rudy-Diiriye;816183 wrote:
I was once hanging at weekend in San Diego with my non-somali speaking from african xalimoo friend. Guess what happened, when my friend left the apt, this shabby looking xalimoo knocks the doors, comes in. So, i started talking with her socially. Out of no where, she asking so what tribe r u? I wasnt expecting it. Warning though to DC (daqan Celis) folks....never answer this if u dont know the asker personally.. its a trap. Seriously, she saw that i was not interested at she started doing mind try to get me from Clan-door back door.
This reminds me of a time my cousin and I were talking and chatting happily one Saturday afternoon (we were about 12 years old at the time) we were walking to her place from my house when a Somali taxi driver stopped and offered us a lift we figured since we have a long walk to go why not? (I know how naive!). Alhamdullilah we arrived safely out our destination and just before we got off the taxi he asked us if we are ***** or Non-*****, we had no idea! I panicked I was thinking OMG I have 50/50 chance of living today LOL. Luckily my cousin answered we didn't know which was true at the time as we both left Somalia as infants. Some months later I told my mother of the incident after getting over her initial shock that we would be so ****** to get in a taxi with a complete stranger she said the correct response would have been to answer 'both' LOOOL.