Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;835937 wrote: Some of the best baar names in Xamar ma taqaan? Baar Lugabaxsi iyo Baar Jilbajabso ayee ahaayeen. Kuwa magaca caadiga iska watayna waxee ahaayeen Baar Fagax, Baar Ubax, Baar Jabuuti, Baar Raaxo... MMA, saxib, I was a young boy aged 8, I can't remember the names but all I know, it was happy times for me...I can't wait for that city to get on it's feet.
  2. Government will probably tax 10-15 percent, I think that is fair. Someone has to pay for the security, schools and hospitals.
  3. Poor farmers can now produce more, and hopefully more mouths will be able to afford to eat now because of cheaper price.
  4. burahadeer;835888 wrote: even if somaliland come back you think 2 regions againest 16 done politically by unpopular regime or 33 out of 123 in parliament is fair or acceptable to thm.Having my cake & eat it too!! and if the federal gov't has all these powers , don't you think it can strangle any region to its knees and could as well be dictatorial. The federal government is made from people and resources of the states, and why will a democratic federal gov attack any of it's regions ? This is not some dicatorship we are talking about. What powers do you think the federal government should cede?
  5. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;835883 wrote: War waxa been badanaa. Diiriye naga qalee bahasha. What nightclubs hortaba? Alcuruba bas la wada garanaaye oo Caweyska la dhihi jiray. Iyo no more than the two caweysyo ku yaalay xeebaha Liido iyo Jasiira. I am not even sure if there were even 'clubs' or restaurant bars. Lol, Somalis call tea houses, bar. Maybe that is what he meant.
  6. Tuesday, May 29, 2012 AFGOYE, Somalia (AP) -- The farmers in Afgoye, a town on the outskirts of Mogadishu long controlled by militants, are rejoicing at the African Union's latest success: The capture of Afgoye — the biggest military success in Somalia since militants abandoned Mogadishu last August. First on the list of reasons to rejoice is financial: The farmers will no longer have to pay up to 50 percent of their crops in "taxes" to al-Shabab fighters. Since Afgoye's fall over the weekend, dozens of vehicles carrying fresh fruits and vegetables have traveled from Afgoye into the Somali capital. Some farmers hope they will be able to produce more crops now that the insurgents have been driven out. Source: AP
  7. Female police officers in caps and tight blouses pose in another shot from the 1980s, an image unthinkable today in the restive capital even though the Al-Qaeda affiliated Islamist Shebab insurgents were driven out last year. ----- My last memory of Mogadishu in the late eighties was of female somali police officers in khaki, with their beautiful afro curly hair been blown by the breeze as they tried to keep order... before the anarchy 3 years later. I was a young boy and I think that is when I discovered the opposite sex...i was in love. My last memory of Somalia, was sleeping outside a bus terminal/stop in saylac, for a break whilst making our journey from Hargeisa to Djibouti.
  8. Siyaasi;835815 wrote: helloo. ma lay maqlaa jamaacooy. testing testing, kow laba kow laba. waa siyaasi oo cirka ka soo dhacay. are you receiving guys. Lol, loud and clear, over!
  9. Somaliland Secular Party(SSP) Soyan Guled Monday, May 28, 2012 The Silanyo administration recently introduced a law legalising new parties to form lifting the previous limit of three parties. No one is quite sure why Silanyo and Saylici decided to take this step now as there was no national clamour for the creation of new parties. The chaos that followed was predictable and tragic: Every clan and its camel decided to set up their own party. None of the new entities have any vision, agenda, political ideology other than to ‘big up’ their clan and hopefully do down all other clans at the same time. When some of the new bodies failed to meet the clearly laid out criteria (minimum of 1,000 members and an office in each of the country’s six regions) and were denied registration, they threatened to pour down fire and brimstone on Silanyo’s old head. No clan can stand for the insult of not being able to have their own party particularly if the clan next door, whom they naturally despise, have been allowed to have theirs. Thus is the time dis-hounoured shamelessness of the Somali clan. Pity because there is a need for real political movements with real ideas and real vision in the country. There is a space for at least three big idea: A pan-Somali Unionist Party which openly advocates for the re-union with Somalia; an Islamist Party to cater for the powerful and growing Salafists who are replacing Somaliland’s once moderate and loving Shafi’s faith with their strict and Saudi-based sect and lastly, an openly Secular party to counterbalance this headlong and dangerous descent into Wahabbism Here, I put forward what the last would have looked like. I will leave to others to come up with their views on the other two parties: Constitution: The State is secular where religion is between Allah (SWT) and the individual not between the State and Allah. All laws – business, penal and civil laws will be secular laws although accommodation will be made on civil matters like marriages and divorces to use the traditional Somali Shafi’i Islamic laws. The Flag: The flag will be changed and the takbeer removed. This will bring it in line with the 54 of the 55 other Muslim nations who do not have Takbeer or Tasheed on their flags. The colours will also be changed as the tri-colour looks like the flag of Italy or Hungary and has nothing to say about the country’s African/Somali/Muslim heritage. The Economy: We will introduce a National Lottery that can be accessed inside and outside the country. The money will be used to fund schools, roads and hospitals. It is noted that Somalilanders in the West are happy to take the social welfare benefits gained from lotteries and taxes on alcohol but will somehow Alcohol: This will be freely bought and sold but heavily taxed. This will bring Somaliland in line with 50 of the 55 Muslim nations. Niqab/Hijab: This will be banned from the Policewoman, Nurses and teachers. This is unsomali and does not form part of our culture. It also gives a negative image of the country as a Talibanistic entity. Recognition:We will not make such a big issue about this but will focus our efforts instead on the economy and security. Special arrangements will be sought from international markets and partners to address the issue of investment, insurance etc which currently hamper economic growth as the country is legally defined as part of Somalia. In the longer-term we will create a recognition fund of $100 Million dollars and focus all our efforts in targeting malleable African countries Talking to Somalia:We will do this openly once the people of Somalia elect a legitimate and representative administration. Our proposals may include re-union for 10 year period followed by referendum from the people of Somaliland only. Piracy:we will stop the co-operation with western powers over the detaining of Somali pirates. We will reject serving as the rich world’s jailer.
  10. I want federalism based on the 18 regions of Somalia. Run by elected Governors, with the power to raise tax [20% going to the federal treasury] and power to run judicial, police and incaceration, health, education and regional development. With an elected regional assembly guiding them. The Federal Government will run the national army, international afffairs and relations, cordinate natural resources in conjuction with regional government for the benefit of all Somalis, immigration, federal parliament, supreme court, currency and central bank.
  11. Qandalawi, I have no problem with federalism, its just compared to the rest of the world, our version is crazy! Just the other day, ASWJ were attacking the peaceful town of Caadado.
  12. Warya Xaaji, when are you going to start compromising, your unrecognised region cannot live in a blackhole, forever!
  13. Somalia can incoporate all perspectives, all it needs to do is reach a pragmatic compromise that delivers to the all Somali people, a smart government that works.
  14. Mario B


    Lol, are these our special forces? :cool:
  15. Mario B

    Welcome me.

    Somalia;835538 wrote: These niggas think they figure me out. Warya, Somalia, I think you're kosher! You can relax now.
  16. Mario B

    Welcome me.

    Abtigiis;835527 wrote: Adeer Somalia, naga dhaaf ciyaarta iyo IP addresska ha la check gareeyo as if we don't know you have many gadgets. Abtigiis, you're right, ugaas Ali is Kingofkings new nick, I'm not sure if Somalia and Idol are the same person though.
  17. Mario B

    Welcome me.

    Carafaat;835508 wrote: In my teenage years(between 1999-2004), teenagers used to get high. Computers were used to make school assignments and play card games. But these kids nowadays have even their friends, social life online, caajiib. Lol, too much details, ya Caraafat...also kids these days are busy sexting with their Blackberrys.
  18. This President has missed a trick, he should have spent half his travelling time visiting Somali regions of Somalia, I would love to have seen him visiting Bossaso, Talex, Baidoa, Oddo, buhoodle, Garowe, Dhusamareeb, Badhan, Las Khorey, Hobyo, Gedo etc...
  19. Somalia;835452 wrote: Man, I don't know which way to go, this guy Faroole is like a roller-coaster, I don't know what will come next and how I will defend it. Lol, just defend Somali institutions that serves all our people [ Presidency, PM, The Federal Parliament, Somali National Army, Police, our currency and Central Bank, our border from Ras Kamboni to Loya Ado, our blue flag, our 200 NM shore , our judicial system, our language and culture and the most important of all, our deen] kinship politics will always end up disappointing you.
  20. Qandalawi, no body hates PL, we just don't like it's many ugly manifestations and certainly it's a trait shared in all Somali regions. Also Faroole can't throw a strop every other week.