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Everything posted by Odey

  1. I guess he cant resist the lure of doughnuts and Starbucks coffee. Question is ...what will he be reading at uni?.. " The art of war by Godane"?
  2. Well done the people of Cadaado!. I always enjoy seeing my people making progress!
  3. Vsabba;889948 wrote: Real talk thought its not just Mooge/quqleyaal its a desease that has us consumed we're always playing the victim card and blaming others, even turks are being blamed by other Somalis for there current developments, supposedly there villages aren't being developed as much Somaali illahay baa umaqan... This is not something simple brother. If proven it is the worst thing he could have done. All the other issues like Kismayo and others pale in comparison to this if proven. We are talking about Fraud here! . The key point is whether it becomes "proven" and I am of the view that the man is innocent till "proven" guilty. I hold off my judgement till then Inshallah
  4. Abwaan;889879 wrote: Shariif weli maku dheggan tihiin xitaa hadduu adeerkiin aas qaran oo uusan mutaysan u sameeyey? Subxanallah!, intii mootaneedna ma kaa baxsan la'yihiin? War inta nool ku ekow waa waalataye
  5. oba hiloowlow;889840 wrote: its a true story looool, saaxib sheekada caruurta lugu seexiyo naga daa dee, runta anaguba waanu kaa ognahaye. Adeerkaa in aad faanisisd oo dhistid kuuma diidanin, laakin sanka hadaad naga soo galisid waanu hindhisin!!! naga qalee saaxib
  6. Give me a break!, the man was offered a farm by his old mate Museveni and doubt very much this story that he is off to study!. looool, imagine him at boston uni loooool
  7. Abwaan;889653 wrote: lol@Odey...soo daa hadde...Haddii aan su'aal ku weydiiyey oo aan damcay inaan ku saxo ma fadhi-ku-dirir baan noqday? Waxaan la yaabay why are puntlandi only reporting this? I wouldn't be suprised if they interview one of their contributors soon and claim that he was one of the so-called delegates. Lol@ abwaan!. Saaxib halka madfac aan soo tuurey miyaad ka naxdey. abwaanada habaarkoodu waa kacaa baan maqli jireye lol. As for Puntlandi?, well you never know, maybe they have a mole in the team reporting back to them. Having said that now they arent in Mog anymore, the story will come out and we can then say for sure whether its true or not
  8. Abwaan;889648 wrote: lol@Odey....and this is the end of sheeko-xariiradii puntlandi ee laba beri ka hor billaabatay oo awale Mooge noo furtay haddana aad adigu noo xirtay. Mid kale ma soo socotaa? War hedhe abwan gabya oo murti soo kordhiya ayaan arki jirney, adigu ma abwaanka fadhi ku dirirka baad tahay? Yaaba is gaaray he he he
  9. http://puntlandi.com/gudigii-farsamada-maamul-usameynta-jubboyinka-ee-xamar-ku-xayirnaa-oo-dib-ugu-soo-laabtay-magaalada-nairobi/ No doubt they will now speak out about their ordeal if it was true as reported.
  10. Madaxweenaha ma ogyahay in uu 4.5 ku shaqeenayo afarta sano ee soo socota sida dastuurka qabo?
  11. wow!, all this insults simply because he aired his views?. Guys come on!. This man and everyone else on this forum is entitled to their opinions. It doesn't give anyone the right to insult him just because he isn't singing the party song!
  12. To date no one had reported things like this. If this turns out to be true then EL-Presidente is in deep water
  13. Haatu;889324 wrote: Psssst...Jacpher....Jacpher....it's Ugali not fufu ha ha ha ha :cool:
  14. Abwaan;889319 wrote: Fitnada iyo is-afgaranwaaga Kismaayo ka jirta oo dhan Faroole and websiteyadiisa beenta badan ayaa abuuray ee ha laga digtoonaado. Beenta ay hore u faafiyeen oo dad badan rumaysteen waxaa ka mid ah: Indhacadde iyo Goobaale oo Kismaayo tegey, Jabuutiyaan dowladda Soomaaliyeed ay ku darsatay wafdigii Kismaayo, Xasan Shiikh wiilkiisa iyo C/Qaasij wiilkiisa inay is qabaan iyo in Cabdiqaasim Madaxtooyada deggan yahay madaxweynahana la taliye u yahay. Haddana sheekadaan maalayacnigaa miyey keeneen? Xiin, Mooge iyo Duke tolow maxaad been kale ah oo aad abuuri rabtaan soon? . Meeshaan ceeb baa ka dhacday. Thats pushing the boat out a bit dont you think?
  15. http://puntlandi.com/xog-hoose-xubno-kamid-ah-gudigii-farsamada-ee-maamul-u-samaynta-jubooyinka-oo-madaxda-dawlada-soomaaliya-ay-ku-xanibeen-muqdishowarbixin/ I guess this is another level of negotiating;)
  16. Apophis;889218 wrote: Let people call each other what they want; it's far more healthier than fist fights and AK47s. That maybe true, but in my view name calling hinders any logical, civilised discussions on the forum.
  17. Nin-Yaaban;889202 wrote: Anyone think the politics section is getting little bit outta hand with some of the threads and name callings that's posted here? And I say this because of the 'New Key Media thread' and some of the other stuff i've read here lately. I didn't wanna post there because it'd soon degenerate into magac calling and the Admin would close it. So what's with the Ciyaalnimo SoL? We are now calling each other ' Fa.qash, M.ooryaan, Unuka, H.A.G, Garowe Clan enclave, Somalidiid, Pirate land, Kastuumo state, Jaad land, iyo wixii lamid ah? What ever happened to RAGANIMO.... to at least respect those that you disagree with and move on without all the name callings? I agree with your statement Brother, however it is either all stop or all go for it. We cant have selective memories when it comes to this kind of attitudes.
  18. walaalkis;889079 wrote: you know what they say ? nothing is free in this world. Chinese help you they take your resources. In my opinion I welcome anyone helping the Somali people in all regions with caution. The way I see it, the whole Somali problem is down to Resources, so in my books, they can take what they want within reason provided we reach the goal we want which is an end to this bloody Civil war and divisions and a place where all somalis are provided for in terms of employments, education and health care. The rest can then take care of itself. No doubt shady deals will be reached, but that is a price we have to pay given our inability to sit back and work things out amicably. If this will speed up resources into the country, so be it!
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;889001 wrote: Not really arguing on his side when people have different thoughts u have to make some kind of compromise Jacper ofcourse it matters whathe says but what he said was allowing the people of those regions to come together and a built a state. He was only worried about the Kenyan interference and that's his good right since he is the one who is responsible for Somalia. For Kenya it matters that it becomes an autonomous state linked to Nairobi more than its linked to Mogadisho. For the people of Kismayo they just want their local affairs in their hands nothing wrong with that either. Oday Somalia is not a normal country and it doesn't function as a normal country there are lots of complicity the constitution is a nice piece of paper but to put into practice is a whole different story. The federal government has limited control over the country it needs to be strengthened so that it can enforce its rule of law on their territorial sovereignty, and so that it can protect its sovereignty from external factors in this case Kenya and Ethiopia. The federal states will come under the jurisdiction of the federal government and the federal states will have their own strong police forces and institutions that's how federalism really works. The conflict in Somalia rises when ever a region tries to be more autonomous and showing its back to the federal government something the federal government doesn't want to see in Kismayo that's all. This is not about kenya. Its about the Local people in the Juballand regions ad their wishes for their region. Kenya is no different than Ethioipia who are currently in the regions of Gedo, Bay and Bakool. Administrations are being formed there with the blessing of the Government. There are Djiboutian Forces in Hiiraan, yet an admin is being formed there with the government's blessing. There are Ugandan forces in Mogadishu, yet it is the seat of power. Foreign influence is neither here nor there. the only reason Kenyan influence is being trumpeted is because of the fact that there was opposition to any any admin being formed by the locals in the Jubba region. They underestimated the whole situation.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;888980 wrote: An administration he appointed or an administration that is allied to his government and his security forces control is the same oday politics is all about the end goal people just take different routes. And for ur information the security forces of Somalia will all be in charge of the security of the country as the constitutions says. The federal states will just have more to say in their local affairs. But there wont any be semi autonomous states like you see them in Puntland and Galmudug. You have your facts wrong. The appointment he makes irrespective of whether they are alligned to him or not are still under his jurisdiction as the nation's President.The difference here is whether it will have the support of the locals or not. That support can only come if the locals are the ones that formed it. They arent seceeding from the union, just asking for their constitutional right to form their own local Federal state and look after their local affairs. The Somali National forces are and will always be responsible for the security and sovereignty of our nation. The federal security personnel are Under the national Leader i.e the President and commander in chief even though they are specifically only going to work within the state they are serving under.. I never said anything regarding the security, just responding to your comment thats is all. As for the Federal states they are Semi Autonomous and in charge of their internal security, affairs as you put it hence the Semi Autonomous bit?. Autonomous states have the option of seceeding from the union....something that no somali state will have under the constitution. Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug are all Semi Autonomous states.
  21. FYI; He wasnt supportive of this position. His initial position was one of "I will form the administration for Jubbaland .....not the locals He has changed his stance somewhat in a way that is now conducive to further talks and progress in the formation of the new state. The difference now is that the Government will be having a role of Overseear as the constitution demands and the locl people will form the administration to their liking. The other point is that these federal states are all Semi autonomous and this applies throughout the 18 provinces of the country.
  22. Mooge;888934 wrote: it is too late for his silly flipfloping to have any impact now. Juba has moved on. he has shown the somali people his true clannist colors. it is interesting because nairobi talk is that qoslaye was ordered by the powers that be not to sabotage the peace building process that is underway in Jubba regions or else he and his goverment will be a toast very soon. he had no choice. That maybe so, but do we need to add fuel to the fire?. Let us hope it works for the betterment of the Nation.
  23. Muqdisho (RBC Radio) Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo maanta warbaahinta kula hadlay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa wuxuu ka hadlay qorshihiisa ku aadan Jubooyinka. Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud wuxuu sheegay in loo baahanyahay in maamul leesku raacsanyahay loo sameeyo gobalada Jubooyinka oo haatan deegaano ka mid ah laga saaray Al-Shabaab. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in maamulka loo samaynayo gobladaan uu yahay mid ka imaanaya shacabka daga deegaanadaan isla markaana ay raali ku yihiin. Wuxuu sheegay in dowlada Soomaaliya mar walba ay ka soo horjeedo wax walba oo keeni kara in ay colaad ka dhacdo deegaanada gobalada Jubooyinka taasi oo salka ku haysa maamul u samaynta. Sidoo kale wuxuu intaasi uu ku sii daray hadalkiisa Madaxweynuhu in shacanbka ka soo jeeda gobaladaasi iyo waliba siyaasiyiinta looga baahanyahay in ay ka fimiraan aayaha gobaladaan. Xasan Sheekh wuxuu sidoo kale uu sheegay in xiligaan ay socdaan wadahadalo lagu dhamaynayo wax walba oo qilaaf ah oo horay u jiray isla markaana looga tashanayo mushataqbalka gobnaladaan. Dhowaan ayay ahayd markii wafdi ka socday dowlada Soomaaliya iyo waliba AMISOM laga soo celiyay magaalada Kismaayo kuwaasi oo ay u diideen in ay gudaha u galaan magaaladaasi masuuliyiinta ururka Raskambooni. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho http://www.raxanreeb.com/2012/11/madaxweynaha-soomaaliya-xasan-sheekh-maxamuud-oo-ka-hadlay-arimaha-maamul-u-samaynta-jubooyinka/ This is the position the President should have taken in the first place. Finally we are moving in the right direction.