Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. XX trick for when the missus refuses him his obligatory visit to the mafrish.
  2. "Somaliland police" is a clan entity, it should stay in the "triangle towns", imagine if one of the peace keepers was killed in Xamar, we won't hear the end of it.
  3. I don't see any embarrassment here, he refused the offer and also unlike Ngonge I don't see another Somali politician using this to gain a political advantage, the IC will view this as a domestic non issue.
  4. I think we are jumping the gun here, I believe the Sheikh said his hands were full.
  5. b-boy;811250 wrote: It's bigger than your state;) I think you need to give an optician a visit, that warehouse ain't bigger than my state.
  6. We should follow the Prophet's [PBUH] example...He never hit a child, or a servant or woman in his life. Modern salafist should take a heed to.
  7. Dhaqankaan carbeedna waa lala dagaalami waana la burburin IA. Somalina. I think what the Galmuudug did is our culture, no need to blame the Arabs here.
  8. Carafaat;811114 wrote: Abtigiis, I dont agree with you. It shows the issue is above party politics and whatever the outcome is, it needs the support of opposition. And what better way then to let the opposition leader to lead! He is passing the buck, the man is spineless.
  9. Somalia;811178 wrote: It's gigantic. :eek: You right, it's a gigantic warehouse.
  10. Caano_Geel;811145 wrote: I am sure...Somaliland could send more than 20,000 security forces to Somalia, only if Somalia recognize Somaliland as an independent brother country. I never understood this logic?
  11. lol @ kuxigeenga saafirka Ingiriiska ee Addis Ababa...has "SL" become a province of Ethiopia now?
  12. Boondheere;809423 wrote: its true that Islam praises the white skinn. for example there are hadiith which prophet was said. do you wanna know how satan look like? and sahaba said yes. and prophet said" qoute just look nabtal. satan look like NABTAL. nabtal was tall black man whit wolfy hair. so according hadiith satan is a black man. and you know xuurul cayn in janah they describe as whitest women in the world. Al tabari whos the man who wrote siiraul nabawi or The History of the Prophets said and here another hadiith about whites being better than blacks Abu Darda reported that the Holy Prophet said: Allah created Adam when he created him (sic). Then He stroke (sic) his right shoulder and took out a white race as if they were seeds, and He stroke (sic) his left shoulder and took out a black race as if they were coals. Then He said to those who were in his right side: Towards paradise and I don't care. He said to those who were on his left shoulder: Towards Hell and I don't care. - Ahmad" Come again? :confused: Who is Abu Darda?
  13. faarah22;809589 wrote: it's a futile exercise in hair splitting really. for islam is arab and arab is islam period. i always enjoy watching non-arab muslims try to salvage some reputation, given their second class status position within islam. why do pple work so hard to remain be subservient?. don't hate anyone but at the same time i have my identity and they have theirs. lets remain so. You must be atheist then?
  14. Sh Sharif is learning on the job, he showed a lot of magnanimity this week in the way he handled the death of the late President [AUN]. I think all Somalis should work on defeating Al Shaabab ASAP. On this occassion it's best we listened to Ben Okri who said " Our future is greater than our past" and so we should get on with the task at hand.
  15. Mario B


    burahadeer;810022 wrote: ^^^ mr nationalist i'm talking people like you:D The only beef I have against "SL" is it's secessionist claim, other than that i'm cool with my reer abti.
  16. Mario B


    burahadeer;810017 wrote: how qabiil infested people develop!they could have a bigger pie but some took the wrong turn & dragged everyone else along with thm. Says the Clanist from " Beesha dhexe".
  17. BN;807852 wrote: AUN. I'm no fan of Shabaab but we should not treat the dead, Muslim or not, in such a fashion. Give them a proper burial and move on. Well said.
  18. Isn't showing dead corpse of combatants against Geneva convention?
  19. Carafaat;807687 wrote: Chimera, agree we need for invent a new form of Pan/Somalism. one that is not based on militarism or is politicly sensitive to our neighbours. One that is based on the values of peace, respect for other human culture and cohabitation , one in which we strive for excelling in trade, education, social and cultural without arrogance, superiority and chauvinism towards others. If we have proved one thing is that Somali live throughout the world in peace with any other culture, without loosing ours or adpting another. a more modest form of pan/Somalism Well said, and no it wont take 100 yrs @ XX.
  20. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;806775 wrote: Yes, this erey, this word 'deranged' had never being used by the American media to refer to that guy who went rampage in that military base in Texas a few years ago. Oh yes, I forgot he was a Muslim and automatically became a 'terrorist.' Robert Fisk, as always, writing as it is. Well said.
  21. The Sage;806801 wrote: What hint? The conference was about fixing what's wrong with Somalia. It wasn't about Somaliland because it doesn't have extremists and foreign troops parading around the country. Besides if my memory serves me right the final statement read: Sorry, I take it back, Somaliland is a recognised independent republic that has got nothing to do with Somalia.
  22. ^^ "A communiqué issued after a major summit meeting on Somalia in London last month “welcomed the success in some areas of Somalia in establishing local areas of stability” but made no mention of Somaliland’s campaign for independence" Take the hint my friend.