Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. LANDER;813666 wrote: What's more pathetic is these threads are full of propagandist who seem to think there waging a cyber war, lies and deceit, Somaliland army gets attacked at dawn and they're trying to twist the story because the raid was unsuccessfull. "SL" militia are a sitting duck, they will get the Fabian treatment untill they return home, willing or unwillingly.
  2. Yeah, my Jesus is bigger than yours. :cool:
  3. You know things are low when your "puppeteer" doesn't even acknowledge your existence.
  4. Imitation is best form of flattery!!
  5. Raamsade;813637 wrote: Islam isn't that much different from Christianity although much to its credit Islam is far more rational than Christianity which depends more on silly miracles. Seeking knowledge may be encouraged in Islam but not the truth. It doesn't matter how "knowledgeable" you are if your knowledge isn't true you might as well have never learned it. True knowledge is the key here. And any inquiry into the truth is discouraged by by all organized religions because the truth will expose their little dirty secret. Like all secrets tugged under the rug for so long, there comes a time when the stench becomes unbearable. Hence, why Wadaads in general fight tooth and nail against the truth. The Theory of Evolution, a bonafide scientific theory as they ever come, is vehemently rejected by virtually all Wadaads. The theory of revolution is just that a theory, when scrutinized closely it doen't even pass what it's claiming to hold. Now Islam doesn't deny that they are cosmological and geological evolution and that life was created/ocurred in stages, that all living thing were created from water, these are claims that Islam made hundreds of years before any scientific knowledge. On the issue of objective truths or scientific truths I will quote you Karl Popper who wrote “The more we learn about the world and the deeper our learning, the more conscious, specific and articulate will be our knowledge of what we do not know, our knowledge of our ignorance”. He believed that even when a scientific principle had been successfully and repeatedly tested, it was not necessarily true. Instead it had simply not been proved false, yet! This became known as the theory of falsification. The neutrino findings are casting doubt on Einstein's theory of relativity, a theory that supplanted an ealier Newtonian paradigm that was a casting iron world view for a few hundreds years. Recently Albert Einstein was proved to be correct in his view of how the universe is expanding, there is an aya in Q that makes that claim. For me I have never seen a principle that is in either science, philosophy, politics, economics, etc that I found was profound that i didn't come across in the teaching of Islam. Please elaborate on the stench thing?
  6. Yeah, April fools day...big day in the "triangle towns", as a matter of fact it is celebrated all year round.
  7. ^^I don't how old you're but in a few years time you will find out if the hereafter is true or it's just a tale of the ancients. In the mean time take the chill pill.
  8. burahadeer;813618 wrote: ^^^^No I'm laughing you trying to grab victory from the jaws of total defeat.Now all you do is verbal gymanistics:D Keep on smiling through the rain, laughing at the pain about a reign coming to an end in a near East-end.
  9. I mean wasiirkii xilka laga qaaday, and yeah, Abdiweli is the manchurian candidate with Faroole as the evil mother .
  10. I liked Somalina, I believe she was better and productive than many SOLers on here, but recently she was becoming a bit hormonal. (
  11. This loser should retire to his farmland, if he aint got one he should think of owning one. :cool: P.s While his at it he could consider raising some chickens too.
  12. Mustafe;813621 wrote: ^^ Why are you pretending to be two different people?? :confused: come again?
  13. burahadeer;813618 wrote: ^^^^No I'm laughing you trying to grab victory from the jaws of total defeat.Now all you do is verbal gymanistics:D Keep on smilin through the rain, laughing at the pain about a reign coming to an end. :cool:
  14. burahadeer;813616 wrote: ^^^^ Waleeeee...hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D:D:D:D It's good to see you laughing at your disappointments, that's the spirit. :cool:
  15. burahadeer;813613 wrote: see you still crying.I told the truth, you start unnecessary war,kill innocent people & when your butt kicked you cry genocide..what a loser. quite accustomed to ragtag cyber guerilla who brag about winning when he lost everything & on the verge of final collapse. Losing mean winning to you...nin daad qaaday xumbo cuskay... I have only one word for you, Buuhoodle!! P.s And you know where this is headed, we're changing the reality on the ground and there is nothing you can do about it.
  16. burahadeer;813611 wrote: ^^^ your round the clock tears puts smile on my face.LOVE IT:D No, I'm grinning from ear to ear, pathetic lowlife like you cannot bring tears to me and my likes, if they were ever to be tears... then certainly they will be tears of joy after you're lil scam has been put to bed. :cool: P.s Your genocide comments were noted.
  17. burahadeer;813609 wrote: ^^ kuwan waxaasaa waalay.Mogadishu don't want you either,they know you destroyed last time .Your somalinimo is in deaf ears as far as otha somalis is concerned.Get anotha hobby:D Only secessionist live in cloud cuckoo land, your game is up, saxiib!!
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;813601 wrote: Carafaat there is so much that needs to be done. Somaliland politicians also need to Bring people closer to each other instead of driving them further away. They could start by quitting promoting a non-existent state!!
  19. burahadeer;813605 wrote: good times ahead for the somali race.....payback time. Not if you're a secessionist, you will forever be political pariahs.
  20. It's paramount that we educate our women if we are going to raise a literate and educated society. Women are also best equiped to pass knowledge to the next generation. P.s Around 25% of sharia comes from Aisha [RA] who was a brilliant muhadith and a faqih.
  21. burahadeer;813124 wrote: Let it roll, we see thm tomorrow crying genocide.The end is near for khatumites,there soon be no talk & you vacate every village for good.Let us see who laughs last.You were forgiven in 1991...this time it be different. Pfft!!
  22. ^^ I can feel from your rant that you probably supported the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, I believe the America soldier had no right to be in Afghanistan. As for the cult that is Boko Haram you will find that most of it's target were government institutions, i believe it's the job of the muslims of Nigeria with the help of their government to fight and defeat these criminals. Any crimes against innocent people is a tragedy and the best outcome for the victims is to bring the perpetrated to justice. I support Frisk's endevour of holding his civiliasation to the highest moral standard, so instead of criticizing him you could have just sticked with exposed our hyprocracy on this occassion.
  23. ElPunto;811294 wrote: Cunugo waa bir. Not sure what the hitting is for and it certainly is having little effect. The whole thing seems sorta of fake. Abuse is bad but hitting a child anywhere but the face is not harmful provided it's done rarely and for a specific reason. I believe a child under 7 shouldn't be hit, period. [ I believe this is Islam's position too]
  24. *Blessed;811290 wrote: He said isma sheegayo inay wax iga banaanyihin laakin waan aqbalay. Such a playa! LOL. LOL, Isn't that a polite decline?