Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. What if, I sometime ask myself, there is no oil, how are we ever going to ever recover from that!? All I know is "Somalilanders" will be celebrating all the way to the nearest mafrish, as for the rest of us we might need something stronger...
  2. Garnaqsi;818760 wrote: Believing in 'zero gods' amounts to having faith in no more nor less than having 'zero money' amounts to having money. Lol, words! ...It's only words and words are all I have..
  3. I agree Raamsaade, bigots will use whatever predominate world view that exist for their bigotry, wether be scientific or religious reasons. This puts to bed that argument that if there was no religion then the world will be a better place,If need be people will find a reason to hate a group or justify their crimes against another. I have no problem with science, for me it tells the how of existence, my religion teaches me the why. "In fact, Evolution Theory tells all humans are of common origin and human equality is contingent historical fact." Raamsade I believe religion[iSLAM] beat Darwin to that claim. Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?[Quran 21:30] As a matter of fact science has not added an iota to that aya (statement) which was given around 14 centuries ago . :cool:
  4. Waxaa kasoo qayb gali doona madaxd sare ee maraykanka. Obama, H Clinton, Sara Palin??
  5. Why is the delegation of Somalia government being led by a pro seccessionist minister, and should this unpatriotic Somali be even the Minister of Home Affairs? :mad:
  6. Che -Guevara;818747 wrote: ^true but it's unfortunately I didn't understand your comment, unfortunately that peace is returning or unfortunately there was ever war?
  7. Garnaqsi;818703 wrote: Mario B - Help me here. You're arguing that Hitler feigned a belief in God so as to defend himself? No, I'm not arguing that.
  8. These guys look like they are in a tea house, where is the shaah?
  9. Johnny B;818428 wrote: ^^ Give it a rest Mario, display no more Cognitive distortions. Hitler in his autobiography (Mein Kampf ) stated: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." The Man is in jail when he makes that statement, I suppose he has the God given right to defend himself from whatever accusations leveled at him. My Lol, was with Raamsade and his refusal to accept the term "social Darwism", I suppose you share his sentiment too!? Islam is clear when it comes crimes against humanity or any other attrocities and whoever oppresses or commits them has only wronged his own soul.
  10. ^LOL, you keep obfuscating!
  11. Raamsade;818358 wrote: I don't "accept" it because it is not true. There is no such thing as Social Darwanism I think you lost credibility with most SOLers with that statement. The Nazis were eugenics and believed as Aryan master race they had the right to dominate while purging society of claimed inferior elements. Remember the concept of the survival of the fittest? The Jews were only seen as an obstacle to their master plan. To maintain the purity and strength of the Aryan race, the Nazis sought to exterminate Jews, Romani, and the physically and mentally disabled.
  12. ^^ Sharif Sakiin will pick pocket both of their winnings. LOL
  13. Somalia;818212 wrote: He's from Somaliland, he build foreign relations. One of the most competent men ever in Somalia. I thought the guy was from Bay and Bakool?
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;818199 wrote: Shinbir anigu ciidna ma tageersani wax aan tageersanay ba iska yar wa warki jira uun baan so tabiya ama qaado ama ha qadaan anigu xita beel ma lihi naftayda ayaan la beel ahay oo kaliya. Liar!
  15. If you have no idea, then hold your peace saxib, respect other people faiths and also stop misquoting the Quran. Cheerio!!
  16. So where do atheist go after we die? given i have stuck my head above the pulpit with my claim of life after death.
  17. Johnny B;817992 wrote: ^^ aha, so Theists are so obsessed with Atheists , they even take them to an afterlife, who is really obsessed with who? I didn't know atheist were immortal? :rolleyes:
  18. Johnny B;817982 wrote: ^^ It's been ages since i saw someone praying, so update me , you still read quranic verses under prayers, verses like "Our Lord! Oh, give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse" , five times a day right? Johnny B, context please....that speech relates to the hereafter. On the day when their faces are turned over in the Fire, they say: Oh, would that we had obeyed God and had obeyed His messenger! (66) And they say: Our Lord! Lo! we obeyed our princes and great men, and they misled us from the Way. (67) Our Lord! Oh, give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse. This is what atheist will be saying in the hereafter with regards to the false idols that misled them when they were back in the world.
  19. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;817981 wrote: What is even weirder is that some of them are hardcore qabyaaladists. Very weird. Dad diintooda ka baxay, qabyaaladdana ku dhex jiro. Like Buurahdeer, he even threatened genocide to "Kastumo" people for interfering with Somaliland project.
  20. This guy should put his money where his mouth is and help TFG defeat the terrorist or does he take secret pleasure of the work done by agent Godane[ XX calls him Amir Godane] and agent Afghani?
  21. Johnny B;817974 wrote: ^ It's good that you think , but share with me what you think of a Theist ( a Muslim if you like ) who curses,wishes all bad things imaginable to both Atheists and anybody who doesen't share his Faith, everyday?! That is just bravado and I dont meet those type of people in my circle of life, Islam forbids the cursing or mocking of people because we dont know the end of affairs of people, it could be the one pious today is the wicked of tomorrow or vice versa.
  22. Peacedoon;817969 wrote: Muqadas= sacred, holy. Where in quran/hadith it says Somali unity is holy. It might not say that explicit but it warns us against divisions, tribalisms and sectarianisms. If Somaliland can breakaway why not Puntland? or Jubbaland for that matter. Come to think of it, this America dual process in Somalia is actually a danger to own existence.
  23. ^^ I think you are confusing theist with terrorist, those two are not synonymous unless of course you coming from the islamophobes narrative.