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Posts posted by Wadani

  1. The essence of manhood can be summed up in the following three qualities 1. Ambition (laziness is antithetical to manhood) 2. Chivalry (bravery, respect for women, honor etc.) 3 Verility (self explanatory lol).

  2. Grasshopper I agree there is sumthing a little off about that. Humans are selfish by nature and get a sense of relief when they are better off than others, or when others share in their misery. Go on any health board on the internet and u'll see people expressing their delight to learn that they arent alone in their plight, and somehow this is socially acceptable.


    But I don't believe it's a blameworthy type of selfishness. The number one imperative of any human being is self-preservation and life in all its unpredictability and precariousness is not much different than the hunger games, so such selfishness is adaptive in it's ability to regulate our mood in a positive direction when faced with adversity shared by others, or when we are spared.

  3. Skeptic I agree that our longstanding Islamic heritage is a source of pride for us Somalis, and that names with religious significance are legitimate choices when naming children. But besides that I disagree with everything else in ur post. Please do more research on the origins of the Somali people and their relationship with Islam.

  4. Carafaat;838504 wrote:
    Qandalawi, Hadalka u fiirso sxb.


    Or explain SSDF love for Somali people and xagee taagan tahay? And explain while you are ad it, why Puntland deports people from Southern Somalia, mass murdering Somalis with Ethiopian support, deports ONLF leaders, etx when you are talkin about 'Siyasad ku dhisan Somali naceyb'.

    Allaylahee ishaad ka riday


    Jb, dont get me wrong, i love and am proud of somaliland. I just believe we couldve been soo much more as a united and powerful Somalia.

  5. Niic maaha walaal. somalilander, punlander ama somali koonfur ahow, aduunyada sharaf kuma lihin. Nabad mooyaane maxay kale ayaynu maanta ku faani karnaa hadaynu nahay somalilanders? Nabad kaliya oo sharaf, midnimo, horumar, haybad iyo quwadi wehelinayn macno badan ma samaynayso.

  6. Walaalayaal we made a mistake by rebelling againt siad barre, runta aynu isu sheegno. Burburkii ay snm, ssdf iyo usc umadda soomaaliyeed u horseedeen wali lagama soo kaban. Ethiopana waxay dhaxalsiisay quwad ayna ka hor waligeed ku riyoon lahayn.

  7. Number one mistake somalis made upon arriving to qurbaha was live in government housing, which are the poverty stricken and crime ridden virtual no go zones of any major city. Most of these youth are truly products of their environments. Disengaged parenting + madow role models = truly disastrous consequences such as the untimely demise of this young Somali AUN.

  8. Even though there are some commentators in the politics section who i consider to be unflinching patriots that have transcended petty clan politics, they are unfortunately in the minority, with their voices being drowned out by shameless chest beating worshippers of 'tolka'. SOL is a venue that attracts the cream of the crop of Somali society, but if they are motivated by qabiil and regional self interests like a geejire from the hawd, what hope do we really have as a nation and as a people?

  9. Why do africans always defer to non africans. Why are they always overwhelmed and in awe of others?

    Somalis should be grateful to Turkey, but not At the expense of their honour and identity. Personally im against using all non somali names, even arabic ones, unless they're well known islamic names. eg names of Allah, Prophets & khulafaa ar-raashidiin.


    Can u imagine an Arab named Mahad or Cawaale, or a Turk named Moqadishu?

  10. ^looool, that's hilarious cuz it really does happen. Feel sorry for those unsuspecting faarax's. Rule number one is to always do a thorough background check.


    As for this girl, it doesn't really surprise me. The identity crisis among our youth is among the most pressing problems facing our community at large in the qurbaha.. Personally i blame the parents.

  11. In general, do u guys consider Somalis good people? If yes, explain y, and if no, explain y. I know i haven't defined what i mean by 'good', but ill leave that to each individual who chooses to respond.

  12. Puntland and Galmudug Withdraw Participation at Istanbul Conference II on Somalia

    Puntland State of Somalia Galmudug State of Somalia

    Press Release

    Sunday, May 27, 2012


    The governments of Puntland and Galmudug have withdrawn from a planned trip to the Republic of Turkey, Where the Istanbul Conference Il on Somalia is supposed to take place 31 May 2012 -1 June 2012.


    This decision came as a matter of principle, after Puntland and Galmudug recognized that the Turkish role in Somalia is a) misbalanced; b) objects to consulting the Somali people; c) politically motivated, in cohort with the foreign policy of some countries; and d) not transparent enough to for the people to make a sound judgment.


    Puntland and Galmudug

    1. Having valued adherence to the Roadmap agreement, the Garowe Principles I & ll, the Galkayo Principles, and most recently, the Addis Ababa Communiqué of 23 May 2012, on the way forward in the Roadmap and the constitutional process;


    2. Having valued the limited amount of time until the end of the transitional period on 20 August 2012;


    3. Having considered the confusion over the purpose of transporting Somali traditional elders to Turkey for a meeting and the subsequent mismanagement of the elders’ trip;


    4. Having seen Turkey’s unilateral decision to organize a Somali civil society meeting without consulting the Somali people, Somali stakeholders and their institutions;


    5. Having considered the worrying fact that Somali leaders and representatives from TFG, Puntland, Galmudug, and Ahlu Sunna have all stated that they have no reliable information about the purpose and agenda ofthe Istanbul meetings;


    6. Having seen the situation of mismanagement and interference during the process of selecting Somali traditional elders; and


    7. Having considered the absence of Puntland and Galmudug role at the Istanbul Conference ll on Somalia;


    Puntland and Galmudug withdraw participation at the Istanbul Conference Il on Somalia, as the conference is not a Somali-owned process, the purpose and agenda of the conference is ambiguous, and the Conference aims to defy all agreements and precedents in search of a fresh start folythe peace process in Somalia, which is unacceptable.


    Read below the official joint statement of Puntland and Galmudug signed by both presidents






    Source: Puntland President Office