border that is now in the crosshairs of the United States." Ali Jan Aurakzai, governor of North West Frontier province in Pakistan, said: "Even after five years of operations, what has been achieved? Osama bin Laden is still there, al-Qaeda is still there. "In fact, it is spreading – it's a global phenomenon." The hunt for bin Laden is narrowing to a stretch of territory that falls on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghan border, an area that is a challenge for any army and cuts through tribes and villages, Hyder said. "No ones knows where Osama is but [the] tribes believe it is their way of life and their necks that are on the line. "And they fear that they may become collateral damage in the hunt for bin Laden." Source: Al Jazeera and agencies
Imam set free over Somali ‘jihad’ ties A Koran teacher from Garissa charged with enlisting Kenyans to fight in a jihad (holy war) in Somalia was set free by a local court after the prosecution failed to provide witnesses and evidence implicating him. http://www.timesnews.co.ke/10mar07/nwsstory/news2.html THE Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, said Ugandan soldiers in Somalia have not been targeted by Somali insurgents who shelled outside Mogadishu International Airport. “Those mortar bombs were far away and not aiming at us. To prove that we were not their target, two more flights bringing in UPDF soldiers landed at that time,” Aronda said. http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/12/552794 Somalis and Experts on Somali Affairs have recently witnessed a history without a known parallel. Much efforts and ink have been spent on analyzing and discussing many noteworthy history events such as the transformation of the notorious Mogadishu-based warlords into so-called “Alliance for Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism; Washington’s bungled policy of supporting them and the dramatic rise and fall of the Union of Islamic Courts. We witnessed the diplomatic u-turn of the UN Security Council, which opened the gates to flood the country with deadly arms. And finally, we saw the dawning of the occupation of Somalia by the country’s historical enemy, Ethiopia, and their troops roaming round the streets of Mogadishu. http://www.geeskaafrika.com/igad2020_09mar07.htm After being driven out of capital by U.S., Islamic fighters say groups are meeting, stockpiling weapons In Washington, a U.S. official said that, although it's "hard to affix a number" to the returning fighters, the Islamists' return is "cause for concern." "There is reason to believe that some have returned to Mogadishu and they may be trying to reconstitute themselves," said the official, who asked not to be identified. http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/world/ny-wosoma095122929mar09,0,723324.story?coll=ny-worldnews-print Ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo soo gaaray qeybo ka mid ah G/sh/hoose Ciidamada dalka Ethiopia ee dhowaan ka soo ruuqaansaday gobolada Jubbooyinka ayaa qeybo ka mid ah waxa ay soo gaareen deegaano ka tirsan gobolka Sh/hoose, iyadoo la sheegay in ciidamadan ay ku wajahan yihiin magaalada Muqdisho. http://www.shabelle.net/2007/march/n10838.htm Special report with pictures from Ceeldheer, Somalia. Mogadishu - 15-February-2007-Allceeldheer.com Magaalada Ceeldheer oo ah magaalo qadiimo ah kana mid ah gobolka G/gaduud ee bartamaha dalka Somalia ayaa waxaa booqasho ku maraya wariye Mowliid Max'ed Sabriye oo ka mid ah wariyeyaasha allceeldheer.com, iyadoo uu halkaasi ka soo diray war bixintii ugu horeysay oo ku aadan xaaladda nololeed ee degmada Ceeldheer, ka dib markii halkaasi safar dhinaca hawada ah uu ku tagay. http://allceeldheer.com/news/Faallo1.htm
Ethiopians rewarding their most reliable puppet. But the question is, will other clans accept such transfer of Kismaayo to militia from Waqooyi Bari?
Ethiopia Oo Kasoo Baxday Kismayo Iyo Ciidanka Puntland Oo lawaregay Kismaayo News (Kismaayo}9.03-7 Ciidamo xoogan oo Ethiopian ah ayaa isaga soo baxay gobolada Jubbooyinka iyadoo qeybtii ugu horreysay ay gaadhay magaalada Baydhaba halkaasi oo ay uga sii gudbi doonaan dalkooda, ka dib markii ay sare u kacday xiisadaha iyo kacdoonada ay wadaan jab-hadaha hubaysan ee ladagaalamaya dowlada Meles Zenawi............................................... Ciidamo ku hubeysan Taankiyo iyo gawaadhida kale ee dagaalka oo Ethiopian ah shalayna kasoo baxay magaalada Kismaayo ayaa saaka lagu arkayay magaalada Baydhaba, iyadoo qeyb kale oo ciidamadaasi ka mid ah ay wali ku soo jiraan wadada sida ay sheegeen goobjoogayaal ku sugan magaalada Baydhaba. Sidoo kale Ilo wareedyo ku sugan magaalada Baydhaba ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamadii Ethiopianka ahaa ee magaaladaasi horey ugu sugnaa loo qeybiyay lacago isla markaana ay ka dukaameysanayeen halkaasi, iyagoo ku laabanaya dalka Ethiopia. Taliyaha ciidamada xoogga dalka Gen. Cabdi Mahdi ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in ay dhamaatay howl-galadii ciidamada Ethiopoia ay ka wadeen gudaha Somalia ee ahaa la dagaalanka golihii Maxkamadaha islaamka, sidaasi darteedna ma muuqato ififaalooyin kale oo ay ku sii joogaan dalka. Amaanka guud ee magaalada kismaayo ayaa waxaa si buuxda haatan ula wareegay ciidamo asalkooda kasoo jeeda goboladan puntland balse huwan magaca ciidamda dowlada federaalka Dhowaan ayay aheyd markii ra’isulwasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Males Zenawi uu sheegay in ciidamada Ethiopia ay isaga baxayaan gudaha Somalia marka ay yimaadaan ciidamada Midowga Africa. Ka bixitaanka ciidamada Ethiopia ee kismaayo iyo ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli ciidamo ka socda dalka Uganda ay ka soo dageen caasimadda, iyadoo kuwo kale oo ka socda dalalka Nigeria iyo Mallawi ay ka dagi doonaan Kismaayo. Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center
P.S You are from Ethiopia as you have said previously. Free your self and your people. Simply put you are accusing me of being an Amxaar stooge while you sit idly in a far away land and talk macho over the net and yet your 'land' is being occupied. Is there something wrong with this scenario? Aren't you a Somali yaa Amxaar orphan? Is Somali-Galbeed not an occupied Somali territory? Is it not the responsibility of every Somali to contribute the liberation of OUR PEOPLE in SOMALI-GALBEED and...the NEWLY OCCUPIED SOMALIA? Walee Somalida Xalaasha ah shaqo badan ayaa sugeeysa, knowing we have people among us with such destructive & divisive mentality.
Shame is not in the dictionary of Xabasho orphans.
^After it lost thousands of men and millions of dollar[American money], Xabasho troops will not leave Somalia unless evicted by force. If they succeed imposing their Mbagathi project on the Somali people, expect them to get a major concession signed by non other than their representatives, led by Yeey-Axmaar. The control of Kismaayo port for 150 years by Ethiopia could be their reward.
Security forces capture individuals and explosives..
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Iran-Iraq war--500,000 dead Iraqis. 1990 Iraq occupation of Kuwait--100,000 dead Iraqis. American occupation ---300,000-600,000 dead Iraqis. People disapeared under Sadam's Gulag system 200,000+... Widespread destruction of infrastructure of Iraqi economy and infustructure... More ethnically divided Iraq..Kurd against Arab and Shi'a Against Sunni... The Legacy of the dictator continues... -
America's involvement in Somalia has intensified. This is a good step in the direction of peacekeepers' capacity and helping the TFI fully establish in the whole nation. ^The weak and confused state of Xabasho orphan mind. Always begging others to lead them out of bondage. You can’t be donated power,” said Dahir Rayale Kahin, the president of the Republic of Somaliland, which has long declared itself independent from the rest of Somalia. “We built this state because we saw the problems here as our problems. Our brothers in the south are still waiting — till now — for others. Dahir Rayale Kahin, the president of the Republic of Somaliland
Qanyare + Sudi Yalaxoow : Welcoming AU troops : audio. BRAVE NEW WORLD
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
wallee waa siduu hore uu uyiri Cabdullahi amxaar. This ppl know not any other language but force. Let me refresh your mind my friend. It was the ICU that expelled these warlords from Mogadish and took all their weaponry, not Abdulahi-Axmaar and his Tigree masters. And it was the Ethio-American invasion that allowed this warlords[Ethio-American stooges] to return to Xamar not Abdulahi-Axmaar. These warlords including Abdulahi-Axmaar are only giving complementary lap dance to their rescuer. http://www.mogadishuuniversity.com/ -
Security forces capture individuals and explosives..
Jabhad replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^Maybe the Iraqi people should have asked the dictators family to pay the cost incurred during the hanging. No wonder it was calm back in those days. The thinking of a pathetic parasitical entity called daba-dhilif Xabasho. -
^Ugandans are coming to Somalia for financial interest, not for the love of milk-shakers aka daba-dhilifs among us and to scape their own troubled country. Roundup: Ugandan gov't urges LRA rebels to renew truce The Ugandan government has urged rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) to renew the landmark Cessation of Hostilities Agreement which expires on Wednesday. "We are asking the LRA to respond to our call and renew the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, for the sake of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)," Okello Oryem, the minister of international affairs, was quoted as saying by the state-owned New Vision on Wednesday. The government and the LRA signed a landmark cessation of hostilities agreement in August 2006 and later renewed it in December last year. According to a December renewal, which is set to expire on Wednesday, the LRA rebels in the east and west of the Sudanese Equatorial Province were supposed to assemble in two designated areas in southern Sudan before the expiry of the agreement. Since the signing to the agreement, there have been no major attacks by rebels on civilians in northern Uganda where 80 percent of the population was driven into IDP camps for fear of being abducted by the rebels. The expiry of the truce was also debated in the Parliament on Tuesday urging the two parties not to resume hostilities so as not to interrupt the ongoing resettlement program in northern Uganda where the LRA rebellion has left over 1.4 million people displaced. Oryem said government hoped that the rebel group will resume the now stalled peace negotiations aimed at ending the two-decade long LRA insurgency that has left tens of thousands of people dead. "The government still hopes that the LRA delegation will return to Juba (southern Sudan). The only way forward is to engage in dialogue," he said. The LRA pulled out the talks mediated by the government of southern Sudan last month demanding a change of venue and mediator before they return to the negotiation table. The government, foreign envoys and donors rejected the LRA demand causing a stalemate in the talks seen as a chance to end one of Africa's longest conflicts. Meanwhile, local leaders from the war-ravaged northern Uganda and key players in the diaspora are to meet on Thursday in Juba in a last ditch attempt to revive the stalled peace talks. The consultative meeting, funded by Denmark and Canada, raises hope of a resumption of the talks that were abandoned by the rebels. About 100 political, religious, cultural leaders and representatives of civil society organizations from northern Uganda are expected in Juba on Thursday. Sources quoted by the Daily Monitor on Wednesday said the Acholi leaders would together with the LRA, the government delegation and the southern Sudan elders to chart a way forward for a resumption of the talks. Source: Xinhua
Somaliland national anthem before and after the union. Somaliland national anthem after the independence on June 26, 1960: http://david.national-anthems.net/sol-60.htm *[sounds like a familiar tune ] The new Somaliland national anthem: http://david.national-anthems.net/sol.htm
Pressure grows against khat trade By Noel Mwakugu BBC News website, Nairobi Khat farmer Khat is harvested every 20 days For decades, khat, or miraa as its popularly known across East Africa, has been the lifeline for farmers in eastern Kenya, but pressure to convince them to abandon the trade is now mounting. The growing numbers of young adults chewing the mild stimulant has become a major concern among anti-drugs campaigners who fear dependency could ruin a generation. Some 30 tonnes of khat are harvested each day by both small- and large-scale khat farmers who cultivate the crop in Meru District. Most of the crop is consumed in Kenya, but some is exported to Somalia and United Kingdom. Somalia Traders say some 3,000kg of khat are flown to Somalia's capital everyday where its chewing has become the norm at social gatherings across Mogadishu. PHOTO GALLERY Amina Haji Mumin In pictures: Growing khat Widow turns to khat Some blame it for Somalia's misfortunes. During Islamist rule last year it was banned and the streets were the calmest for decades, but there was resistance. Most militiamen have a high dependence on the stimulant and it is argued that it causes them to be irrational and easily provoked. When the Islamist militia seized a consignment worth about $40,000 and set it on fire to mark the beginning of the ban, there was a riot and a curfew had to be imposed to contain the upheaval. But since the Islamists were defeated at the turn of the year, exports of khat from Kenya have resumed and so has its consumption. Kenya Now the pressure to have khat banned is being stepped up in Kenya, where its consumption is on the rise. FACTS ABOUT KHAT Amina Haji Mumin There are two main types of khat - miraa and hereri Miraa is grown mainly in Kenya Hereri comes from Ethiopia A bundle of khat costs about £3 ($6) in Britain Khat is illegal in the US and a bundle there sells for between $50 (£28) and $80 (£41) A survey done by the government drug watchdog, National Campaign Against Drugs Abuse, shows a big rise in new users on the coast and in the capital, Nairobi. "Reports by our officers show that when a khat ban was enforced in Somalia the local dealers become very aggressive and were off loading the surplus products into the local market," the watchdog's national co-ordinator Jennifer Kimani told the BBC. Now her organisation is advising the government to initiate a process where khat farmers are gradually encouraged to switch to other cash crops. Apart from the negative health effects to the user, which include loss of appetite, lack of sleep, hallucinations, mental health issues and sometimes impotence, khat is also blamed social problems. For instance in khat-growing areas, cases of boys dropping out of school are rampant. "Boys choose to work at khat plantations or sell the stimulant instead of going to school because there they make quick money," Ms Kimani says. Casual workers at a khat farm can earn up to $20 a shift while small-scale traders in markets across Kenya may earn 10 times that in daily sales. Problems In Mombasa, special restaurants, as seen in Yemen, have been designated as khat joints where groups of adults converge daily to chew the shoots and chat or cut business deals. I have not treated anybody suffering from ailments caused by its use Dr Samuel Murega But women complain of the long hours their husbands spend in these joints. Imam Arshad Salim Imam says that numerous cases have been brought before religious leaders by women who report that their husbands have abandoned their family responsibilities. "We have women who complain that they do not get their conjugal rights because their husbands remain occupied most of the night chewing khat," says Imam Salim He further notes that a lot of family income is committed to the habit at the expense of other needs like education, food and health. For this reason, Imam Salim insists that the government should impose a ban on khat just like neighbouring Tanzania where it illegal to sell or consume the stimulant. Defence But Dr Samuel Murega, a medic and khat farmer in Maua, eastern Kenya, believes calls to ban the stimulant are misguided. Instead of banning the plant, he thinks the government should license and encourage its growth. He also denies negative health claims. "I run an active health clinic here... but I have not treated anybody suffering from ailments caused by its use," says Dr Murega. "Some people mix khat with other narcotic drugs to get high and they end up in undesirable state. And since they were chewing it openly then the blame goes on the stimulant and not the drugs they have taken which is unfair," argues Dr Murega. At present the trade is probably too lucrative for an imminent ban, but the remarkable changes in behaviour seen in Mogadishu when khat was banned has given officials plenty of food for thought.
Daba-dhilif folks are confused. You should all be proud of Kooshin and his hard work for the Mbagathi group.
^Maybe you should ask a collaborator, they must know more about the Mbagathi business than me.
Mohamed has had an easier time selling this viewpoint to mentors like Gorton. The former senator has not been directly exposed to other opinions among Somali immigrants, having not met any besides those introduced to him by Mohamed. Nor,Gorton concedes, has he done much digging into his young friend's relationship with Yusuf. "He just told me [he represented Yusuf]. I accepted it." He produces, however, a copy of a 2006 letter that purports to be from Yusuf's office and declares Mohamed a "special assistant to the president." Aloow noo sahal. Abdulahi-Axmaars dream team takes shape.