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Posts posted by Wadani

  1. ^ Walaal, i share in ur disillusionment with out current brand of Somali shaikhs, who have been robbed of the ability to function within the frameworks of a modern society, let alone help build the foundations for one, by their dogmatic and insular ideology imported from the desert wastelands of Arabia. But unlike you, my perceptions of Sharia are not coloured by the ill guided actions of these wadaads. Lets do away with wadaads who r holding us back, but lets remain fervently attached to the divine religion of our illustrious forefathers.

  2. Abtigiis, illeen abti baan kuu ahay :), and i bet they're from the Awaare area like me. To be honest 50 thousand sounds like over kill, but there is no doubt there there was a massacre in the north. My family has suffered the losses and wounds to prove it.

  3. I deplore Somali on Somali violence, so ofcourse it isn't true for the Somaliland/Khaatumo beef. My remark was to congratulate the brave Somali soldier who refused to let a white man humiliate him in his own country. This sense of dignity is what sets Somalis apart from the rest of the continent, even though unfortunately it's slowly being eroded by the situation we've been in for the past 21 years.

  4. People, beauty has very very little to do with skin colour. It has everything to do with features, such as shape of eyes, mouth, nose, bone structure and smooth and unblemished skin. I personally would prefer a maariin Somali girl to a light skin one, just my preference.

  5. *Blessed;821817 wrote:
    He says he needs the best guards in town to make sure men do not burst in and rape the women, and to stop suicide bombers from striking.


    Sensationalism at it's best. Blah.

    Thanks for pointing that out Blessed. These cadaans will never change, their sense of superiority and patronizing attitude with other cultures and races is so ingrained in them that they dont even notice it. In the article she kept talking about the lack of a public voice for Somali women, and this is utter and complete rubbish. She's clearly mistaking Somali culture with Arab culture. Somali women have always had a public voice thanks to their unrestrictive nomadic culture. Wallahi at times i believe our women are even more dominant than our men. For example, I rarely see a Somali man who wears the pants in the house, its usually the strong and outspoken wife who runs things for the most part. If theres one thing Somalis should be praised for is the rights our women have, instead she lumps us in with the Arabs and erroneously assumes our women are subjugated non beings. Total garbage.

  6. Carafaat,for some one who wants to see Somaliland rejoin the union, dont u think this recommendation of yours will hurt that goal? Ofcourse the people of Khaatumo state should have a role and a say in shaping their future, but if they are included in the talks this early on while a small scare war is being fought between them and Somaliland, explain to me how that will make Somaliland any closer to rejoining the union. All this would do is make sure the talks start off on a tone marked by hostility and competition, an exercise in tit-for-tat politics. What we need instead is for the first few talks to be about warming the frigidness dividing Somaliland and Somalia, and for this we need an atmosphere that is about negotiation, reconciliation and compromise.

    After this is established, then the issue of Khatumo can be brought to the forefront.

  7. *Blessed;821064 wrote:
    Chimera, I agree bro. Being a marginalised community, we do need to work together on many fronts, sadly not everyone agrees.




    Interesting, could you explain, please?

    Well I no longer view things as black and white. I now look at situational contexts and circumstances to inform my position on things. But this opens the door to a lot of grey area, where one needs to tread carefully through the many complexities and nuances of an issue to arrive at a conclusion, and as a result ive found myself more accepting or lets say tolerant of different things i used to be uncomfortable with. This thread is a good example, because the old me would be like this is totally haraam and that this girl is a bad role model for Somali girls. But now I look at it, and im like wow, her hard work and dedication can motivate so many youth to improve themselves, and that she couldve been doing things much more haraam given her options in the West.


    But despite all that I would still disapprove if my sisters or daughters wanted to play in the WNBA lol, so i geuss im still pretty conservative.

  8. Chimera ur one of my favourite Solers. Im curious though, where u draw the line on ur liberal bent. That is something ive been struggling with recently, as ive gradually become less and less conservative over the years, and fear I may be compromising aspects of my religion or cultural heritage in some ways. I find it to be a very slippery slope, and a central problem faced by many Somalis in general.

  9. The rich guys response does not make sense. He doesn't explain y the rich fellas like himself marry average looking women, despite the fact that they too will depreciate at a rate comparable to beautiful women. So in the end, if one is forced to marry, it makes more economic sense to marry the beauties, who in old age will still look better than their average counterparts.

  10. I see what ur saying. Just look at the gulf states. A generation ago they were also nations composed of warring clans, but the oil money changed all that. Now their the most averse people to violence, among other things (lazy populations, allergic to any sort of work). This is because they have so much to lose (pun intended, cuz a lot of em are fat slobs lol). So if its possible for Arabs, then Somalis can do it too and in much better style.