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Posts posted by Wadani

  1. ^Waxaan ungrateful-ka ah bal eega. If Somaliland aint shit y have ur ppl been flocking there by the thousands for the past two decades? We welcome u with open arms, and u repay us by denying our remarkable achievements, and then add insult to unjury by comparing us to a camp for the internally displaced run by al-qeada? SubxanAllah, ur a sick and pathetic individual. I always viewed ur ppl to be allies, but lately im not so sure anymore.

  2. Just because i may have over estimated the proximity of oog to laascaanood doesnt mean i support the SL government position of laying claim to LA. In ur respones to me u keep referring to the positions of the government as if i hold them. My point in my exchanges with u was to make it clear that our clans share much of the disputed regions, thats all. And yes i agree that clear border demarcations are needed.

  3. the new region is called saraar i believe and its capital is caynabo, but if im not mistaken oog, which not that far from laascaanood, is still considered a part of sool. If ssc isnt claiming all of southern togdheer like u say, then there shouldnt be a problem there after the kalshaale thing is put to rest permanently. But that still leaves Sanaag, which is heavily inhabited by SNM clan. They live in Ceerigaabo, ceel afwayn, garadag and many others cities and villages in Sanaag.

  4. Hey Liibaan, I dont support the SL governments incursion into buuhodle. I believe in ending all disputes through dialogue and having everyones voice heard, hence y i said i support the wishes of the ssc people. But I just wanted to point out to u guys that we share the three gobols u guys r claiming. Its just a demographic and geographic fact.

  5. Taleexi, u know full well the SNM clan also resides in sool. Where do u think the cities of caynabo and oog are located? And all of togdheer is inahbited by SNM clan too, not just the northern part. I support the wishes of the ssc people, but i dont appreciate when imaginary demographics and make belief borders are spouted all over the place.

  6. im not implying that walaal, i actually agree with everything u wrote. I just wrote wat i did before to simplify things so carafaat could understand my point. But l hope the new constitution doesn't take away the right of all ethnic somalis to get a soomaali baasaaboor.

  7. I'm ignorant eh? People like u is y Somalia is destroyed. U resort to arrogance and name calling when u have nothing to substantiate ur false and hollow claims.


    Wheres ur evidence that we are afro arabs? Bring a shred of evidence and we'll take it from there. Im sick and tired of these self-hating Somalis who are suffering from inferiority complexes.

  8. Taleexi, u missed my point. I'm against people who portray one region of Somalia to be full of loose and promiscuous women. There are bad women all over Somalia, just like every other country. But to focus in on one region in the country to the exclusion of others is wrong. Actually, to focus on the vice of Somali women in general, regardless of region is wrong, unless its intended to help the situation. I hope u get my point now.

  9. which coastal Somalis? U mean zaylac, berbera etc. Or down sourth such as xamar and marka? Be specific, cuz the answer will depend on which coastal communities u r talking about. Like i already told u, southern coastal people such as the bajunis and the xamar cadcad are not ethnic somalis. But the average Somali man from Zaylac for example doesnt have any more arab blood in him than a man from gaalkacyo, which like i said is negligible amounts if any. Somalis are a xenophobic people, who did not traditionally marry outside the race.


    Anyway if u wanna claim Arab blood thats on u, but dont speak for the rest of us Somalis who are proud african cushites.

  10. Carafaat, ur confusing ethnic identity with citizenship/national identity. Not all Somali citizens are ethnic Somalis (eg Somali bantu, reer xamar) and not all ethnic Somalis are Somali citizens (eg reer djibouti). But nonetheless all citizens of Somalia are our fellow countrymen and we love them.


    One last point, the Arab admixture in Somalis is so negligible it needn't be mentioned. We are an ancient cushitic race, that are related to other cushites such as the Oromo, Afar, Saho, Rendille and the Beja, while Arabs on the other hand are Semites.