Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. ^^I believe that any donations and projects will be made available once the transition period ends. So from now till then, Somali stakeholders job is, to close down the deal on all promises they made in their last Addis Ababa meeting.
  2. Mario B

    The Wire

    Funniest clip. After smashing the car, he walks to a nearby diner, where he picks up a waitress...The man was a man whore!
  3. burahadeer;838957 wrote: so you saying I have to deny my citizenship. As long as your independence isn't recognised, you're a somali citizen of Somalia. You can go to any corner of the motherland and claim a peace of your land:cool:
  4. Lol, at these party poopers from PL, this place was a battle zone only a week ago. I was just happy to see it looking normal and bustling again with life. God, save us from the cynics!!
  5. Garnaqsi;838949 wrote: Mario B -- Cheers. P. S. I thought you were 'fish and chips'. It's some impressive running you got in here. Thanks I have just become a student of Somali language, I'm working hard to master it.
  6. ^^Lol, me and you are reer waqoyi according to them so they will welcomed us with open arms. As we share one country, so long as, we don't mention SL, Khatumo and PL, we will be fine:D. My uncle was a graduate from the nearby Lafoole University so he can give us tips on how to farm on a commercial scale. The Beautiful Marka and Barawa are only few miles away, if Mogadishu is too crowded or noisy for you.
  7. Masaafayso = She never forgets nor forgives. fogaad
  8. Mario B;838813 wrote: Dhaan Dhaan =Mentally Retard. [ Correct.] Dar dar We have done that one @ Ganagsi
  9. Garnaqsi;838930 wrote: Fidin = spreading/expanding. Faafin. Faafin = announce isticmaal
  10. ^^ I agree, we need financial sovereignty, but I can torelate the board as long as the money is not coming from IMF and World Bank but instead from burgetary support and aid. Poor countries should not be put in debt, either help them or stay away. I know the world doesn't work that way, unfortunatley.
  11. Garnaqsi;838923 wrote: Wariiri = rollercoaster or spinning (just pure guess). Still standing: Cinjir. I did mention rubber band, no?
  12. Lol, guess work saxib. That's why i put a question mark.
  13. Wariiri = wareysi ?= reporter/ presenter ? Fidiy
  14. Lol @ gp, it should be Somali - English Sun = Poison. Cinjir = Rubber band
  15. I agree with Ngonge, as long as we don't have an independent auditor and national audit office, even if the TFG are not stealing they will still be seen as crooks. Only through financial transparency, are we going to save the republic, the sooner this happens the better.
  16. Garnaqsi;838891 wrote: Wariiri? Are you sure that's a standard word? Cinjir. Cinjir = Head Lice Sun
  17. Narniah;838865 wrote: Ceel-Well jaceyl Jacel = Love taageer
  18. ^ XX will be happy, he's a stealth unionist, his SL propaganda on this forum is just a front. P.s When he shows a SL map on the Economists it's his way of taking the mick against the secessionists.