Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. Aaliyyah;802219 wrote: LOOOL I agreed with you, why are you angry? was your comment not sincere!..isdaji sxb! King of Kings is a prototype troll, just ignore him, he can't help himself.
  2. Aaliyyah;802216 wrote: You are right reer buhoodle don't need Faroole or his subclan. Neither does Khaatumo state as a whole. It is time Farole stops sticking his nose in matters that don't concern him. :cool:
  3. Abdul;801741 wrote: Which guy,the writer or Sheikh Shariff??? I'll say the writer. :rolleyes:
  4. These are pro-SL elders of Sool, i hope "SL" tells them where to go, the are asking the wrong administration, Hargeisa has no authority in KS lands. :cool:
  5. Somalia;801759 wrote: It's called Puntland, I'm sorry if your tongue doesn't allow you to say it, but you ought to learn it, as it is the founding federal state of Somalia, the number 1. Look up to it, learn from it, breathe it, live it. If "PL" had it's way it will like to be the only federal state of Somalia. What a bunch of hyprocrites you lot are!! :mad:
  6. Somalia;801756 wrote: Nah man, no success only failure around a small town, lets call a spade a spade. Something "PL" failed to do.
  7. Somalia;801751 wrote: I wonder how many votes Taleex has... Who cares anyway.. Who are sxb? What are you? Do you even exist/ :eek: You are using him as a scapegoat because you are a miserable failure, not you but the Khaatumo thing. KT is only 2 month old, and has been a roaring success, haters like you are not going to stop this project.
  8. General Duke;801747 wrote: How can one hate a fancy dress party? I not going to have another circular argument with another juvenile from Mudug province. :rolleyes:
  9. "PL" doesnt run KS, I don't understand what pseudo state you are refering to when real people are changing the dynamics on the ground, he will definatley wont be getting votes from our region....we need partial leaders in the highest office, not some double dealing political novice.:rolleyes: KS is here to stay, you can't change that. :cool:
  10. General Duke;801742 wrote: One has nothing against the Kingdom of Saudi. Khatumo State is here to stay, no need to hate!!
  11. Somalia;801736 wrote: Who's going to stop him, a pseudo state? His out of office in few months time, no one needs to stop he will be jobless soon.
  12. Somalia;801737 wrote: Yes he does, don't tell me you thought qurbojoog did? I not going to have another circular argument with another juvenile from Mudug province. :rolleyes:
  13. The Hermet;801626 wrote: ^^^ You more then welcome to join Somaliland. seriously no joke. We were always one country, we live in Sool and Buhoodle together...Be part of it, share in the political, economic, social development, go and live in what ever city you want, trade etc. no point of khatumo, somaliland can give you that and more... At least consider it without qabil mentality for a few minutes. Says the man with qabil mentality, ah the irony. :eek:
  14. General Duke;801732 wrote: Now you can feel ones pain through the internet? Wow a multi-talented Khastumite. Maybe you should use such talent for the cause and feel the pain of Xabsade and Kayse Abdi... That would be something.... :D KS is here to stay, no need to hate!!
  15. The Somali Premier should remember he is representing all Somalis and he ain't "PL" representitive to the Federal Gov, and is this buffon thinking of becoming Somali President?....after this debacle he got no chance, wasn't impressed with his perfomance with Al Jazeera too.
  16. General Duke;801729 wrote: loooool. That's so funny. You should seriously consider adding stand up to your routine.. Did that hurt you? Cos I can feel your pain!! :cool: Your nervous laugh is telling me that I'm touching a raw nerve.
  17. General Duke;801725 wrote: I have a fondness for entertainers. Clowns, jesters and clan performers. Mario B, Ali Khalif and Saado Ali happen to be some of those who have amused me of late... I think Buhoodle showed we mean business, I just hate when cowards from "PL" come and steal the limelight.:mad:
  18. General Duke;801720 wrote: Its been more than two years since the SSC parties under Xaglatosiye has started and only Saado Ali has been winning. As for your question, who is the lost clown asking silly questions about SSC in a thread about Mudug? SO which clown has bee responding to my SSC questions for the past 20min? :rolleyes:
  19. General Duke;801709 wrote: Ahh we have heard that old tune a countless times. One remembers last years hit with Xaglatoosiye and Sabray. However so far we have yet to see any tangible results on the ground. It's still early days but thats the aim, so watch this space. All we know that for years money that was meant for the area never left Hargeisa or Garowe. What I dont understand is what is your beef with KS?
  20. Carafaat;801694 wrote: Khatumo is the bringe, the linking pin between the TFG and Somaliland. i hope Ali Khaliif succeeds Yep, Yep!!
  21. General Duke;801692 wrote: Yeah, but those partying in London, Norway and Canada run the region? Those partying in London, Norway and Canada have deep pockets. Given that "SL" and "PL" have made the region a no go area for the international community, the diaspora in conjuction with the local people are going to make sure that the region stand with it's two feet. :cool:
  22. Carafaat;801691 wrote: Showing the entire world that we are divided is not a good thing. And this is hot helping the negoitiaten and talks with Somalia either. Just showing the world what a deluded bunch they are, Hillary Clinton was clear when she said that IC believes in Unity of Somalia. :cool:
  23. AMISOM just needs to capture Kismayo and Afgoye and that will be the end of Al-shaabab....minor towns like Marka, Jowhar and Barawa can follow those collapses too. :cool: