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Posts posted by Wadani

  1. This kid is ignorant, even though he has good and noble intentions. All Somalilanders consider themselves Somali by ethnicity, and only use the term Somalilander to show where they r from. His point is nonsensical, because its like saying the Chinese shouldn't call themselves Chinese when asked where they are from but should say they are 'Han', which is the largest ethnic group in that country.


    He needs to realize that no one is denying their heritage by saying they are Somalilander, but just specifying where they're from. Maybe a different name shouldve been adopted by the country that doesn't have colonial roots, but i think Somaliland was chosen to emphasize a return to the pre-union status quo, highlighting Somaliland's historical precedence for independence.


    Insha'Allah none of this will matter though, because I believe a Union between the two brotherly countries is around the corner as soon as the south is completely pacified.

  2. Rasicm is much worse because its predicated not only upon blind hatred but also a belief in the inherent superiority of one group over another. Somali tribalism on the other hand is based on hatred and mistrust dating to age old feuds caused by competition over scarce resources, but for the most part there is an egalitarian ethos which permeates our nomadic culture, making the tribes relatively equal in status. That is why the snm clan and the khatumo clan for example will intermarry extensively despite the current and historic animosity between them, since they each view the other to be of noble lineage.


    I'd rather be hated and viewed as an equal, than be hated and despised on top of that.

  3. Turkey offers boat for fish to Somalia.

    Many Somali people do not eat fish but the commodity is one of the main items of exports in the country. AA photo


    Turkey’s trade efforts for defense equipment appear to be taking an unfamiliar turn: bartering with fish.


    For a generation, Somalia has been a byword for the sufferings of a failed state. It has lurched from disaster to disaster over the last 20 years since the central government was toppled by clan militias that later turned on each other. Year after year, Somalia has been ranked as one of the world’s poorest, most violent countries, plagued by warring militias,

    bandits, warlords and pirates.


    Now the fledgling Somali government wants to buy a coast guard boat from Turkey to boost it assets against the country’s pirates.


    But there is one problem: how to afford the more than $10 million, the cost of the coast guard patrol boat.


    Turkey’s procurement office, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), has come up with an ingenious, payment system: payment with fish.


    Somalia, situated on the coast of the Indian Ocean, catches some of the world’s most delicious fish.


    Many Somali groups, however, abstain from eating fish. Under the SSM plan, the Somalis will be able to catch fish to raise the money needed for the coast guard ship.


    “We have reached a full agreement for Somali fish for our coast guard ship. This is a win-win situation for everybody involved,” one procurement official told the Hürriyet Daily News.


    Turkey produces many different kinds of coast guard ships to meet the needs of the Somali forces.


    Since 2006, the country has faced an insurgency led by al-Shabaab, one of Africa’s most fearsome militant Islamist groups.


    Al-Shabaab controls parts of southern Somalia and has claimed affiliation with al-Qaeda since 2007.


    Many kidnappings have been conducted by pirates, who operate with total impunity in many parts of Somalia.


    “There are many African countries that are willing to do arms deals with Turkey, but do not have the money. We should be creative enough to find such payment methods,” the procurement official said.


    However, Turkish foreign ministry sources said they were unaware of such a move adding that a defense industry deal with the civil unrest-hit nation required a U.N. Security Council approval.

  4. Turkey offers boat for fish to Somalia.

    Many Somali people do not eat fish but the commodity is one of the main items of exports in the country. AA photo


    Turkey’s trade efforts for defense equipment appear to be taking an unfamiliar turn: bartering with fish.


    For a generation, Somalia has been a byword for the sufferings of a failed state. It has lurched from disaster to disaster over the last 20 years since the central government was toppled by clan militias that later turned on each other. Year after year, Somalia has been ranked as one of the world’s poorest, most violent countries, plagued by warring militias,

    bandits, warlords and pirates.


    Now the fledgling Somali government wants to buy a coast guard boat from Turkey to boost it assets against the country’s pirates.


    But there is one problem: how to afford the more than $10 million, the cost of the coast guard patrol boat.


    Turkey’s procurement office, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), has come up with an ingenious, payment system: payment with fish.


    Somalia, situated on the coast of the Indian Ocean, catches some of the world’s most delicious fish.


    Many Somali groups, however, abstain from eating fish. Under the SSM plan, the Somalis will be able to catch fish to raise the money needed for the coast guard ship.


    “We have reached a full agreement for Somali fish for our coast guard ship. This is a win-win situation for everybody involved,” one procurement official told the Hürriyet Daily News.


    Turkey produces many different kinds of coast guard ships to meet the needs of the Somali forces.


    Since 2006, the country has faced an insurgency led by al-Shabaab, one of Africa’s most fearsome militant Islamist groups.


    Al-Shabaab controls parts of southern Somalia and has claimed affiliation with al-Qaeda since 2007.


    Many kidnappings have been conducted by pirates, who operate with total impunity in many parts of Somalia.


    “There are many African countries that are willing to do arms deals with Turkey, but do not have the money. We should be creative enough to find such payment methods,” the procurement official said.


    However, Turkish foreign ministry sources said they were unaware of such a move adding that a defense industry deal with the civil unrest-hit nation required a U.N. Security Council approval.

  5. The story cant be true, otherwise the husband didnt hide his wifes premarital sex because he divulged the whole story to the visiting imam. Y go through all that trouble to hide her shame and then casually tell the whole tale to a visitor? Doesnt add up at all.

  6. Ok abtigiis i cant argue with facts, but im glad u acknowldge who the better fighters are :) But alhamdulillah all of that is all behind us now. I just hope i can say the same for Somalia in the coming months, things are looking pretty good so far.

  7. Im really disappointed, of all ppl i thought ud be on my side. Yall r making me out to be some sort of an extremist. Ofcourse dhunkasho between a married couple is ok, on condition that its behind closed doors. Even gaalada say 'get a room' when people over do the mooching in public.

  8. Chimera walaalo, i really like how ur stressing the need for a contemporary Somali culture that can supplant the value less and ghetto way of life that beckons to our youth. It is truly a battle for hearts and minds, and unfortunately many parents send their children to the masaajid hoping that religion will be a panacea for all their problems, without even giving a second thought to the importance of culture. Dont get me wrong islam should be central in these kids lives, for in it lies their salvation, but theres no denying that Islam on its own does not form a complete identity. I know countless youth who became religious mashaAllah, but as soon they weaken a bit in their iimaan, geuss which channel suddenly becomes a fixture in their tv screens? BET. Geuss who they start hanging out with? Their former drug dealing friends. If their parents had immersed them in Somali culture and values, such a degenerate and lowly sub culture originating from the ghettoes of America would not look as enticing regardless of how religious these youth are at the moment, because the dhaqan would serve as an effective buffer. A dual islamo-somali identity is the strongest innoculation against youthful waywardness and vice.

  9. I dont think chimera is denying that an engaged father can have a profound impact on his children, nor do i think the other poster is saying that a good father is the end all and be all of raising well adjusted and upright kids.


    I think u can both agree that having a responsible father at home to emulate greatly increases the probability of a child succeeding in life, but it unfortunately doesnt gaurantee such an outcome. Likewise the lack of a father undoubtedly presents a formidable disadvantage to kids that often times leads to a life of crime and dysfunction, but alhamdulillah there are exceptions to this. I for example grew up with out my dad, but i was blessed with a wonderful mother and two very involved aunts, and i think i turned out alright.