Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. Somalia;881568 wrote: I agree with that 100%. But Mogadishu is violating the constitution and is against the formation of a state. The people of Jubboyinka want a state, they have done so on a voluntary basis. Mogadishu should adhere to the constitution otherwise it can count itself a illegitimate spoiler. Imagine if the tables were turned, and Abdiweli was president or anyone from his block, and he went to Jubboyinka and said you should make a state, but then when he went home to Villa Somalia, he opposes creation of a state in Central Somalia, I mean the world would be in flames, but here you have the good people of Jubboyinka, quiet as ever doing their business. You lot opposed Khatumo state, Faroole and you have no credibility whatsoever on this matter. No single sub-clan can form a clan state in Jubooyinka without the supervision of Somali Government and without the interfering of foreign governments. AMISOM's job is to provide security, no more. Ps Dr Abdiweli as a PM refused to acknowledge KS and was/has been toying the PL line, so much for universal leadership from him. He met Awdal state, an entity that had no power in the ground at a time when people were being killed in Buuhodle by some contrived "Republic". You're betrayal was noted, saxib!! At the moment I don't give sh!t about clan states including yours.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;881562 wrote: Hargeysa claims to be the capital of a sovereign state called Somaliland... Lol, What? the capital of a "phantom state"! Do you serious go to sleep at night believing that?
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;881553 wrote: These are the problems with clan federalism no one knows where to draw the line i remember when faroole said the Somali government should be an umbrella of organization states. imagine Mississippi and California saying Washington cant dictate them The rot started with you!!
  4. One man one vote is way to go with minority clans/groups right's guaranteed in the regional assembley, in the mean, any temporary admin will be supervised by Villa Somalia and not Kileleshwa Estate.
  5. Damn, thought Chelsea's surge was going to be derailed today.
  6. Villa Somalia will dictate to Jubbaland, Puntland, Somaliland, Khatumoland, and any lalaland in the Somali Republic. The era of no governance is over.
  7. oba hiloowlow;881373 wrote: +1, war if Socotra has a major oil potential its worth fighting.. Aren't Somalis tired of wars?
  8. ^^I think we should just confine ourselves to our own borders, thank you very much!
  9. We should lease Socotra from Yemen and return it to them in a hundred years time a la Hong Kong.
  10. Apophis;881329 wrote: ^^ilahey amarkiisa...
  11. By Abdurrahman Warsameh, 19 October 2012 Mogadishu — A Kenyan military advance into Somali territory to push back Islamic militants has had some measured military success - but is not without controversy. The capture of the Islamist-controlled southern Somali port city of Kismayo by Kenyan troops and allied forces in late September had been in the making for almost a year since the launch of operation Linda Nchi (Protect the Country) by Kenya. Hundreds of Kenyan army regulars supported by a local clan militia known as the Ras Kamboni Brigade from southern Somalia and northeastern Kenya joined forces to overrun the front defences of the Al Shabaab militants, following months of slow progress after the Kenyan forces crossed the border between the two countries in October 2011. Kenya's Linda Nchi intervention in Somalia has been riddled with controversy since it was launched on Oct. 16, 2011. The stated aim of Kenya's entry into this war-ravaged Horn of Africa country was the pursuit of Al-Shabaab militants accused of creating insecurity across the border in Kenya. The radical Islamist group is alleged to be behind the kidnapping of foreign aid workers and tourists and a number of bomb attacks in border areas. Kenya has reportedly been pushing for the region in southern Somalia known as Azania or Jubaland - where Kismayo is the main city - to be given the status of an autonomous state, to serve as a buffer zone between Kenya and the chaos in Somalia. The plan is to install an administration in cooperation with a local clan that inhabits both the northeastern Kenyan border regions and Somalia's southern provinces, with the exclusion or minor participation of other clans who form the majority of the provinces' residents. Hassan Mudei, deputy head of the Al Shahid Centre for Research and Media Studies in Mogadishu, says he believes the Kenyan project could fail if local sensitivities are not taken into consideration. "It will all depend on how local sensitivities and clan differences among the region's inhabitants are acknowledged and respected. But if the Kenyan troops are seen as occupying forces, I believe they will never win the confidence of the local people, and the project would be doomed," Mudei told IPS in Mogadishu. He said that Kenya and the other powers-that-be in the area should give local residents a free hand to work out a formula for sharing power, instead of letting one clan allied with them to try to dominate Jubaland - a move the Somali analyst contended would backfire. The Somali government, which has small numbers of troops trained by Kenyan forces in the southern regions along the border, has repeatedly voiced its opposition to the Jubaland project, saying it has a sovereign right to decide on the governance of the resource-rich provinces of the south. Kenya is currently sponsoring talks in Nairobi with leaders of a pro-Kenyan militia and Jubaland. Kenya says the negotiations are aimed at forming an administration for the region, but the Somali government has been sidelined because of its disapproval of the Kenyan initiative. "We have repeatedly expressed our displeasure at the Kenyan-led political process for the southern regions of Somalia that is now going on in Nairobi," Ahmed Jama, a member of Somalia's parliament, told IPS in Mogadishu. "Definitely we welcome Kenya's role in helping the Somali National Army (SNA) liberate the country from militant forces, but for the political issues regarding Kismayo, that is only for the Somali government to deal with - and that is not what we are seeing now," he said. But Kenyan Defence Forces (KDF) spokesman Major Emanuel Chirchir dismissed claims that the military are helping to prop up an autonomous statelet in Jubaland as "baseless and unfounded." Chirchir told IPS that the KDF's aim under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is simply to enhance stability in the region, and that it does not have a political or occupation agenda. "The allegations are just rumours," said Chirchir. "Our mandate under AMISOM is clear, and this is bringing about peace and normalcy in Somalia and not to divide the Somali people along clan lines." Chirchir added that after the KDF's mandate is concluded, it will be up to Somalis themselves, with the help of regional bodies, including the African Union and the Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), to chart the way forward on how to govern themselves. He added, however, that the KDF would strive to bring stability to the Horn of Africa nation, "whatever means it would take." The coastal city of Kismayo has been under the control of various groups since the fall of the late Somali ruler Mohamed Siyad Barre in 1991, as alliances between different clans have changed. Kismayo, which has been under al Shabaab control for the past five years, has the biggest port and airport of all the southern Somalia provinces. It also has the most livestock and the largest amount of arable land in this country. "This is in essence a struggle for the resources of the region, and after a single clan failed to establish its authority over others, some have gotten the idea of using foreign countries in alliances to impose themselves over others," Yasin Elmi, a Somali political scientist, told IPS. "That is what is happening now with the Kenyan intervention, whether Kenya knows this or not. But that arrangement between a foreign country and a local clan is likely to worsen the situation and prolong the local people's suffering," he added. Mudei agreed, saying any administration formed to run the province - and the city of Kismayo in particular - that does not come out of a local initiative is likely to be rejected by the residents. "I believe foreign forces cannot rule the city, nor can any administration formed in Kenya, because there are a multitude of Somali clans living alongside each other in the region," said Mudei. "Therefore it is necessary for the local people to be given a fair say in running the city, and the whole province in general - otherwise it will be seen as foreign-imposed." Mudei told IPS that the African Union peacekeeping forces, which Kenya belatedly joined in July, should be confined to establishing security in the region as stipulated in their mandate, and should leave political issues to the new Somali government, which knows the intricacies of local clan politics much better than foreigners. *Additional reporting by Brian Ngugi in Nairobi.
  12. MaashaAllah, if we can get 10% from the $35 billion worth of fish captured by international fleets from our waters [ and international waters] every year then we can help ourselves to a full and reconstituted republic.
  13. Apophis;881270 wrote: ^^ yes we do, the Republic! Which Republic? The Kikuyu one?
  14. Good and safe trip, may your Hajj be a fruitful one, i'A!
  15. Caano_Geel;881124 wrote: ...Finally I am there Alhamdulillah. No doubt there is no place like home, enjoy!! P.s This comment doesn't endorse your seccessionist agenda.
  16. Apophis;881250 wrote: LOOL, you can always count on Alpha for great entertainment What entertainment? This sound serious and I applaud the brother for giving a homeless kid a home.
  17. ^^What tolka, it's time we thought our kids Somalinimo. Alpha, congratulations, may Allah give you a smooth path and strength with your endeavour, i'A!
  18. Mario B


    Leezu;880542 wrote: Wow, how Somalis are nowadays, inferiority complex against other races like the Bantu and actually want to claim them as their own when they despise Somalis. Most hardworking? Have you been to Mogadishu? If not, then dont even speak on their "hardwork". Mostly you can see the only ones work with disgraceful jobs that no Somali wants which are being butlers, cookingand other degrading jobs. I never said I hate them, I hate people who claim other peoples land, doesn't matter if its a German who lives in Sweden and now claims it, its not his land even if he lived there for 300 years like the Bantus in Somalia. Most of you are pathetic, you have hatred for other clans but when it comes to another race you literally blow them. Inferiority complex wastes the country away. Double standards. I dont care which qabiil you are from, I will love you only for being Somali, because I love my people, I dont love other peoples maybe a few who I become close friends with but the rest aren't part of me in any way. Just like the Jareer are not part of Somali history, culture, language or even our race. They are black while we only have 5-10% black DNA probably from mixing only. The person who said this is why Somalia is on like it is. No actually if you think like that you must be a moron, the only reason Somalia is in this mess is because of politics, interests and strategy of other nations and also slave dog nations like Kenya and Ethiopia. This is actually the only forum which is Somali which considers Jareer part of Somalis. They can't, its impossible for them to be Somalis and it will never happen. Somalis are Somalis, Jareers are Jareers there is no coincidence that we call them Jareers and not Somalis. Most of you haven't even been to Somalia and are brainwashed by the Western culture, media etc. to think that we should all stick together and be one, one love bshit and so on. The only one that will care for Somalis is Somalis themselves, Jareers dont give a fk about Somalia as what I've seen and heard and even discussed with the Jareers. They simply dont care. But you have so much care for them, it is actually humiliating. This is still horse manure, I can only pray that you don't succeed in your "final solution" solution.
  19. I believe both Kenya and Ethiopia are a threat to our sovereignty, if we do not push back [legimately] then they will forever be meddling with our internal affairs. The solutions lies in the four major clans cutting out their horse manure politics and coming together as one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. P.s Apophis shouldn't be trusted, we know where his loyalty lies.
  20. Romney is still feisty, Obama is still polite....he needs to get passionate.
  21. Pakistan's interior minister has announced a $1m bounty for a senior member of the Pakistan Taliban, who claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt on Malala Yousafzai. Ehsannullah Ehsan, spokesman of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), has sent a series of messages to media organisations trying to justify the attack on a 14-year-old girl. Malala was flown to the UK on Monday for specialist care at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. She was shot in the head as she travelled home from school last Tuesday. In an interview with CNN, Rehman Malik, who is overseeing the hunt for her would-be killers, said: "What is important is that the guy who said the TTP was responsible for her assassination, I am announcing today a $1m bounty on his head, which is more than 100m rupees, because we want to definitely get him." He said he had names of the terrorists involved and had detained the fiancee of one of the men hunted by security forces. And he claimed the plot had been hatched in Afghanistan, used as a safe haven by the Pakistan Taliban since their forces were driven from the Swat Valley in 2009. The Pakistan Taliban has made a series of threats against local journalists in the wake of the attack. Many analysts believe commanders have realised they made a tactical error by trying to kill a 14-year-old girl and are now intent on silencing coverage. A string of negative stories has prompted a national outcry against the Pakistan Taliban. Last week, Ehsan - believed to be a pseudonym used by several senior figures - released a series of messages trying to justify the attack with Islamic law in an apparent attempt to take on public opinion. "It's a clear command of sharia that any female, that by any means play role in war against mujahideen, should be killed. Malala Yousafzai was playing a vital role in bucking up the emotions of Murtad [apostate] army and Government of Pakistan, and was inviting Muslims to hate mujahideen," said one message. However, that was not enough to prevent senior clerics issuing a fatwa days later, condemning the actions of the Pakistan Taliban. Source:
  22. oba hiloowlow;880394 wrote: Yeah correct im not against that but having IDP camps inside the city is ruining the infrastructure What infrastructure? War guys, leave the IDP's alone, they will go back to their farms and cattle rearing once security improves, and it is improving iA!
  23. Apophis;879601 wrote: The KDF did prove its might by systematically defeating Shabab. With a smaller force and resources, they did more in a year than Uganda has done in 5. Ah, the mighty Kenyan army, assisted by the French Navy and airforce, US drones and Israel special forces. Kudos to them though, there was a time, early this year, that I was going to advice Kenya to give up it's standing army ( like Costa Rica) and use those saved resources to provide services to it's citizens.