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Posts posted by Wadani

  1. ^Ur right xaaji, its so sad. We would've had a chance if the youth hadnt contracted the terminal illness of clannism and tuulo-ism, for which, unfortunately, there is still no known cure at the present time. It's an insidious disease more ravenous and destuctive than the HIV pandemic that has plagued Southern parts of our continent. Botswana, one of the hardest hit countries by AIDS, is fast becoming an economic powerhouse in Africa, with unprecendented rates of growth in their GDP. Our situation is truely shameful to say the least.

  2. Coofle;760920 wrote:
    Nomad is Nomad,,,,,It is in our blood....

    Waar coofle, see kaa noqotay. Ma beeralay iyo reer guraa ayaa isku mid ah? Geeljiraha rasmiga ahi inu beer faqfaqo iyo dhimasho, dhimashuu dooran lahaa, lol.

  3. I agree with much of what Abtigiis says, but we part ways when he attributes to Islam those things we both mutually find reprehensible. Where does Islam condone a marriage where the husband signs a contract knowing he won't be fully commited? The whole purpose of the contract is to represent commitment and also the sanctity of the union. So, contrary to the 'prostitution' Abtigiis ascribes to the deen, its Islam that would vehemently oppose and condemn many of the actions of these wandering men and fake wadaads, since deception and shamefully using women as sexual objects is totally haraam.

  4. No, my appraisal of him wasn't in relation to the answer he gave me in this tread, it was a more general one than that based on some positive changes ive seen in his approach. One thing i know for sure is he's a much more reasonable person than u r. Mida kale walaalo, maxaan Punland ka soo dooni, nin reer hargaysa ahi inuu meel kaleba u hanqaltaago ayaaba qalada. Markaa ii bashaal walaalo, cid kugu soo socotaaba iska yar. Execution-na kuma dhacdid ileen Garowe 20 km baan u jiraaye, lol.

  5. Aaliyah i hear wat ur saying. I live in a neighourhood full of Somalis and when women come over to chat with my mom they don't even knock. Juq uun bay iska soo idhaahdaan, in la hurdo iyo in la qaawanyahay iyaga shaqadooda maaha. Kaaga sii darane, markay guriga hoostiisa cid ka waayaan ayay samada ka qayliyaan "NAA HEBLAAYOOY!!." Allah maxaa hurdo macaan layiga kiciyay, anna maxaan habro habaaray lol.

  6. ^Maya walaalo, ee wanaag iyo horumar ayaan la jecelahay umadda soomaaliyeed ee ay reer Punlandna ka mid tahay. Mida kale, shaqo in la isiin lahaaba u malayn maayo madaama aanan reeraha ka mid ahayn lol. Kama aynaan gudbin nepotism based on clan, unfortunately.