Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;870920 wrote: Beryahan danbe qofki wax wayaa baa wuxu yidha waan goosanaya faroole what have u done dadki wu waalay faroole:D It all began in your enclave, you started this sunna!
  2. ^^ Lol, so you think that ayah is talking to the Jews and Christians only? Saxib, this deen is bigger than you, it encompasses a lot that your primitive mind can't comprehend, so I suggest you stick to simple worship and leave complex matters of governance to those qualified in ahkam sultaniyyah. [ I include myself in this]
  3. And those who malign believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin. [Quran 33:58] So how does this justify the killing of a diplomat though? or the destruction of property or the killing of innocent citizen who shares the slanderer's/defamer's ethnicity, religion, nationality etc Now I want you to ponder this ayah, and think about your current condition/state. أَتَأۡمُرُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ بِٱلۡبِرِّ وَتَنسَوۡنَ أَنفُسَكُمۡ وَأَنتُمۡ تَتۡلُونَ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ*ۚ أَفَلَا تَعۡقِلُونَ (٤٤
  4. I think the President should stick with this message instead of the new that emphasises security only! i.e Secuirty, security and security brought about by the hotel bombing. In this interview, in which he mentions service provision as second priority and economic recovery as third, I believe complements and reinforces the first priority of Security. So he should stick with[ iA]:- 1. Security 2. Service delivery [albeit rudimentary] 3. Economic recovery.
  5. Mooge;870844 wrote: Walee waa yaab. this small clan needs to sack its odeyaal. Lool. It is one thing for faroole (individual) to talk this nonsense , but it is another for traditional leaders to act like this. cajiib I'm glad Mooge is admitting that our regional Governor does talk nonsense, most of the time.
  6. Maaddeey;870859 wrote: If you refuse to stop quoting, then look up this aayah: walladiina yu'duuna al mu'miniina wal mu'minaati..... (axzaab 59), recite it more than once and ponder it upon. al ahzab 59? O prophet! tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested: and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful[Quran 33:59]
  7. It's search for a better life, but i hope there is a time soon when Somalis say enough is enough and move back home or go to countries that are safe [ Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, Uganda, Congo [Kitanga province] etc.
  8. ^ This is the second murder in as many weeks in which a Somali woman has been killed in similar circumstances. The previous woman [AUN] was a mother of three.
  9. Bluelicious;870693 wrote: What happened translation please. If only Google translated Somali. A a nine month pregnant Somali lady got killed after being raped in her own home by armed South Africa savages. I hope those savages d!ck fall off as they die a terrible death sometime in the near future.:mad:
  10. We need to find out which mafrish this fadikudhir FM sits in Islii, so we can join him and his crew for a bit of shaah and sheeko!
  11. Like Mozambique, I believe there is plenty of Gas from Ras Kamboni to anywhere near the piracy headquarters in Galmudug and PL.
  12. Maaddeey;870139 wrote: ^ Sabr!. Ninka in la xiro maa ka soo horjeeddaa?. Nothing that was not Deen in the time of the Nabi won't be part of Islam. Lol, So next time you're driving and come up a red traffic lights, you will jump them?, shouting "WHO CARES 'BOUT KUFFAR LAWS" as you nearly kill or get killed. When I said jumping lights is not only a crime but it's also sin, this is what I meant....and why? because God taught the Quran and Wisdom....something you are bereft of. As for International Law or National law that you have pledged i.e citizenship or Visa application for national case or International law through trade law, diplomatic law by our governements etc then they all become binding. And those who keep their pledges and their covenant, (Quran 70:32) So next time if you or a member of your family were to recite this America pledge of allegiance for citizenship purpose, then know is it's binding...[ No, that pledge doesn't ask you to leave your faith nor asks you to participate in their shirk, it just wants you to be a good citizen, and can peacefully oppose [ NOT IN MY NAME] their war of choice, saying that you're free from US governments actions. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
  13. Haatu;870628 wrote: ^nuff said
  14. Why should I stop quoting Quran, I'm a Muslim....and where was I against it? I was against the killing of a diplomat and his staff by a Muslim mob because some moron like you made a hate film about Islam. As for what the US authority will do with him, it's their justice system, I don't represent America. I also asked if there was any justification for the events in Benghazi but you refused to ans! As for the statement " who said I will fight?"....that just proved you're a coward, something we all knew in this forum. P.s Don't confuse me with Johny B and co, I'm a theist and they're atheists!
  15. Sulleiman The Great;870181 wrote: if only your warped mind was the reality on the ground, the only thing faroole has done so far is put puntland first just as the politician in xamar put xamar first and those in the north somali region put hargeysa first.. It's because of attitude like this that we have Ugandan troops trying to put our country together, so you want every Somali to go and fight for his clan? :confused: And if we all did that, who is going to take care of National Governance?
  16. Is this Somali version of 419 scam? then it makes sense for Alpha to share and alert us all.
  17. Maaddeey;870544 wrote: ^ or the prophecy of al saadiq al musaddaq, the clash of Muslms and kuffar and their defeat, hoppe you believe it. Only purified Muslims will fight for this deen, not a moron like you, who has no qualms in blowing up a market full of innocent women and children. He has success the one who purifies himself [ Q 87:14]
  18. All these years in Hargeisa and you can't read Somali? That's sad.
  19. NGONGE;870500 wrote: Two ****** groups winding each other up. In a couple of years, all this will be forgotton and a new video, painting, speach will cause a new riot, fight or protest. If we don't take care of our extremists and they don't restain theirs, then soon the self fulfilling prophecy of "clash of civilisation" of Samuel Huntington will come to pass, like a Greed tragedy, and lot of innocent people are going to die.
  20. General Duke;867418 wrote: It starts today, Faroole has failed domestically, he has failed to protect his civilians, he has destroyed the very fabric of the state. I am not demonizing the man, just believe we can do better. His secessionist tendencies are alarming and he has made many wrongs notably Khatumo & Ras Casayr. Four years of Faroole is enough. General Duke in his element here, you could add today's snub in your above comment to the list of Faroole's misdemeanors.
  21. Governor Faroole is a juvenile politician, in a little while he will be throwing his usual tantrum. What a diva!!
  22. Fiqikhayre, 1969 was a military coup, I don't call that a transfer of power.