Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. Those commiting crimes in the capital who may be motivated by clan, religious extremism or simple criminality then the law should be applied without fear or favour but any politcal disagreement should be handled in a mature manner.
  2. Duke, the Somali state will be constituted, no doubt IA, I can't imagine the alternative but in the meantime we should get on with the task at hand of defeating the terrorists. Lets fight tommorows battles when the time is right but now the job is also about fixing the Federal army, police, judicial system and all other government instituitions.
  3. He just leaving a maafrish near you.
  4. General Duke;814603 wrote: Who is stopping them from doing their work?. Ahmed Diiriye history is dark, the very house he lives in was allegedly looted from a poor Somali government official from SOOL, but you knew that I guess.. Duke, if you have any evidence pass it to Amisom, your conspiracy theories are not helping any one. Once the Somali state is fully constituted then we will deal with the issue of stolen properties.
  5. GD, stop peddling conspiracies, you just muddying the water. Let TFG, Amisom and all law enforcement agencies do their work first.
  6. UZTAAD;814590 wrote: shabaab say it planted explosives not a suicide bomb. it will soon be known who was behind it, may be some government officials had previous knowledge the explotion and that is prisedent sharif & Tarsan did not attend the event. but it would soon be clear who behind it. But we all know that Al shaabab doesn't have the capability to plant bombs, their modus operandi is suicide bombing and car explosion.
  7. This is where I disagree with the my tolka from PL, stop seeing everything from the prism of Garowe. If you dont have proof for any of these claims then you might be commiting sin. The PM should just beef up his security.
  8. GD, Xaaji is not only a secessionist but Al shaabab sympathiser, like any clannist he has a soft spot for them because of their clan leadership. His hate for Ethiopia too is just lip service considering his "clan enclave" is propt up by Zenawi. His call for Somali nationalism in the South is his attempt deny Somalia any help from IC.
  9. XX, US is talking to the Taliban not alqaeda. The TFG will not seat down with terrorists especially Godane and Afghani but I agree it should talk to nationalist who oppose foreign troops for patriotic reasons. For them the solution is to join the SOMALI NATIONAL ARMY and the rest of Somalis that despise terrorists or foreign troops then they should put their money where their mouth is and back the government troops. P.s Your enclave is also part of the problem too but I wont go into details.
  10. We know they are in Afgoye, why are not storming the place up? In the meantime the gov can prepare tent cities with food and medicine ready across Xamar for IDP from the area. This is a matter of urgency, we cannot allow outlaws enough time for the teach enough ****** on how to blow themselves up.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;814527 wrote: He should not make such threats they almost got him today i remember when Geedi visited Mogadishu in 2007 for the first time he almost was assassinated. The best thing Cabdi Cawar can do is fix the security problems in Mogadisho that's a bigger task than empty threats. What threat? isn't the job of the government to eliminate terrorist, especially their leadership of Godane and Afghani. It's also the job of the government to free all those boys who were forced to fight for Al Shaabab.
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;814536 wrote: To many scripts on sol beryahan. XX, the father of all scripts. LOL calling other clan enclave when he himself comes from one.
  13. xiimaaya;814024 wrote: Why do you care about somalia? arent you the one who wished to prolong this war so that your enclave would gain recognition? supporting Alshbab and such.. :cool::cool::cool:
  14. Che -Guevara;814523 wrote: The Arab dude looks like bodyguard about to jump in front of his Prime Minister to shield him from harm-see you could interpret this in many ways. At the end, you are speculating! We can agree they were all terrified. I agree with Che, but i would like to ask him, when will he start condeming these wicked attacks? And before he starts bringing the crimes of the gov or any other government institutions, i want his take on this particular issue.
  15. xiimaaya;814024 wrote: Why do you care about somalia? arent you the one who wished to prolong this war so that your enclave would gain recognition? supporting Alshbab and such.. :D:D
  16. Maaddeey;814507 wrote: How do you know she was not a victim herself? Yes, she was a victim too, a victim of your vile ideology.!!
  17. Oh Allah, save our country Somalia from seccessionist, stealth secessionist, warlords, clannist, pirates, rapist, murderers, assassins, corrupt and incompetent officials, terrorist and religious extremist. Also give us the ablity to eradicate hunger, poverty, ignorance and homelessness. Oh Allah, you are the one who has the ablity to turn the hearts of your servants, make us love one another and take the away the fear that is cause of our mistrust and problems. AMEN.
  18. Somaliweyne is dead, lets salvage Somalia from Ras Kamboni to Loyo Ado. Somalis have a habit of running before they could even crawl.
  19. xiimaaya;814024 wrote: Why do you care about somalia? arent you the one who wished to prolong this war so that your enclave would gain recognition? supporting Alshbab and such..
  20. ^^ Oh well, we must keep calm and carry on.
  21. Innaa lilahi wainaa ileyhi raajicuun, I hope this will give the GOV the impetus it needs to flush out the Shaabist and capture Afgoye, the terrorist hub. The logistics and leadership of Al shaabab in Afgoye should be dismantled ASAP.
  22. Innaa lilahi wainaa ileyhi raajicuun, i hope this will give the GOV the impetus it needs to flush out the Shaabist from Afgoye, the terrorist hub.
  23. ^ No, she is black, remember the one drop of black blood rule.
  24. This thread is where The Zack and Somalina's love was lost, shame.