Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. I assume the chipolopolo fans are getting a free leg over as I speak. :rolleyes:
  2. The Beshe Dhexe just want to play big fish in a small pond, their treatment of Buuhodlelanders has shown they're wolves in sheep clothes.
  3. In other words, it's best second thing to a legal recognition, that a poor country like Somaliland can have in the absence of the main thing itself. It will still not lead to recognition, the British just want to mute the rowdy diaspora from the 'Somaliland Republic' from disrupting the conference.
  4. Freedom;788408 wrote: Mario stop hating lol ---- I have nothing but love for you, Freedom. :cool:
  5. I share Oodweyne analysis here, the British are playing a fair game..i.e fix the South so that parity is restored and then ask the Northern seccessionist clans to go Mogadishu to make their case. UK will be happy with either outcome.
  6. The Hermet;788373 wrote: well...back to looting, killing and raping.... ---------- I shall be informing the good people of the triangle towns to lock up their daughters.
  7. Jacaylbaro;788237 wrote: Then why call for help ... and Sh. Sharif of all people ?? .... I thought the Khaatumo was for reer ... and shariifka is different ,, lol Sharif happens to be their Federal President, they're calling for him to expose the aggression on peaceful villages in Northern regions by the butchers of Hargeisa.!!
  8. Valenteenah.;788377 wrote: Unglaublich! Pros am guessing? No one else would announce freebies. ------- This people don't even use protection. :mad:
  9. Galmudug and Puntland have been lacklustre on this task for sometime now, i hope this is not just a publicity stunt before the 'big' conference.
  10. This will not lead to recognition, but it will certain make the people of the triangle towns FAT!! It's as if Hargeisa isn't full of NGO's already.
  11. Is Somaliland Development Corporation a modern day version of Imperial British East Africa Company?
  12. The UK government, if anything, is carrying on with its old policy of assisting Somaliland but waiting for others to recognise it first. ------------- They're waiting for who? The Dutch, Ethiopia... Israel? Ha ha ha .....
  13. Peace Action;788323 wrote: Ouch, that hurts. If true, Faroole has no understanding of the political significance of Khaatumo State. Fortunately he is up for election soon and I hope Puntlanders will replace him with a better politician. ---------- Well said, Faroole shows how we Somalis lack insightful leaders at all levels. I hope he never gets the top job...
  14. Garnaqsi;788044 wrote: That made me laugh! And here comes the haram police! --------------- The salafist are obssessed with niqab, while the west is obssessed with bikinis.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;788048 wrote: And you know my friend the former Somali republic was dissolved in 1991 and there is no one that can change that haday kun ku kufrinayan iyo haday kun ku muslimayan. Somali leaders prior 1988 never recognized the Italian Abyssinian border they never recognized the Anglo Italian border the Somali republic had with Kenya they only accepted the Anglo french border the former Somali republic had with Djibouti. And General Muhammad Siyad bare was forced to recognize the Italian Abyssinian border in 1988. Mario its not what the world recognizes its what Somalis recognize that's where it all starts . No borders were dissolved, all you did was bring down the central gov.
  16. Five stars is just a propaganda tool for SLANDERS to make themselves relevent to the habashi and the Kenyatis, the Somaliweyne project died with Dictator Barre, But the Somali borders that exist now are from Ras Kamboni to Saylac....and that is what matters!!
  17. Anglo iItalian borders were dissolved my friend, Somalia starts from Ras Kamboni to Saylac, those are the borders the that world recognises including every other entity in Somalia. British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland are not coming back, they became SOMALIA. Stop this delusion.
  18. But the 'Somaliland' borders are just a fig of your imagination. You know that well.
  19. 'Somalilanders' were born somalis in Somalia...once the old farts [silanyo and co] die the successionist agenda will die with them.
  20. Somalia;788023 wrote: Ali Saleh is a great man, the people killing are the opposition. Lets be real for once. The picture is ok, it shows that she is quite attached to the man who's naked while she is wearing a tent. -------------- Saleh is a dictator, nowonder you're a big fan of Faroole.
  21. ^Why would the world create another country with a potential Kashmir scenario on the border between SL and PL? It just gonna end in tears.
  22. Che -Guevara;787757 wrote: ^Well he refers to AS being founded by people running from Hargeysa looking safe haven after they were kicked embezzling money. Sh Sheriff should be looking forward, he should be concentrating on bringing in the moderates from the cold, killing or capturing the hardline leadership and the foreign elements. Time is of the essence!!
  23. Cambuulo iyo bun;787758 wrote: ^^ looks like we dealing with a troll Says the troll.