Mario B

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Everything posted by Mario B

  1. I think people are jumping the gun here, has the President refused the sharing of Mogadishu? if my memory serves me right, the last President and Mayor Mogadishu were against a clan state in the Benadir region. As of now, I haven't see a policy change. What Somalilanders want to conquer Somalia now thats a good joke XX, "Amir Godane" and co are not in the south for a picnic.
  2. P.s This is a Taleex smiley. I was appalled when Raamsaade attacked this placid SOLer for his smileys. What was he thinking?:eek:
  3. There' s hope for us. China will soon be an economic superpower and by default a military power even though they haven't invented a thing of worth for the past 2000 years. Ironically, the west conquered the world using Chinese inventions of printing, compass and gun powder. The west can cry foul all it wants when it comes to theft of 'intellectual property', but they should remember how it feels when shoe is in the other foot. So what did i mean by when I said there is hope for us ? it means we don't have invent for now but instead utilise the knowledge and technology that is out there to get our house in order. We need desalination,waste treatment and finding means of collecting rain water in order to solve our water problem. If Germany with its few months of sun can produce electricity that is equal to running 24 nuclear reactors, then through solar energy and technology, we should meet most of our energy demands. No more burning of mango trees for charcoal
  4. Apophis;887537 wrote: I didn't want to say this before, as I know you will surely reject it; the root of all the ills of the continent, even below the lack of morals, is religion. African society will not move an inch forward as long as religion has a strangle hold on it. This beast influences and corrupts all society at all levels. Religion needs to be separated from society, followed by the separation of morality from religion. This will lead to the social revolution everyone in the continent feels is needed but can't quite figure out how to bring it about. My 2 shillings. Indoctrination, what a terrible thing!! I was waiting to see how long it will take before you turned this thread into one of your anti-theist rants. What evil does religion promote in Africa? from all the ills of the continent ie Corruption, torture, rape [ Congo, Somalia etc], police brutality, genocide, piracy, terrorism, illiteracy, disease, poverty, billions hidden in Swiss accounts by African leaders, dictatorships, tribalism, nepotism, lack of sanitation and poor hygiene [ that causes 90% of illnesses], Xenophobia and racism [ Somalis in SA and Libya], etc, etc! Now should Africa starve when it has about 60% worlds arable land, given that only 5% of it utilised, who can we blame for our hunger when we have all this land? Now look at this the tragedy of that Al-shaabab [ an extremist group] has vacated Kismayu and we have this 'enlighten Somali' [Abtigiis] who isn't happy with the President calling for clan mobilisation so that we can dethrone him and in the process create clan hostility/warfare just when we are turning a corner. I mean, isn't there any peaceful way of solving our problem that doesn't involve the use of a barrel of a gun, everytime there is a crisis, wether real or perceived!? You maybe an atheist who has freed himself from the "shackle of religion", but this past few days you have demonstrated deep down that you're just another 'primitive African'. You're a classic case of a pot calling a kettle black. Now if you want me to take you seriously then tell this insubordinate servant [link below] of the Republic to apologise to the President.
  5. I believe they will be back next year, and the year after and the next one. Another year, another election in SL. I can see what you're trying to do here.
  6. Raamsade;887546 wrote: Indeed! I'd go further and add that this Madoobe dude should be court marshalled for sedition. He is insurrecting revolt against the government in Xamar while in the pay of the Kenyans. Just admit it, this president is a poor communicator, he has allowed the fadhi khudir folks to set the agenda. He needs to quash hurtful rumours and set his stall in front the world and especially the Somali world. No good holling yourself in the state house while rumours and false news is spreading around like fire. Somalis are well know for contriving crisis where they are none. He should take heed and learn from this affair.
  7. Che -Guevara;887563 wrote: thing is clear, Somalis are not ready for peace and reconciliation. And so it seems.
  8. xiinfaniin;887391 wrote: Marion B, you are transitioning to zero , if you really think Professor Abtigiis has been instructed to write the piece he posted. I thought you have a little bit more decorum than that . We all need a bit of kajoling sometimes, nothing wrong there but what I wanted was a dignified silence from the good Prof untill we have a full government and functioning council of Ministers, there has been a power vacuum since the President came to power because of his slow deliberation. The reason I'm not in the 'Nay' camp yet, it's because they were people opposing this Presidency in it's first 3 weeks, those same voices are loudest now. I'm just keeping my powder dry untill I see a smoking gun, what we have now is just rumour mills.
  9. Haatu;887394 wrote: The president needs to break the silence and address this issue. That is what you get when you have an inexperienced man/woman in office, he should been ahead of the curve, especially the fadhi kudhir curve and not reacting to events. He needs to get his hands dirty ASAP, he kind hide behind the GOV machine.
  10. What I have noticed here is that those calling the president myopic, are themselve short sighted. I believe it's in the Presidents remit to form a temporary administration in the Jubooyinka using his position as commander in chief in this time of war and emergency, what he can't do is to form a permanent admin for the region...that can only come from regional selection/elections process. As far as I know Gen Madoobe is part of the SNA, on this occassion he has shown nothing but contempt and insubordinate behavior towards the President.
  11. xiinfaniin;887364 wrote: The good Professor has spoken... After a little nudge from the you know who. xiinfaniin;887300 wrote: ....Laakiin PM dheer baan u diray Abtigiis inuu dagaalka Kismayo ka qayb galo , oba hilowle nagaga aado ^Lol
  12. Abtigiis;887344 wrote: Somalis are everything, according to brainwashed, self-hating, white-worshipping, impressionable kids. Did i touch a nerve, ya Abtigiis? :eek: And stop confusing me with Apophis.
  13. Humans are fickle, and ,we Somalis, are the most fickle of all them.
  14. @ Apophis:- So there is hope for Hassan Bow legged, I await the moment when you come here and display this....
  15. Mooge;887304 wrote: I 100% agree with xiin. shariif was miles more competent and honest than this qoslaye character. let us be honest. shariif made minor mistakes but he always saw bigger picture. So why did you spend months in this forum maligning him? you've made your bed, now lie in it!
  16. Contrived crisis and self fulfilling prophecies, me thinks. I think the time has come for Somalia to be divided into four entities, Somaliland, Puntland, Central Somalia and Jubbaland. I'll have to find another muslim country to retire to, I always liked Mauritania...I wonder if they will accept this geeljire?:rolleyes:
  17. Somalia;887250 wrote: Don't embarrass yourself Are you still projecting? As I said Juuboyinka will get their admin, but that doesn't mean they will keep at bay the central government, the sooner you get that the better it is...The President was clear in his speech when he visited Baidoa, that any regional admistration that blocked access to it's territories the reach of the Federal government will lose legitimacy. In the meantime, you keep playing a clan kingpin in your little fiefdom.
  18. Taleexi;887191 wrote: Lol @ Mario. You misread me. Sorry saxib, i must have misread you.
  19. Taleexi;887019 wrote: Good move - let them convince populace that they are here for them. Lol, I didn't know you were a cynic.
  20. Florida state should be made to declare it's results a week before the next election!
  21. Jacpher;887158 wrote: Donate it to Romney compaign.