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Everything posted by xalima1000

  1. looool check it out http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=she'll%20tell%20it%20as%20it%20is
  2. Personally making other people happy is a waste of time in my opinion. Tell your mother in law that you didn't go to your sister in law's wedding because it had music in it. If she is still mad then oh well, she is pissed because you choose to be a good muslim? Fudge that. As for your husband getting a job, does he NOT want to get a job or has he been looking for a job but no one hasn't hired him? If its the first one its time to remind him of his islamic AND somali duties. If you were a somali woman sister non of the Bullsh!t would be happening. As him why he is mad at you? If he says he cannot or will not, tell him next time he explodes you gave him a chance to be a man and to voice his concerns.
  3. So both of my 90 year old grandmothers currently live in somalia at the moment and alhamdulilah they are both healthy and well. My grandmother, lets call her asli, called me a few days ago and she was telling me about the toilets in somalia. Here's the thing i was born there but i wasn't raised there so what she was saying came as a total shock. She said in somalia its customary for people to go to two places when nature calls. One if you are out in the wild then you just go there but if you are in a city then instead of toilets you have LITERALLY this hole on the floor and you squat down and do your business. She said people there are used to it since they have been using it since the beginning of time and since they were children. Now thats fine and all but i have a problem with my 90 year old grandmothers squatting at some hole. So I was thinking what would be a alternative? And I came across this on Youtube: AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=FPg-n4czGE0
  4. @kingofkings, Regardless of weather you are in somalia or outside of somalia domestic violence is never allowed. Thank allah i was born nto a family that didn't do it. And YES there are wivies out there who abuse their husbands. Men who abuse their wives tend to use physical abuse such as slaps, punches, etc. Women use nonverbal technics. For example a wife who calls her husband short everyday or who always to him "you are just not man enough for me" or "when i find a younger man i will leave him for you" or who demands he gives her everything she she wants. That is a form of abuse as well or am i wrong?
  5. While I will always applaud growth and welcome the spirit of our brothers and sisters in somalia for their entrepreneurship spirit, I believe all these hotels aren't necessary. When your people are starving why are you building hotels? Who is going to visit you?
  6. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Dervish_flag.svg